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Messages - Evan_B

Pages: 1 ... 138 139 [140]
Right, because Duck Hunt was a hardcore experience that was totally not a casual tech demo at all.

Oh, wait.

I'm just gonna say this- Nintendo's been selling on underpowered tech for a while, now. They've made a ****-ton of money off of it, but they've lost the hardcore gamer. When they said this was a gaming device for YOU, they meant to reconcile the hardcore audience, to reconcile those who have been ready for Nintendo's franchises to leap into HD for a long time, now.

Whether or not the console is underpowered, I saw the HD Zelda demo. That is what I want. I will buy a Wii U if I get to play a game that pretty. That's all that really matters to me.

Nintendo Gaming / Re: Wii U
« on: April 08, 2012, 02:52:50 PM »
Honestly, I've never experienced a loading time on the Wii that's been too tedious- Brawl has had a couple instances of just taking a little bit, and one or two games like Sonic Unleashed and maybe Monster Hunter- but I've enjoyed good load times on just about everything.

I mean, if there's a competitive aspect to selling game units, then load times are going to be minimized as much as possible. But for now, with the current technology, load times are just something we'll have to deal with. I'm playing Xenoblade right now and sweet jeebas, that game has very little loading times.

Nintendo Gaming / Re: Resident Evil 3ds!?!
« on: April 08, 2012, 12:28:52 AM »
I got this game a few days after launch, played the first two chapters, and lost interest- I just didn't know where it was going and I wasn't sure if it was my kind of game (it's my first real Resident Evil title). But I just restarted a couple of days ago and I'm having a blast- just finished up Chapter 5. I'm really enjoying the tightness of the combat, especially in the hallways (and that damn Rachel boss battle...), and I've mastered dodging and reloading on the fly. The story doesn't make a lick of sense to me but I honestly don't care because I'm having such a great time. For me, the tension is very fun and has me checking every corner for a new foe. After the first boss battle I became braced for some gritty combat and I'm now totally engrossed.

I haven't tried Raid Mode yet, but I'm excited to give it a whirl.

Nintendo Gaming / Re: Super Smash Bros. WiiU (& 3DS)
« on: April 08, 2012, 12:11:46 AM »
I would hope that they do a tease for Smash Bros. this E3, after all, if they're going to mention it lightly last E3, the crowds are going to be hyped. If it's even like the silly Brawl video, it'll be A-okay with me. However, I doubt they'll have any of the character models ready by that point, so those brief bursts of gameplay we saw in the original Brawl video won't be happening.


I'm about four hours in- and this game has me effin' HOOKED. It took me about an hour to get a hang of the quest and battle systems... but damn, this game's delivering hardcore. Like, I got a little choked up already. I know I'm in this one for the long run.

All this talk of hardware upsets me. From what we had seen at E3, I really thought this machine would be more powerful than the PS360. But people claiming that it doesn't seem up to par just makes me wonder if I'm going to feel bad about being "a step behind" everyone else for owning a Wii U instead of these next gen Microsoft/Sony machines.

But then again, I buy Nintendo consoles for Nintendo games... because they're damn good. And when people commit to their hardware, they make good things too- the 3DS is a great example of this, with its third party games being pretty good. I think Nintendo's main focus with this next console, really, is going to be how you can use the controller to enhance online playability. I think this is Nintendo's "online age" beginning. And I hope that people respond to it well, because we could end up getting some really cool stuff from it.

HD Zelda doesn't hurt, either.

Nintendo Gaming / Re: Super Mario 3D Land
« on: April 06, 2012, 12:26:06 AM »
I dunno. Honestly, I have some eShop games that I played more than this game. I've only logged 6 hours into it and I'm on Special World 4... I just felt like it was an easy, but badly controlled game which resulted in more deaths than the real difficulty of the game. Maybe I need to go back and play it again...

Nintendo Gaming / Re: Wii U
« on: April 05, 2012, 01:42:26 PM »
Poor Sonic. So abused. So much potential. But truthfully, if Nintendo wants to dominate gaming, they'll eat Sega right up and turn their franchises into something good.

Nintendo Gaming / Re: Wii U Price and Release Date Guess Thread
« on: April 04, 2012, 12:11:36 PM »
I mean, as much as I enjoy Metroid Prime, I also enjoyed Donkey Kong Country Returns, as hard as it was. I don't know what Retro is really GOOD at, so I'd be very interested to see them create their own ip.

Nintendo Gaming / Re: Super Mario 3D Land
« on: April 04, 2012, 11:32:45 AM »
I'm just going to throw this out here- I absolutely hated this game. Tanooki suits should be burned. I do have a blog where I write reviews, so I'm just gonna throw up the link here instead of reiterating my stance.

Nerd Rage: Super Mario 3D Land

Honestly, I love the controls. The scheme is wonderfully intuitive and fun, and with the addition of the Circle Pad Pro (I'm a lefty), the system feels way more comfortable and easy to use. I just enjoy this game so much.

Nintendo Gaming / Re: Wii U Price and Release Date Guess Thread
« on: April 04, 2012, 09:24:34 AM »
I mean, don't get me wrong, I love Retro and their work, and I would greatly appreciate a Retro launch title. But just what Retro would make for the Wii U is the risky question. I personally don't need a new F-Zero, as racing games aren't my forte, and I don't really know what other Nintendo ip could have a new Retro twist on it.

I would enjoy a new First Person Adventure, but I worry about them doing their own ip. I dunno, I just don't see what Retro could bring to the Wii U launch. When's the last time we heard from them about what they were developing?

Nintendo Gaming / Re: E3 2012 Predictions
« on: April 04, 2012, 02:20:59 AM »
Nintendo E3 Conference Expectations

(The crowd's talk is reduced to a murmur as Reggie walks out on stage. A smattering of applause. Reggie takes a pause and looks off to the left before opening his mouth.)

"Well, folks. Here we are. I know most of you think that we're trying to compete with the other consoles out there, but you couldn't be further from the truth. We can't compete with the other consoles because there's no competition for what Nintendo does. We innovate. We make quality games. However, we're going to bring ourselves up to date with your current expectations. Case in point: The Nintendo Network."

(Goes on to explain this, crowd is mildly interested.)

"So the 3DS, huh? It's a pretty damn nice system. Oh, did I not mention that those games we teased last year are getting released soon?"

(Luigi's Mansion 2, Paper Mario, Animal Crossing, etc. given release dates.)

"Oh, and we're making a new Mario title, too. Don't worry, this one won't suck like 3D Land. Because it's in 2D."

(Mario Bros. 3DS shown)

"Speaking of franchises you love, why not have some Metroid? Yeah, that's nice, isn't it?"

(Since everyone seems to believe we're getting a Metroid game, I might as well hop on the bangwagon.)

"Oh, and blah blah blah other crap. Hey, do you remember that system we sold for six years and destroyed our competition with? Yeah, it's dying. But not before the Last Story and Pandora's Tower are released, I guess."

(Crowd is antsy.)

"Now, for the real reason you're here: The Wii U."

(Pretty promo vid that is both annoying and exciting in premise.)

"This bitch is coming out soon. For like, 300 dollars. And guess what? We're gonna have an app store, some nice online capabilities, and- some games. What games, do you ask?"

(Crowd is at the edge of their seats.)


(We are treated to a gritty, modern-warfare-esque rendition of the game, with a serious plot and blood and gore. Tagline, "When they trapped the children... they pushed me too far.")


(Hyper-stylized, ultra-violent version of the original. Considered a port.)


(Epic, Galaxy-scale platforming and music presented, Princess Peach duels Daisy for the first time. The crowd is on their feet.)

"Blowjobs will be given by our showgirls after the presentation is finished."

(Reggie drops his mic, leaves the stage. The crowd is going wild, unsure if the presentation is over. When suddenly, Sakurai appears on the projector.)

"When thinking about how to revolutionize the Smash Bros. Experience, I came to one conclusion. EVERY CHARACTER MUST HAVE A MOVESET SIMILAR TO STAR FOX."

(The crowd dies in a state of euphoria.)

Nintendo Gaming / Re: Wii U Price and Release Date Guess Thread
« on: April 04, 2012, 01:33:52 AM »
As for launch titles, I really don't expect MUCH from Nintendo, though I would really, really, really like it if they had a nice gem in store for us. I really would love for the Wii U to hit the ground running with a solid Nintendo experience, though I'm not quite sure what that should be. I think Wii Sports 2 would be a little bit of a cop-out, especially if Nintendo is trying to reconnect with the "hardcore" audience. That's the only reason I suspect a meatier title.

Nintendo Gaming / Re: Super Smash Bros. WiiU (& 3DS)
« on: April 03, 2012, 05:17:45 PM »
I'm gonna say that Palutena remains as Pit's Final Smash and either Magnus or Hades represents the Uprising crew. Also, Ghiraham makes a better choice than Demise, who could be a costume alt for Ganondorf.

TalkBack / Re: About That Wii U Release Date Rumor
« on: April 03, 2012, 05:08:47 PM »
Well... if they were nice, they would have it come out in September, so that I can get it soon after my birthday.

But that's probably not the case... :/

TalkBack / Re: Kid Icarus: Uprising Review
« on: March 22, 2012, 03:24:30 AM »
Wow. A lot of back and forth, here. Personally, I have a Circle Pad Pro, so I intend on using it, which I think will make the control scheme a lot easier on the hands.

I mean, I'm a little shocked at all the negative backlash- I thought the control scheme seemed a little unorthodox, but it is at least intuitive and fresh. Personally, I enjoy stylus implementation whenever I can get it- the DS Zelda games are so fun because of their wonderful controls that are so quick-access and fun. But we'll just have to see about this one.

TalkBack / Re: Official Legend of Zelda Timeline Revealed
« on: January 17, 2012, 05:36:28 PM »
Well, personally I'm just gonna keep playing them and enjoying each separate story instead of caring about how they all fit together, thanks.

Nintendo Gaming / Re: Wii U
« on: January 11, 2012, 08:26:45 PM »
Yikes. A lot of heavy discussion going on, here.

In any case, I hope that the launch of the Wii U has some strong titles- guaranteed hits, if I may- because I would hate to see Nintendo fail this late in the game.

TalkBack / Re: Wii Blamed For GameStop's Lack of Growth Over the Holiday
« on: January 11, 2012, 07:05:51 PM »
Yes, because if you don't do better every single year, that means you're not becoming a better company.

In any case, I'm not surprised that they blamed the Wii- it's a shitty console with not good games in sight, bar Xenoblade.

TalkBack / Re: NWR Staff's Favorite 10 Games of 2011
« on: January 04, 2012, 12:25:45 PM »
I find it hard to agree with this... I've written my own review of the game, and I just found it to be extremely lackluster from the perspective of most Mario platformers. And I'll say this now and let the rage pour upon me, but the Tanooki suit is ridiculously overused in this game, if only because it corrects the majority of the flaws in the game- cheap deaths dealing with camera angles, difficult grunt enemies, and overuse of bottomless pits.


TalkBack / Re: Xenoblade Chronicles Review
« on: November 14, 2011, 03:26:06 PM »
It's really criminal that Xenoblade isn't seeing a release in the States, especially since it embodies pretty much everything I want in a game right now.

NoA... :(

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