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Messages - BigJim

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General Gaming / RE:64 bit is better than 32
« on: August 06, 2003, 09:47:17 PM »
point being?

N64 was 64-bit, it's surely not "better" than the 32-bit console(s) on the market now. "Bittage" means nothing for consoles, and not very much for PCs as there is nothing yet in the consumer market demanding its need.

General Gaming / RE:I'm looking for a new tv
« on: August 05, 2003, 11:24:21 PM »
Not that many Cube games support widescreen, so there isn't much to take advantage of. The image in most games would actually be smaller in the 32" widescreen because the aspect ratio would be reduced to 4:3 in most games anyway, giving you much less than 32" viewable space. I'd go with the 4:3.

General Gaming / RE:Linux on Gamecube??
« on: August 05, 2003, 11:20:19 PM »
Getting the Cube to boot to the memory card would be quite the trick... doubt it'd ever happen. Memory cards are slow as hell, so even if they could, it wouldn't be all that practical.

NWR Feedback / too many ads!
« on: July 20, 2003, 06:12:02 AM »
The server isn't making the ads, their ad network is. Pop up blockers. Look into them.

Now we need a FLASH ad blocker. Those flash ads on PGC that completely take over the entire screen with very small and hard to find "close" buttons, if they have any at all, should rot in hell.

PGC said a long time ago that that they transfer gigabytes per day. They're probably bigger now. Can your server handle that?

Nintendo can have it both ways to some extent. If attracting "mature" gamers is the image they want (IF IF  IF), they can put more effort into making more games like ED, Geist, and Metroid directly or through 2nd parties... all of which are, or will be, very high "Nintendo" quality. Right now those types of games are the exception to Nintendo's rule of making "universal appeal" games. If they release more mature titles with more consistency, making it PART of the rule, things can start to change.

For anyone that thinks Nintendo isn't marketing, that's not really true. Their ads can smother the viewer, they just don't happen to be marketing to YOU, because you're not watching the shows/channels that they're targeting. I mean, you won't see a Pokemon commercial during Buffy. They have a pretty hefty budget at present.

But Nintendo will always have some type of "image" issue while they still have Mario, DK, Pokemon, child Link, and so on. However, they'd be insane to forfeit this young market that they pretty much own. So the issue will never go away completely.

Nintendo Gaming / GC2 to release before other rivals....but
« on: July 20, 2003, 05:39:48 AM »
The money MS spent only got them a position that's neck to neck with Nintendo. So bigger budgets alone aren't going to be totally indicative of the results. There's still no indication that Nintendo is even concerned about Xbox or Xbox 2. Their eyes do seem to be on Sony though. And truly that's their biggest threat.

Nintendo Gaming / GC2 to release before other rivals....but
« on: July 17, 2003, 12:15:03 PM »
Simultaneous launches are cool for gamers because we all want to see blood shed, but I bet Nintendo will wait a few months after Sony makes their move. Simul. launches cost more money (marketing), and the end result is still a split of revenue between the two systems, meaning less for both. And I think Nintendo will always look out for the bottom line first.

If history is any indication, there won't be any killer apps for PS3 right out the gate. Nintendo is more capable of producing a killer app(s), so I think it'd be an interesting strategy to let PS3 have its moment... and once people see there's nothing they really need to play, Nintendo launches with their gloves on a couple months later.

Nintendo Gaming / Nintendo In Retrospect and Foresight
« on: July 17, 2003, 12:08:07 PM »

Originally posted by: Ian Sane
The Gameboy is not truly a monopoly because there's nothing to stop someone else from coming along and making their own handheld.  In order to it to be a true monopoly Nintendo would have to be making an effort to prevent competition.  If they made it so that GBA developers must sign exclusivity agreements then they would essentially have a monopoly.

That's not how a monopoly is defined. A monopoly is simply one entity with controlling share.

The prevention of competition makes an ILLEGAL monopony, i.e. Microsoft in the browser market.

Being a monopoly in itself is not illegal.

Fanboys are the early adopters, but early adopters only make up a fraction of the total # of sales. The highest sales usually don't come until after the first year of the system's life.

Nintendo HAS been marketing to their fans, and look at where they are. People are constantly complaining on these forums and elsewhere that they need to expand their reach and lure other gamers in.

Nintendo Gaming / GC2 to release before other rivals....but
« on: July 16, 2003, 08:06:07 AM »
Nintendo never made such a statement.

Sometimes you just have to read the other threads before making your own.

NWR Feedback / Stop stealing content from other sites ... ?
« on: July 15, 2003, 12:49:03 AM »
The subject line that you're taking out of context is referring to people who copy and paste other people's news, particularly pay-for content, into forum posts, which is wrong and usually illegal. PGC has long had a very high reputation for the way they operate and source.

Nintendo Gaming / Nintendo on Life Support?
« on: July 15, 2003, 12:35:22 AM »
Life support as far as what? As it's been said many times before, Nintendo's more profitable than either other company in the console space. As long as they continue to make money, they're not going anywhere. Even if they ever start to lose money, the 7 billion in the bank will still ensure working operations for a good deal of time following. But no, the idea of a conspiracy in the making doesn't seem likely considering the health of the company.

Nintendo Gaming / nes 2?
« on: July 12, 2003, 09:55:07 PM »
The Xbox's size has more to do with MS's desire to make it component sized than its actual contents. Have ya seen the inside? It's not THAT cramped. There is/was supposedly a new version in the making that was smaller than the original.

Unless you're being sarcastic, what does Xbox's launch have to do with PS3's launch?

What Ian said.

The PS2 also was a cheap DVD player for Japan, had brand recognition for consumers, and had developer confidence.

I don't know where folks got the idea Nintendo plans to beat competitors to the market. I don't think anybody actually expects that either. They simply said they wouldn't give them a headstart... meaning anything from matching launches to launching a matter of months after a competitor, rather than a year.

Simultaneous launches are cool for gamers because we all want to see blood shed, but I bet Nintendo will wait a few months after Sony makes their move. Simul. launches cost more money (marketing), and the end result is still a split of revenue between the two systems, meaning less for both. And I think Nintendo will always look out for the bottom line first.

If history is any indication, there won't be any killer apps for PS3 right out the gate. Nintendo is more capable of producing a killer app(s), so I think it'd be an interesting strategy to let PS3 have its moment... and once people see there's nothing they really need to play, Nintendo launches with their gloves on.

Nintendo Gaming / Cube to be Number 1 at Summer
« on: July 06, 2003, 01:06:03 AM »

Originally posted by: XMasterLinkX
Actually Nintendo boosted itself with Zelda...  And There is a Mario sequel coming out, along with Mario Kart, and FF...  We have a Metal Gear game coming out, etc...  You can expect to see the cube boost up to number 1 spot, because there is no number 1, because most system are equal...  PS2, has alot of problems with there systems, and I think that PS2 is going to slow down...  I am not saying anything to just put the GCN's rep up but I think the GCN has more potential then the other two..  Thank You...

XMasterLinkX(The Real Link)

GameCube marketshare going up based on the saturation (thus slowed sales) of the PS2 is not exactly a compelling thought. No game, or games, will boost Nintendo's hardware sales anywhere near 30+ million at this point. We'll have to see what happens next go-around when Nintendo doesn't give the competition such a head start.

General Gaming / Micrsoft is now doomed?
« on: July 02, 2003, 09:32:38 PM »
You just release a new version of the hardware without the vulnerability to prevent further damage. There's already been at least 1 Xbox revision, and supposedly there was going to be another to shrink it. This hack still involves some basic hardware technical skills, followed by a Linux installation... and while Linux is talked up a lot, it's not exactly going to shake the world up yet.

MS isn't making money on Xbox anyway. They continue despite of the fact.

The Penny Arcade comic about this sums up my feelings.

General Gaming / Disc sizes
« on: July 02, 2003, 03:24:06 AM »
All systems are CAV... all systems have an inner 8 cm to put data on. Advantage? nobody... except that Xbox and PS2 have more storage beyond 8 cm as well.

Nintendo Gaming / What Nintendo should do when launching GC2
« on: July 02, 2003, 03:13:34 AM »

Originally posted by: Mario

I agree on both points. If not Pokemon Online, then a huge Pokemon RPG for GC2. Nintendo has RPG gold sitting in front of its nose but it has chosen not to take advantage...I can't figure out why either.

Nintendo havent made a huge Pokemon RPG because it will most definately cut into sales of thier Gameboy games. Pokemon is keeping Nintendo's gameboy alive, and its the only Nintendo product that actually sells here in Australia. Making a huge full 3D pokemon RPG for the Gamecube would be a bad business decision, and i dont see Nintendo doing it until they are really desperate. It would be good for gamers however

The GBA was alive and well long before Pokemon. Ahem, monopoly.

Nintendo Gaming / Cube to be Number 1 at Summer
« on: July 02, 2003, 03:03:26 AM »
Being the winner of the summer wouldn't be saying much, it's a fairly dull time period for games. Note how most of those games aren't even summer ones.

Look at all of the 2002 hits. Nintendo called it their biggest year ever. It didn't make a dent in Nintendo's marketshare. The games have kept them afloat; they didn't help them rise very much, %-wise. It's quite the niche Nintendo made for themselves.

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