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Messages - Strell

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General Chat / RE:Secret Santa Info Thread
« on: December 24, 2007, 08:04:29 AM »

Originally posted by: IceCold
Hey Strell, did any Canadians take part in CAG's thing?

I know at some point, we had Canadians in it, and I want to say that we even found a way to accommodate that.  But I'm not 100% sure.

General Chat / RE:Secret Santa Info Thread
« on: December 23, 2007, 09:01:00 AM »
I am happy to report that I have both received and given a gift.

Took a while to get it running where I am, but I was able to do so.

Happy holidays!!!

And thanks for the gift Secret Santa

General Chat / RE:Secret Santa
« on: December 22, 2007, 08:42:52 AM »
Good sirs, I ended up not leaving until this morning for my little trip.  I am busy for the majority of the day, but I have received my SS target and should get him into my system tonight.  Once it goes black (hopefully quickly), I'll send my side.

So expect me to have participated by very, very late tonight most likely.

Happy holidays everyone!

General Chat / RE: Secret Santa Info Thread
« on: December 21, 2007, 02:27:10 AM »
I wanted to say that I have the following NWR members in my Address Book, who should all be active and correct barring anyone who possibly had to replace/sold their system:

Bill Aurion
nitsu niflheim

The following sent me PMs long, long ago, and I never marked them as read, so they still show up as new.  These people are ones that I'm trying to add first:
Arthun Zala

This doesn't include the more active NWR members, particularly those in this thread that had added me (such as Kairon).

Of course, none of this is personal.  Whenever someone added me at CAG, I did the same.  Filled up really quick.  Hell, there are real-life friends of mine who have systems that I haven't even added, and some of these are really close friends I've known for several years.  I just really need a way to add more in there.  Even another 20 spots would be helpful, but the more the merrier.  

I'm still trying to weed out anyone from CAG who no longer needs to be in my list to free up spots.

I went and picked up a card yesterday for gift giving purposes, so I'm good on that end.  Again, though, I am leaving today.  I am taking my system with me, along with a USB adapter and the LAN adapter, so chances are good I can get online.  If I cannot, then I could send late on the 24th, as I will be back in town on that day and will have hooked my system back in its proper home.

Whoever is ultimately running this, please contact me as needed, as I will have 'net access at the very least and will be happy to respond as needed.  And if this disqualifies me or anything, that is just the breaks for me.  But again, I'd like to think I'm pretty trustworthy in such regards.

Anyway, I hope I've made my case as best I can on all potential fronts and angles.  Regardless of what happens, I know this thing will go down nicely.  It went fantastically at CAG, with 100% success rate within 2-3 days of it starting, and really it was at 88% success rate within the first 12 hours (the remainder had notified the organizer that they'd be out of town and would report back when they returned).  So I have faith it'll work here as well.

I'm off to pack, clean, and whatnot for my trip.  I'll try to check back throughout the day and late, late tonight when I finally get where I'm heading (7 hour drive away, ugh).

General Chat / RE:Secret Santa Info Thread
« on: December 20, 2007, 03:02:04 AM »

Originally posted by: pap64
I just wanted to state that for some reason Kashogi, spak-spang and strell have yet to add me. Their names are still in gray even though I registered them on Sunday.

So this is a heads up to them.

I've kind of already mentioned something about this:


I need to caution one thing up front like I did over at CAG - my Address Book is full. Completely 100% full. At CAG I needed a code to send to and a code to receive from, so I deleted two accounts from it and inserted "CAG Secret Santa 1 and 2" entries. Since it's most likely I'll have to do that here, just let me know before hand and I'll be sure to get the codes in as soon as I can. This means that if you've added me and I'm gray, chances are pretty high I'm not going to add you back. Sorry guys. If space opens up (i.e., some people at CAG sell their system or something and I no longer need their code), I'll try to add in NWR codes first. Nintendo needs to let me put 200 in.

I can't add everyone.  So whoever is heading this up, the less people I *need* to add, the better.  I mean I can delete lots of names and add people specifically for this, but if I can keep it to a minimum, the better.

For the record, I *am* trying to trim my list.  Most of it is people from CAG, and I'm trying to weed out people who may have sold their system so that I can free up some spots.

General Chat / RE: Secret Santa Info Thread
« on: December 19, 2007, 06:11:54 PM »
Crap, I'm sorry, the last four are 9370, not 9307.  I have fixed my post to reflect this.

Also, wanted to add that I am still leaving tomorrow, BUT it isn't until 5 PM or later central time.  I'll probably have packed up my system by 4 PM central, so if the exchange happens before then, I'll be completely clear.

Also, is there an agreed-upon limit we're looking at?

General Chat / RE: Secret Santa Info Thread
« on: December 18, 2007, 10:03:43 PM »
Ah ha, so this IS going on here.  I can't keep up between all the threads about it, and noticed I had PMs today.  We just wrapped it up at CAG and it was a huge success.  I believe within 48 hours, all 44 participants had sent and received their games.  

I need to caution one thing up front like I did over at CAG - my Address Book is full.  Completely 100% full.  At CAG I needed a code to send to and a code to receive from, so I deleted two accounts from it and inserted "CAG Secret Santa 1 and 2" entries.  Since it's most likely I'll have to do that here, just let me know before hand and I'll be sure to get the codes in as soon as I can.  This means that if you've added me and I'm gray, chances are pretty high I'm not going to add you back.  Sorry guys.  If space opens up (i.e., some people at CAG sell their system or something and I no longer need their code), I'll try to add in NWR codes first.  Nintendo needs to let me put 200 in.

Actually, damn, this reminds me.  I will be out of town from Dec. 21 - Dec. 24, though I should be able to easily get in town on that Monday and send/receive as needed.  I am taking my system with me, which means I might be able to do it at my vacation spot (gf's family 6 hours away), but I don't know the exact setup of their wireless network (pretty sure one exists).  Although, when my system travels, I carry both the USB adapter and the LAN adapter, so it shouldn't be *too* much trouble for me to get everything set up.  If this bothers anyone or disqualifies me, that is fine.  I just don't want to get into a situation where someone is wondering when they will get their games.  I believe Khush can vouch for me, given the Smash Bros bet we had.

Wii Name: Strell (system name is Wanginator)
Wii Friend Code: 6569 1652 7708 9370 (Crimm I'm not sure where that code you have for me came from, I assume it's a placeholder)
Wii Region in which you live: America (USA)
Types of games I like: Action/Adventure, Platformers, RPG
VC games I already have: (might have missed 1-2 games, I'll double-check a little later)

Ice Hockey
Kid Icarus
Kirby's Adventure
Legend of Zelda
Legend of Zelda II: Link's Adventure
Super Mario Bros. 2: The Lost Levels
Super Mario Bros. 3

Kirby's Dream Course
Legend of the Mystical Ninja
Legend of Zelda: Link to the Past
Super Metroid

Mario 64
Paper Mario
Sin and Punishment

Alien Soldier
Beyond Oasis
Wonder Boy in Monster World

Turbo Grafx 16:
Bonk's Adventure
Dragon's Curse
Galaga '90

Things to avoid:
Anything considered abysmal/low rated, which is the majority of games of the non-Nintendo consoles, barring a few exceptions (like, oh, Baseball Stars 2).  I know there are some obscure SNES games that people say are really great that I've never tried.  Most of the N64 games would be excellent as well.  No real need for fighters, racers, shmups, or sports, barring (again) the ones that are really, really liked.

Crimm, if the above bothers you or anything, it's fine.  Just let me know when you can so that if I need to go grab a points card, I can do so today or Thursday.

Looking forward to it if I'm included, of course!    

It's very simple.

Gamers hated Nintendo before the Wii.

And they still do.

So not a whole lot has really changed when you consider the "hardcore" sector.

General Chat / RE: Secret Santa
« on: December 10, 2007, 03:45:01 PM »
Me wants do Sekret Sandarz.


Originally posted by: Mario
Requires more batteries = bad for the environment

I think we all know Nintendo doesn't give a sh*t about the environment.  

Nintendo Gaming / RE: No More Heroes for Wii!!!! ANOTHER UPDATED 12/3/06
« on: December 01, 2007, 07:21:14 AM »
Block people belong in Tron Bonne games and nowhere else.

Nintendo Gaming / RE: No More Heroes for Wii!!!! ANOTHER UPDATED 12/3/06
« on: December 01, 2007, 06:08:06 AM »
Didn't therat have a serious hardon for Alien Syndrome?  :p

Nintendo Gaming / RE:Wiis are now selling near PS3 launch prices!
« on: November 28, 2007, 01:13:58 PM »

Originally posted by: Crimm
I think it's absolutely ridiculous that Nintendo can't find a way to get around this.  How long will it take?  18 months?  Two years?  Three years?

If you intend to make a console for "every home" you better damn well have production that goes beyond what is generally regarded as needed for a "gamer" device.

Are you kidding?

Of course Nintendo could get around this.  And I'm positive they know how.

They just don't want to.  And the big reason is because of money.  To Nintendo, it is far less economic to open up a factory to produce another 500K units a month that might only be used for 2-3 months at the most.  There is NO telling if and when - according to all the retarded fanboys and "industry evaluations" crap - the Wii will finally subside in terms of popularity.

I mean, hell.  No one thought it would sell out last year at launch.  And then everyone said it was going to die down in a few weeks.  And then everyone said bla bla bla bla bla.

There's been a never ending string of excuses and justifications as to why the Wii has sold so well, but none of them are ever positive, and NONE of them give Nintendo any credit.  I've heard everything from "just the fanboys buy it" to "it's a manufactured shortage" etc etc.  It's like everyone was trying to find six degrees of explaining why the Wii could ever hope to sell, as if they were trying to figure out which movie it starred in with Kevin Bacon.

The point is that it is selling very well, and while Nintendo could easily commision more systems made per month, they don't want to front the cash.  It's that simple.  

Oi, here we go then:

Have sweet dreams now.

Nintendo Gaming / RE: Nintendo is the worst company ever
« on: November 27, 2007, 09:58:40 AM »
Greenpeace, you have a tech named after you in Chrono Trigger.

That is as close to gaming as you ever need to get.

Pbhbhbht.  Germans.

Or...whatever European country KDR is from.

Go watch Kraftwerk at Struttgart, hippie!

MGS is the most overrated movie ever.

Nintendo Gaming / RE:Galaxy back down to #2, Ocarina taking back the crown.
« on: November 23, 2007, 04:49:43 AM »
It's interesting.

The number of people who came out screaming that "this game isn't that great" after SMG was considered the highest rated game ever gives me some pause.  I mean all these comments began absolutely the second it achieved that, many of them having the exact same terminology and phrases, all of them with a "God, I seriously only play this game because mom won't drive me to the arcade, GOD" sort of feeling.

Only Nintendo fans can actually bash Nintendo when it comes to determining whether or not they actually like a game, and whether or not the game is good.


Mario doesn't lack a story.  At the very, absolute least, it damn sure has as much story as Zelda does.

If you think it doesn't, you are not paying attention at all.  

This was already discussed with all pertinent angles:

It won't cripple old games.  Please read the comments in the thread.  

General Gaming / RE: Assassin's Cwiid? SNUH UH
« on: November 13, 2007, 04:49:21 PM »
Penny Arcade already showed us what the DS version will be like.

Nintendo Gaming / RE: Wii Photo Channel to be modified in December
« on: November 13, 2007, 04:55:17 AM »
From myself over at CAG:

There's a lot of commentary on this over at GoNintendo. The main points I took are:

1) "This is retarded Nintendo, and it's totally a plot to issue in DRM, wtf."
2) "Fine, I won't update my Photo channel."
3) "Does anyone actually use the mp3 feature, or are you just bitching for bitching's sake?"
4) "I expect there to be more to this than meets the eye."

I imagine all the posts in this thread will fall into those categories.

Additional content worthwhile:

5) "I'll just not upgrade then.  .... But then Nintendo will just force it on us...."

Information on DRM capabilities of AAC and licensing (posted by kiril):

"Primarily because AAC has DRM capabilities built in. "

Wait, that's not quite right. Some AAC files can have DRM -- most notably, most songs from the iTunes Store. But you can have AAC files with no DRM as well. In iTunes there's two ways to get them. First, you can buy an "iTunes Plus" song in the iTunes Store -- you'll get an AAC file that has no DRM that can be played anywhere that supports that format. You can also put a CD into your computer and use iTunes to rip it into AAC format and again, no DRM.

So in one sense you're right; AAC does allow for DRM, but it's not mandated by any means. I'm not sure if Strell meant to imply all AAC files have DRM, but I wanted to make clear what the deal was.

That all said, I'm not sure why Nintendo wouldn't simply add the ability to play AAC as an addition to the current MP3 capability, rather than replacing it. I can't think of any media player than can play AAC that can't play MP3.


Licensing sounds like a good bet. Also another thing about DRM-- there's no "standard" DRM that comes with AAC. Apple has their own DRM system with AAC, but only Apple gets to decide what devices can be used to work with that DRM. Other companies may have their own DRM schemes attached to AAC -- I don't know anyone else that's selling AAC with DRM restrictions off the top of my head though.

AAC itself is not owned by Apple, in case that's not clear. See for more info.

So unless Nintendo has made a specific deal with Apple to use their DRM (unlikely), what will happen is that Nintendo's AAC playback will be limited to non-DRM AAC songs like I described in my previous post. Even if they did make that deal, non-DRM tracks would have to work, because as I said, Apple is selling without DRM via "iTunes Plus". So DRM haters shouldn't have anything to worry about.



Nintendo Gaming / RE: Check Mii Out Channel
« on: November 12, 2007, 07:20:11 AM »
"Are 'poo' and 'ass' taken?"

Nintendo Gaming / RE: Check Mii Out Channel
« on: November 11, 2007, 07:50:13 PM »

Is there any way to edit my Miis on my computer?
Indeed, it appears that intrepid individuals have sought out to do this exact thing. If you have bluetooth setup on your PC, you can use Mii Mega-mall ( ) and the Mii Editor ( ) to transfer your Miis to your computer, edit them to match your new Wii (via MAC address), and send them back to the Wii as being editable. More information about that can be found in the Mii Editor FAQ.
Thank you Pale over at NWR for this information.
Shecky further adds: It probably makes the Bluetooth computer look like a Wii Remote. And you can send a Mii to a Wii Remote as part of the Mii channel. You can even pull Mii's off the remote.

I sent my Wii in for repair, and when I got it back, I cannot edit my Miis! Nintendo transferred them to what appears to be an entirely new Wii, and it’s telling me that I cannot edit a Mii I didn’t create! Why must you toy with me so, Nintendo?
Basically it’s like you no longer have rights to the Miis in question. Use the solution above. I realize that’s not the best answer in the world, but it’s either try that or live in your misery.

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