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Messages - Gharakh

Pages: 1 2 [3]
Nintendo Gaming / Soul Calibur 2 Discussion!
« on: February 23, 2003, 07:40:51 AM »
i think august


So, what's wrong with Mario Sunshine? I haven't played it, so I just assumed it was like Mario64. What did they change to ruin the game?

well personally i didnt like the "Fludd" (water gun). to me it was just a cheap gimick that was fun for about 5 minutes. also with mario 64 you had a tonne of variety in the levels, from winter, to under water, to lava, to desert, etc. etc.. in mario sunshine it's all set in a stupid tropical island with all these stupid people around selling fruit. everything was just so kiddish. the graphics are not up to par imo. mario 64 set the bar for what n64 games should loook like, mario sunshine simply does not do the same for cube.

Nintendo Gaming / Is it just me, or is 1080 fugly?
« on: February 22, 2003, 06:33:25 PM »
wasnt the game supposed to come out in january or february originally?  it has been delayed, i dont know what the official release is now but i want this game soon!  i've been waiting soo long.

i was not impressed by mario sunshine at all. it was a huge disappointment for me.  hopefully mario 128 will stay true to mario 64 and actually have varying levels, rather than all one tropical island piece of crap.  uggh  

no this is definitely true. the 50 dollar kit gives you one year access to xbox live (it says so right on the box) after that you either have to buy a new kit or pay monthly. i do believe that the one year free kit will not be sold once the fees begin.

Nintendo Gaming / gamecube purchase!
« on: February 22, 2003, 01:02:44 PM »
yeah that is a sweet car, got any pics?
you should rent Eternal Darkness and Metroid Prime. those are my two favourites at the moment that are cube exclusives. there are also plenty of 3rd party games worth looking at, if you haven't already for your ps2: timesplitters 2, need for speed, medal of honor, nightfire, etc.

Nintendo Gaming / GC, worth buyin or not?
« on: February 22, 2003, 06:51:27 AM »
u wont get much for gta3. i saw someone in EB that was gonna trade it in and they only offered 5 bucks for it. and the game was only about a month old, practically brand new.
i don't think you'll get much for selling ps2 games because most of them you can buy brand new rather cheap.  shop them around before you sell them though. phone EB and ask what they will give for those games then go to some other places and see what they can give.

Nintendo Gaming / GC, worth buyin or not?
« on: February 22, 2003, 06:08:27 AM »
you could always pawn off ur ps2 so you can afford more gamecube games
if you like shooters try out timesplitters 2, if you haven't already for the ps2.  you should at least rent metroid prime if u do get a cube because it really is a fantastic game. you might be too young for Eternal Darkness but that is also a great game (it has a lot of action/adventure elements)
for racing i have need for speed hot pursuit 2, its a good game, not the greatest racer ever but it is a fun game.
hope that helps a little bit anyway..

Nintendo Gaming / Miyamoto interview! Heaps of news!
« on: February 22, 2003, 06:03:41 AM »

Good thing EA published console games are a lot better than their PC published games which are usually rushed, buggy, and completely unoptimized POS.

i dont really agree with this. all their sports games on pc are exactly same as the console counterparts, battlefield 1942 is amazing, i think they are also publishing c&c generals which looks amazing as well.
whats wrong with EA pc games?   (sorry for talking so much about pc on a cube forum hehe)


But ED will still be a rental.  I'll know by next week if I like it or not.

if you rent it, make sure you give it a lot of time to try. it really gets a lot better once you get sucked into the story and get to experience some of the insanity effects.  i think you'll like this game, i had my doubts about it but its one of my favourite games. genius storyline

Nintendo Gaming / Miyamoto interview! Heaps of news!
« on: February 21, 2003, 03:33:24 PM »
i agree that nintendo needs to get away from the gba-gc connectivity, at least in north america. This isn't going to sell more systems/games. It may appeal to people who already own a gba and gc, but we aren't going to see people rushing out and buying gc's and gba's just so they can hook them up to get a bonus in some game..  It is a nice feature if used in the right way, but i don't think we've seen that 'right way' yet.
i also agree with cheeser in that they need to have more bonus n64 games to give away with preorders.  they could do it with mario kart, golf, tennis..or better yet, mario 64 when u preorder 128! that would sell like hot-cakes

i think they need to get a few developers just focused on more mature games for the gamecube, much like what silicon knights is doing. if they get more companies like silicon knights and retro working on more exclusive mature games then cube will really appeal to a much wider audience.

Nintendo Gaming / Is it just me, or is 1080 fugly?
« on: February 17, 2003, 11:37:46 AM »
u guys should check out the streamed videos they have at of 1080. they look very nice and very cool. i'm still looking forward to this game even though those screens do look bad.
btw does anyone know an exact release date for this game yet?

Nintendo Gaming / Too Human Hype Thread!!!!!!!
« on: February 02, 2003, 06:08:41 PM »
first time through i finished MP with 75%, so yeh don't go by the percent done thing.

Nintendo Gaming / What ever happened with the Triforce?
« on: February 02, 2003, 04:02:00 PM »
wow in that n-sider article it says that you will be able to use gamecube memory cards to transfer stuff between the arcade and gamecube. that sounds cool but i wonder how it could be used..

Nintendo Gaming / Metroid Prime 2
« on: February 02, 2003, 03:58:40 PM »

Originally posted by: WhoDey
Some of you guys must be pros or something. I finally got to Metroid Prime and it took me 5 or 6 tries to beat the first form, each battle seemingly lasting atleast 10 minutes. When I finally beat it and saw I had to do it all over again with a second form and with hardly any energy because the first form crushed me, I said forget it.  And that was with having over 90% of the items. That was about 2 weeks ago and I haven't played since. Any tips? The ice attacks from the first form just drained me.

yeah it took me a few times too.. just jump side to side a lot when u see attacks coming and dont forget to shoot those two slow projectiles he sometimes shoots at you. if they hit you they do a lot of damage, plus if you destroy them they give powerups. the main thing to do is dodge. that's how i beat him.  oh and when he is in power beam form use the 5-missile attack to do more damage.
good luck

Nintendo Gaming / Too Human Hype Thread!!!!!!!
« on: February 02, 2003, 01:34:03 PM »

Eternal Darkness was my favorite game...but im thinking Metroid Prime has surpassed it.

i think if ED's graphics were up to par with MP's and maybe if it was a bit longer it would be just as good as metroid prime.

this post is getting me really psyched for too human though. hopefully E3 '03 will bring good news

Nintendo Gaming / Too Human Hype Thread!!!!!!!
« on: February 02, 2003, 12:07:08 PM »
The trend for game companies to consolidate continues as Sega and Sammy set to merge this October.

According to, Sega Corp. and Sammy Corp. have announced plans for a merger to take effect on October 1st.

Hajime Satomi, president of Sammy, is set to lead the joined company.  The two companies will hold a briefing soon.  As always, we'll have more on the story as it develops.

Nintendo Gaming / Anybody else looking forward to TMNT game?
« on: February 02, 2003, 12:04:22 PM »

All of it culminating with a boss battle against Shredder at the end.

don't forget beebop and rock-steady

Nintendo Gaming / Too Human Hype Thread!!!!!!!
« on: February 02, 2003, 11:59:41 AM »
forgive my ignorance, but what's too human?

Nintendo Gaming / Metroid Prime 2
« on: February 02, 2003, 11:48:50 AM »

(P.S. I don't see why Meta-Ridey is considered the hardest boss. I actually killed him easily, he'd go under one of my easier bosses list. The last boss seemed hardest to me, heh.)

i agree, although it still took me 2 tries to beat ridley, it took me about 3 or 4 tries to kill the last boss. both were awesome boss battles.

i don't know how it would work but some sort of multiplayer mode in metroid prime 2 would be sweet. i've heard things about a co-op mode but dont know if that's true or not. either way i'll be looking forward to this game

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