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Messages - The Omen

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Nintendo Gaming / RE:Manhunt 2 from Rockstar? Whoa...
« on: May 23, 2007, 04:21:00 AM »
This whole argument also reminds me of how people speak of the original The Texas Chainsaw Massacre.  It should banned because of the violence, people get their heads lopped off, won't someone think of the children blah blah blah.  When you actually see the film, there's less blood than a CSI episode.  I think our imagination is far more destructive to how we value life in general.  If you have a predisposition to wanting to gut someone, seeing it in a game would be cool to you, and perhaps edge you closer to doing it yourself.  But again, that person was already in that frame of mind anyway.

I don't think anyone with a fairly normal human skill set actually becomes a killer because they watch Friday the 13th films.  I agree with Smash Bro on one point-stupidity can be a problem.  But it is with everything from tv commercials to the news.  You can;'t "protect" society from stupidity, or even viciousness.  It will always exist.  I don't care if we go back to living in caves-we'll still be killing men with our pet rock.

Games, films and music reflect the world we live in, not the other way around.

Nintendo Gaming / RE:Manhunt 2 from Rockstar? Whoa...
« on: May 20, 2007, 12:00:00 PM »

But the way I see it Manhunt is a step in the wrong direction, a game which is living proof that some peopleĀ“s entertainment choices have changed in a very dramatic way from how it all used to be once upon a time...

Yeah, the good old days before that blasted rock and roll littered our kids brains, and then that damn women's movement really set us back.  Lets nor forget about the metal music causing kids to kill themselves...oh yeah, Doom made us into killing machines too!

Give me a break.  You know what has caused the corruption of society?  Lack of responsibility.  Plain and simple.  Why is it that some countries are affected by this "violent media", but others are left wholly indifferent?  Where's your study into that aspect?  There isn't one because it's common sense.  We live in a country where family is a thing of the past.  Kids grow up too quickly now because parents are at work, or out of their lives all together, and they want to lash out.    

Nintendo Gaming / RE:Rygar on Wii
« on: May 14, 2007, 10:49:04 AM »
Rygar is a great NES game.    

I really think this game will need a hard drive or something like that....hmm....

Nintendo Gaming / RE:As much as it pains me....
« on: April 29, 2007, 12:42:08 PM »
The competitor in me makes me play games to beat them, even if I don't particularly feel like playing them.  This inevitably causes a self inflicted backlash for me in which case I usually set the game aside for months at a time.  It kills me in games like Zelda.  I am about %35 into TP, yet I haven't played it in over two months.  The problem then becomes do I remember enough about where I was in the game to pick it up again and enjoy it months later?  Often times I start over only to come to the same conclusion-I haven't the time nor the patience I once did.  I have fun while I'm playing, yet I have a hard time finishing games the size of a typical Zelda.  (the last one I beat was ALttP).  I love Zelda games, but part of me has come to accept the fact that I will probably never beat them from here on out,

So no, you're not alone.

Nintendo Gaming / RE:HDMI for Wii?????
« on: April 21, 2007, 04:16:05 PM »

Originally posted by: thatguy
I don't see what the big deal over HDMI is.  I don't see how slightly better picture and sound is worth basically over a hundred dollars more, when you include the cost of the cables.  I think it's ridiculous.

One of the pluses is saving your component inputs for another device if you only have one set.  

I made Comcast bring me HDMI cables to work with the their digital cable box so that I could hook my Wii up through the component.  For free.

Nintendo Gaming / RE:Official "Virtual Console Mondays" Thread
« on: April 21, 2007, 04:13:56 PM »
You could always buy the actual games if you don't feel like waiting.


Nintendo Gaming / RE:Neo Geo on VC in US.
« on: April 19, 2007, 10:11:07 AM »
I will buy all Neo Geo VC games.  All of them.

TalkBack / RE:PREVIEWS: Resident Evil 4: Wii Edition
« on: April 14, 2007, 09:57:28 AM »
There are really people who didn't like RE4?  

This is a must own for me...I love the GC version and still play it from time to time.


Originally posted by: Professional 666
Joystick said it was boring.  You can lose hope starting NOW.

Their impressions were laughable, weren't they?  At one point the dope says "Once we got beyond the graphics..".  I nearly regurgitated my dinner.  Matt C said the look of Treasure Z was incredible, and this idiot thinks he needs to get "past them".

The game actually reminded me a little bit of the Snes classic The Lost Vikings.  I guess those graphics were Kid E as well.

Well this certainly makes no sense whatsoever.  There were supposed to be new IPs there.  Or perhaps that information is still under embargo?

Treasure Island looks like the money though.

Nintendo Gaming / RE:Manhunt 2 from Rockstar? Whoa...
« on: April 13, 2007, 12:20:28 AM »

   Originally posted by: Smash_Brother
   Damn. Shows little to no actual gameplay footage.

   Ah well.

Shouldn't you be in bed?

Also, aren't you offended that they are doing experiments on YOUR people??

I hope you're not implying what I think you are.


Originally posted by: Smoke39

Originally posted by: ryancoke
3D Bionic Commando would be sweet!

That would be awesome.  Grappling hook action is unique and a lot of fun.  It's what the game project I'm working on at DigiPen this year is based around.  I don't know why so few games make extensive use of the mechanic.

I thought Mega Man Legends was kinda cool, though the controls could really use some work.

Bionic Commando 3d would be sweet, wouldn't it?

Matt C said he would have news Friday/tomorrow.  Maybe there's some sort of embargo until then.  Which doesn't make sense, I know, but he did say Friday.


Originally posted by: BlackNMild2k1
Is Assassins Creed coming to DS & Wii?

Well according to Kotaku, Gamestop & Gamefly have the DS version listed for a September '07 release and are offering pre-order/rental options, but according to NeoGAF there was a leaked list that also had it listed for the Wii.

That leaked list was months ago before the Wii was released, then promptly removed.  All the games on the list have come out, or have been announced.  So maybe it is coming out.

Nintendo Gaming / RE:EA plays catch-up on the Wii
« on: April 10, 2007, 06:02:23 AM »
To be fair to EA, I completely understand the reasons behind their late start.  When their games were released on the GC, like NCAA football, it would literally sell 30k copies.  That's a huge bomb.  All of their sports titles sold at basically a 10% clip of what they sold on Xbox and PS2.  10%!  That's ridiculous!    

From game tester land, or, a little birdie told me:

A new FPS from Free Radical is supposedly making waves through the grapevine of the game tester underground.  As you know, EA published Timesplitters:FP (I was testing Madden while that game was being tested in the lan area of the building) So knowing there's still a few friendly connections staff-wise, I am inclined to believe at least some of this.   Apparently Free Radical now have a deal with Ubisoft and they have an exclusive Wii FPS in the alpha stages.  The excitement going around about this top secret game is magnified because some think it's actually Timesplitters 4.

Why is Nascar 08 being held back from the Wii?  I don't was underway with online component and everything.  Perhaps it's scrapped until next year, or perhaps Nintendo doesn't want devs to announce any online enabled games yet?  Either way, I'm surprised.

A famous Capcom classic getting the Wii treatment?  An interesting tidbit out of sunny Capcom HQ, via email. "On **, the primary thinking was to follow the Metroid Prime transition from 2d to 3d, with perhaps some 3rd person spliced in.  It was a quick discussion but intriguing anyway.  Of course **** (name) wasn't supposed to squawk, but yeah, there it is.  But this type of talk is frequent with top brass, and a lot of times nothing comes of it.  But some times...."  Take this one lightly, but it sure sounded like a great idea.

Nintendo Gaming / RE:5 reasons why Dead Rising should be on the Wii
« on: April 07, 2007, 04:59:54 PM »

Originally posted by: Donutt007
But the reality of it ain't happening.

Capcom BBS

Is this the Sven post you were talking about?


The answer is Dead Rising and Lost Planet are not slated to appear on Wii or PS3 as far as current plans go. The reasons for this are quite convoluted and I'm bound by NDAs on these matters so I can't divulge why this is the situation.

That's not the one.  But that makes it sound like MS has paid for the exclusiveness of DR which unfortunately is always a possibility.  Then again, when have Capcom ever gave an exclusive agreement for the life of the console to anyone?  It could be a timed exclusive...which would make it technically true that DR is not slated to appear on any other console.  Because 1)they can't say even if it is, and 2) perhaps it wasn't scheduled for the Wii at the time.

I still hear things from people who work in the industry and like to report them here.  I'm not bound by any NDAs when it comes to rumors on other developers(though I have broke a few about EA).  Doesn't mean DR to Wii will definitely happen, but it's worth noting.

Nintendo Gaming / RE:Official "Virtual Console Mondays" Thread
« on: April 07, 2007, 05:32:16 AM »

Originally posted by: ShreddersDojo
What about that Road runner game for the SNES?  That was fun.. I can't even remember who released it

Sunsoft, if memory serves.  I don't know where they are now...

Nintendo Gaming / RE:Mass USB Storage...HDD???
« on: April 06, 2007, 01:08:21 PM »
from what I can tell it allows for a usb storage device to function through the usb port.  Or I'm completely wrong...

Nintendo Gaming / RE:5 reasons why Dead Rising should be on the Wii
« on: April 06, 2007, 01:06:59 PM »

Originally posted by: Smash_Brother
I remember at one point, I took a mannequin torso and cleared out near 40 zombies to save a girl who was being attacked by them. Obviously, this required some pretty intense button mashing.

I just can't see that happening on the Wii, but the tactile experience of slicing through a horde of zombies with the Wiimote-katana would be...stirring.

Just one reason I'm curious to try the Scarface chainsaw controls.

The easiest way around this is to zoom in the camera angle to show less on screen at once, which would still make it appear chaotic.  Or, zoom out further so the zombies can lack graphical detail.

I mean, lets be serious-the A.I. in DR isn't good...and they're zombies so the AI shoudln't be good anyway!

Nintendo Gaming / RE:Official Wii Sales Thread
« on: April 06, 2007, 08:45:46 AM »
Do we have any numbers for The Godfather yet?  

Nintendo Gaming / RE:5 reasons why Dead Rising should be on the Wii
« on: April 06, 2007, 08:45:09 AM »

Instead, I would like to see Mii implementation utilizing the characteristics of the Miis, but in a realistic way to generate "human"-looking characters (as suggested a while back when the concept of "Mii" was first announced).

Yeah, I got you.  Like a face mapping feature.


I am holding you to this Omen. HOLDING!

Hopefully after the 12th, we'll know for sure.  But I do hear rumblings...


He's with EA, not Capcom.

I can neither confirm nor deny this information.  But I can say people know people who know far as I can tell, Dead Rising is coming...  

Nintendo Gaming / RE:5 reasons why Dead Rising should be on the Wii
« on: April 06, 2007, 04:34:36 AM »
For the record, Sven at the Capcom forums did hint it may be coming.

So I'll add this:  Dead Rising will be coming to Wii with a few bonuses.  The presentation will be downgraded from the 360 version, but the way they're doing it makes it tough to see the differences.

You shall see.

Nintendo Gaming / RE:Official "Virtual Console Mondays" Thread
« on: April 05, 2007, 07:57:30 AM »

Originally posted by: Ian Sane
"Wonder Boy was originally a sort of answer to Adventure Island. In fact, the first one is damn near a ripoff, complete with scateboard and crap. It's the Giana Sisters to Mario Brothers."

I'm pretty certain it's the opposite.  Wonder Boy is the original and Adventure Island is the copy.  A dev named Escape designed Wonder Boy for Sega and then wanted to port it to the NES with Hudson publishing.  Sega owned the rights to Wonder Boy himself but not the specific game levels or enemies so Escape just used a different character and made Adventure Island.  Everywhere I've read about this says that Wonder Boy is the original.  Hell even the link you have to Hardcore Gaming 101 supports this.


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