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Messages - rlse9

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I never beat Ocarina of Time.  I started the game many times but always lost interest or got stuck and stopped playing it.  I still have the Gamecube disc with it and Master Quest, one of these days I'm going to play the game through to completion.  The only Zelda game I've actually beaten was Wind Waker, I came close on Spirit Tracks and got quite a ways into Skyward Sword, but in general Zelda games just haven't held my interest long enough to complete them.

Nintendo Gaming / Re: Super Mario Maker
« on: July 15, 2015, 02:35:45 PM »

I think the real lesson to learn here is that UncleBob is too tech illiterate to purchase a Y-Cable that allows a normal hard rice to function on a Wii U. They go for about 8 bucks on Amazon.

You're welcome.

Does the Wii U function best with brown rice or white rice?  Or maybe wild rice?  I had no idea the Wii U needed to carb load...

TalkBack / Re: Why It's Worth Giving Art Academy a Try
« on: July 11, 2015, 12:25:16 AM »
I'm definitely interested in this but I think I'll wait until it's on sale.  Cool idea, though, and one of the really good uses of the Gamepad to date it would seem.

There's no way it's the New Wii U.  It just can't be.  They couldn't possibly tease something that far in advance and be so secretive about it for it to be the New Wii U.  Then again, it's Nintendo.

Nintendo Gaming / Re: NX and Third Parties
« on: July 04, 2015, 01:23:27 PM »
Just watched that video and was going to post a link here.  That really makes Nintendo look like a complete trainwreck of a company to work with.

TalkBack / Re: Never Alone (Kisima Ingitchuna) (Wii U) Review
« on: July 02, 2015, 06:28:46 PM »
I've been looking forward to this game since it was announced, a little disappointed to hear that it has some issues but I'll probably still pick it up at some point.  The educational aspect sounds interesting, we visited the Native Alaskan Heritage Center in Anchorage while on vacation last summer and really enjoyed it.  My wife isn't much into video games but maybe I can convince her to play it with me since she would be interested in that part.

TalkBack / Re: E3 2015: Lessons to Learn from the Competition
« on: June 30, 2015, 12:18:47 AM »
Last year Nintendo showed things for both the current year and the next year.  This year they stuck with just the current year.  So, yeah, there appeared to be less stuff and a lot of it was stuff we had seen before.  When you arbitrarily change your E3 strategy from one year to the next that is going to happen.

Completely agree.  By going all in with their presentation last year and completely changing their strategy this year, they really screwed themselves.  Even with Star Fox which they hadn't shown, had that game been a complete surprise instead of a game we've known about forever, I'll bet the response would have been quite different.  And if Mario Maker had just been announced this year instead of being previously shown, there would have been as much excitement about that game as any game at E3.    It's great that they have some great looking games coming out during the second half of this year, but we didn't need E3 to know that.

It's also a little maddening to hear them talk about their philosophy of not showing games more than 6-8 months out as though it's written in stone and something they've done for years when in reality it's a complete 180 from what they did last year.

Another case of not wanting to watch the Treehouse event because I want to go into the game knowing relatively little... but really like reading the comments here, as they only increase my anticipation for this release.   ;D
That's how I feel about Treehouse Live in general.  It's cool that they show as much as they do but it's more than I want to see of the game.  I watched 5-10 minutes of Star Fox then turned it off because I didn't want to see too much.  Same thing with Fatal Frame, I watched about two minutes of the video afterwards and it looks good but that was enough for me to know I'm interested and didn't want to see more.

I had high hopes for the digital event, but as  Wii U owner only, it was a big letdown.  Mario Maker looks awesome but we already knew that.  Yoshi looks cute but we already knew that.  Xenoblade looks impressive but we already knew that.  Star Fox actually looked pretty good to me, the graphics may need some polishing up but it looks like it's going to have what made the N64 version so good.  Other than that, I just didn't get much out of it.  The Animal Crossing board game just looks strange, like Mario Party without the mini games and the requirement of buying a bunch of toys, all they needed to announce was a regular Animal Crossing game and I would have been happy.  Fatal Frame looks intriguing, it's strange to me that they didn't even mention it.  Mario Tennis will be fine I'm sure but it's probably just going to be more of the same.  The entire thing screamed to me that they're moving on to the NX and just didn't want to come out and say it.  At the end, when they were talking about the 30th anniversary of Mario, I was sure they were about to pull out something big, a new 3D Mario for Wii U or something like that.  Instead we got people playing the Mario theme and a website.  Oh well, at least it wasn't Wii Music U that was there big title...

I think the thing I'm most looking forward to hearing about at this point is the recently announced Harvest Moon for Wii U.  Not that I think it'll be better than most of the games Nintendo has focused on but I've seen enough about them already.

After watching that, I am 100% sold on Mario Maker turning out to be awesome, hopefully there's a good system for ranking user created levels so that the best are easy to find, a huge supply of crazy levels like they played tonight would be awesome.

Overall, I think the Nintendo World Championships was better than I was expecting.  The announcing was generally not particularly good and the way they broadcasted Splatoon made it difficult to tell what was going on but other than that it was good, I thought they had a good selection of games, mixing new and classic, and ending with wacky levels from Mario Maker that they had never seen before was a great way to end it.

why the hell don't they sell chargers for the gamepad in stores???
Probably because no store wants to carry them.  Between how few Wii Us have sold and how few people lose or break the chargers, it's not worth their time or shelf space to carry them.  At least Amazon carries chargers for it...

According to IGN the developers are having trouble getting the game to run well enough on the Wii U and are considering pushing the game back to Nintendo's next console.  Lame...

There's such a thing as too much supply here. Retailers don't want tons of these sitting on store shelves, and Nintendo is producing them with that in mind.
Can retailers really be happy with the way things are right now?  They get a fraction of what they could sell for the rare characters, have shelves filled with the same characters they've had since Amiibo first came out, and constantly have to deal telling people they can't buy what they came for.

I can understand that they were conservative with the first wave or two but how have they not solved the problem 6 months later?

If they can just manage to release at least 5 more N64 games by mid-summer I'd be happy.  I still can't believe they released 3 Wii games then proceded to completely ignore them ever since.  I have to imagine they sold a lot of copies of those games with the half price deal the first week and they clearly have other games that could be released at any time since there were different games released in other territories.  It just doesn't make sense to me sometimes why Nintendo makes it so hard for me to give them money.

Anyway, I agree about the N64 wrestling games, they were all excellent, even going back to WCW/NWO World Tour...the graphics were bad and the game was fairly bare bones but the gameplay was so good.  It just kept getting better with each release in the series.  I'm sure they'll never be released on the Virtual Console but I've got physical copies of at least two of the games.

I'd also like to see Ogre Battle 64.  I heard lots of good things about it but never tried it, I'd definitely download it if I could play it on the Gamepad.  I remember having fun with Yoshi's Story the time I rented it so I would consider buying that, and I'd consider Kirby since I didn't get into the series until recently and never played the N64 version.  Beyond that, I don't really know.  I still have physical copies of all of the N64 games I bought when the system was still new and I don't see reason to buy them again.  Excitebike might tempt me since I never bought that and possibly Goldeneye since I never owned it, just played it with friends.  Honestly, I'd rather see them focus on Wii games since there were more games I was interested in but never got around to than there was with the N64.

TalkBack / Re: LEGO Dimensions Announced For Wii U
« on: April 10, 2015, 12:05:44 AM »
How long is it before the toys to life thing becomes this generation's Guitar Hero/Rock Band?  Seems like it's only a matter of time with how the number of releases is getting out of control and the games don't seem to be changing that much, plus all of the space all this stuff takes up...

Nintendo Gaming / Re: Official Club Nintendo Thread
« on: April 03, 2015, 10:59:34 PM »
The secret is to just avoid the times when you know everyone else is going to go to the site.  I got all of my rewards in and surveys done a week before the end because I figured it'd be a mess in the days leading up to the end and I haven't bothered going to the site since then, the gold reward I'm getting can wait, it'll still be there next week when the site is actually working again.

Please understand...

Nintendo Gaming / Re: Official Club Nintendo Thread
« on: March 26, 2015, 11:26:04 PM »
According to people posting over on the CAG forums, if you buy a new game that should have a club nintendo code but it doesn't have one, you can call the customer service number and they'll add the points to your account.

I somehow made it to gold this year, I'm still not sure how since the only retail games I bought were Resident Evil: Revalations and Nintendoland.  Other than that, basically all of my purchases were eshop games that were on sale.  Hopefully the gold rewards include some of the N64 games that they have up as rewards, that was next on my list if I had more coins.

Nintendo Gaming / Re: Speculate new game ideas for mobile platform
« on: March 21, 2015, 03:56:27 PM »
Of the top of my head, an animal crossing match 3 type game. 

Basically you just have a house, there is no real world.    The game play is playing a simple match 3 type game.  You unlock some kinda currency to get house upgrades and items for your house.

Can have special daily goals or what not, to earn extra currency or special items.    Perhaps there are only a couple items available to "buy" for your house each day, to keep you checking daily.

A bit cliche, but match 3 games work well, combining it collecting of animal crossing might be appealing.

This could be interesting if they made it so that the game communicated with the console version of Animal Crossing and bells and furniture that you earn in the mobile game can be used in the console game.

Never Alone looks interesting to me.

Hasn't there been a good supply of most Amiibo in Japan?  I remember reading on at least a few sites that most of the Amiibos that were impossible to find in the US were readily available for at least a while in Japan.  This has to be a worldwide thing, even if they're not saying it yet.  It just makes too much sense...

Nintendo Gaming / Re: How's Okami on Wii?
« on: February 19, 2015, 11:45:18 PM »
I only played the Wii version SO I can't compare but I can say that this game is amazing in my opinion.  The story, the art style, the music, the gameplay, the game's sense of humor, everything fit together incredibly well.  The motion controls are definitely not perfect but most of the time they worked well enough.  Since the beginning of the Wii generation there's been very few games that I've put as much time into and enjoyed as much as Okami.

TalkBack / Re: The Unfortunate Fate of Xenoblade Chronicles
« on: February 03, 2015, 10:00:33 PM »
A Wii U VC release seems to make a ton of sense, after they've given the 3DS version a chance to sell.  Maybe do something like Bayonetta, make the Wii version free if you buy X.  The cross-buy idea is interesting but it just seems like something Nintendo wouldn't do even though it would be great. 

TalkBack / Re: The Baffling Launch Plans of New 3DS in America
« on: January 20, 2015, 10:51:06 PM »
The thing I find really puzzling about not including an AC adapter is their decision to include an SD card.  This seems backwards to me, almost no one has extra AC adapters laying around but I'm sure there are plenty of people who either upgraded the smaller card that came with the original 3DS and have no use for a 4gb card, or have an extra card laying around from an old phone or camera or something.  I guess you don't want to prevent people from being able to spend money on the eShop after buying the system (not that that's stopped Nintendo in the past...) but it seems more logical to me to not include an SD card and to include the charger instead.

And Nintendo needs to get with the program of using standardized charging.  In our house the phones, tablet, Fitbit, bluetooth speaker, etc. all use micro USB.  If Nintendo would just do the same, no one would care if a charger was included or not.

TalkBack / Re: Making Mario Maker a Masterpiece
« on: January 20, 2015, 10:37:25 PM »
I like the Mario Classroom idea, having a little direction in how to make good levels and insight into why designers made levels the way they did would definitely add to the value of the game.

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