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Messages - redgiemental

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Nintendo Gaming / Re: Tiger Woods w/ M+ & Balance Board support...!?
« on: March 05, 2009, 06:28:52 PM »
I'm sure there would be a market for it. Lots of people love golf. Many of which are busy people.

So a realistic golf sim that actually improved their real golf skills would be popular with them I imagine.

I prefer my golf games and wacky and unrealistic myself. Mario Golf or We Love Golf is more my thing. It would be a very appealing product for many people I imagine though. Impressive too.

Nintendo couldn't figure out a way to put Wii Speak in because they tied their own hands with their implementation of the firmware.. They coded themselves into a corner in that sense Spik Spang.

Thank you Pale.. There are other Wii games they could be playing online too that aren't Mario Kart.

For me Dasmos voice chat is not redundant feature, the lack of it in Mario Kart is the primary reason I don't play a game I otherwise really enjoy. I like to play online with actual real-life friends and voice chat really is a big part of the enjoyment.

Fair point on the Wii system friends but it does seem silly not to have that connected to the games too.

The voice chat feature could easily have been added to Mario Kart if Nintendo had adopted a different a less restrictive system. Bottom line.

I too prefer local multiplayer, it is more fun and I love having a few friends over for some beers and a game night.

Though I often play old friends of mine via Xbox Live and it's a lot of fun to have a few games of something and have a little bit of teasing and ribbing with people I don't live particularly close to anymore.

Quite a few of those same friends also have Wii and Mario Kart was always a multiplayer favourite back in the day. Playing Mario Kart online on Wii just feels sterile in comparison and we barely play it compared to XBL.

It's not just voice chat either the lack of system wide operating system means I can't turn on my Wii and see that a few of my friends are playing X game and jump right in. What was the point in adding them as Wii friends outside games again?

I'm not arguing Nintendo's sins versus Sony's or Microsoft. This is a thread about the Wii's firmware set up. I was talking about FIRMWARE not having a whole console showdown like you seem to want to do.

Open and fixable is not the same as complex. I've made no arguement for complex or asked that the Wii plays movies or anything like that.

I've merely commented on areas where it directly affects my enjoyment of GAMES.

Nintendo Gaming / Re: Sonic & The Black Knight
« on: March 05, 2009, 06:22:58 AM »
I gave up reading IGN altogether over a year ago over their terrible reviews and lack of any journalist integrity. If you think they are bad don't support them through your traffic. Vote with your browser so to speak. 

Sounds like I might have to get this game. Seems to fix the things I didn't like about Secret Rings.

I know it's been mentioned that the jumping is better can anyone confirm you actually jump when you press the button not when you release it?

Sounds petty but it will make a lot of difference to my enjoyment of the game.

A good Sonic game this makes me happy. Going to play the old ones on Virtual Console.

Are you arguing for patches Ningurl?
You're making a good case.

I don't particularly like the patching culture but it beats having to send my disc back. Which is what happened when I got to a game breaking bug in Super Paper Mario.

I wasn't aware new Mario Kart and Smash Bros games were coming out next year Shift Key. Glad I'll be able to use basic online features like voice chat with them next year.

Spak-Spang the way the Wii software infrastructure is now helps pirates and homebrewer's by making it harder for Nintendo to close exploits. "it took them well over half a year to fix the fakesigning exploit and ship the IOS updates for all 23 versions". So it isn't to help combat piracy in fact quite the opposite. I never hear of anyone being able to install hacked unpaid for XBLA games on their 360 but I do hear about people installing hacked VC titles for example.

I said on this front not in general Shift Key can you read? Yes Sony and Microsoft have made bad choices in other areas that doesn't mean it nullifies Nintendo's.

I don't have a PS3 but I am a little annoyed that it doesn't have BC. My 360 is still functioning but that doesn't mean RRoD isn't a worry I could do without. I'll also add the 360's half hearted BC is a fly in the ointment too.

However both of Nintendo's competitors have gone with the more sensible option of an open system they have change and improve at any time. So it's fair game to criticise Nintendo for doing a worse job.

Nintendo Gaming / Re: Dead Rising: Chop Till You Drop Uber Cool Thread
« on: March 04, 2009, 08:16:08 PM »
Sounds like I can just keep my 360 copy then loking at the above post.

Pity it would have been the kind of experience I want from the Wii at the minute.

Nintendo Gaming / Re: Sonic & The Black Knight
« on: March 04, 2009, 08:07:47 PM »
I do agree the menus being awful.

It was the sliding before you could jump that was the continuous annoyance I could never get completely comfortable with that really stopped me from enjoying the game.

Nintendo Gaming / Re: Sonic & The Black Knight
« on: March 04, 2009, 12:56:22 PM »
This look good from the trailers and videos I've seen. I'm always curious but cautious about sonic games.

I await any impressions you guys have of the game with interest lol.

I'm one of the the seemingly few who didn't like the Secret Rings so I don't want to get my hopes too high.

Nintendo Gaming / Re: Wii remote - grip or no grip?
« on: March 04, 2009, 12:32:27 PM »
I prefer my Wiimotes as naked as the day they were manufactured.

I like my gaming sinful.

So Nintendo has implemented things in such a way as to make offering some simple things to their customers impossible.

Their two competitors have avoided this problem and have served their customers better on this front.

but because it doesn't surprise Shift Key that makes it alright.

Glad that is sorted.

Actually sounds interesting.

If it's decent I'll import it. Don't see it getting a western release.

Though stranger things have happened.

Nintendo Gaming / Re: Dead Space Extraction
« on: February 26, 2009, 06:37:23 AM »
If Sega announce a new Chu Chu Rocket game is coming out what is your first thought on what to expect?

When Capcom announce a Street Fighter game do you not expect a beat-up game?

If it was announced that Bioshock was coming out on Wii you'd expect it still to be an FPS if you weren't told otherwise.

Nintendo Gaming / Re: Dead Space Extraction
« on: February 25, 2009, 07:23:59 AM »
I'm late to the party I know.

I skimmed through this thread looking for new information on this. I'm bitterly disappointed its an on-rails shooter. Some people seem to be downplaying the importance of the change.

I just want to point out that gameplay is the whole point of games in the first place. Characters and story are secondary. When I buy a game it's because I want to PLAY it.

Also for those of you saying RE:UC> RE 5. While I'd argue with you on that I don't think anyone would argue that RE 5 with Wii controls > RE:UC.

It's easier, quicker and cheaper to make on-rails games and that why we are getting one.

I know my girlfriend has got me a few games for Christmas. 

It's a toss up she plays some games these but mostly only multiplayer. She has been playing Super Mario Galaxy on and off for like a year and is currently on 40 something stars. (Due to lack of playing not skill I might add).

She has a better chance than others of picking good games but I did have to talk out of buying DK Barrel Blast the other day because she loved the SNES Donkey Kong games. Much like Ian's example I guess.

In fairness when I simply told her the mechanics of the game she thought it was lame right away.

I have wanted to pick up Fable 2 for weeks but I think she might have bought it for me already. Hopefully she did otherwise I've been waiting for no good reason.

On the flipside I bought her Wii Music for Christmas before reading any reviews. I thought id sounded rubbish but I knew she liked the idea of the game and well I still think Wii Fit is rubbish too so I went against my own instinct and bought it

So perhaps it is I who have bought the shoddy game this year.

TalkBack / Re: Aussie Animal Crossing for Wii Can't Link to Wild World
« on: December 09, 2008, 08:28:52 AM »
That's pretty shabby all round.

Youngplumber is right btw. It really should work regardless of regional coding in the DS game.

Nintendo Gaming / Re: Does Nintendo need to change the pack in game?
« on: December 05, 2008, 09:32:06 AM »
I agree Kairon. Wii Sports Resort should sell to put it politely a fuckton.

I don;t think they should take Wii Sports out almost anyone I know when they get their Wii. The first thing they do it play some Wii Sports even now.

I'd love uniracer to appear on VC.

Nintendo Gaming / Re: New Logo... Thoughts?
« on: December 01, 2008, 08:54:10 AM »
Just a colour change nothing important.

I do ant to mention though. The Dreamcast swirl was changed to blue in Europe because a German company already had an orange swirl as their logo.

I would welcome another arcade racer. I love them and my main franchise (Burnout) has been a disappointment for me. I'm in the minority of not liking the switch to an open world set-up. Who doesn't want to play local player Burnout?

So bring on more arcade racing games I say. ExciteTruck was great. I loved it and I can't wait to see what this is.

Hopefully the secrecy is because it something mind blowing.

General Chat / Re: oh my god...Chinese Democarcy, it's acutally comming!
« on: October 30, 2008, 11:41:02 AM »
I keep seeing people talking about Chinese Democracy and thinking its an international news story. It's getting quite hilarious how often I have tricked myself with this.

Nintendo Gaming / Re: The Conduit
« on: October 30, 2008, 11:33:14 AM »
Looking good. Sega strikes me as a very good choice of publisher. Looking forward to this more than any other Wii game at the minute.

Nintendo Gaming / Re: Conduit
« on: October 03, 2008, 08:57:33 AM »
This games looks just awesome. Every new trailer just makes it look a little better.

I hope it actually gets a Euro release date soon.

As long as they are still making a new Pikmin all is good.

I literally just bought Pikmin 2 just over a month ago. I like the GC controls though so I'm ok with it I guess.

I'll be interested to see how the controls work out for the Pikmin rerelease.

I was all excited about this but now I hear that THIS is the Pikmin game that I've been looking forward to and not I'm honestly a bit bummed about that.

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