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Messages - NotΚhushrenada

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The funny stuff don't enter into it. It's stone dead.

NWR Forums Discord / Re: Hey whoa
« on: March 19, 2015, 11:15:41 AM »
I doubt that, if Khushrenada tried to take someone hostage it'd all go horribly awry and he'd end up tied up himself, over the course what I assume would be a hilarious series of events.

Does someone need the hostage taking of services I can do?

NWR Forums Discord / Re: I'm FREE! Free at last!
« on: March 11, 2015, 03:45:04 AM »
*At this point, you'll just have to imagine an awesome transformation sequence with NotKhushrenada gaining this power while I've Got The Power by Snap plays in the background. Unfortunately, we blew the special effects budget on the forum rift and Streetpass Hat thread desecration and the Kickstarter we created to help spring for the special effects failed to meet the transformation sequence goal so this is really on you people. I guess I'll keep this limited edition Snap poster for myself.  :-\*

NWR Forums Discord / Re: I'm FREE! Free at last!
« on: March 11, 2015, 03:27:31 AM »
It is alright. Most posters here never get a chance to have such a great character arc. They either fade away or rage quit. I want to go out the hero before I become the villain.  :)

NWR Forums Discord / Re: I'm FREE! Free at last!
« on: March 11, 2015, 03:21:40 AM »

No! I can not stand by and watch you make such the beautiful sacrifice. If you do this, you will leave such a hole in these forums. I love the forums too but I know I could never be as the great as you. You must be to staying here. I will be the one to make the beautiful sacrifice. It was my fault accepting the kidnapping job from Anti-Khushrenada that got us all into this great big but highly entertaining and really well written job. Seriously. You should be getting a Webby Award for this high calibre class of story. It is only right I do my part as well to fix this. Plus, I am still the greatly upset over how Anti-Khushrenada beat me in a fight once before. I want the rematch with this jerky jerk face. Give me the power!

NWR Forums Discord / Re: I'm FREE! Free at last!
« on: March 11, 2015, 02:21:30 AM »
You very repulsive person.  >:(

NWR Forums Discord / Re: I'm FREE! Free at last!
« on: March 11, 2015, 02:07:21 AM »
Never have I met such a jerky jerk face as your jerky jerk face. You are the jerky jerk face of all the jerky jerk faces in the world. And you jackass on top of it!  >:(

This is good forum with good people. When I first come here, I not know anybody. They treat me a bit rough. They upset with the Khushrenada kidnapping. But I am upset with the whole Khushrenada kidnapping so I understand. I forgive them and they forgive me. Now, we all part of one big community of good posters. Except you. You have been the big pointing stick of conflict here. I no understand.  :-\

NWR Forums Discord / Re: Hired Get
« on: March 10, 2015, 02:49:09 AM »

NWR Forums Discord / Re: Who are the five ring holders?
« on: March 10, 2015, 02:47:27 AM »
Gasp! The shock! You make me part of this community?! NotKhushrenada is the touched! That seals the contract! NotKhushrenada is a proud to be an NWR member!  ;D

NWR Forums Discord / Re: Who are the five ring holders?
« on: March 10, 2015, 02:00:37 AM »
Why does the Captain Khushrenada get the custom title? I have been around these forums longer and yet I have I have not gained such a honor?  :'(

NWR Forums Discord / Re: Who are the five ring holders?
« on: March 10, 2015, 01:45:15 AM »
Look at the Original Post in Hired Get! Khushrenada wants us to shoot the Anti-Khushrenada laser at that thread!  :o

NWR Forums Discord / Re: Who are the five ring holders?
« on: March 10, 2015, 01:24:48 AM »
It is this one: Hired Get.

It appears Khushrenada has been trapped there since the Friday after entering the rift. He has been unable to make the post anywhere else and gave the rest of the forum the chance to find him for 3 days in a sort of special game but no one clued in or gave the crap to do so.  :'(

NWR Forums Discord / Re: Who are the five ring holders?
« on: March 10, 2015, 01:02:56 AM »
Well, the Captain is a bit... saltier than I expected.  :-[

NWR Forums Discord / Re: Who are the five ring holders?
« on: March 10, 2015, 12:20:59 AM »
This good! Already forum members are starting to lose their marbles all around us from this forum rift. Look at what is happening with Lucariofan99 and Marvel_moviefan_2012. I guess it should not be surprising since the word fan comes from fanatic showing one is already a bit extreme. It is NotKhushrenada you can thank for that little tidbit of knowledge.

But wait! This bad! Who are the ring bearers?

NWR Forums Discord / Re: Who are the five ring holders?
« on: March 10, 2015, 12:15:09 AM »
Wait! I have bring the good news! I have found Khushrenada. I was on last string of hope and didn't think I'd ever locate him but near the end of his posts, I found the one he is trapped in. It is a thread of many, many, years ago. As such, the power needed to bump it is too great for me. I don't know who could possible bump it?

NWR Forums Discord / Re: I don't do drugs
« on: March 09, 2015, 03:46:08 PM »
What have I done to upset you? I post the positive comment and show how we kinderd spirits and you suddenly reject me? I think you are the one most unwelcome because of your unwelcoming attitude towards the welcome people who should be welcomed with a welcoming attitude instead of the unwelcoming attitude that you have shown because of your unwelcoming spirit which you could change to become a welcoming spirit but you do not because you are unwelcome to the idea of changing to a welcoming attitude so you unwelcome the idea and then become unwelcoming to other people because you are so unwelcome yourself which wouldn't be bad if the person you are being unwelcoming too is also unwelcoming themselves but that is not the case because the person you are being unwelcoming too is welcome and welcoming so you have made grievous error. For shame.

You're welcome.

UncleBob is sadly an impediment to fun on these forums.  :'(

NWR Forums Discord / Re: YESSS!!!! I AM FREE!!!!
« on: March 09, 2015, 01:02:02 AM »
Phew. I have boughten the time we need for now.

Yes, our heroic heroes are still waiting to see if anyone will show up to claim their ringbearer status so the story takes one more day to complete. At least it gives the rest of the forum a chance to catch up on things and catch this one time only Funhouse experience before it is over.

Remember, all involved in this production are volunteers and we greatly appreciate anything you may be willing to donate to help us with the costs incurred for this production. We'll also be performing in Tuscon, Arizona on Mar. 18th and Providence, Rhode Island on Mar. 23 so if you would like to see an encore act or recommend us to any friends or family you have at those locations, we'd greatly appreciate it. We're here for the fans.

Finally, the writer for this story would like to state that he wanted to take the distraction joke a bit further. After NotKhushrenada shows Anti-Khushrenada the acceptably looking man, Anti-Khushrenada would sigh and remind NotKhushrenada that he is the still the Anti-Khushrenada to which NotKhushrenada would then introduce him to a cow and then the Anti-Khushrenada would be willing to put the laser show on hold. However, the writer is fully aware that he is on a razor's edge of risk with some of the elements this story has already involved and so he made the cut to the joke you see now. Have to pick your battles and best not to keep pushing on everything and he was quite worried over already posting an image of an attractive lady and semi-fit gentleman and the reception that may cause.

NWR Forums Discord / Re: YESSS!!!! I AM FREE!!!!
« on: March 09, 2015, 12:50:22 AM »
I see....

Then how about:

NWR Forums Discord / Re: YESSS!!!! I AM FREE!!!!
« on: March 09, 2015, 12:47:29 AM »
*I must stop the Anti-Khushrenada from laser shoot but how? I must buy more of the time to find Khushrenada. Thus, I must make the distraction...... Of course!*

Before you shoot laser, I have something I think you would want to take the look at:

NWR Forums Discord / Re: YESSS!!!! I AM FREE!!!!
« on: March 09, 2015, 12:39:44 AM »

NWR Forums Discord / Re: I had an evil plan.
« on: March 08, 2015, 11:38:36 PM »
If there is a somebody who is very good at the finding of a somebody, it is NotKhushrenada! I will try to also search and look for the missing person of the milk carton that is the NWR Funhouse forum.

NWR Forums Discord / Re: Who are the five ring holders?
« on: March 08, 2015, 09:50:10 PM »
Oh my head. What a night! What a weekend of unconsciousness.

Now you has done it, Anti-Khushrenada. You has made me the very angry bird! It is NotKhushrenada who wants the revenge! For the first time in my criminal life, I will take on the job of murder for free because it is I who is hiring myself to kill you. Thus, for me to hire myself, it would make no sense to charge myself because then I would just have to give myself back the monies. Therefore, I will not charge myself anything and in this way I will not have to take out some monies only to then put it back in to the bank account I took it from because I was paying myself. By not paying myself, I will not have to go through this extra step to put back monies that were always mine. Of course, I could do that just to keep up the record of always getting money for murder but this will make the occasion most momentous if I do not take payment. I do not have to take payment because it is myself that is the employer which is something I have explained so there should be no question as to who has hired me and why I am doing the job for free. I will take down Anti-Khushrenada because I have hired myself to do so freely!

So, how can I help?

NWR Forums Discord / Re: I don't do drugs
« on: March 08, 2015, 09:41:51 PM »

Alright. Someone else who speak the English top class as like me.

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