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Messages - Agitha

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Well folks, I, your humble SATISFIED ACCESSORY COLLECTOR don't know this happy mask salesman person y'all seem to be gettin' up in arms about, but I reckon y'all seem like good wholesome people, and would know better.  What kind of peculiar folk would be interested in just rare and interesting MASKS when there's so many other interesting accessories and doodads to find and sell for a healthy profit.

I'm with ya!  Vote Happy Mask Salesman

Hmm Suicidal townie? Mafia member using bomb as a shield, Majora using bomb as a shield or actual bomb mask?   

Which is more likely based on how the day has gone down so far?  I am leaning towards either Mafia member or Majora using bomb as a shield.

I think I will go after Happy Mask Salesman for today.  Their posts always seem to be focused on masks almost obsessively so.

Vote Happy Mask Salesman

Okay so at this point I believe an inactive player is Majora.      Linebeck, Happy Mask Salesman and Cia are on my list as possible Majora. We have 2.5 days to find Majora if there hasn't been any time foolery.  That .5 is for night actions on the 7th day by the by.

Also full disclosure. I am a normal townie. So if the Mafia and Savage Lynel Bow want to target someone else and help find Majora that would be great. 

If you are the bomber than I am happy to take you out of the game so the game can go about normally.

Vote tally.

King of the Red Lions- 1.

Vote Fi   

I knew since Day 3 that there was something going on with Fi and how she stayed alive from the members that I contacted at the start of the game. I contacted all the females since us gals have to stick together but really the only players alive from that batch of players is Cia, Fi and Mipha.

Great Fairy, Navi and Epona are gone and I have a feeling that either Cia or Mipha may be next. 

Wait you had girls club without me?  (Cuccos are hens right???)

You know I think I might of done that.  I think I sent the PM just after you tried to eat my wonderful subjects on the 1st day.

Vote Fi   

I knew since Day 3 that there was something going on with Fi and how she stayed alive from the members that I contacted at the start of the game. I contacted all the females since us gals have to stick together but really the only players alive from that batch of players is Cia, Fi and Mipha.

Great Fairy, Navi and Epona are gone and I have a feeling that either Cia or Mipha may be next. 

Oh wow I was targeted last night!! This pretty much confirms me to be a townie or if I were to make a stretch one of the 3rd parties and I just so happened to be protected. In any case I am just going to mention that it is kinda interesting how the votes seem to tie up yesterday. I was thinking of changing my vote from Ravio to Dampe just so I could be in the deciding vote out but decided against it because I felt that Dampe wasn't going to be one of my targets at this point in the game with the knowledge I had of him.   I was actually expecting there to be a use of the spirit flute so someone could be voted out but then I thought maybe there wasn't a use of the flute was because it would be a way to stifle who gets rupees and the possibility of a Mafia/3rd party  getting some could of been bad for the townies.

In any case it is day 4 and now only 4 days remain till the moon crashes down on all of us. So it might be a good idea to see who might be Majora and how a player who just needs to survive to a certain point and how they would act.  If I think about that role I figure a player would try to be benefical   to both townies and Mafia.

Awww my lovely Link Link always trying to make this quest much more enjoyable for everyone and keeping denizen excite for the quest.   By the by Link Link I love the story so far!!

Current Vote Tally:

Ravio - 3
Dampe - 2
Hestu - 2
Tingle - 1

That is where the votes stand now.

Oh what an adorable doggie BowWow is.   I would love to find them and play with them in an island paradise.

Okay I would like to know why the players that are; why are you voting alongside me for Ravio?

For now I believe I will make a placeholder vote for Ravio.  Vote Ravio  The way the first day went down and the followup on day 2 gives me pause.

Okay so Dark Link wasn't the bomb mask like I was initially thinking. I guess Dark Links behavior makes sense in retrospect.  So with the bug net being revealed this is a good and a bad thing.  Good in that those who received no PM at the start of the game can be certain of their role but Bad because it means that townies don't have any protection from being killed outright.   So with that in mind if any players want to contact me if they didn't receive a PM at the start of the game I am sure we can get something going.

Oh my lots of arguing and finger pointing happening now. This is like when my spiders go after little grasshoppers.  Speaking of spiders I did receive a letter from Moblin about spiders and I wrote back and then didn't hear anything else from Moblin. 

Fi is using PMs to prove a point and that is generally not an ethical move in this game of Mafia.

All I am hearing back and forth is finger pointing and a few things stand out to me which give me pause...

So someone told Moblin that he was searched and came back Mafia so I ask this question.  If the Lens of truth found a player why have I not heard from either the lens of Truth or from someone who the Lens of Truth trusts like I requested last night?   Why am I hearing about this in the thread instead of PM.

Another thing is Fi is claiming that everyone that has been in contact with her has been messaged by Moblin about an alliance. I have really only received one PM from Moblin and that was about spiders. So I am not sure where Fi is getting this info that Moblin wanted an alliance.   

Also the posts from a select few players is giving me concern from near the end of Day 1 and this whole thing on Day 2.

So at this point I am thinking of where I really want my vote to go.

Also sorry for not being around for most of the day.  I was spending time with a good friend today. Saw a movie and did some shopping.

Okay so I think the best course of action is to keep votes low to try and avoid much loss via bomb mask
Crakalaka! The only problem with that is that it may give the baddies an easier time to control the votes. It's certainly a dangerous situation any way you look at it! Dangery danger!
It is true that is a possibility of happening.   But at the same time joining votes may be the easiest way to vote out Majora's Mask. All of us are on a timer until Day 8 or Majora's Mask is gone from the game.
Feels like there's a push against Dark Link and I'd like to hear some reasoning on it.

Well I think Dark Link is trying to hard to cause strife with other players and I think he WANTS to be voted out. Like if he were in my kingdom he would want to destroy all my bugs because that is just how he works and main purpose.   That is my reasoning on it.

Great the Great Fairy is out of the game.

So I haven't had all the time I needed to PM everyone about this idea so I am just going to throw this out here in the open.

So my idea is a way to avoid the bomb mask in the vote. Basically we do a mock vote.  How this works is we type Mock Vote and a players name and hopefully we can get majority with those mock votes and then we wait a little bit and then make our votes bold to make the votes count and end the day and hopefully vote out a baddie and avoid the bomb mask.

So this games lucky mock vote is Dampe. So majority is 9 votes so we only need 9 mock votes for this to work.

Mock Vote Dampe.

Okay so here is the jist of the mock vote. I am going to try and explain this as simply as I can.

So first a little primer on which votes count. Only bolded votes count as a vote. Okay. So doing a Mock vote and the vote not being bolded means that we are only stating our intention to vote for said person. We take the time while the mock votes are being posted to gather more info on said person and other players so we can be sure to not vote out the bomber and possibly find a mafia member or a 3rd party member that isn't the bomber.  So once majority has been reached with the 9 mock votes that are not actual votes yet we can discuss if we want to vote out that person or someone else based on the info we have gathered. Then we can make our votes bold and we have a strong voting block to end the day.

 Plus a bonus to this is there really isn't a way for the mafia to upset the mock vote since if they try to go against it they will out themselves. They either have to vote along with the mock vote or just not do any votes.  Both can be used as a way to pick out voting patterns.

 Plus this can be a benefit to the Mafia and any 3rd party who isn't Majora's Mask who only needs to survive till Day 8 starts who would win  automatically if not voted out or killed before then. No wins for anyone else if Majora Mask lives till then.

I hope that was explained well for everyone.


Okay so here is the jist of the mock vote. I am going to try and explain this as simply as I can.

So first a little primer on which votes count. Only bolded votes count as a vote. Okay. So doing a Mock vote and the vote not being bolded means that we are only stating our intention to vote for said person. We take the time while the mock votes are being posted to gather more info on said person and other players so we can be sure to not vote out the bomber and possibly find a mafia member or a 3rd party member that isn't the bomber.  So once majority has been reached with the 9 mock votes that are not actual votes yet we can discuss if we want to vote out that person or someone else based on the info we have gathered. Then we can make our votes bold and we have a strong voting block to end the day.

 Plus a bonus to this is there really isn't a way for the mafia to upset the mock vote since if they try to go against it they will out themselves. They either have to vote along with the mock vote or just not do any votes.  Both can be used as a way to pick out voting patterns.

 Plus this can be a benefit to the Mafia and any 3rd party who isn't Majora's Mask who only needs to survive till Day 8 starts who would win  automatically if not voted out or killed before then. No wins for anyone else if Majora Mask lives till then.

I hope that was explained well for everyone.

You really must want to be voted out if you are trying to pick apart this idea and be so petty and passive aggressive and I am perfectly fine with taking you down. 

unVote Dark Link

Okay so I think the best course of action is to keep votes low to try and avoid much loss via bomb mask and try and find Majora's Mask and vote them out or if we are lucky kill them via night actions.   Also if the Lens of truth feels safe letting me know who you searched and results either yourself of through another player that you think is a safe option and have them let me know that would be great.

Oh and with that it is time to drift off into slumberland.... 

I think with the way this game is set up everyone is going to try and stay alive as long as they can. I mean there is multiple ways to die so I think it would be beneficial for everyone to work together at least until Majora's Mask is out of the game so everyone can focus on their win conditions. I mean do we want to try and argue about what is the best way to go about avoiding the bomb mask while trying to find Majora's Mask or do we all want to try and stay alive and win?

Okay so here is the jist of the mock vote. I am going to try and explain this as simply as I can.

So first a little primer on which votes count. Only bolded votes count as a vote. Okay. So doing a Mock vote and the vote not being bolded means that we are only stating our intention to vote for said person. We take the time while the mock votes are being posted to gather more info on said person and other players so we can be sure to not vote out the bomber and possibly find a mafia member or a 3rd party member that isn't the bomber.  So once majority has been reached with the 9 mock votes that are not actual votes yet we can discuss if we want to vote out that person or someone else based on the info we have gathered. Then we can make our votes bold and we have a strong voting block to end the day.

 Plus a bonus to this is there really isn't a way for the mafia to upset the mock vote since if they try to go against it they will out themselves. They either have to vote along with the mock vote or just not do any votes.  Both can be used as a way to pick out voting patterns.

 Plus this can be a benefit to the Mafia and any 3rd party who isn't Majora's Mask who only needs to survive till Day 8 starts who would win  automatically if not voted out or killed before then. No wins for anyone else if Majora Mask lives till then.

I hope that was explained well for everyone.


Okay lets look at votes from Day 1 in order and from whom towards whom.

Ravio voted for the Happy Mask Salesman at on the 10th of Oct and unvoted the vote on the 12th about 45 mins before the day was suppose to close.

Cucco voted for King of the red lions on the 10th and then their vote was changed to Happy Mask salesman by the spirit flute during night actions.

Hetsu voted for linebeck the 11th and unvoted later that night and made a vote for Happy Mask Salesman.

Dark Link voted for Link Link  just after midnight on the 12th.

Tingle voted for Dark Link about a hour after that.

Mipha voted for Hetsu around 1:33.

HMS voted for Hetsu around 6 am on the 12th.

Navi made it a tie with a KIng of the red lions vote about 6:30 am. 

As mentioned up above Ravio voted for the King of the red lions about 45 mins before thread was locked.

So I am a bit curious as to the ties and tie breaks from the last few players.     Its interesting.

Great the Great Fairy is out of the game.

So I haven't had all the time I needed to PM everyone about this idea so I am just going to throw this out here in the open.

So my idea is a way to avoid the bomb mask in the vote. Basically we do a mock vote.  How this works is we type Mock Vote and a players name and hopefully we can get majority with those mock votes and then we wait a little bit and then make our votes bold to make the votes count and end the day and hopefully vote out a baddie and avoid the bomb mask.

So this games lucky mock vote is Dampe. So majority is 9 votes so we only need 9 mock votes for this to work.

Mock Vote Dampe.

Upon returning home I look in the mail and see a couple of letters and is saddened I didn't get many letters today.  "I guess I will have to send out more invites to all the lovely denizen. " sigh even that cucco....

Oh my where did the sun go? It is so dark out now.   Not much time till the morning and more adventures. 

Really the only prize I need is my sweet and adorable grasshopper Link Link.

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