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TalkBack / Re: My Aquarium Confirmed For US Release
« on: July 15, 2008, 04:33:41 PM »
i have a program like this on my Mac thats why I know how pointless this is. It's my screen saver and high def too and honestly I don't even care after the few minutes of novelty. I just turn off the computer or the monitor automatically turns off so I don't even see it.

It's really becoming offensive how much garbage is being posted on Wii. If this program was HD than maybe it wold be worth something but more likely the fish will look like n64 graphics and look terrible.

hope is being lost. This announcement came at the worst possible time too. I am furious about the press conference and seeing this garbage on Wiiware and we YET to see Super mario RPG or Earthbound or anything of value on Virtual Console this game is like salt on an open wound.

TalkBack / Re: My Aquarium Confirmed For US Release
« on: July 15, 2008, 02:22:12 PM »
SO ****EN pointless.

I know this for casual gamers, but casual gamers are not mentally retarded 5 year olds that are easily entertained by digital fish.

Why did they even make this game ?


« on: July 15, 2008, 01:41:30 PM »
I'm just following on text transcripts but it sounds like Wii Music is not a game in any way, shape or form.  If it requires no rhythm and no skill and has no objective and just plays itself it is not a videogame.

Rock Band and Guitar Hero are going to crush it like a grape.  Those games are mainstream.  All the non-gamers at my office that love Wii Sports love those games too.  Wii Music sounds so dumbed down that any person of slight intelligence would be insulted by it.

The Wii is for girls, geezers, kids and morons.  I feel like a complete tool for even owning one.  I want Nintendo to give me a f*cking refund.  A f*cking refund for the last 15 years.

Nintendo is totally banking on non-gamers now.  Once the fad is over they are out of business and I will dance when I hear the news because they'll f*cking deserve it.  They are a con company like EA.

So your hating it because its more like real life and not fake like those games?

You actually make music not PRETEND YOUR PLAYING MUSIC.

Wii Music is going to be more I don't know worthwhile. Guitar Hero and Rock Band only give you the illusion of music being made.

You can have a band and play music and actually become good , not just good at staring at a tv and pushing buttons at right time. A monkey can do that, but Wiimusic you have to try to make it sound good and work on it like a real band.

I don't like music games in general but at least Nintendo is trying something new.

« on: July 15, 2008, 01:30:55 PM »
so not even a single third party game was shown?

What the hell your talking about, thats the problem to many 3rd party games we KNOW about was shown.

I already knew about that snowboarding game, rabbids, call of duty and star wars. I wanted more from Nintendo Wiimusic and Animal Crossing are games that I won't buy so nothing for me outside of random 3rd party stuff.

« on: July 15, 2008, 01:27:02 PM »
GTA for DS is hardcore game and big surprise.

however where is Kid Icarus, Punchout Out, Pikmin 3?

what about harddrive support?

Animal Crossing did seem like a vast improvement to the formula, and voice chat is nice.
Wii Music seems ok, Wiisports Resort seems ok but 1:1 is great.

Mixed bag.

1:1, VoiceChat are things we want but I want a game to use it THIS YEAR.
Sad this isn't shipped with Star Wars game this year.

overall C+

TalkBack / Re: PREVIEWS: Tecmo Bowl: Kickoff
« on: July 14, 2008, 10:03:40 PM »
As somebody who never played this series until I caved into peer pressure and bought it on Virtual Console this is something I am seriously looking forward too.

I never could get into Madden because it was to realistic & complex for anyone new. I've always been a fan of Blitz and this feels like 2d version so I'm very happy.

TalkBack / Re: PREVIEWS: SPRay
« on: July 14, 2008, 06:41:17 PM »
So basically its Super Mario Sunshine clone years later and more gothic storyline.


TalkBack / Re: Nintendo Announces Wii MotionPlus
« on: July 14, 2008, 01:27:03 PM »
I'm thinking this stuff has internal program and memory that remembers how you did motions and learns.

Come on Star Wars: Force Unleashed to use it. That would be awesome

TalkBack / Re: This Week's Virtual Console and WiiWare
« on: July 14, 2008, 01:23:02 PM »
I'll be buying MLE later this week. *smacks lips* Can't wait.

I wouldn't be to excited I'm guessing it will be terrible.

I was hoping Nintendo would release some good quality games since E3 week and all, but nope. More Neo Geo and a horrible NES game.

Dk3 sucks balls, I played it and its just dumb. I guess they are  trying to rush and release every damn NEO GEO game before SNK collection that way they can fool people

Animal Crossing doesn't need to be a WOW killer, it just needs to have things to spice things up. Festivals are too few and far between, an ability to date other animals, maybe have oldschool games come back, but now you can play multiplayer online.

I am a fan of the series but the DS game did NOTHING to advance it outside of a primitive online structure.

The game needs a full overhall to keep it relevant, sure its addicting game it should at LEAST Try to do things different and new.

Punch-Out seems like a cool idea, the problem is after Ready2Rumble and FaceBreaker the idea of a cartoony boxing game is not that fresh and has been done before. If they can get the boxing controls to be amazing that can justify its existence.

I wholeheartedly agree with you about Animal Crossing Wii. However, knowing Nintendo I'm not expecting anything revolutionary out of the game. That way, I can be impressed or not be disappointed when the final game hits stands.

As for Punch-out!!, while I agree that cartoony boxing games have already been done what makes Punch-out so great is the gameplay, and how intimidating the challengers were.

That's something none of these fighting games have been able to replicate. The NES game was the first game that truly intimidated me thanks to how freaky and hard the fighters were. But despite the challenge the whole thing was rather simple; dodge or block attacks and wait for the right moment to strike.

It was so easy, yet in the heat of battle it was just as easy to forget and freak out.

After all, people say there's an easy way of beating Mike Tyson, but the fact is that you mess you and you die.

If Punch-out Wii is able to replicate this along with rock solid controls that do boxing RIGHT then the wait has been worth it.

dont get wrong. Punch-out is great im just saying its impact won't be as big because of those cloned games had such similar style it might not stand out so much. Sort of new call of duty might be great but with so many WW II shooters out , its hard to care anymore even if its brandname game.

I hope animal crossing is not updated game (mario lost levels), but real sequel (mario 3). You never know with nintendo but i have hope.

TalkBack / Re: Nintendo DS Used in Japanese School to Teach English
« on: July 13, 2008, 01:14:30 AM »
English lesson to be rewarded with a sticker.

LoL .
she's 12 not 5.

Animal Crossing doesn't need to be a WOW killer, it just needs to have things to spice things up. Festivals are too few and far between, an ability to date other animals, maybe have oldschool games come back, but now you can play multiplayer online.

I am a fan of the series but the DS game did NOTHING to advance it outside of a primitive online structure.

The game needs a full overhall to keep it relevant, sure its addicting game it should at LEAST Try to do things different and new.

Punch-Out seems like a cool idea, the problem is after Ready2Rumble and FaceBreaker the idea of a cartoony boxing game is not that fresh and has been done before. If they can get the boxing controls to be amazing that can justify its existence.

TalkBack / Re: FEATURES: Whither Now, Samus Aran?
« on: July 12, 2008, 11:07:59 AM »
i didn't see this posted until very late last night after i finished "nightly relaxation teqnuqie". I read the entire first one bit and I was exicted and very much enjoyed reading that. The 2nd part was ok but I fell asleep soon after. Not because it was boring but it was so much to read.

you guys should of released parts of this over a week. It's allot of reading and to much absorb at once.

Nintendo Gaming / Final Fantasy 6 help
« on: July 11, 2008, 08:37:26 PM »
Ok I am right after the water fall area. I moved the moogles to the team of 4. I am near the start of the game. if I got to main city the guy stops me from entering. I try to go into a cave and another guy stops me.

This area is where the King's castle used to be, but no longer is.

So now I'm stuck, Cave and City are only two areas and both refuse to let me go on. Now what. HELP me please. 

I'm going to eat some dinner with my mom on her birthday so I don't have time to look up a guide. I'll be back in a few hours hopefully somebody will have answer. Thanx in advance

Option 1: That is funny to think this, the shopping channel with have the normal VC garbage games that nobody wants and Wiiware will have more crap too. They will not update Nintendo Channel with anything E3 related and more crappy DS demos. Nothing will change.

Option 2: Nintendo will do a small update in preparation for E3 and have some good VC and Wiiware games. They will have some E3 videos and maybe 1 or 2 DS demos from E3.

Option 3: Nintendo Will go all out and Wiiware Will be HUGE and VC will be something everyone wants (Super Mario RPG, Earthbound) and Nintendo channel update will have lots of new E3 videos with Exclusive Content and will have LOTS of new DS E3 demos.

E3 is Monday. Nintendo E3 Conference will be Tuesday.
So VC and Wiiware update Monday in theory be big.

The Nintendo channel usually updates on Monday but they could push that until Tuesday and could potentially have DS E3 demos up and tons of E3 videos ready.

It would be great sign to hardcore gamers and wouldn't be hard for Nintendo to do. In theory having E3 videos on Nintendo channel would be great for casual market to see whats going on.

Nintendo can do this, but do you think Will Do it?

Nintendo Gaming / Re: Nintendo Pattens a new controller for Wii
« on: July 10, 2008, 11:38:45 AM »
It looks like it's the controller shell that Nintendo talked about a long time ago that will never see the light of day because we have the classic controller.

According to this leak your right.

 This puppy was the original classic controller prototype. So unlikely it will ever be released

TalkBack / Re: Rock Band 2 Announced for Wii
« on: July 10, 2008, 11:36:55 AM »
Pointless. Why even bring out the first one? They should of just released the Wii version of 2 with all the songs of one on it.

now two versions of the same game on the market within a few months is not good.

Store are going to be pissed off.

The game is huge and takes up space and more likely than none they will not carry 2 with instruments just the disk and encourage people to buy both, which will be a hard sell.

Captain Rainbow looks even more gay than a big pile of men having sex with other.

Nintendo Gaming / Re: Nintendo Pattens a new controller for Wii
« on: July 10, 2008, 12:59:48 AM »
It looks pretty cool to me. I never actually purchased a classic controller but I have been considering getting one for awhile, but if this thing is just on the horizon then I think I'll just wait for this instead.

BTW, what will this mean for the classic controller then? Does that mean Nintendo is going to be pulling the plug on that?

Not really. Classic Controller is for Virtual Console you can't play Cube games with that. This obviously has cube controller support in mind . This could be replacement for GAMECUBE Controllers, they don't feel like making those controllers under prior console name so they release this to be flashy. I guess they might of heard the complaints that Wave Birds were hard to find and saw 3rd parties making money on cube controllers for smash brothers release so instead of re-releasing wavebird they do this instead.

 i do think however its likely nothing, but knowing Nintendo it might be shown this year.
Reggie:" I know allot of you core gamers didn't like the Wheel or Zapper we introduced this year and I know you guys like the WaveBird controller so I want to show you Wave Bird: Wii Edition. Play your cube and VC games wireless with rumble and the brand you trust for price of $29.99. It doesn't even use Batteries it just uses the Wiimote for consumption. "

I could so see that happening.

TalkBack / Re: New Mega Man 9 Gets Price and DLC
« on: July 09, 2008, 07:38:36 PM »
not being a fan of Mega Man of late, I might seriously consider picking this up now.

General Chat / Re: Podcast Reccomendations
« on: July 09, 2008, 02:49:30 PM »
IGN Nintendo Voice Chat
IGN Game scoop
Washington Week PBS weekly podacsts
Meet the Press weekly episode recap

and obviously Radio Free Nintendo

I used to watch Meet the Press every week.  I'm still saddened that Tim Russert passed, he was one of a kind.

I've never listened to Washington Week though, I'll have to check that out.

It hasn't been the same since he left. They did a whole show with his friends talking about him and all them broke up and cried. That was hard to listen too especially on fathers day.

Tom Brokaw replaced him but i'm not really sure if that voice is good for that sort of thing. He sort of makes me sleep hearing him. I'll give it a few more shots before I decide to unsubscribe or not.

So wait the kid ended up getting NOTHING? lol

when i walking out i overheard she say "ok fine what ds color do you want". I thought I mentioned that in the story oh well.

Nintendo Gaming / Re: Official Virtual Console Mondays Thread
« on: July 09, 2008, 02:42:46 PM »
was clayfighter even a good game? I never played it.

These damn ESRB things are nothing but a tease so nothing to get excited about. I thought Earthbound and Super Mario RPG were coming and they never showed :-(

Nintendo Gaming / Re: Nintendo Pattens a new controller for Wii
« on: July 09, 2008, 02:39:03 PM »
If its wireless wave bird 2.0 I'm going to be pissed off.

I just got a cheap gamecube controller the other day and I already have 4 cube controllers, 2 classics .
but this looks cool and i want it.

more likely this is one of the thousands of things they patten that is vapor ware but stops other people from making it.

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