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Messages - leroypantweather

Pages: 1 [2] 3 4
for what its worth here Japan Nes Free Games

Super Mario Bros.
Donkey Kong Jr.
Balloon Fight
Ice Climber
The Legend of Zelda
Wrecking Crew
NES Open Tournament Golf
Zelda II: The Adventure of Link

[/size]source ninty japan and neogaf and twitter

Nintendo Gaming / Re: Roller Coaster Tycoon 3DS
« on: August 28, 2011, 06:24:49 AM »
haha I share the same nostalgia as you.  During highschool my gf at the time and I used to literally get in arguments over this game, neither letting the other one play. I installed the first two on my computer like 2 years ago when i found the discs cleaning, it was amazing   Having this on a handheld (if it is actually good) could be absolutely life ending.

General Chat / Re: 2 Celebrity Free Passes. Who do you choose?
« on: August 28, 2011, 02:00:47 AM »
Sunyeon is all one really needs

General Gaming / Re: PSP Prices
« on: August 28, 2011, 01:13:38 AM »
i clearly said handheld gaming perfection.

Nintendo Gaming / Roller Coaster Tycoon 3DS
« on: August 27, 2011, 11:11:05 PM »
In the latest Nintendo Power magazine, it has been revealed that a new RollerCoaster Tycoon is coming to the 3DS. Developed by n-Space, the game will be built from the ground up with brand new assets for the 3DS.

In typical RollerCoaster Tycoon fashion, this new game comes with various rides, such as monorails, prebuilt children’s rides, carousels and county fair-style attractions.
The game has various modes for you to dig your teeth into, including Coaster Creator and Sandbox. If you’ve never played a RollerCoaster Tycoon game before, there will be built-in tutorials to help ease you into it.
Published by Atari, the game is due out in March 2012.
Source: GoNintendo

I am cautiously optimistic

General Gaming / Re: 3DS Hacking question (formerly about PS3)
« on: August 27, 2011, 10:17:24 AM »
@brandogg It is encouraging to know that the android platform is taking off like you describe(i  have little experience with those devices but am extremely curious.  I wonder what is the ps1 support like? And how long before a chip comes out for those devices that can handle something like ps2 on a tablet with reasonable battery life and obviously bluetooth control?  Furthermore, what in your opinion would be the best bang for your buck android tablet? High res video, fast for retro gaming, good touch screen. Ive had quite a few problems with using my iPod touch with ubuntu so if I could avoid getting an iPad it would be greatly appreciated.

     Lastly I wonder if anyone knows a good resource for some of the PSP emulation stuff.  More specifically I am trying to modify the emulator eboots. I want to be able to let's say bundle a specific piece of software(rom) with an emulator.  And rather than have a bunch of games in the folder have  just one game.  And on start up of that eboot ( masterboy emulator for example) it automatically runs that single rom (pokemon blue for example)and by passes the ass-ugly front end.  Then I would like to change the .png(...?)image to replace the logo that shows up in my Games folder on my PSP (from ugy ugly Masterboy logo) to something like a stock image of the game or a Porygon or whatever.  Given that the size of the average retro emulator is quite small relative to the PSP GO overall hardrive capacity, a seperate emulator packaged for each game is really not an inconvenience if it means i get to avoid gross looking black screens and what not..  Is this even possible? Am I making sense or am I just high? If it is possible what type of programming skills are required to execute this?

Sorry for the long post...

General Gaming / Re: 3DS Hacking question (formerly about PS3)
« on: August 27, 2011, 06:14:27 AM »
do you actually own a Pandora?  Excuse my skepticism but they are pretty difficult to acquire.  I would love to hear how well or not well it works though!

General Gaming / Re: 3DS Hacking question (formerly about PS3)
« on: August 26, 2011, 11:46:15 PM »
iPad or iPod touch + wii remote.

I find that emulation community to be best.  The giant install base of IOS has led to a great emulator support from the community on the device.  Plus in my experience at least, retro games look soooooo good on those screens.

Podcast Discussion / Re: The Famicast 4: AKIBA LIVE
« on: August 26, 2011, 12:11:43 AM »
@James Charlton

that's excellent if you would like to trade I sent you a detailed PM if not thats fine toooooooooooo

TalkBack / Re: First Super NES Memories
« on: August 25, 2011, 11:55:21 PM »
    I never had a SNES till way later.  I had a good friend in elementary school that had one however.  He had two games Fifa and Super Mario World.  When I would go to his house he would only play FIFA never ever ever Mario.   My ten year old self was full of resentment for I only wanted to know the glories of Yoshi.    He was a dick.  The End.

PS.  Great Blog.

General Gaming / Re: PSP Prices
« on: August 25, 2011, 11:14:12 PM »
How rude!

General Gaming / Re: PSP Prices
« on: August 25, 2011, 05:07:31 PM »
Get a Go it is secretly handheld gaming perfection.  Plus you can now rip iso's to it so theres no "ugh when will Birth by Sleep or Lumines just get on psn already" .

Podcast Discussion / Re: The Famicast 4: AKIBA LIVE
« on: August 25, 2011, 06:50:25 AM »
Dear Mr James Charlton,

Given your status as an English man living in Japan with a North Amereican Wii, I can not help but wonder what region your 3ds is?

General Gaming / Re: Any good RPG recommendations?
« on: August 24, 2011, 10:33:26 PM »
    Earthbound always seems to be a nice quirky breath of freshness,  I would also suggest the Lunar series for psx . I just played the remake recently on the PSP and it reminded me a lot of classic snes rpgs  (with the straightforwardness, great dialogue, and well developed characters, plus the main character plays an ocarina like a G.  Last suggestion would be Persona 2 (again psx  w/fan translation... HITLER BATTLE ANYONE!!!).  For my money the Persona series is probably my favorite jrpg franchise; the games are dark and the story and dialogue are actually interesting.  Persona 3 and 4 are also amazing but I wasn't sure if your computer was capable of emulating ps2 games well.

General Gaming / Re: Should I get (x) or (y)?
« on: August 24, 2011, 04:17:39 PM »
thanks going with X then

General Gaming / Re: Should I get (x) or (y)?
« on: August 24, 2011, 03:35:22 AM »
-I would  with Starfox, the games are about equal basically in content but Starfox probably will hold its resale value better (if your into that kind of thing).

-On the vita topic,  I would wait 6months  or so after launch, the handheld market (in america at least) seems volatile and gaming handhelds seem to be struggling to find a niche in the iPhone saturated market. However Vita does seem to be a safe purchase if you dig Japanese games; its region free, and the Japanese market and dev support seems to be handheld focused.

My X or Y:

Just purchasedt a new Ps2 slim to play some jrpgs that i missed.... should i get Final Fantasy X or FInal Fantasy apprehensions about XII stem from some descriptions I heard of the battle system.   

 What are the Japanese titles that will be available at launch?

per second slide pad: HYPOTHETICALLY

Let's say Nintendo does figure out a way to implement a second analog that satisfies the early adopters and future purchasers of the system.  Is anyone really trying to argue that the 3ds is performing poorly because of lack of analog input? no really like seriously?

Nintendo Gaming / Re: Amazing Deals for 3DS, DS & GBA
« on: July 31, 2011, 04:09:36 PM »
For those who did not open their Ocarina of Time Soundtrack 3D they are currently being sold on Amazon New between $40-$197.

and furthermore that silly Club Nintendo Mario Statue fetches some decent coin : New $100,  Used $50

General Gaming / Re: Fighting Games General HYPERTHREAD 2K11
« on: July 22, 2011, 02:38:53 PM »

TalkBack / Re: This Week in Nintendo Downloads July 21, 2011
« on: July 21, 2011, 05:14:36 PM »
well 3ds virtual console had a good run.. or something

i will play these games, and now i will do so with an extra 150 dollars in my hard feelings nintendo you did your best   :'(

Nintendo Gaming / Re: eShop eBlows.
« on: June 29, 2011, 05:59:18 AM »
Googled your error code...Says you need to adjust the adress and or zip code of the E shop account

Full description of the error code can be found here:

General Gaming / Re: Fighting Games General HYPERTHREAD 2K11
« on: June 28, 2011, 05:45:48 PM »

I can let you all in on a little secret: DoA Dimensions is quite good. The review should be going up today. I haven't played Street Fighter IV 3D, but Dead or Alive packs some content into that little's just too bad the 3D effect it's that great.

I can back this statement up. Owning both games,   DOA is suited for the 3DS far better than SF43D.  The four button system in DOA leads to silky smooth game play.Whereas my experiences with StreetFighter on the harder difficulties gave me the feeling that i was going to break my hand helds flimsy little d-pad.   Furthermore the online is passable if you stay in your region.  Though it is impossible to get a friend match.

Nintendo Gaming / Re: Free Club Nintendo Points (North America)
« on: June 27, 2011, 11:45:21 PM »
@blacknmild, i am like 90 percent sure i already have a family account so there must be a limit on how many times you can register things even under that.  Full disclosure i worked video game retail so I am pretty sure I have registered those titles at least twice each before, maybe even quite a few more times 

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