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Messages - Gharakh

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Nintendo Gaming / WARNING: Do NOT open the newest Nintendo Newsletter!
« on: March 26, 2003, 11:36:50 AM »
matt oz you got some issues man. you need to just chill about the story. and about that movie analogy, how many people that read LOTR books went to see the movies? i'm guessing most of them did. it doesn't ruin it at all. don't you want to know how that spoiler came about? what the events were leading up to it? not to mention all the great gameplay you'll be missing out on. but if that's your choice then fine. personally i'm still going to enjoy this game as i enjoyed OoT.  

Nintendo Gaming / Still Smashing?
« on: March 24, 2003, 04:54:00 PM »
i just got melee a few weeks ago and took advantage of the lowerred price. i've been contemplating getting it for quite some time, and when the price went down i figured i'd go for it. i've already played it more than some other cube games i own, unlocking all the characters.  and to Hostile Creation, Roy is way better than Marth hes my favorite

Nintendo Gaming / WARNING: Do NOT open the newest Nintendo Newsletter!
« on: March 24, 2003, 04:47:19 PM »
well if i can still enjoy playing through OoT again after ~5 years, i'm sure knowing one thing about wind waker won't make it all bad. although it would have been nice to be surprised by it, i can't really help that. anyways i think that those people that saw it should stop makin a huge deal about this. its only a game, it will still be fun to play

Nintendo Gaming / New to The Cube...
« on: March 24, 2003, 03:07:12 PM »
glad to hear more people are taking advantage of the free game offer. i think they should add zelda to the list of free games to pick in like a month, that should boost sales some more. theres lots of great games out there to try out neo, eternal darkness immediately comes to mind and hopefully zelda will have a similar impression on me. you should check out both of them

Nintendo Gaming / WARNING: Do NOT open the newest Nintendo Newsletter!
« on: March 24, 2003, 03:04:48 PM »
i'm assuming you guys are talking about the backgroun picture deal in the newsletter which i unfortunately saw... damn nintendo

Nintendo Gaming / Nintendo E3 Game List: What do you think?
« on: March 24, 2003, 01:27:51 PM »
you have soul calibur 2 on the list twice i believe.

i wonder what factor 5 is working on. i bet the new rogue squadron is gonna blow us all away graphics-wise, factor 5 always seems to have the best technology when it comes to games. rogue leader is still one of the nicest looking games i've ever played. i'm looking forward to their games and silicon knights' games as well as the nintendo first parties (except for giftpia, from what i've seen i don't like the looks of it but i'll have to see what the gameplay is like)

now how much longer till may.....

Nintendo Gaming / GameCube Controller Question
« on: March 24, 2003, 01:16:45 PM »
the analog on the black controller i got on cube launch-day is loosening up a little bit but i still play with it most of the time. when it gets much worse i'm gonna do the ol' swap by buying a new controller, then returning it with the old one in the package.  i did that before with an indigo controller that the B button was stuck on. why should we spend money for defected controllers, you guys should just do this instead of buying more controllers

Nintendo Gaming / Anybody here got confirmation about Zelda shipping
« on: March 24, 2003, 01:04:15 PM »
i haven't got my confirmation call from EB yet but i am in canada and it seems like games come out a day or two later up here, at least with EB anyway. hopefully i'll be playin this weekend

Nintendo Gaming / Surprise new Nintendo game in March?
« on: March 05, 2003, 06:20:38 AM »
yeah he said that a game would be unveiled this month, not released.

there was a comment about HAL not working on a lot of games at once, but i heard they have recently grown so they can take on more games at once. hopefully we see something from them come E3 as well. i can't even begin to imagine what it would be like to see something from Silicon knights, factor 5, HAL, and all the nintendo games at E3 this year.

Nintendo Gaming / Buying US Gamecube
« on: March 05, 2003, 04:12:00 AM »
can't you just buy a european gamecube and use the freeloader thing to play imported games?

Nintendo Gaming / Zelda: OoT:Master Quest Help Thread
« on: March 05, 2003, 04:09:53 AM »
i feel stupid asking this but i'm stuck on dodongo's cavern in master quest. i thought i'd done everything, but i cant get the dragon's mouth to open. theres no bomb flowers close enough to throw in his eyes, am i supposed to have a bomb bag yet?  any help would be great...  i feel so dumb, just can't remember what i did way back when i had it for 64

Nintendo Gaming / Ebay, what trick are they pulling?
« on: March 04, 2003, 04:26:56 PM »
its reliable, and if something goes wrong then you aren't totally screwed because of all ebay's policies. a buddy of mine bought an xbox over ebay and didn't have any problems. you just have to be careful with what you buy, and make sure the other user has a good rating. i've seen those wholesale list things too i didnt know what they were but it's obviously not real.. i dont think i've seen any bidders on any of those

Nintendo Gaming / GameCube Controller to PC connector
« on: March 03, 2003, 03:52:38 PM »
can anybody offer a review or impressions about this connection? i'm about ready to order one but i would like to know if it gets the job done well or if simply buying a pc controller would be better. anybody who has this device please post your thoughts on it. rick, you guys should put up a hardware review of this if you have it. it would be helpful for me anyway

TalkBack / Denis Dyack vs. Planet GameCube
« on: March 01, 2003, 04:45:08 PM »
great interview guys. keep up those audio interviews, or video would be even better  really interesting to listen to. all you who haven't dl'ed this yet, get goin!

Nintendo Gaming / M. Night should make a videogame
« on: February 27, 2003, 03:45:03 PM »
i watched it in the theatre, that was awesome. i bet he could write a cool story for a game, but there would have to be a great game to go with it.. like if he wrote the story for too human or somethin... hehe

Nintendo Gaming / GameCube Controller to PC connector
« on: February 27, 2003, 03:11:35 PM »
quake 3 with a controller? have you gone mad? fps's are meant to be played with keyboard and mouse, especially when talking about pc shooters. you'd be crazy to try to play one with a controller (at least on the internet anyway)

anyway you can order them from lik-sang, i'm not sure if i'm allowed to post a link directly to the ordering page so just go to and search for it. or go to google and do a search for cube connection usb, and it comes right up. it is 19 bucks american (not sure what shipping charges are) so it isnt a bad deal considering what you'd be paying for a pc controller. i've been planning on getting one of these for myself but haven't got around to it. if i get one soon i'll post back here to tell u what i think of it.
hope this helps

Nintendo Gaming / Killer 7 thread
« on: February 27, 2003, 12:31:27 PM »
"GREAT GRAPHICS, best celshading ever
thats the way i like cel shading "

i like XIII's cel shading. that looks pretty cool too. killer 7 is also looking good, anyone know a release date?

Nintendo Gaming / More E3 News Here!!!!!!
« on: February 26, 2003, 04:45:14 PM »
what about giftpia. i have a feeling that will start gettin some publicity. i think the game looks stupid, but thats only from the first screens so we'll see.
i can't wait for more f-zero footage, and tube slider as well. they could have a section thats just racing. f-zero, tube slider, and mario kart. that would be pretty cool

Nintendo Gaming / Soul Calibur 2 Discussion!
« on: February 25, 2003, 01:13:55 PM »

Sell on par with the PS2? Im not so sure. Link is a fabulous bonus but the fact that the PS2 has like 5times the userbase makes this slightly unlikely.

that's true, but sc2 really doesn't have much competition on the cube. the only other 'classic' fighting games are bloody roar, capcom vs. snk,  and mortal kombat. those are the only ones that i can think of anyway.. my point is that sc2 on ps2 has to compete with tekken and virtua fighter, whereas on cube it is obviously far better than any other fighting game on the cube (i'm excluding ssb:m because it isn't really a 'classic' fighter).
i think that sc2 will sell very well on the cube, but the ps2 version will most likely be the most popular.. just thought i'd add those points

skies of arcadia was a great game for dreamcast, and i havent played it on cube yet but i'm sure it's just as good. i would definitely buy this game if they had upgraded the graphics substantially, which i dont believe they did. still an excellent game, but i am not a big fan of straight ports. i want some sort of major upgrade to make me want it.  dont ask why, its just the way i am i guess

yeah that whole shadow mario thing was f'ing lame too. did anyone else think he was incredibly easy to beat each time?  nothing like tryin to catch that bunny in mario 64! that slippery bugger!

i played it till i had about 45 shines then i just could not take it anymore.. i hated that game. i tried to like it, but just couldn't

Nintendo Gaming / I am a 31 year old new GC owner
« on: February 23, 2003, 08:19:27 AM »
wow i never realized there were so many adults who still love and play nintendo. i guess once you start on nes you never stop  i am 18 and grew up on NES. it's still lots of fun playing those old nes roms that take you back to the good ol' days of crappy graphics and fun gameplay

Nintendo Gaming / gamecube purchase!
« on: February 23, 2003, 08:11:51 AM »
i dont know, do you have them on a website? if so just post the website

Nintendo Gaming / wavebird?
« on: February 23, 2003, 08:10:56 AM »

I am hoping for a WaveBird 2 to come out. Maybe with a rechargable battery and rumble. It could have a base station like a cordless phone does so the battery would never die. It could be a delux model for people who want the biggest bang for their wireless buck. A man can dream can't he?

yeah that would be cool.  i kinda wish that they had an ac power adapter for the wavebird ala gba. that way you can sit pretty much wherever you like and plug it into the wall and not worry about batteries (then it could have rumble pretty easily too). i think thats a good idea, but it would have to be optional ac power or batteries so u could use either one.  

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