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Messages - Termin8Anakin

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Nintendo Gaming / More Capcom rumors
« on: February 11, 2003, 05:07:31 PM »
Are you guys seriosly THAT confused as to the identity of Game_Freak333?

-Game_Freak on THIS forum is Game_Freak333 on the OLD forum.
-Mario on THIS forum is ALSO Game_Freak333 on the OLD forums.
-Why does he have two names? I guess he Game_Freak333 thought some stole his name (GameFreak came close).
-GameFreak on THIS forum is NOT Game_Freak333 on the OLD Forums.
Therefore, Game_Freak and Mario are one and the same person.
GameFreak is not related in any way to Game_Freak333, Game_Freak or Mario.

Still Confused? Hahahahahahaha.
Thought so.

Nintendo Gaming / be?If GTA wasn't exclusive would it be on GC?
« on: February 11, 2003, 04:54:45 PM »
Well, because it was popular on PlayStation first, obviously Rockstar agreed to a deal with Sony.
But if there was no deal? Well, maybe it would be on Gamecube. But thing is, Rockstar haven't exactly supported Gamecube all that well. The only game I know from them is Smuggler's Run Warzones.

But are you f**king s**ting me? Rockstar (North) was on Nintendo Dream Team? Wow....

But yeah, I reckon would be on all three console, but on PS2 and Xbox first. After six months, THEN they're gonna release it on Gamecube, so that would assure poor sales, giving them a reason for them not to make games on Gamecube. Lots of developers do this. Konami being the forerunner.

Nintendo Gaming / More Capcom rumors
« on: February 11, 2003, 04:43:19 PM »
We all have high hopes on this possible Capcom buyout I'm sure.
Capcom have only released a fingerfull of games for Gamecube out of all the franchises they have. They have been pretty nice, but if you look closely, they haven't done all that much other than release remakes of old games. The only 'original' game so far is Resident Evil Zero - we can't mention the Big 5 yet cause they ain't been released.

Only when/if Nintendo buy them, will we finally see a tsunami of games, because they have heaps of games. And that means no more spin-offs to avoid the Resident Evil exclusivity contract with Nintendo.

General Chat / Official Australian PGC visitors disscussion
« on: February 11, 2003, 01:39:34 AM »
I would like to see the US win the Cricket (!)
Shame about Shane today.
Anyway, good to see ya back Game_Freak, if indeed you were ever gone.

Geez, now I can see ads for the Zelda Pre-order thing in the US (check the main Forums page), and now I want some definite info for Australia dammit! Nintendo just set a date for Zelda Wind Waker, and it's coming in May, which is good news, hopefully before E3 2003. Or else some people will surely get their asses kicked!

On to other news, I bought Extrreme G 3 last thusday, and I must say that it is a VERY GOOD game. But I do have lots of gripes about it. Namely the AI of the racers in the 500G cups onward (which utilise the 'elastic band' theory where when you pass them , they zoom past you, then you pass them, they pass you and so on), the whole system of weapons (which is crap, cause looking for small mines on the track whilst going at 600km/h is something no one should do in a futuristic racer - you should be concentrating on the track), and the length of the game itself (10 tracks).

General Chat / Evangelion
« on: February 09, 2003, 01:49:30 AM »
I guess I don't have a complicated mind as much as you guys do. Anyway thanks for the comments. I'd watch it again, but they don't show it on SBS here anymore. Buying the movies is too much, and none of my friends have it so.....oh well.

A while back, a saw what seemed to be pics of a new Evangelion series, titled something like Neon Revalation or something like that. If I recall, there is a new bunch of Angels, and another organisation like Nerv to battle the Angels. Nerv and all the characters we know are still there, but I don't know if there's any such new series. Does anyone know about this?

General Chat / Official Australian PGC visitors disscussion
« on: February 09, 2003, 01:41:40 AM »
Well, there ARE such things as friends houses and internet cafe's, so it WOULD make sense to use those facilities when the time is right. Not having the internet for a few months would kill me. I need my daily does of games, and....other.....forms...of...personal.....entertainment.....

And Mike C, good luck to you and the rest of New Zealand with the Cricket World Cup. Hahahahahaha!

Nintendo Gaming / Pokemon MMORPG
« on: February 09, 2003, 01:32:54 AM »
Back to using 'Mario' eh Game_Freak (formally known as Game_Freak333)?

Nintendo Gaming / Pokemon MMORPG
« on: February 09, 2003, 01:31:13 AM »
The only way to satisfy everybody's needs is to base the game on the cartoon series. I mean, you don't have to be Ash, Misty or Brock, just a style like that. This is some of what I think should be in it:
-You can make meet people on the way collecting Pokemon (just like Ash did), and if they wish to join you, they can (or can't depending on who you think is cool and who's a total loser). Who you choose on your journey also affects the outcome of each situation you come across, eg different personality traits, etc like in Animal Crossing.
-If indeed it IS an online game, your friends may be real life people, and you can travel with them on your journey. Thing is, with all the time differences and stuff, it might be a bit hard.
   -Pokemon Leagues are held once every six months. You must have enough badges (from the offline game) to get in, though. And all the people who DO are entitled to battle it out, Stadium style, for the title and trophie of Pokemon Champion (at least until the next League).
   -I don't want new Pokemon to be added as 'patches' or whatever on the net, cause that would scrap the potential for new GB Pokemon games, and be just too confusing.
-People (NPCs) all over the different lands have special items, bonuses, games, Pokemon, Pokeballs, and mini-quests for you to complete, so you can earn whatever you wished for.
-Police stations are set around the areas so that for example, Team Rocket is up to no good, and you are able to stop their plans, you'll earn a great sum of money as the reward, and of course, a extra special reward from the ever beautiful, super-short skirt wearing Officer Jenny (and her infinite number of look-a-like relatives). As such, Giovanni will put teams on you (James, Jessie and Meowth style). The more you are wanted by Team Rocket, the more stars appear on your 'Team Rocket Hitlist' chart, which indicates the level of importance they place on you to get rid of you quickly.
-Pokemon Centres are in every town and city so you can rejuvinate you Pokemon, get a good nights sleep (Save) or oogle over Nurse Joy's sexy innocence (and her relatives - sorry, got carried away there .
   -Of course, Saving is not only in the Pokemon Center. Making it like that would turn playing the game into a chore. Therefore, you can save anywhere in the game, but even so, going into anyone's house that let's you stay there the night is also another better way to save.
-Battling (the most important aspect of the game) MUST be in real-time, to reflect the action and exhiliration of the cartoon. A microphone should be included so that you can bark orders to your Pokemon on the fly, and they will react/obey accordingly. The microphone can be used online for the same urpose, and to talk to others.
-Your Pokemon will grow and nourish according to the amount of time you spend with it, the amount of battle time you give it, and the amount of rest and relaxation you give it. This will be Tamagochi, and Pokemon Pikachu times infinity.
-Your offline NPC friends will grow closer to you, and as you grow, you may even get girlfriends/boyfriends (Ash and Misty, wink wink).
-Back to the League aspect. New Leagues will be announced via your Pokedex. This opens up new areas of the land for you to explore, battle, and get badges for the next league. Of course, this won't happen until all the current leagues are done, so maybe every year a new area is opened up. This, hopefully, creates a low maintenece online paradise, so that the developers can make other games/levels, etc.

I hope some of these ideas are included in the final product. I will still get this game regardless.

Nintendo Gaming / More Capcom rumors
« on: February 08, 2003, 11:00:42 PM »
haha. let's all be Gamefreak!

I saw in Edge's latest issue (the one after the Xbox going the way of Dreamcast issue) a testscreen for the latest spinoff of Resident Evil for PS2. How weird! It's like there's gonna be more spinoff games than the actual games for Gamecube. How sad.
And I just saw at my friend's house this really cool short movie of Streetfighter, starring Jackie Chan. FUNNIEST SH!T EVAH! Download it if you don't already have it! But it reminded me bout the support of Capcom and other various Japanese developers.
Capcom has given us the RE series, two Streetfighter games, and well, that's about it that I know of. Konami has given us zilch. Namco have only made Soul Calibre 2 and Star Fox 'Armarda', both of which ain't even out yet! Sega, well, they've been lukewarm until that blasphemous sports annoucement. And now they suck just as hard. But I forgive Sonic Team and Amusement Vision.
So why are we so hyped about Namco, Capcom, Sega and, I guess Konami supporting us if they've given us so little? I'm sorry, I know I'm speaking out against them but they've done hardly a thing for Gamecube! And yes, there are good games they've made like SMB, RE and , uh, Mickey Mouse, but that's it!

If there is a miracle blowout at E3 from these are more publishers, I will shut up, but until then, I wanna make sure that Sega and EA have been proven wrong that Gamecube WILL have tremendous sales. Please oh please Nintendo, you have such a beautiful machine, but why do you still spite us it with your crappy 'business' decisions and family policy?

Holy Sh!t! Why don't I have Super Monkey Ball yet???
I gotta get it! NOOOW.
Oh wait...I have no money. Nooooooooooo!
Ahh, I'll get SMB2 when it comes out here.

General Chat / Evangelion
« on: February 07, 2003, 07:53:28 PM »
Pretty drastic way to face reality.

General Gaming / Nokia's new handheld a gba killer
« on: February 07, 2003, 07:15:24 PM »
That IS true.
But, like the PS2, mobiles are very popular with teens in this day of age. It is cool. If you have a mobile with all the latest features, then you are cool. I see kids in the Year 4 with mobiles. Sure, the cost may be high, but you have become the select few who can afford this beast. Or you may be the only one. People will envy you, and envy turns into a want to become more like you. And thus, more people will have the cool item. You are not just playing Snake II or Space Impact anymore. You are playing full games made by reputable developers.
The new Nokia game-phone may be seen as this type of item. It may not. Just remember that teens are more willing to spend money on personal items like phones, clothes, etc, then a new home console, or even the GBA, which is ONLY a game machine, since they will more likely have their own jobs or over-spoiling parents.
This materialistic socity is running on it's own fuel. People spend more to make themselves look good. If that means getting the latest phone that's being advertised on TV, then it must be so. And Nokia WILL advertise this phone with all it's might. And for it's worth, it might even find the first dent in Nintendo's handheld armour. Or it might not.

And for all intensive purposes, I dearly hope not. The Game Boy has come a LOOOONG way. It'll be sad to see a mobile phone knock it over.

General Chat / New Animatrix movie up
« on: February 07, 2003, 06:52:04 PM »
Man, I didn't know this was so cool.
It's like the story behind the Terminators as well!
The voice is like Sarah Conner's! "And for a time, it was good."

It's also pretty gruesome for The Matrix. But it IS an Anime, and they are usually gruesome. Especially the part where the guy's head get's ripped apart.

General Chat / Evangelion
« on: February 07, 2003, 06:45:52 PM »
No doubt the best anime out there.
I borrowed the two Evangelion movies (on DVD) from my sister's friend: 'Death and Rebirth' and 'End of Evangelion'. Death and Rebirth was just a recap of all the episodes, but it's End of Evangelion I want to talk about.

This has got to the weirdest Evangelion ever. I had heard of the basic story from a friend about three years ago.
The whole aspect of Rei's clones and Selee's/Gendo Ikari's plans get a little phsychotic at times. And when I thought that Fuyutski and those three technicians were gonna make it out in a happy ending, they all die by melting in all that acid crap that Rei's made out of. Ritsuko goes crazy and is shot by Gendo, Gendo himself is left dying by Rei, and Misato is shot by the army, left for dead to be blown up in the demolition of Nerv. Only Shinji and Asuka are left alive at the end, to die a lonely death because there is nothing left for them. The Third impact did occur after all.

The funniest part just has to be Asuka's sudden revival and her newfound 'invincibility', although short-lived because of the vulture-like Eva unit's 5-13. I envy Shinji because of what he would have got from Misato if they got out alive!

The movie itself was a mess. Toward the end was sterile and boring. Real-life footage and mindless dialogue used to represent Shinji's confusion as to what is reality.
But why did EVERYONE have to die? Why was the ending written with the destruction of Earth through the Third Impact? Why did the ever sexy Misato have to die?

The people who wrote this (GAINAX, etc) must have been on the very brink of insanity to write an ending like this. I know that this is probably what was expected from an Anime (which are far removed form the influences of Hollywood), but it was toooo far removed from what the first few episodes in the Evangelion series was about: Action, humour, fun, innuendo, ego and good vs. evil, which is what I fell in love with. Not mental instability, depression, questions on reality and humanity, and gruesome death as in the last few episodes and the movies.

The Special Features in the Death and Rebirth DVD are outstanding, and provide much needed answers about anything that you don't understand about the Evangelion Universe.  They provide detailed files on all the characters, all the technology, all the locations and all the conspiracies.

Has anybody else seen this movie? I thought it was alright, but JUST. What do you think of it?

Look, if you are unsure if the pre-order thing is coming to Europe, then just pre-order Zelda anyway! If the deal comes, then you still get it, regardless of whether you pre-ordered when they said it was coming or not. You pre-ordered first. And like good retailers, they should hand them out on a first come-first serve basis.
There's no point in asking every retailer on the planet if the deal comes, and go on the PGC forums to ask, then realise that you were too late to get it anyway. SO pre-order it now! And if the deal doensn't come out, you just cancel it! Simple as that!

General Gaming / Nokia's new handheld a gba killer
« on: February 07, 2003, 05:51:18 PM »
You have to remember that mobile phone usage is WAAAAAAAAAAAAY above anything that console can get. Whereas you would only have one console a family average, sometimes each member of the family would have a mobile phone each.
Nokia, though, is REALLY pushing their gaming thing, which is quite scary. They are the Microsoft of mobile phones, so unlike Ericsson and that Red Jade, or something, they won't just pull out as soon as the GBA SP comes out unless it becomes such a massive loss.
And, I heard that the Red Jade was a handheld that could play a fully 3D version of Quake 3 arena, with full online support. Now how scary is that! And the GBA beat it!

Exactly right.
I remember that Phillips did this with the CD-i. It was licenesed so that other electronics companies could make versions of it. Toshiba and Goldstar were a couple of the companies in this instance.

You can read all about the unknown Amercian consoles in DK's VERY COOL book called 'The Complete Guide to Multimedia'. It was made around 1998, so the latest console on it is the PSX. The consoles that get big page coverage are the Sega Saturn, PSX, 3DO and CD-i. The NES, SNES, Master System and Mega Drive get mentions too, but altogether on one page. The reason why the N64 wasn't mentioned was because it wasn't a CD based console, and therefore wasn't a viable leap in technology to make it into the book. Crap isn't it?

There is another good book from Osbourne books called 'Computer Graphics and Animation', which was also made around the same time. It has probably the ONLY officially published put-down for the PSX that I know of. They compared a PSX platformer with Mario 64:
"[This PSX game] uses FMVs (Full Motion Videos) to carry the story. The boy's arms and the surroundings are nicely shaded and rounded. The in-game graphics are what is used to play the actual game. Notice how the boy is now blocky and the individual pixels can be seen."

And now....:
"The graphics in the Nintendo 64 game 'Super Mario 64' are bright, vivid, imaginative and lifelike."
Nuff' said.

Anyone here who goes to St Patrick's College Strathfield (in Sydney, Australia) can look up these two books in the McGlade Library.

General Gaming / Anyone else disappointed in their Xbox?
« on: February 07, 2003, 05:23:48 PM »
Yeah, but not with a next-gen console.
My N64 actually froze when I was playing Perfect Dark sometine last year! Although I HAD been playing it for around 5 hours straight, that was totally unexpected.
My Gamecube is perfectly fine. I take VERY good care of it. After I finish playing, I unplug the power and video cords, and put it on the table (which looks great cause of the handle), and I put my controllers beside it. This is the first time I have ever taken such steps for a console. I have always left my N64/SNES/NES on the floor, where it always collects dust. Now, the Gamecube is spotless.

My friend has an Xbox, and it's pretty hard for him to carry it around places, and do what I do to take care of it. I have heard that in Japan, the Xbox console itself was chwing up game discs! Has this happened to anyone over here in Australia, Europe or Amercia? I would REALLY like to know.

General Gaming / Xbox loses $380 million for Microsoft
« on: February 07, 2003, 05:14:27 PM »
Well, Steve Jobs doesn't seem to be complaining. He does own Pixar after all (his office is there - check the Monster's Inc DVD: Pixar tour!), and they are brining in loads of cash.

Have Microsoft announced anything in terms of any new console? Sony have, and Nintendo have, so have Microsoft?

General Chat / Official Australian PGC visitors disscussion
« on: February 07, 2003, 04:27:40 PM »
Yes. Greenacre is in Sydney. It's the next suburb from Bankstown. In case anybody didn't know.
And Hyper this month is cool, cause Metroid Prime is the Game of the Month (well, why wouldn't it be?!)!

Oh, and by the way, I bought Extreme G3 on Thursday. It's the most sick ass game on the planet! No fog, no slowdown AT ALL, and the speed is all there. You can even break the bloody sound barrier when you go upwards of 800km/h.
The major gripe I have with it though are the weapons and the AI of the other racers. The only weapon you should have are the basic blasters. Anything else is just crap to use. And like F-Zero X, your boost comes out of your health. So, you've got boost, crashing into walls, and weapons flying up your ass, and you're only on the first lap, and your health is going down like crazy. All of a sudden. BOOOOM! You're dead. Ahhh crap.
If there is an option/cheat to turn off the weapons, please, tell me.
I think that's the reason why I love F-Zero so much. Speed is the only thing you have to worry about.

Nintendo Gaming / Konami's neglect
« on: February 07, 2003, 03:48:25 PM »
Remember the deal with Rare? It was for around eleven games! And how many have they only done so far? Three? Five? GEEZ! This is the only thing that's making Konami develop games on Gamecube. Get rid of the deal already! It's not doing any good for Nintendo, Konami, Disney, or any of us gamers!

Konami, the sly bastards they are, will probably use the excuse that sales of Disney games on Gamecube are so poor, there's no point in developing the major franchises for it. They'll develop crap disney game after crap disney game, saying that these games are suited to Gamecube cause it's kiddy, and after poor sales, STILL not try out their major franchises.

So everyone, IF Konami makes a major franchise for Gamecube, for the love of God, buy it (assuming that it's actually a GOOD game)! Prove that we DO want Konami to develop their major franchises for Gamecube!

And yes, Iwata-san had better bloody kick their asses for good Gamecube games. Make them put some effort in for some GBA connection. Mobile 21 was set for a reason wasn't it?

General Chat / Official Australian PGC visitors disscussion
« on: February 07, 2003, 04:33:11 AM »
I live in Greenacre. Don't believe any of the press or your friends! It's not that bad of an area to live in. We leave our back door open all the time. But then again, we DO have a rather large German Shepherd there. Haha.
I was suprised at what HAS happened here though when I heard about it, and I've been living here for 10 years.

Oh yeah, I've seen the new CUBE Mag. Way cool.
I think it's weird though how they're just the UK mag in disguise. I haven't bought it (yet), but look at the front editorial, at the top of the page above the pic of the cover. See what it says? ISSUE 15! Ha! It's issue 5, fellas! How's that for stuff ups. And they've been doing it since Aussie Cube 'ISSUE 1'.
And you know what else is funny? They've just made a report on Megaton! On the PlayStation 'Controversy' and everything that we've been talking about since November. Talk about late. How's about a REAL Aussie CUBE mag eh Paragon? Cool company name as well.

Nintendo Gaming / Pikmin 2 and Mario 128 in 2003!
« on: February 07, 2003, 04:21:54 AM »
That IS good news. And we don't even have Zelda yet!
I'm gonna pre-order Zelda tomorrow, whether the Pre-Order discs are coming out here or not. If they are, then I get two games! Well, one and a half.

Nintendo Gaming / Australian Gamecube sales
« on: February 07, 2003, 04:15:41 AM »
I AM disappointed, but I couldn't care less.
As long as my fave games come out here, I'm happy. It would take an absolute miracle for Gamecube to sell properly here, and I've given up on that. As long as worldwide sales are good, Nintendo of Australia will think of it as a job well done. If that provides them a mask to hide their shame for the lack of what they've done in Australia, then so be it. Notice how Gamecube sales are the only things they haven't made press releases about? There you go.

I'm counting on them, though, to make a BIG impression when F-Zero, Zelda and Metroid come out.
And when the next Nintendo console comes out.

You know something? I thought that the teaser campaign for Red Dragon was for Resident Evil (remake).
"To understand the origins of evil, you must go back to the beginning." After so many games, it does sound like their advertising for RE, but I was a bit disappointed when it turned out to be for RD. I didn't notice that the goat-like tattoo was on the back of some guy. I thought it was a new zombie. How fanboy am I? And there was no other writing on it. None. No logos, no credits or anything. Only a release date, which was a few days off from the real RE release.

Nintendo Gaming / This Zoonami Exclusive Game
« on: February 06, 2003, 05:22:52 AM »
It's gonna be an adventure game. Definitely.
Racer? No. Shooter? No. Nintendo supported? Yes.
Then it's an adventure game.

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