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Messages - MagicToenail

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Nintendo Gaming / RE: Zelda Bonus Disc....?
« on: November 16, 2003, 01:10:12 PM »
I already know what the bonus disc contains, and nintendos plan on releasing it, I was saying I didnt know why there would be so many of the games on their (for those who bothered to read the link). But upon further inspection of reading the link, I found that those games would all be in a retrospective. Also, I'm in no way new to the Zelda series, I've still got my version of The Adventure of Link for the NES. Oh well, the link still explains whats on the disc and it explains some of the glitches in Majoras Mask. It's a good read.

Nintendo Gaming / Zelda Bonus Disc....?
« on: November 16, 2003, 12:02:05 PM »

i dont know how to do the link thing so there is the address. It says that there are 7 or 8 zelda games on there. Can anyone confirm or deny this? It also has new information concerning gameplay of the disc.  


Originally posted by: Namic56
Hey I am thinking about buying a GC. I have an xbox now with xbox live......its AWESOME! But I also miss mario! I think I killed my SNES with some ESD! OOPS! So now it does wierd things when I try to play! :'( ! So anyways I was wondering what good games are out for the GC? Ones that aren't also coming out for xbox because if they will I would buy them for my box. I want Nintendo games that are only on the GC. So what good mario games are out there? Star wars games? Will the GC ever be online? If so how much? Also what else is necessary to have a GC besides buying the console itself?

I just want to get all my facts straight before I buy!


My friend who is an xbox fanboy is thinking about getting a gamecube, although he often calls it lamecube and makes obsene "crotch jokes" because of the different sizes of the consoles. It's funny how many people like gamecube but dont admit it in public.                        
- Games That are must Buys:
Wind Waker
Super Mario Sunshine
Super Smash Brothers Melee
Mariokart Double Dash!!
- Xbox owners might like:
Rogue Squadron
1080 Avalanche
Metroid Prime (very enjoyable game)
F-Zero GX
Eternal Darkness
Also, get a wavebird

Nintendo Gaming / RE:Mario Kart Discussion (TALK ABOUT MARIO KART HERE)
« on: November 03, 2003, 06:03:36 AM »
Who do you guys plan on playing with, I will hopefully be playing with Birdo and (spoilers) petey pirahna.

Nintendo Gaming / RE:Mario Kart Discussion (TALK ABOUT MARIO KART HERE)
« on: October 29, 2003, 09:46:24 AM »

SPOILERS!!! Thanks to KnowsNothing

9) Diddy Kong - Purple train
10) Waluigi - Purple with a "W" on the side
11) Baby Mario - Blue baby carriage
12) Baby Luigi - Green baby carriage
13) Birdo - Pink kart with large Birdo head
14) Paratroopa - Red shelled kart with wings
15) Daisy - Classic yellow kart
16) Baby Bowser - Bullet Bill kart

17) Toad - Traditional blue kart
18) Toadette - Traditional pink kart
19) Petey Piranha - Green pipe kart
20) Boo - Gray pipe kart

Nintendo Gaming / Warp Pipe Project
« on: October 26, 2003, 03:30:22 AM »
Does anyone know about this? I dont have Kirby Air Ride, but when I get Mario Kart next month ill be sure to buy a broadband adapter. Besides a broadband adapter, what else do you need to hook up to your PC? Is anyone going to do this?

Nintendo Gaming / RE: Mario Kart Discussion (TALK ABOUT MARIO KART HERE)
« on: October 21, 2003, 10:02:16 AM »
Toad has been confirmed!!!!!

Nintendo Gaming / RE: Nintendo to release 40gb hard drive for gcn
« on: October 18, 2003, 05:22:47 AM »
say wha? I just found this on a website, im not saying its true, i think its bs too. Also, My Forum name does not reflect my intelligence

Nintendo Gaming / RE: Nintendo to release 40gb hard drive for gcn
« on: October 17, 2003, 01:24:09 PM » has also posted an article about nintendo's new "memory device". Its basically the same thing.

Nintendo Gaming / RE:Nintendo to release 40gb hard drive for gcn
« on: October 16, 2003, 11:56:41 AM »
I think I read somewhere, probabaly, that nintendo planned on releasing extra donkey konga disks for expansion, maybe this will have to do with donkey konga?

Nintendo Gaming / RE:Nintendo to release 40gb hard drive for gcn
« on: October 16, 2003, 11:02:12 AM »

Originally posted by: Berny
Ooo...hey would this by any chance be planned for the other connectormabob on the bottom of the cube? Sounds cool. They will get ripped apart though for "copying" M$...

on one hand no, because Ps2 is going to have one
on the other hand it's gamecube so.....  

Nintendo Gaming / Nintendo to release 40gb hard drive for gcn
« on: October 16, 2003, 10:47:54 AM »
i dont know how accurate this is, but i just read on gamecube cafe that nintendo plans on making this announcement soon. I for one wish that it could be true, im sick of buying so many memory cards. Maybe PGC will come up with an answer shortly, probabaly a rumor though.

Nintendo Gaming / RE: Super smash bros. melee help
« on: October 13, 2003, 03:51:12 AM »
On pgc's codes section, it says that you can do some weird spin move to make samus have a longer grappling hook, can anyone confirm this? also does anyone know how to catch items that have been thrown at you or reflect blasts back at an enemy by only using your shiedl?

General Chat / RE: retiring
« on: October 10, 2003, 02:02:01 PM »
also, didnt one of the presidents of sega quit, and when i say retiring i mean quitting from their previous jobs. Maybe they're all forming a super company.... megaton?

General Chat / retiring
« on: October 10, 2003, 10:30:27 AM »
has anybody noticed how many people seem to be retiring? HAL's producer, the guy from capcom, and the guy from lucasarts. Also, hasnt there been a few more employees from nintendo that "retired"? Do you think this has anything to do with nintendo's big announcement?

Should i get madden 2003 (15$) or madden 2004(45$), also what are the connectivity features for both? I really want to know because the only game my family will play with me is mario kart, so until that comes out i want one to play with my dad.

Nintendo Gaming / RE: Mario Kart Discussion (TALK ABOUT MARIO KART HERE)
« on: October 06, 2003, 12:23:01 PM »
The Bonus disc is to conclude "GameStop has announced the latest details on the Mario Kart: Double Dash!! bonus disc. According to the online the disc will contain the following content:

5 mini games from Mario Party 5

Playable F-Zero GX demo

Fire Emblem content that includes unlockable weapons, abilities and new music

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles playable demo featuring Leonardo
Star Wars Rebel Strike III Hoth level playable demo

Sonic Heroes playable demo featuring 2 levels and 3 characters and 7 all new movies" ,
pretty awesome, ive been thinking about getting GX and TMNT

Nintendo Gaming / Games that should be remade for the cube
« on: September 22, 2003, 12:23:05 PM »
IMO, RUSH and Joe and Mac should be remade no questions asked.
I know alot of people think that Kid Icarus should be, but ive never played it.

Nintendo Gaming / RE: Mario Kart Discussion (TALK ABOUT MARIO KART HERE)
« on: August 28, 2003, 05:08:06 AM »
Gamecube advanced has said that they emailed nintendo, and they said that there are no plans to include an emulated version of mariokart 64 with Double Dash at this time. So there is some hope but if they dont it's too bad because, that wouldve been awesome.

Nintendo Gaming / RE: Mario Kart Discussion (TALK ABOUT MARIO KART HERE)
« on: August 27, 2003, 10:16:42 AM »
didnt they just say that it would be an n64 game that would be the bonus disk?

Nintendo Gaming / RE: "Suprising and Unique"
« on: August 09, 2003, 01:15:15 PM »
Does anyone remember the old power glove for NES? I still use that all the time, along with my virtual boy. The Virtual Reality concept wouild be awesome. You could have glasses and just like whoever said, when you turn your head its like turning the camera, and the power glove could be a part of it too. You would see the action first hand and your friends would see it  on the screen. Nintendo could sell BILLIONS!!! BILLIOONS!!!

Nintendo Gaming / RE: Game Console Skins
« on: August 07, 2003, 05:10:40 AM »
I just thought of sometihng. Well I finally realized that I, and everyone else who has a gamecube, could use 2. So I've decided to tell my friend I can get him wind waker for 40$ brand new, while I pay another 40 for a black gcn and matching controller. So I might switch my gameconsole skin to the black one as well as the gbp, and use my indigo when I want to do something like tingle tuner with two tvs. So Instead of just buying a new controller for 20$ Ill just get a gcn and a controller for 40$ (refurbished) from gamestop. What do you think?

Nintendo Gaming / RE: Game Console Skins
« on: August 06, 2003, 03:52:40 PM »
actually i finished it in about 20 minutes, and nothing was that "dramatizing"

Nintendo Gaming / RE: Game Console Skins
« on: August 06, 2003, 03:20:10 PM »

Nintendo Gaming / Game Console Skins
« on: August 06, 2003, 02:42:19 PM »
I recently ordered a game console skin ( ). They just change your console to a different color. I got a chrome colored skin which i have just applied today. Its looks pretty nice, although it would look better in jet. I read a forum a while ago where someone asked about these, and if anyone had a picture. So, I should shortly be posting an image. In the meantime, has anyone else bought one of these, or know of anyone with these? What did they think? Ok ill post it shortly.

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