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Messages - Stratos

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Nintendo Gaming / Re: Splatoon 3: Enter the Splatlands
« on: September 11, 2022, 05:50:31 PM »
I went to PAX this year and got to play a few rounds at the Nintendo booth. It was quite fun. I liked the new bow weapon. One of my sessions we got on the jumbo-screen and we won handily so that was a highlight of the event for me. Made me want to go grab the game but I'm on a pause from game buying due to personal situations.

I did go from not caring to really wanting to dive back into it.

Two things bugged me, though due to not having played 1 or 2 recently this could be a thing there.

1) I hated how slow you walked. I know surfing the paint is important but sometimes I don't want to do that or can't so wish I could move around faster.

2) I hated the "either or" for motion controls. Either I needed motion off, or I had motion without getting to use the second stick in tandem. I wanted something similar to how Breath of the Wild bow aiming was but it felt the opposite of that. I like using the stick, then motion to fine tune.

Still quite fun overall!

General Chat / Re: The COVID-19 Virus is Coming For Us All Thread
« on: September 11, 2022, 05:44:49 PM »
Everyone here in the pacific northwest USA is acting like it is over outside of medical facilities. My wife and I have even loosened protections a bit as well since our 16-month daughter has the first vax and getting the second dose in the next week. We still wear masks in crowded areas, but if it is less crowded or open air we are letting them go. We will be training our daughter to wear one soon because we want to do some travelling to see some family.

Washington State will be removing the Covid related state of emergency at the end of October so seems most people are pushing to move on now regardless of future risks.

Not that anyone is out there.... but could the no one out there update the title to include She-Hulk!?

Whoopsies! I'll fix it. Totally spaced out. Only seen the first episode or two of She-Hulk so been a bit behind on viewing myself. Got another month for Black Panther and Love & Thunder just dropped on D+ so I'll leave that as the film spoiler for now.

Totally missed the I Am Groot series, should that even get listed as a spoiler? Next series/show is the Guardians Holiday special.

NWR Mafia Games / Re: Mafia XC: Theme to be determined. Sign-up Thread.
« on: September 11, 2022, 05:36:26 PM »
At this rate it will be November before the game launches  :o

Happy so get more David Harbour. Some interesting stuff coming. I am wondering what will happen with Abomination and Zemo since they have gotten cameos.

NWR Mafia Games / Re: Mafia XC: Theme to be determined. Sign-up Thread.
« on: August 25, 2022, 08:56:58 PM »
In so I can avenge my death. I'm really feelin' it!

NWR Forums Discord / Re: Safe Words XX: #2 Is #1 - The Game Begins
« on: August 22, 2022, 02:25:57 AM »
Bummer I missed it! Had a busy weekend and it totally flew by me. And I've been actually checking this game for once until now.

Hasn't it been 48 hours since Stratos was supposed to select a word?

Nintendo Gaming / Re: What's Next For The N64 Expansion Pack?
« on: August 18, 2022, 01:57:30 PM »
There is getting to be enough games I would want to play that I don't have physically that I could consider buying the expansion plan. But there is a time issue for me. Maybe once things settle down in life and I actually get to play Switch more consistently it would be worth it.

Nintendo Gaming / Re: Switch Top Ten
« on: August 18, 2022, 01:52:21 PM »
Off the top of my head in no particular order:

Mario Kart
Breath of the Wild
Mario Odyssey
Monster Hunter Rise
Monster Hunter GenU
Three Houses
Animal Crossing
Stardew Valley
Lets Go Pikachu

There are just my favorite and/or most played games on Switch so included the multiplatform ones as well.

Nintendo Gaming / Re: DS...the end of porting?
« on: August 13, 2022, 12:43:58 AM »
I believe I was on my old account here at the time. I think I made my new one to be sort of "reborn" in 2005.

NWR Forums Discord / Re: Safe Words XX: #2 Is #1 - The Game Begins
« on: August 13, 2022, 12:42:42 AM »
Should we go heads?...or TAILS?

Nintendo Gaming / Re: DS...the end of porting?
« on: August 12, 2022, 01:16:10 PM »
What a fun read in hindsight. What led to you to it up Pokepal?

Prime was so good and reading your comments makes me want to go back to it again. Aside from time the only thing that keeps me from replaying the Wii Trilogy is the inevitable remake/rerelease on Switch.

General Gaming / Re: Epic Game Store
« on: August 09, 2022, 01:59:18 PM »
Unrailed is free this week and I highly recommend it. Reposting my comments on it from another thread here:

Goal is to build a railroad for a non-stop train by gathering resources to build the track the train runs on. Over time the train speeds up, but at checkpoints you get to buy upgrades to the carts that make tracks, buy new cars that help you, and upgrade the train to progress to new levels and slow the train back down.

Has a bit of a Minecraft aesthetic but plays like Overcooked where it is easy to learn but progressively gets harder to master.

General Gaming / Re: What are you playing?
« on: August 09, 2022, 01:58:18 PM »
So Unrailed is free on Epic store. I liked the demo on Switch so jumped on this. Having a blast with it solo and with randoms online. Might even grab it on Switch since it seems like a great party game.

Goal is to build a railroad for a non-stop train by gathering resources to build the track the train runs on. Over time the train speeds up, but at checkpoints you get to buy upgrades to the carts that make tracks, buy new cars that help you, and upgrade the train to progress to new levels and slow the train back down.

Has a bit of a Minecraft aesthetic but plays like Overcooked where it is easy to learn but progressively gets harder to master.

NWR Forums Discord / Re: Safe Words XX: #2 Is #1 - The Game Begins
« on: August 09, 2022, 02:24:35 AM »
The game is afoot!

Nintendo Gaming / Re: Happy 20th Birthday Eternal Darkness
« on: August 08, 2022, 03:01:17 PM »
It was a very fun system. And was neat to see how you escalated power with...the word for power as you progressed. I remember spending lots of time testing and trying different spells and researching actual history for the various periods covered in the game.

Was a game I enjoyed replaying and it really rewarded the fans who stuck through the same save for repeated plays.

In fact that clever "extra ending" was something I wish more games leveraged to some capacity. Fire Emblem 3 Houses is a prime example. You have three houses, and there is some timey-wimey elements at play. So making replays with different houses somehow play off each other and even provide a bonus ending related to that could have been a nice way to tie up the loose ends and give some routes lacking a bit better closure.

NWR Forums Discord / Re: Safe Words XX: #2 Is #1 - Sign Up Thread
« on: August 05, 2022, 12:34:52 PM »
Thanks for invite! In to restore my reputation!

Yeah its just getting to be a lot with the drop in consistency and quality. I adored No Way Home, liked Moon Knight, What If was fun, and Dr Strange was mostly enjoyable. Its more the bait-and-switches that have put me off (Quick Silver tease in WandaVision).

She Hulk does look like fun, but I'm just going to be a little more selective about which shows I go out of my way to see or worry about potential spoilers.

We are not in the Multiverse Saga, of which Loki, WandaVision, Spider-Man: NWH, and Doctor Strange: MoM have all directly interacted with.

How is this not part of Phase 4/Multiverse Saga? 1-3 was Infinity, 4-6 are Multiverse from what I read from the latest reveal.

On one hand some of the projects are exciting, but some others just aren't as thrilling as I had expected. I think I genuinely am getting MCU fatigue. Maybe it was because of the combo of shows and films, or just the volume in general, or the aimlessness of Phase 4. Also seems like phases have sped up? Is a phase about a year now? I thought a phase was supposed to be much longer. Also the length of time before a proper Avengers film seems odd. I understand letting some time and story build up, but why not have middle Avengers films like we did before?

I was utterly shocked when I learned that Netflix didn't do any licensing and all the promo material for Stanger Things S3 and other shows were allowed to be used with no charge. Netflix didn't even have a licensing department. They were literally relying on the silly influencer "word of mouth" to push their material. Seemed so bizarre to me. They could have had games, action figures, and other things coming out constantly to create new income streams and maintain interest in their shows between seasons. With the whole binge model it literally meant a week or so in the cultural mindset then forgotten for close to a year. Delaying episode releases was proven by Disney to make a huge deal, and they are beginning to shift to that model. Adversity really does bring out the best in some things and hopefully Netflix comes out stronger and better because of it. And not cancel their best shows after 2-3 seasons because of narrow minded, short term metrics insights.

Looks like a fun multiplayer game. Will keep an eye on it for sure. Though echo the sentiment I would love an Air Ride 2

Nintendo Gaming / Re: Happy 20th Birthday Eternal Darkness
« on: July 13, 2022, 02:36:32 PM »
I want to replay this soon. Almost got my wife interested in trying it as something to play together because she thought the psychological effects would be fun to experience.

Also trying to get her to play the Silent Hill Shattered Memories because I think she would enjoy that as well.

So when we changing the title of this thread to "Netflix getting hit hard lately..."?

Not seen either. Wife isn't terribly interested in Ms Marvel. The the trailer put her off to it. I might break and watch it myself out of curiosity but I've heard it's a mixed bag like previous MCU D+ content, some good and some meh.

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