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Messages - The Sailerman

Pages: 1 [2]
If I remember correctly, the GBA didn't have any Player's Choice games until 2006 (somebody correct me if I'm wrong).

I guess Nintendo believes that DS games are low enough in price that they don't need an official price drop.

Nintendo Gaming / RE:Smash Bros. Wallpaper Thread (Updated with Sonic!)
« on: October 10, 2007, 02:21:41 AM »

Originally posted by: wulffman04
Hey, nice job. Thanks for the fast updates.
*sigh* What about Sonic?

Do not fret, my fine wulffman, for Sonic is now in the game, and in my wallpaper.

Nintendo Gaming / RE:Smash Bros. Wallpaper Thread!
« on: October 03, 2007, 02:38:43 AM »

Originally posted by: Pale
I'm still waiting for the new addition to the wallpaper.  

Edit: Woah, he's already in there!

Haha. I told you I'd keep updating it!

Nintendo Gaming / RE:Nintendo World Store Phantom Hourglass Launch Event!
« on: October 02, 2007, 04:56:33 PM »

Originally posted by: TrueNerd
I want that DS with the Triforce on it. Why doesn't Nintendo mass produce stuff like that?

Because those are the DS models that actually do print money - but Nintendo can't let anybody know that they are capable of that, since it would ruin the hilarity of that picture of Iwata and Miyamoto.

I agree almost wholeheartedly with you on this subject.
I completed Super Mario Sunshine, but after a few worlds, playing it seemed to become a chore, and the final battle just didn't have any of that "final battle" feeling to it, IMO. I've never even considered going back to get all the Shines - I think I have maybe 1 or 2 more than what was required to beat the game.

However, I believe Super Mario World is the best in the Mario platforming series. Though SMW was my first Mario game, which I also got unexpectedly for Christmas, so it has a similar value to me as SMB3 does to you.

Nintendo Gaming / RE:Zelda DS: Phantom Hourglass
« on: October 01, 2007, 05:57:24 PM »

Originally posted by: darkheart
Did the game come out today or is it tomorrow?  I have heard people talking about getting it already. . . has it been released early?

The Nintendo World Store had it on sale Sunday from 2 PM to 4 PM and "officially" began selling it on Monday.
But I believe all other stores will have it Tuesday.

Nintendo Gaming / RE:Nintendo World Store Phantom Hourglass Launch Event!
« on: October 01, 2007, 07:25:56 AM »

Originally posted by: EasyCure
Was a cute blonde working there that day?

If you're talking about the blonde girl in the "Round 1 @ the DS Bar" photo, she was the event planner. She was directing the cameraman to take various shots and was handing out consent forms so that the photos could be posted online or in Nintendo Power. We got a chance to ask her a few questions about the event (Tournament prize, chance of a Smash Bros. event). We also found out she lives in LA but comes out here for all the NWS events.

Like masterplayer2007 said, why do you ask?

Oh man, that red stylus would go really well with my new DS lite.
Any chance Nintendo sells that same color in those stylus 3 packs? How much are those anyway?
Otherwise, I might just have to get Brain Age 2. I did enjoy the first one for a good amount of time.

Nintendo Gaming / Nintendo World Store Phantom Hourglass Launch Event!
« on: September 30, 2007, 03:38:45 PM »
So today I traveled to the Nintendo World Store for the The Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass launch event. I thought I'd do I little write up so people can get an idea of what happened.

My buddy Jesse and I took the subway up from the NYU campus and arrived at the Nintendo World Store at about 12:30. Since the event wouldn't start until one, we decided to look around a bit. They had a lot of Zelda merchandise on display, including two special Zelda DS lites. One was silver with a yellow triforce on the lid (pictured), which was not for sale, while the other was green and gold, which was priced at $279 (evidently sold before I could take a photo of it).

Zelda Shirts, Hat, and... Pencil Case?
Gold Zelda GBA SP Signed By Shigeru Miyamoto and Some Sort of Book
Miscellaneous Zelda Stuff
Silver Zelda DS
Goron Link Figure
Link and "Ganandorf" Figures
Four Swords/Wind Waker Figures
Link and Epona Statue

They also had the Master Sword and Hylian Shield on display that Shigeru Miyamoto came out with at E3 a few years ago. It was behind a barrier and a security guard was right next to it. I think Nintendo sees it as their own Mona Lisa.

Master Sword and Hylian Shield
Photos of Miyamoto with Sword and Shield

As the event began, we made our way back down to the DS Bar where we tried out the Phantom Hourglass battle mode (every DS in the store had Phantom Hourglass on it). We both signed up for the tournament, and had a chance to ask the event planner a couple questions. The grand prizes for the tournament and the costume contest were copies of Phantom Hourglass along with a crimson/black DS lite signed by Eiji Aonuma! We really didn't think either of us had a chance to win though, as we heard some store employees saying how some of the people who had entered had imported the Japanese version.

Also, they're thinking of holding a similar event for Super Smash Bros. Brawl, though they won't have any sort of tournament until next year.

The first of three trivia questionairres was announced, and I managed to grab one.
Unfortunately, I didn't know the answer to "In the Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past, what happens if Link throws an empty bottle into the Great Fairy's fountain?" and I wasn't able to get either of the other two trivia sheets. The winner of each trivia round won a copy of Phantom Hourglass

At 2 they announced that Phantom Hourglass would be on sale until 4 'o clock. Not having brought my DS to college with me, I decided not to purchase the game.

Line of People Waiting to Purchase Phantom Hourglass

Around 2:30, the tournament finally got underway. We were split into two brackets, and Jesse and I were both in the second bracket, so we got our pictures taken with Link while we waited. I was expecting "Link" to be the cartoony Wind Waker/Phantom Hourglass version, but instead, he was the realistic Twilight Princess version, complete with mask!

Round 1 @ the DS Bar
Round 1 @ the DS Circle
Round 1 Finalists
Link and Jesse
Link and I
Link in an Epic Pose

Finally our bracket was called. Unfortunately, I was seated at broken chair the DS Bar, while Jesse was over at the DS Circle.

Jesse vs. His Round 2 Semifinal Opponent

During our tournament he costume contest began. There were some really gorgeous costumes, including a 1987-esque Link. Since I had just a little time between rounds, I was only able to get this one shot. ( Joystiq has good shots of them)

The Costume Contest

Amazingly, each of us reached the bracket final, where I ultimately defeated him by 4 points.

So I was then pitted against the winner of the first bracket, a guy wearing an awesome Phoenix Wright "OBJECTION!" t-shirt. It was close, and I thought he was going to beat me going into the 3rd round of the battle, but I managed to beat him by one point!

We each received a copy of Phantom Hourglass, and I was told my signed DS lite would be shipped to my home (I'll post photos when I get it). We had our pictures taken, so look for me in a future issue of Nintendo Power!

That was essentially the end of the event, so I went over to the sales counter and reserved a copy of Super Smash Bros. Brawl (that box art is official by the way). There were a couple of Twilight Princess t-shirts on the counter behind the cashier, and when I asked how much one was, they gave me one for free!

Video Screen Showing SSBB Box Art

All in all, it was an excellent event, though I think the two guys dressed in Naruto garb may have been a bit confused.

EDIT: My Prize!
Well, I was stupid enough to forget to bring my camera home with me this weekend, so the only photos I have of my signed DS lite are taken with my computer's iSight cam. Sorry about the quality, but here are the photos!

DS lite Photo 1
DS lite Photo 2  

Nintendo Gaming / RE:Wii fall schedule OVERLOAD. Time to trim the list :(
« on: September 28, 2007, 01:05:58 PM »
Games I'll Get Before Xmas

Guitar Hero III: Legends of Rock
Link's Crossbow Training (I can't pass it up for only $20)
Super Smash Bros. Brawl (Of course)

Games I'll Ask For For Xmas and/or Buy After (Obviously, I don't expect to get them all for Christmas)

The Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass (I didn't bring my DS to college with me, so it would be pointless to get before I go home)
Sonic Rush Adventure (See Zelda)
Super Mario Galaxy (C'mon, it's Mario)
Geometry Wars: Galaxies [Wii] (I can't get enough of the Xbox version on PGR2)
NiGHTS: Journey of Dreams (Loved the original)
Mario & Sonic at the Olympic Games (It might not be the greatest game, but it's still a historic one)
Resident Evil: Umbrella Chronicles (I'll have to see the reviews first)
MLB Power Pros (This is a maybe, but I love the style, and I never got an MLB game this year)

Nintendo Gaming / RE: Smash Bros. Wallpaper Thread!
« on: September 28, 2007, 12:49:31 PM »
I would assume you could. I personally wouldn't do that though.

Anyway, no character update this week, so no updates on the wallpaper.
Maybe I'll start one for Assist Trophies and Pokemon too.

Nintendo Gaming / RE: Smash Bros. Wallpaper Thread!
« on: September 26, 2007, 03:20:42 PM »
I use Adobe Photoshop Elements 3 to make the wallpapers.
I'd love to purchase Photoshop CS3, but alas, I am a poor college student.

Nintendo Gaming / RE: It's nearly a year later, and...
« on: September 25, 2007, 01:54:29 AM »
Oh, okay. I thought you meant that was the choice Nintendo had, not the the consumer - I got confused somewhere.
Either way, I guess it was a pretty bad deal in the end for Nintendo.

Nintendo Gaming / RE: It's nearly a year later, and...
« on: September 24, 2007, 08:05:21 PM »
Ah, I wasn't aware Nintendo even had the choice of having the other two MGS games released on GameCube.
The only thing I regret about not owning a PS2 is not being able to play MGS3 and Okami.  

Nintendo Gaming / RE:It's nearly a year later, and...
« on: September 24, 2007, 10:19:08 AM »

Originally posted by: Adrock
Again, Nintendo got f-ing pwn3d by Konami in the Twin Snakes deal. Accepting raw deals isn't really Nintendo's style either (they bitchslapped Sony and their Play Station SNES add-on), but it's happened before and it was Konami who got away with it.

How exactly did Nintendo get screwed over on the Twin Snakes deal? I wasn't a fan of Metal Gear Solid until I picked up used copies of MGS:The Twin Snakes and MGS2: Substance (for Xbox) fairly recently, so I'm unaware of the terms of the deal Nintendo and Konami came to.

Nintendo Gaming / RE: Smash Bros. Wallpaper Thread!
« on: September 24, 2007, 07:23:54 AM »
Wow, that would be great! Thanks!

I'll be sure to keep updating it. What time I'll get it updated by depends on what time my first class of the day is, but I'll definitely have it updated by noon (Eastern Time) of the day a new character update is added to Smash Bros. Dojo.

Nintendo Gaming / RE: Resident Evil: Umbrella Chronicles
« on: September 23, 2007, 06:53:53 PM »
Sorry about the avatar! I didn't realize it was bigger than it should be. I'll fix it.

EDIT: Fixed! Thanks for letting me know ShyGuy!

Nintendo Gaming / RE:Resident Evil: Umbrella Chronicles
« on: September 23, 2007, 06:21:12 PM »
I'm still waiting until the release of Resident Evil: UC to make any purchasing decisions.

One of my friends and I love the House of the Dead games (particularly the hilariously bad voice acting), so if plays similar to the HotD games, I'll probably pick it up.

Either way, I'm getting the Wii Zapper for Link's Crossbow Training (yes, I will buy anything Zelda related).

Nintendo Gaming / RE: The history behind Super Smash Bros. Melee
« on: September 23, 2007, 05:28:56 PM »
Wow, that's insane. Pretty interesting if you want to kill some time though.

Nintendo Gaming / RE:It's nearly a year later, and...
« on: September 23, 2007, 05:01:05 PM »

Originally posted by: Smash_Brother
I can understand Nintendo trying to appeal to a 3rd party whose philosophy line up with their new way of thinking, but Konami certainly isn't that company and Kojima isn't that kind of developer.

Sorry to seem stubborn on this, but it's just not Nintendo's style to yield to a developer who spent the last generation ragging on them and ignoring their console.

I think Nintendo may be thinking that if they allow Konami's premier character in one of their premier franchises, in return, Konami will produce exclusive games for Wii and DS.

Then again, it may just be that Sakurai and Kojima are good friends, so Sakurai is allowing the inclusion of Snake no matter what the opinions of Iwata, Miyamoto, etc. are.

Nintendo Gaming / Smash Bros. Wallpaper Thread! Updated March 7 *SPOILERS*
« on: September 23, 2007, 04:43:08 PM »
Hey everyone, I'm new to the NWR forums, though I've been visiting the site multiple times a day since just before the launch of the GameCube.

I thought I'd share will you all my Super Smash Bros. Brawl wallpaper that I've been updating (and will continue to) as more characters are added at the Smash Bros. Dojo site. I hope you like it!

Blue Gradient Fullscreen

Blue Gradient Widescreen

White Fullscreen

White Widescreen

Red Gradient Fullscreen

Red Gradient Widescreen

Black Fullscreen

Black Widescreen

Battlefield Fullscreen

Battlefield Widescreen

Feel free to post your own wallpapers too!

EDIT (10/1): Added Lucas!
EDIT (10/10): Added Sonic!
EDIT (10/25): Added King Dedede!
EDIT (1/9): Added Pikmin & Olimar!
EDIT (1/16): Added Sheik!
EDIT (2/17): Added Ness, Marth, and Luigi!
EDIT (2/20): Added Falco!
EDIT (3/7): Added Captain Falcon, Lucario, and R.O.B.!

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