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Messages - Nimbus

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Nintendo Gaming / RE:Resident Evil 4 Discussion
« on: February 08, 2004, 01:38:41 AM »
My take on the ghost:
I think that Leon will get infected and slowly turn psychotic (like most infected creature do).  See it as ED sanity meter.
Maybe (but I don't hope so...) the game is based on goals and time.  Like find this before you'll become crazy...  A kind of chemicals that slow the disease.
The only thing I really hope is that there will be a lot of NPC.  I love NPC in Resident Evil.  

Reader Reviews / RE:Splinter Cell Review
« on: February 04, 2004, 04:23:08 AM »
I moslty agree with you.  The game is great, graphic and story wise.  But I consider the trial & error gameplay a major flaw in the game.  This is a stealth game, ok, but even a stealth game must have some kind of balance between scripted event and a bit of freedom.  I enjoyed the game because of the polish but I feel that game should not be 'there's only one exact way to do thing and you must find it'.  To die every 10 second is no fun.  I enjoy to develop my own style of stealth, but with this game, it is near impossible.  The game's poor fix for this flaw is to save very often.  So you'll find yourself trying to get past the same two guys at least a dozen of time without triggering an alarm.  If that was only a small part of the gameplay, this would be forgivable but this is really the core of the game and every false move or creative thinking is prohibited.

I'll give this game a 7 out of 10, just because the game is cool anyway.  The graphics would be ugly it would have get a 3.

Reader Reviews / RE:The Resident Evil (0 to CV:X)
« on: February 03, 2004, 02:48:24 AM »
Maybe my review of Zero was a bit hard...  I loved this game too but this is the only one in the series that didn't drag me in, story wise.  I really don't know why.  Except for the leech zombie, I disliked most of the monster.  I agree that the character swapping is really cool and innovative and so the items dropping.  I feel like Capcom released this game to test the series, try new things and patch as many hole as possible in the story just in preparation of Resident Evil 4.  The only thing I hope is that Billy will make an appearance in RE 4.  And I wish the same thing about Sherry Birkins (I dream of her becoming a bit like Alexia, but a STARS ally).  After all, she is the daughter of William Birkins and she sure have something to settle with Umbrella.  Oh, god, maybe I've played too much games.  Sometimes I feel like talking about Santa Barbara.  Guess this series really own me.  

Reader Reviews / The Resident Evil (0 to CV:X)
« on: February 01, 2004, 05:25:22 PM »

Ok, I've just finished CV:X and I'm finally done with the RE games on the gamecube (still waiting for RE 4).
I will do a quick review of the whole series.  And by quick, I mean it.  Don't expect much detail.  For individual score, see the bottom of my post.  The score won't be detailled since I feel that the score should reflect how I feel about the game as a whole.

First, I played the original RE on the playstation then RE 2 on my N64.  The first time I've played RE 3 and CV:X it was on my Gamecube.  So far I'm very glad to not have based my purchase solely on review, as they can be misleading.

RE:zero: My least favorite. The story is pretty lame (what's the hell with all these leech).  Apart from some scare the scary feeling is absent most of the time.  I way prefer zombies than giants bats and leechs.  However, killer graphic but I feel this one is lacking in the design department.   The length is ok and the game's a bit on the easy side.  See it as Resident Evil for the begginer.  Voice acting superb.  The puzzles feels really uninspired from time to time and some are downright annoying.  The inventory system is great but sometime force you to a bit of backtracking.  The character swapping system is pretty great but beleive me, you will mostly rely on Billy when available.  In game CG are VERY great and Wesker is more evil than ever (I love this man!).  The music often feel out of place.

RE:remake: Maybe the best in the series.  This game have it all: ambience, good story, scary feeling, killer graphic and design.  The design seem to have been pushed to it's limit.  The length is ok and the game's a bit hard.  I died often, the first time around.  This is by no way the same game as before, wich is a plus.  Voice acting superb.  For bad or for good, the strange nonsense puzzles are there too, but I feel they are a great part of RE so I'm not complaining.  CG are great but somewhat stuttering.  Having played Zero before is a plus.

RE:2: This game have the best story of all RE.  The length is ok and the game's a bit hard.   Voice acting pretty good.  CG are a bit grainy.  I love to replay that game with each characters as each one bring a slightly different path.  The NPC are really great.   If you can't stand horrible graphics then this one's not for you.  However, if you can look past it, you're in for a great experience.  The sound is particularly cool in this one.

RE:3: This one is a strange dog. It feel more like a side story than a full fledged RE game.  It is entertaining nonenthless.  I really liked the fact that most of the game is played in the city.  I didn't really liked the story.  The major plus of this game is the sheer number of zombies you'll come across.  Fat one, tiny one...  The graphics are bad but a notch better than those of RE2.  Nemesis is really a great foe.  The sound is pretty good.  Again, if you can't stand the horrible graphics, this one's not for you.  The voice acting is RIDICULOUS!  I mean, who wrote these lines?   The live selection is great but nothing to hold your breath.

Re:CV:X Well, this one is really great.  The story is twisted.  I really dig into it.  The graphics seems a bit washed out but seems to get better by the end of the game.  The sound is good, as the CG.  The length is really great.  The game goes more polygonal and the result is good but not great.  I really like how the camera work in this one.  Fixed but at the same time more dynamic.  Voice acting superb.  Great sense of acomplishment at the end.

So, here's the result:

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