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Messages - Avinash_Tyagi

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General Gaming / RE:Matt's 360 bites the dust
« on: June 18, 2006, 02:12:30 AM »

Originally posted by: wandering

I've had erections last longer than 8 months.

So logically speaking, I expect a system to outlast my erections.

If your X-box 360 lasts for more than 8 months, stop use and see a doctor.

But, seriously. Hardware is getting worse and worse. N-intendo is still a lot better than the other guys, but my Game-Cube died around the same time my Atari 2600 did.

Once the 2600 died, your GCN lost all will to live, so sad


General Gaming / RE:Matt's 360 bites the dust
« on: June 17, 2006, 09:15:44 PM »
If the 360 is this bad, I fear for Sony fans, I'm imagining exploding PS3's.

General Gaming / RE: Are we Nintendo fanboys for life?
« on: June 16, 2006, 09:49:04 PM »
I think Nintedo is in safe hands for the future, personally I dream of the day when games mimic a star trek holodeck, where basically you can actually be in Hyrule or the Mushroom kingdom, and i think that's where Nintendo seems to be headed, more towards placing you the player into the game, rather than just controlling it.

General Gaming / RE:Are we Nintendo fanboys for life?
« on: June 16, 2006, 06:58:04 PM »

Originally posted by: Ian Sane
I figure eventually a wife and kids will take up enough of my time that I won't be able to follow Nintendo or gaming in general as closely as I do now.  I look at most people over 30 with kids and they become really out of touch once they have kids.  They don't know current music or movies or anything.  My Dad has an amazing record collection.  He has a horrible CD collection.  He doesn't know about anything to do with pop culture unless I tell him.  My Mom routinely will bring up some commercial she thinks is hilarious and it will be some commercial that's almost a year old but she just saw for the first time.  I'd like to think that as I become old I don't become so spazzed but it will probably happen.  For most of us when we're 50 we'll see a Zelda game at a store and think "hey a new Zelda" and in reality the game will be already four years old at the time.

Plus when you're a fan of something you never know if they'll continue in a direction that you like.  I used to be a huge WWF fan.  The idea of not routinely watching WWF and other wrestling programs never crossed my mind.  Well I haven't watched WWE in at least two years and I get my wrestling fix entirely from watching old matches I missed the first time around.  The WWF (and the American wrestling scene in general since WCW and ECW died) has changed into something I don't like so I'm not a fan anymore.  That could happen to Nintendo with any of us.  Nintendo has changed a lot in the 24 years I've been alive.  In another 24 years they could be completely different.

Difference is Ian with Kids you can continue your love of games by playing with them.


Originally posted by: Ceric
It would not be needless.  It would be intregral to the games play mechanics.

lol at Sony for leaving it out

General Gaming / RE: Are we Nintendo fanboys for life?
« on: June 16, 2006, 07:15:22 AM »
As long as they keep on putting out the great games yes, and who knows, maybe some of us will be working to bring out some of those games.


Originally posted by: Ian Sane
"I do not believe Nintendo would release a console with such a severe flaw in it."

Well they did release a videogame system that could cause permanent eye damage.  I'll admit overall they're trustworthy though.

Well the VB flaws had to do with the lack of tech to adequately achieve their ambition, VR just wasn't at the level needed at the time, Motion sensing on the other hadn shouldn't be an issue, as its a much more mature technology.

Well the Classic Controller does seem to have similarities to the PS3 controller, enogh that porting controls wouldn't be too hard

If this is true than it further supports the belief that devs really think Nintendo is on to something

Nintendo Gaming / RE: 2.3 million Black DS lite STOLEN!!!
« on: June 14, 2006, 12:57:37 PM »
So that would be what, about 17,000 DS lites stolen?

General Gaming / RE:Finally, some SALES DATA...
« on: June 13, 2006, 10:55:35 PM »

Originally posted by: VGrevolution
Really though if PSP was keeping up with DS I wouldn't be surprised, it seems about every place I go to the PSP is right out in the open with TONS of accessories, yet NDS is jammed in a corner somewhere. If you were to judge a system's sucess by how visible and impressive its display is, then PSP would be stomping the heck out of NDS.

Don't companies pay for shelf space?  So really all that says is Nintendo is cheap.

Nintendo Gaming / RE:Ack! Stuck pixel
« on: June 13, 2006, 10:53:05 PM »

Originally posted by: 31 Flavas

Originally posted by: Zach

I did not go though with the eBay deal though because, while Nintendo of America would guarantee me a perfect DS lite. They would not guarantee I would get back the Enamel Navy body casing. The rep would not say it out right, but it sounded more like it was just going to be a disguised cross shipment. You send me yours and we'll send you one of ours. I don't think any repair work would be done.

Well likely they would repair it, but not for you, basically they'd send you another repaired DS and then repair yours to give to someone else.

Since we're being pessimistic over the silliest things how's this, a meteorite explodes in the upper athmosphere and debris hits every last truck WW carrying Wii consoles wiping out the entire launch shipment.  


1) What if Nintendo succeeds and we are no longer rooting for the under dog.?

Seriously it seems that that would be the worst result for this forum, everyone seems to enjoy being pessimistic.

TalkBack / RE: Nintendo Monopoly on the Way!
« on: June 11, 2006, 08:37:35 PM »
*Buys Samus, Peach, Daisy and Zelda*

Okay, I'm done  


Originally posted by: Kairon

Originally posted by: bmfrosty

Originally posted by: Kairon

I...can see what you're saying...Hmmm... What exactly leads you to believe that this is their true objective as opposed to their stated-marketting speak being representative of their true objective?

~Carmine M. Red

I believe so because Nintendo's market isn't made up entirely of people who don't currently play games.  It also has to include people who currently play games for the strategy to make sense.

As much as the guys and gals at Nintendo would like it to be, the wiimote and nun-chuck do not cover all the popular game types.  I'm positive that since they're releasing a controller that represents what to now has been THE standard for game controllers, they're not going to split their market for what would be a small percentage cost increase on the package.  I can't see the materials and manufacturing cost on the ClassiCon being outside the $6-$8 per unit range.

It just doesn't make sense for them to not hedge their bets this way.

-bmfrosty (

But the GC lacked fighting games and any serious RPG support, any significant FPS support, and all that jazz. The N64 lacked entire reams of the gaming catalog and still fans bought it. Nintendo's existing market is made up of people who love Nintendo games, not any specific genre of controller specific gameplay.

And with Metroid Prime 3 at launch and Super Mario Galaxy on the way, I think that Nintendo has it's "existing" market covered just fine with the nun-chuck-wiimote control. Heck, SSB:B will probably be playabvle with Wiimote and chuck, with the option of using other controllers just as neat little extras included.

Bmfrosty, they've already hedged their bets: they've got Mario and Metroid already on the way using the Wiimote-and-nunchuck. The traditional crowd is being catered without need for the Wii Classic.

~Carmine M. Red

What's wrong with expanding it even further, the reason the N64 and GCN were not top sellers were because of a lack of games, if including the classice controller expands their lbrary then its smart to have it included.

You're limiting sales then, because many will say, i'm not buying the game if I have to buy another piece of hardware, just look at the GBA-GCN connectivity failure.


Originally posted by: SixthAngel

I bet you believed Nintendo when they said the DS was the "Third Pillar"

You still believe the marketing BS about wanting all the old style games on the Wii.

Look at the DS, they have 3d games that can be played on it but no analog stick (stangely I'm far better at mario with the touch pad).  Wii will be the same way because it will make you play any old style games with a new input device. The only thing the new controller really lacks is a second analog stick and I would be disapointed if a game ever used that instead of the motion sensing.  Not including the other controller does not "split the market" because the market they want is not the people who want to play games with the standard controller.  It will be bought as a first system because of the controller and as a second system of the controller.  The controller is the selling point and anything that takes away from that is bad.
Lower the price of the system instead of bundling something in that a lot of people won't want.

I just remembered that the creator of SSBB said that people should keep their GC controllers implying that there will be no standard controller like it for the Wii.

You assume too much when you think people will want to play Snes games with a Wiimote, or have old GC controllers to play brawl with, which is why the Classic controller is a must.

Nintendo Gaming / RE:Animal Crossing Wii: the speculation
« on: June 11, 2006, 01:12:25 AM »

Originally posted by: wandering
*boots up animal crossing*
Hmm...looks like I've got mail!
*opens mailbox*
Upgrade to a premium Yahoo account today!
FREE PENIS ENLARGEMENT - click for details
Send this letter to 5 friends and you could make up to 10,000 dollars IN CASH

In all seriousness, though, that's cool news, and I think it's just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to WiiConnect24.

probably not an issue, since Wii will use the Friends codes system


But Nintendo doesn't want straight ports, remember? The Wii is an "and" console. You have a Wii "and" an X360 or PS3. With this mentality, what the Wii needs are games that make it special, not games that make it me too.    The Wii is supposed to be owned in addition to a traditional console for hardcore gamers. Why would Nintendo waste energy competing against consoles they expect your customers to buy anyways? They're concentrating on being the console you buy because there are games on it that you can't play anywhere else simply BECAUSE of the unique and new and unconventional control scheme.

I bet you believed Nintendo when they said the DS was the "Third Pillar"


Originally posted by: vudu
Isn't the reason Nintendo moved to the remote because the old controller scared away non-gamers?  I don't think packing in the traditional controller makes sense--it will scare them.  BOO!  If this is Nintendo's thinking, they'll never pack in the traditional controller--it's much more likely they're include two remotes/nunchucks.

Then you're basically hobbling usage of the Virtual console


I highly doubt that Brawl will require the VC controller to play. The Nunchuck-Wiimote combo covers all basic functions minus the c-stick easy-smash that I ALWAYS use, the nub that I am.

It may not require use of the classic controller, but it will make it easier for those who don't want to use the Wiimote, and who don't have a GCN controller handy

Not including the classic controller would be a detriment, first off you shouldn't force the new controls on devs, just as some devs make DS games with little touchscreen use, so will certain games on the Wii not use the Wiimote, also to take it away would hurt VC usage, as many would want to play the games, but not have the controller, you're assuming people will buy the controller seperately, not so, some will just say forget it and not buy the VC games, also for games like Brawl, having the controller will make it likely more people will buy it, if you expect people to buy the controller seperately for the game, you're going to end up mistaken.

Remeber Wii's goal is to attract the Non-gamer, and the non-gamer will want everything they need right in the box, otherwise they won't use it.

Nintendo Gaming / RE: Wii Messenger - One step closer to LIVE
« on: June 09, 2006, 12:13:46 AM »
This will probably be used in conjunction with the friends codes Nintendo plans to have with the Wii, if its implemented that is, like you can only IM people on your friend's list.


Originally posted by: Requiem
If Nintendo packs in two controllers with Nunchuks, one classic controller and Wii sports, at $200, you won't find one on the shelves for months after launch, even at $250 it'll still seem like a good deal.

That's a great deal!

Really, the only thing that I would add to the package is a VC card thats good for a free download. Basically, it would be giving out the original Mario Bros. for free -- which might be a good or bad idea, but the idea behind it is solid. It not only let's the person tryout his VC controller, but it also gives them incentive to actually check the online feature out and see what it has to offer. Plus, of course, its giving the consumer the opportunity to play what they consider to be the greatest game of all time -- for free*.

Heh, if that happens Nintendo will have to release another apology(probably WW this time) about how they failed to take into account consumer demand, and are working to rectify shortages (Though I think they'd be happy to make that apology plus Mario will have more sarcasm to mete out)


Nintendo Gaming / RE:Is Nintendo Right?
« on: June 09, 2006, 12:06:07 AM »
Well its my opinion that its because of Nintendo's influence in the industry that we haven't suffered another crash, even though they've been at the lower end of marketshare for a few years, their innovations and ideas have been incorportated into the systems and games found on the other consoles, not only that, they've helped to give rise to some of the better developers in the industry, both second and third party devlopers, many of the best games on the other systems are done by companies who got their start with Nintendo.


Originally posted by: SixthAngel
I think packing in items is an awful idea (besides maybe a second remote).  The nunchuk and remote is the standard controller and that is what you should get.  Adding in a vc controller will just confuse consumers (especially non-gamers) and developers who see two controllers.  It is also selling me something I don't want.  Nearly all vc games will work with the regular remote so don't make me buy this.

I disagree, if they want it to be supported they need to pack it in, in fact making Brawl compatible with the VC controller for example will make it more likely to be a system seller.

And selling it with Wii sports will not only make the $200 dollar price seem more attractive, but will also make it more attractive to the non gamer, they can buy it and say go home without buying another game, and actually try it out first, and as Reggie said playing is believing, it makes it more an impulse buy.

Also, the idea of two controllers packed in is vital, not only to the theme of the system, as something for people to play with others, but also it will explain the Wii moniker, the two ii's.

If Nintendo packs in two controllers with Nunchuks, one classic controller and Wii sports, at $200, you won't find one on the shelves for months after launch, even at $250 it'll still seem like a good deal.

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