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Messages - Magik

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Nintendo Gaming / RE: MSX and NeoGeo coming to VC in Japan!
« on: February 23, 2007, 12:05:58 AM »
I guess its time for people to really load up on thos SD cards since the popular Neo Geo games take up quite a bit of space especially once you add in the built-in emulator.

Nintendo Gaming / RE: "Secret Rings" doesn't suck...
« on: February 22, 2007, 12:21:34 PM »
Crackdown is actually a really fun game ESPECIALLY when playing Co-Op.

I don't see why everybody has this fascination with making a 'Halo-killer'.  If history has shown us anything, any time a game is set out to be a 'killer' of another game, it has failed miserably.

Regarding Metroid, aslong as the single player game is on par with the quality that was in Prime 1 (NOT 2), I'll be happy.

If Nintendo seriously wants to have their own FPS, I think they need to focus on a new IP instead of trying to convert one of their existing IPs.

Nintendo Gaming / RE: New Sadness info
« on: February 13, 2007, 11:44:07 PM »
All we have so far is concept art, target video, and big promises... but no actual gameplay shots or footage.

As far as I'm concerned, this is nothing but vaporware.

TalkBack / RE:EDITORIALS: The State of Nintendo Online
« on: February 13, 2007, 02:12:04 AM »

Originally posted by: Kairon

Originally posted by: Ian Sane
I think Nintendo's problem here is that they're a generation behind.  They need to get the kinks out and they lack experience.  But the problem is in a competitive environment the world doesn't wait for you.  Nintendo can't forever be five years behind on this.  There has to be a point where make a big leap and catch up.  After all why should anyone wait for them when the competition is already online?

I agree. Even fanbois must admit that the market doesn't care about excuses. Just look at the PS3's price and their attempts to sell that as a value proposition.

Of course, Nintendo's extremely innovative with how they're using online in a blue ocean manner. After all, they've been doing wacky experiments with online distribution and gaming since the BS Satellaview for the Super Famicom, and they've meant to provide non-gaming news channels and the like since the Famicom.

However, it shows that their real weaknesses lies in the hardware and networking side of online connectivity, a field that's absolutely exploded and mutated rapidly from the late 1990's until today. Nintendo just isn't ready for the technical and hardware and database and networking and security and software and all that stuff that companies like Microsoft or even Sony have been involved with for years on end.

One has to wonder: how can Nintendo make that "big leap" and catch up when they're so clearly out of their depth internally in this field? ... The only way I can think of is to copy Blizzard's B.Net as much as possible and use that as a starting point.

~Carmine "Cai" M. Red

All Nintendo needs is a copy of B.Net. is exactly what Nintendo needs for their online service.  It doesn't have the bells and whistles of Xbox Live, but it does include essentially the basics of a solid online network.

It would probably eliminate the need for Friend Codes as well.

TalkBack / RE:EDITORIALS: The State of Nintendo Online
« on: February 11, 2007, 09:55:55 AM »

Originally posted by: pap64

Originally posted by: Magik

Originally posted by: pap64
Thinking about it, is it really surprising that Nintendo just started shipping the online kits to developers?

I mean, it took them a while to ship development kits (and before that, developers were using souped up Gamecubes). So It isn't surprising that they are taking the same stance with the online kits.

It is surprising considering they had since the GameCube days to develop their network.

When will people understand that Nintendo never cared for online gaming during the GC days?

Yeah, you could say "But they had the modem and some online games released!", but those were piss poor attempts, and that was generated due to indifference towards the concept on Nintendo's behalf.

Their interest with online gaming started with the DS in 2005, but NEVER during the GC days.

Than its just another example of Nintendo getting caught with their pants down.

The last five years or so were a perfect opportunity for them to plan and develop their network and have it ready to go.  Instead, we're now waiting till at least summer, at best, for some sort of online gaming.

TalkBack / RE:EDITORIALS: The State of Nintendo Online
« on: February 11, 2007, 06:11:49 AM »

Originally posted by: pap64
Thinking about it, is it really surprising that Nintendo just started shipping the online kits to developers?

I mean, it took them a while to ship development kits (and before that, developers were using souped up Gamecubes). So It isn't surprising that they are taking the same stance with the online kits.

It is surprising considering they had since the GameCube days to develop their network.

Nintendo Gaming / RE:SNK and virtual console
« on: February 08, 2007, 03:58:01 AM »

Originally posted by: ShyGuy
megabytes not megabits?


Nintendo Gaming / RE: SNK and virtual console
« on: February 07, 2007, 11:11:27 AM »
The largest Neo Geo game is around 80mbs and that was for King of Fighters 2003.  So when you add in the built in emulator, I wouldn't be surprised if its around 85mbs or so, which is quite a lot of space when we're only dealing with 512mb of memory.

Nintendo Gaming / RE:Something that bugs me (about games on the Wii)
« on: February 07, 2007, 12:10:34 AM »

Originally posted by: GoldenPhoenix

Originally posted by: Kairon
Yeah, but where's the PROOF that Nintendo gamers will buy good third party titles when they come around? This entire "we'll buy good stuff when it comes" is a huge leap of faith to publishers betting millions of dollars at a time.

~Carmine "Cai" M. Red

If I recall RE4 sold quite well for Wii and Viewtiful Joe as well. Besides them not sure what other third parties had great games on Wii!

Eh?  RE4 was a Wii game?  I thought it was a GC game?

Anyways, RE4 didn't sell well enough for Capcom to keep it exclusive before porting it over to the PS2.  Viewtiful Joe sold 'well' in terms of 3rd party sales, but still pales in comparison to even some of the less stellar Nintendo games.

Nintendo Gaming / RE: Manhunt 2 from Rockstar? Whoa...
« on: February 06, 2007, 09:10:54 AM »
Jack Thompson is going to have a field day with this game.

Nintendo Gaming / RE: Nintendo online argument
« on: February 05, 2007, 10:15:11 AM »
All I want from Nintendo's online service is what is offered when I play Star Craft on, which is really basic in terms of functionality for an online service.

Log on with a specific name, do a search, join a room, chat, and than straight to the game.  Of course, there also needs to be the ability to communicate with the people you are playing online.

Nintendo Gaming / RE:Steven Kent "Pulls an IGN"
« on: January 21, 2007, 02:30:41 PM »

Originally posted by: Galford
I said it before and I'll say it again.

Holidays 2007 will be the real test for Nintendo.
If Nintendo can find a solution to Halo 3 and MGS 4 the Wii will do well.
If not expect by 2008 the Wii to suffer the same fate as the GC.

Note: Edited for grammar.

Totally agree with you.

Holidays 2007 will be 1st MAJOR deciding factor as to how ALL 3 consoles turn out.  It doesn't take a genius to figure out that holidays 2007 will essentially be armageddon for all 3 console makers, and will probably be the greatest time to be gamer EVER.

Microsoft and Sony will definitely have at least 2+ AAA titles ready for the holidays so Nintendo must have something ready.  The more and more I think about it, I'm starting to really think that two out of the big three titles - Mario Galaxy, Smash Brothers Brawl, Metroid Prime 3 - will be held off till the holidays solely to combat Microsoft and Sony's big titles.

Nintendo Gaming / RE:VGCats; which game are they criticizing?
« on: January 20, 2007, 02:41:00 AM »

Originally posted by: Dasmos
Who cares? It's VGCats. It's not important.

Some people take things way to seriously these days especially when it comes to video games.

General Gaming / RE: Old question: What PS2 games might I like?
« on: January 17, 2007, 12:41:35 PM »
Guitar F'n Hero 1 and 2.  Its just awesome especially with a buddy.

You can't go wrong with Marvel vs Capcom 2.

General Gaming / RE: RPGs: NOT a group friendly genre
« on: January 17, 2007, 12:37:49 PM »
Hasn't it been obvious since the NES days that traditional RPGs have always been a single player genre?  I'm kind of surprised people are finding this out now when its been very clear for quite some time.

General Gaming / RE:IGN Game and Console of the Year
« on: January 13, 2007, 11:18:02 PM »

Originally posted by: BlkPaladin
Well I can see them giving Okami (the proper spelling is with two o's) the honors since it is truly a work of art. Too bad Capcom butchered the developer that made it.

On the bright side they did give Nintendo the publisher of the year award, which is funny because I don't think they really did give any Nintendo game an honor.

And its IGN what do you expect. As someone said you cant have ignorant without IGN.

Capcom butched Clover?  I don't think so.

Capcom kept funding Clover even though their games were selling like crap.  It just got to the point where they were losing too much money.

Ookami is a perfectly fine choice for Game of the Year and has nothing to do with being a sympathy vote.

I don't agree with the PlayStation 3 getting the Console of the Year since the console has only been out for 2-3 months.

Nintendo Gaming / RE: RUMOR: Square-Enix to sell two franchises
« on: January 12, 2007, 04:19:08 AM »
Nomura ended up putting Kingdom Hearts on the PS2 because it had an enormously larger userbase than that of the GC.  It was all about where he could have earned the largest profit.

Nintendo Gaming / RE: Far Cry is out
« on: December 21, 2006, 01:33:46 AM »

Far Cry is not even close to any high-end Xbox game.  Compare Far Cry Vengence on the Wii to Far Cry Instincts on the Xbox and you can clearly see the Xbox game is far superior to the Wii version.

General Gaming / RE:Dragon Quest VIII
« on: December 18, 2006, 12:41:49 AM »

Originally posted by: pap64
I got the game last Christmas and I wasn't able to get into it. I got stuck in the part where you get Jessica, then you fight a giant octopus. I think I went to grind in order to level up and buy better armor and weapons.

I ended up lending the game to my friend, but I will ask for it. I too have felt like playing through it after the DQ IX announcement.

I think the problem with the game is that it might be a little to old school for some. Personally, I've learned to tolerate grinding, but I know some friends (SB included) that can't stand it. Which is why I hope DQ IX isn't as old school as VIII was.

I'm in the same boat as in the grinding got too out of hand for me.  I'm a big RPG fan and I'm use to grinding, but for some odd reason, the grinding in DQ8 really got on my nerves.

Nintendo Gaming / RE:Katamary Damacy on the Wii?
« on: December 18, 2006, 12:38:26 AM »

Originally posted by: pap64
Go Nintendo posted a newstory about a rumor of 3 new Katamary games coming in 2007, one for the PS3, one for XBOX Live and the other for the Wii.

Keep in mind that this is still a rumor, but considering that Namco has pledged 30 titles for the Wii in 2007, I wouldn't be surprised if one of them was a Katamary game.

Here's the link

What I find surprising is that a while back the creator dismissed the Wii as being a gimmick and looked as if the series would be Sony only for a while. Also, 3 Katamary games? As much as I enjoyed the first game, and had some moderate fun with the second, how in the HELL will they keep the games fresh?

Also, with the news of the PoP game being a wiimake, I wouldn't be surprised if the game turns out to be the first game with new motion based controls.

I doubt any of these 'new' games will have any input from the original creator considering he was against the sequel in the first place.  Any games coming out in the future will have Namco in charge, which might not be the best thing in the world.

And I think you're right, it will probably end up being a port with the wiimote controls slapped onto it.

Nintendo Gaming / RE:Ubi Wants to kick butt and take EA's name
« on: December 16, 2006, 04:03:09 PM »

Originally posted by: The Omen
Ubi has succeeded in taking EA's throne....!  

Yeah, it must have been pretty difficult in pumping out so many poor games.

Nintendo Gaming / RE:Will the Wii have a Quarter 1 drought?
« on: December 16, 2006, 01:07:31 AM »

Originally posted by: pap64
Dude, this is NOTHING compared to the droughts the N64 and GC suffered.

You forget that Ubi has even more games to released, and the titles you mentioned will also see release.

Don't sweat it, it looks bad but it isn't as dramatic onc eyou think back.

I really wouldn't consider anymore games from Ubisoft as 'quality' titles considering how poor their launch titles have been.

I wouldn't consider the current Q1 list as a 'drought', but if it continues into Q2 and beyond with very few titles, than we'll have a problem.

Nintendo Gaming / RE:Far Cry is out
« on: December 14, 2006, 10:32:47 AM »

Originally posted by: Kairon
I'm actually going to buy this. Remember that whole "gameplay over graphics" dare? Well, I'm taking it. I've never played a FarCry game before, but the only complaints I've been hearing from this game are graphical. If that's all that's wrong, then I won't be complaining.

~Carmine M. Red

Besides graphics, you have frame-rate problems, stupid AI, FMVs that are compressed resulting in it looking terrible, only 2-player multiplayer I believe, and crappy music.

There's probably a few more to add to the list.

Nintendo Gaming / RE: Far Cry is out
« on: December 14, 2006, 09:12:24 AM »
It's just another crappy port Ubisoft threw out to get a quick cash grab.  Other than solid controls, everything else is terrible.

Just another game from Ubisoft that should have needed more development time to iron out the problems.

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