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Messages - SearanoX

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Nintendo Gaming / RE:hitman3
« on: December 29, 2003, 04:14:01 PM »
Ahh, Hitman: there's going to be a good game.  I'll be picking it up for my PC, mind you, but the lack of a GCN version shows that publishers like Eidos are unwilling to lose a single penny, even if it makes customers angry.  Still, I suppose they are somewhat justified, seeing as how Hitman 2 sold fairly badly on the 'Cube due to it's late release from the PS2 and XBox versions, and even later from the PC version, where it sold the most.

Well, if you're really craving for something from IO Interactive, you can always pick up Freedom Fighers.  While the PC version is superior to the console versions due to better controls, it's still quite a fun game.  I highly recommend it.

Nintendo Gaming / RE:Tony Hawk Underground (THUG)
« on: December 29, 2003, 04:10:44 PM »
I have it, and no, it doesn't have that particular feature.  It's really not that bad though, as you'll more likely want to create some sort of outlandish character rather than yourself.  The quality of the face textures you get in the PS2 version isn't that great anyway.

Trust me, the better graphics of the GCN version far outweigh the loss of face mapping.

General Chat / RE:The incoherent gamers at EB*mindnumbing*
« on: December 29, 2003, 04:08:03 PM »
Most major stores don't carry a lot of Nintendo stuff because they figure it doesn't sell well, and they're right.  Gamecube hasn't been in very big demand, especially earlier this year, and it's only now that we're seeing sales really pick up.  Hopefully with the 'Cube outselling the XBox, we'll see more games in stores, but it doubt it, as many stores consider Nintendo to still be "kiddy", which, as well all know of with the 'Cube, is compeltely false.

General Gaming / RE:GC Freezing; Lagging
« on: December 29, 2003, 04:04:06 PM »
I haven't played True Crime, but it's most likely that there's nothing wrong with your system at all.  I've heard that True Crime has some framerate issues in some places, so it could be that that's the problem.  It could also be that the GCN version's loading is badly coded, causing jerky gameplay when streaming new content from the disk.

Try playing a game like Zelda that has a smooth framerate, and see if you still have the problem.  It's most likely the game itself that's causing troubles.

General Chat / RE:Newbie Check-In ... right this way!
« on: December 29, 2003, 03:58:31 PM »
Okay then, thanks for clearing that up.  I've decided to make a reputation for myself in the Review board, and I've already written something check it out if you're feeling lucky.  

Oh, and fixed up the signature.

Reader Reviews / RE:THUG (Tony Hawk Underground)
« on: December 29, 2003, 03:54:42 PM »
I beg to differ with the review.  I have the Gamecube version, and I find it's not nearly as good as you make it out to be.  Note that I'm making comments on the GCN version, which I assume you are going to buy.

Graphics: 8.0/10.0  

The graphics in this game do certainly not deserve a 9.5, especially considering that they are improved from the PS2 version.  The textures are of decent quality and resolution, and the character models are well done, but the animation has been reused from Tony Hawk 3.  If you've played any of the previous games, you'll easily tire of the animation, which is not bad, but looks somewhat stiff compared to games like SSX 3.  The framerate also chugs quite often, especially in open areas, which gets incredibly annoying at times.  On a system as powerful as the Gamecube, I'd expect a perfect 60 fps.  If games like Metroid Prime can do it, then why can't this?

Sound: 9.0/10  

Very decent job on the sound department this time around.  The voice acting is decent, nothing to write home about.  There is also a huge playlist, but most of the music is so shoddy and washed-out-sounding 80% of the time that I often just turn it off.  There are a few good songs, but we need more stuff like Iron Maiden, Rammstein, and all.  While I haven't heard all of the songs and haven't gone over the whole playlist, there are definitely more bad songs than good.  This has no real relation to musical preference.  I know good music when I hear it, whether I like it or not.


What I like the most, however, is the sound effects.  Nearly everything has been replaced from Tony Hawk 3 and 4, with things sounding much better.  The ground sounds grassy when you skate on it, the cobblestones sound cobblestoney when you glide over it, and the rails sound raily when you grind on them.  No complaints here.  Like I said, the music downs the score for me, but not enough to detract too much from the whole experience, especially when I can play my own music while skating.

Control: 9.5/10

Control, like all other Tony Hawks, is spot-on.  Everything is incredibly tight feeling, with easy control over flips, plants, grinds, and everything in between.  The on-board stuff is simply perfect.  However (there's always a "however"), the controls behind the "revolutionary" driving and walking are beyond horrible.  There is absolutely no sense of weight with each.  Car handling is worse than the worst racing games, and the running feels more like gliding, with your character able to turn on the spot.

Gameplay: 9.0/10

This game is undeniably fun.  I'll admit that.  New this time around is the much-hyped Story mode.  In it, you create a character (presumably you), and you work your way from being a no-good skater punk to a full-fledged pro over the course of the storyline.  While there are no alternate endings or deep and epic character conflicts, there is enough humour and plot to inspire you to keep going.  I never felt like I was playing to get to the next level or to unlock the next trick.  While there is a day/night cycle, I will stress that it is not real-time.  Rather, it happens at certain intervals in the plot.  The game is also not like Vice City (complete freedom in a huge city) like many believed, which pissed me off to no end.  However, the levels are bigger than ever before, which helps offset this.  The goals within these levels are just as original as ever before, with Neversoft's crucial humour laced into ever situation, which makes for a good play experience.  The game is also much harder this time around, especially on the highest difficulty level, which is always welcome.  There are a few trick expansions this time around, along with the Create-a-Trick, but they aren't all that special.

However, what drags things down this time are the off-board sections.  These consist of two things - driving and running.  I'll start with driving.  Like I said earlier, control of this is horrible, but you get used to it.  The driving physics are so horrible that you'd wish you weren't driving in the first place.  In other words, it's good for about thirty seconds until you realise how awful it is.  As for the running, it's not as bad as the driving.  Control issues aside, it allows you to scale ladders, walls, jump around, etc. in a somewhat overly quick and frantic fashion.  It adds quite a bit to the game's goals, but you won't be using it much outside of that.

Multiplayer is nothing new.  The same basic modes are available as before, along with a new "Firefight" mode, which allows fireball-launching-by-combo gameplay.  There's no online play in the Gamecube version, and while split screens can get cramped at times, those gripes don't have much impact on the whole multiplayer component.

Closing Thoughts:  

This game is a logical and decent expansion on the Tony Hawk franchise.  It's fun, humourous, and hard.  Multiplayer isn't as fun as it was last time around due to a lack of changes, but it's not bad.  The additions of driving and off-boarding should either be removed or improved in the next inevitable release.  Framerate could be cleaned up a bit, and the music needs some fine-tuning, but sound effects are spot-on.  It's not the longest and most replayable game out there, but it should keep you occupied long enough until the next blockbuster appears.

Final Score: 9.0/10

Certainly not the amazing messiah of a game that DarkRockerX claims it to be, but still a decent and worthwhile one.

Gah, first review here...sorry if that's too long.  I'll most likely be writing more, so comments are welcome if you want me to improve your experience in the future.    

General Chat / RE:Get your custom title here
« on: December 29, 2003, 03:22:10 PM »
Hmm, I could use one, though I can't really decide...I'm used to changing mine every few days, and the lack of being able to do so unless you're a mod (I assume) leaves me wondering if I should choose one or not.

Meh, might as well.  I'll set it as...


"Supreme Hooligan" sounds good to me.  

Is there a limit as to how often the ranks can be changed?  I assume that it's as long as it's not so frequent that it gest annyoing.  

General Chat / RE:Official Avatar Discussion
« on: December 29, 2003, 03:18:55 PM »
I don't really have a purpose for my avatar, aside from the fact that it matches one of my random signatures that I use on other boards.  I've had a few of them in the past, ranging from my first simple ones to ones like this.  I was using a Faye Valentine avatar for awhile, but I ditched that after taking a liking to this one.


General Chat / RE:Newbie Check-In ... right this way!
« on: December 29, 2003, 03:15:50 PM »
Hey, everyone.  I used to come here a long time ago, nearly three or four years, going by another username that I don't remember.  I've decided to join up once again.  If there's anyone from the Forums (currently down), then it's good to see you here.  

I hope to contribute to the Planet Gamecube community in a postive way.  Hopefully I won't be leaving so soon this time.  

Oh, and The Big N doesn't happen to still hang around here, does he?  Seems that Rick Powers seems to be here...the Resident Hard-Ass?  

EDIT:  Oh, and do you guys permit signature images?  Seems that my good 'ol vB code isn't working properly here.  Any help with this would be appreciated.


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