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Messages - Matrix

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TalkBack / Aonuma Confirms Wind Waker Sequel
« on: May 24, 2003, 05:42:48 PM »
I hope it's more difficult.

General Chat / Best blonde joke EVER!
« on: May 24, 2003, 05:39:31 PM »
Not again... -_-;

Every board I go to seems to have one of these.

From what I know, "Ken" means "Fist," though. I've written too many Ranma 1/2 fanfics... So, it can mean sword as well?

Correct me if I'm wrong, but doesn't "Rekka No Ken" mean "Burning Fist of Fire?" Just trying to figure it out. My Japanese it quite rusty.

Nintendo Gaming / Pokemon RPG finally official*
« on: May 23, 2003, 06:15:50 PM »
If there ever is an MMORPG, I'm going to own Poke-crazy 9-year-olds so badly, that they'll be too afraid to cross my path ever again, let alone initiate conversation.  

General Chat / Canadian Dollar
« on: May 23, 2003, 10:20:48 AM »
The only thing a high Canadian dollar means, is that now is a good time to have your trip to Disney land. It helps Canadian tourists who want to take trips.  

Nintendo Gaming / Pokemon RPG finally official*
« on: May 22, 2003, 10:40:38 PM »
I want a Charizard.

That is all.


Sounds quite impressive- unfortunatley, you can only legally get it with a new GCN.

Exuse me? I just bought it for $17 (Canadian) at Zellers. It had a price tag on it and everything.  

Nintendo Gaming / Vancouver BC Gamecube owners?
« on: May 22, 2003, 04:09:36 PM »
For other's living in Burnaby, I managed to grab a copy of the disc. Not in EB. Not in Future Shop. In Zellers, at Metrotown. If you want to get it, hurry, because they're only a few copies left.

General Chat / war in iraq
« on: May 21, 2003, 11:11:15 PM »
I'm still quite upset at this war for happening. It was done for all the wrong reasons. Not a word of how "We put this evil bastard in power, so maybe should fix our mistake." Instead, we get this manufactored threat of "weapons of mass destruction." Have they even found any of these weapons yet? If stuff like that is so important, then North Korea should be taken out. We know they have nukes, so arn't they the biggest threat? Oh, wait, they're damn poor, and have nothing of value.

Also, anyone who doesn't think oil plays a factor, needs to have their head exaimined. The oil wells were the first thing the US forces ran off to save.


Oh well. What's done is done.  I'm going to keep a very close eye on how the US "rebuilds" Iraq, though. We all should. I'm worried Iraq will go the way of Afganistan.

I have no doubt Too Human will be picked up again.

However, Twin Snakes will be the money maker. Nintendo needs stuff like that, and judging from Eternal Darkness sales, original titles like Too Human aren't going to do that.

Nintendo Gaming / Vancouver BC Gamecube owners?
« on: May 21, 2003, 09:54:37 PM »
You're a god. Take me. Take me now.

General Chat / Newbie Check-In ... right this way!
« on: May 21, 2003, 07:07:35 PM »
Hello. I'm new. I'm Matrix. The atmosphere is rather friendly here, unlike the Penny Arcade boards that I'm used to. I'm sure we'll get along fine.  

Nintendo Gaming / are loyal fans getting snubbed
« on: May 21, 2003, 05:57:51 PM »
This is like complaining that people at launch got screwed over because their are more games available now. It just doesn't work. Of course more is going to be available for people who buy a cube further down the line. Stuff like this should be expected.

General Chat / Canadian Dollar
« on: May 21, 2003, 05:15:20 PM »
Didn't it drop again, after the mad cow incident in Alberta?  

this is truly a great time for Canadians
Only if you're going on vacation. A lot of jobs rely on foreign investment. The higher the dollar, the less investment we get, and the less jobs we have.  

Nintendo Gaming / the GBP/GC bundle to put the nail in xbox coffin?
« on: May 21, 2003, 05:07:27 PM »
Nah. It'll boost the Cube, but it won't really hurt the Box. Which is good either way, I'd hate to see it the Xbox go, though I want to see Nintendo do better..

Nintendo Gaming / Vancouver BC Gamecube owners?
« on: May 21, 2003, 03:59:35 PM »
Small small world.  

Nintendo Gaming / Vancouver BC Gamecube owners?
« on: May 21, 2003, 02:33:33 PM »
Well, the thing is that it wasn't an estimate. He checked the computer, and told me the release date was set for June. I'll be keeping my eyes open, regardless.

Nintendo Gaming / Vancouver BC Gamecube owners?
« on: May 21, 2003, 02:14:26 PM »
What do you have? I'm sorta interested. There aren't many titles I'd like to part with, but I'll hear you out.

And ditto on Ian Sane. If anyone gets some news about  the demo disc, let us know here. I checked the EB at Metropolis a few days ago, and they said "Next month."  

General Gaming / I loved Nintendo's E3
« on: May 21, 2003, 07:13:38 AM »
A "GBA Connection Collection" would be cool. I'd be willing to pay full price, if there were alot of them.

Nintendo Gaming / broken gamecube...suggestions?
« on: May 20, 2003, 07:08:53 PM »
I had the same problem as you. I got my GC at launch, and it broke while still under warranty. Though, to be fair to Nintendo, once they fixed it, it never broke again.

You don't have to send it to Nintendo, btw.

When mine broke, I went to their website, and I ended up here:
Use it to locate a Repair Center.

If you live in Canada, use what I used:

It doesn't say how much it costs, though. I imagine it costs the same price, if it isn't still under warranty. I can understand you not wanting to pay 75$...


General Gaming / I loved Nintendo's E3
« on: May 20, 2003, 06:52:48 PM »
I've been lurking for the past month, and I'm surprised to see how many people disapointed by Nintendo's showing. I loved this E3. Nintendo had an awesome show. Never before have I seen so many games that interest me.

Custom Robo looks cool. Star Fox rocks.  Geist is pretty damn interesting. I havn't played the original MGS, so Twin Snakes is in my basket. Samus is sexy. All of Capcoms titles make me drool (Gotcha Force, Killer 7, Resident Evil 4, Viewtiful Joe, P.N. 03). F-Zero is stunning. Wario World looks fun. Kirby Air Ride has Kirby in it, so I'm instantly there. 1080 has been the only snow boarding game for me. Final Fantasy: Crystal Chronicles looks bloody fun. Four Swords was bloody well done for the GBA, so. Mario Kart DD ownz my soul (being a little slower doesn't bother me, either). Never before has Nintendo emptied my wallet so deaply before their games were even released.

And I love the GBA-GC connection. That's right. I love it.

GCN-GBA connectivity looks great and fun.  Four Swords on the Gamecube looks well done, and it gives me the advantage of not having to have four copies in order to enjoy it. I used to think it was a cheap gimick, but after seeing how it's used, I think it'll work for the best (the privacy feature is what I'm talking about). Besides, if you want to play the games so bad, swallow your pride and get a GBA. If you need to have four GBAs, go and buy some cheap ones on Ebay, or borrow some from friends (that's what I'll be doing), and link cables are cheap enough. Regardless, Four Swords will be easier for me friends to play now.

I thought the Final Fantasy: Crystal Chronicles was just a cheap gimick, too, until what I read at Penny Arcade.

I had rage in my heart, unchecked rage when I heard that multiplayer would require people to use GBA's as their controllers - but it's plain now that it couldn't work any other way. Imagine if, every time one of four people needed to screw around in their inventory, the game stopped for everybody else. What's more, this method allows data to be shared with one player that isn't shared with others - like a map, or secret information. It's going to allow for some interesting ideas, where initially I thought it was just brand-mongering. It might also be that, understand, but it isn't just that - not by a long shot.

My only complaint is Tetra's Trackers, but I'm not really all that concerned with it. It'll probably just get thrown in with Four Swords, anyways. Pac-Man is dumb, too. That just means I won't be buying it, though.

So what if there wasn't any big surprises? The fact that there weren't any big Zelda or Mario titles shown wasn't much of a bother either.  

Nintendo Gaming / Final Fantasy
« on: May 20, 2003, 04:41:00 PM »

Originally posted by: Polyethylene

Originally posted by: Bloodworth
KDR, that's only for the E3 demo.  The official word is still that you'll need GBAs to play multiplayer in the final game.

I hope you're wrong.

I hope he's right.

I don't see how it could work with anything but a GBA as controls. Imagine what would happen every time one of four people needed to screw around in their inventory or mess around with their character: the game would have to stop for everybody else. Short of releasing cheaper controllers that have screens on them, FFCC would be a bitch to play with a normal controller.

Nintendo Gaming / Vancouver BC Gamecube owners?
« on: May 20, 2003, 07:34:53 AM »
I live in Burnaby, too.


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