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Messages - TOPHATANT123

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Once upon a time.
There was a timid young boy who was lonely.
One morning, before him appeared - a family of pesky... Rats!
Hey wait!
Uh oh, where am I?
Deep in the dark forest - the young boy discovered... A magical gold crown!
From the day he put on that mystical crown, they say the boy became a magnificent king.
And all man and animals one and all, they say became his loyal followers.
And so somehow, in some such way, the young boy was no longer lonely.

James was probably thinking of Yasunori Mitsuda, who just did the one song for the original Xenoblade.

Outside of the context of the intro sequence, that song from Little King's Story is actually really nice.

It's been a horrible night

Had a look over the threads and Pokepal is (almost certainly) the vote manipulator and without the doctor they are in perilous danger, so I see no reason not to trust them. The evidence provided for the Rabicle vote is shaky at best.

Vote Luigidude

Hmm well I don't think a vote for pokepal makes much sense given the circumstances.

I'll stick with what I've been saying since yesterday.

Vote Stevey

Looks like people are afraid to vote today. Well not me, maybe a little bit.

Let's cast a vote to widen the debate.

Vote Stevey

Ah, the burden of the bandwagon starter.

It's a civic duty to cast your vote, but as you've pointed out my detection skills were off the mark this time.

Had a look through all the days again and not much jumps out to me. Stevey and Lolmonade have been quiet but not too quiet. I'll restrain from throwing out a vote just yet, but I'll be back.

Gooigi is out nice and early, but it won't mean much while Luigi is still at large.

MASB abstained last round, let's try and stir up some activity

Vote MASB (subject to change)

General Gaming / Re: Shocktober 2021: Just in time for Metroid Dread.
« on: October 06, 2021, 06:42:25 PM »
I had to rack my brain for any unplayed horror game I own, but I found one. Silent Hill, I purchased this during the PS3 store closure rush. Never played anything in this series, it's a shame the other games sound like they don't have great ways to play them anymore. Konami could have just released 2, 3 & 4 on PSN the same as 1, but that boat has well and truly sailed now.

It's a pleasure to be back here again

For prosperity, here are the players:

Mr. Bungle
Mop it up
Luigi Dude

Luigi Dude jumps out at me for obvious reasons...
Could make the game interesting and vote for myself...
And by Jove, is that Crimm?!

Let's keep things simple.
Vote pokepal148

TalkBack / Re: Nintendo Downloads - September 23, 2021
« on: September 20, 2021, 02:51:49 PM »
Suzerain is a fun little choice based visual novel. Maybe a bit flawed, but it's really ambitious especially in terms of its world building. I was hooked the entire time playing it on PC (as I ran the country into the ground).

Podcast Discussion / Re: RetroActive 50: Little King's Story
« on: September 19, 2021, 12:12:51 PM »
Yeah I'm done with this game.

PC version is randomly crashing even when resolution and graphics are cranked down to Wii levels. Had to leave my first negative steam review.

Had a couple of somewhat fun boss battles but it's got plenty of issues. The map is horrible and the game doesn't do a good job of telling you where to go. The combat is shallow and uninteresting against regular enemies. It also lacks almost all of the actual strategy elements from Pikmin.

Had I suffered to the end, I doubt my opinion would change.

Podcast Discussion / Re: RetroActive 50: Little King's Story
« on: September 14, 2021, 07:20:56 PM »
Up to 6 hours play time now. Had an unfortunate "LittleKingStory.exe has crashed" after beating one of the bosses, so I guess I'll have to do that part again. Suppose that's the PC version doing it's thing.

It was a fun boss battle as well. Difficult fight and I was under resourced, but I felt like if I kept trying I could win, and I did. Until the game crashed. I appreciate at least that boss battles let you retry and don't send you back to the title screen like dying on the overworld does.

So I reiterate, SAVE OFTEN.

Podcast Discussion / Re: RetroActive 50: Little King's Story
« on: September 14, 2021, 10:13:53 AM »
Okay here's my initial impressions after 2 hours with the game on PC.

I would say my overall gut feel of it is it's a less polished Pikmin with an upgrade tree. I say less polished because I feel like Pikmin is so perfectly set up for what it's trying to be, it's a time management game where you've got to spread out your resources. In Pikmin you see fractions on every item that tell you how you need to delegate these resources, and it's obvious which Pikmin can do what.

In this game, it seems from my admittedly early playtime, that the AI isn't smart enough to keep doing a task if you leave them to it. If you go off screen, the town's person will stop what they're doing and run to you, resetting the countdown timer. Isn't this where the strategy comes from in Pikmin?

What am I supposed to do as the player when the timer is counting down? Did this game copy Pikmin's mechanics without an understanding of why they work? But it's still early days and I'm willing to give this game time, maybe you get an item or something that allows you to multitask. Or maybe it's possible but finicky.

Playing on PC I expected the game to use the mouse, as it's a port of a Wii game. But no it only uses the keyboard. Makes me wonder why it only ever showed up on Wii and PC. You could have put this on anything because it doesn't use pointer controls at all.

In terms of tone, setting and story. I like the idea of being a ruler, that kind of thing appeals to me. Although it's a turn off for me if it gets too silly. I bought Reins Kings & Queens on the concept alone, but I found the tone to be too slapstick for me to get invested in the decisions I made or the story in general. Little King's Story doesn't seem as 4th wall breaking as Reigns, but I wouldn't say I feel any urgency or intrigue or motivation coming from the story either. Not that kind of game I guess.

I noticed early on that the music sounded like it was public domain stuff. Checked online to find out that the entire soundtrack is public domain. Not a huge issue, as what they have fits the tone. Overcooked 1, is one of the best games on Switch and that uses royalty free music.

Your starting kingdom has a job rate of 0%. Once you reach full unemployment, there's probably something wrong with your economy. Unless you've reached post scarcity abundance.

The enemies seem to be called UMA's, not sure if it's been explained what that stands for.

I would say the most enjoyable part of the game so far has been the boss fights. The king only has 3 HP and your people can die quickly, so both boss battles I've fought have felt exciting.

On the subject of having only 3HP, make sure you save often, because if you die it takes you back to the title screen. I know this because I was having my people dig a hole and with nothing to do in the mean time I went to grab my phone. Little did I know that some monsters had jumped out of the hole and started attacking me, the guards don't attack unless you command them to, so within a few seconds the king was dead.

NWR Mafia Games / Re: Mafia LXXXVI: Sign-up Thread
« on: September 10, 2021, 03:49:40 AM »

General Gaming / Re: Backlaugust 2021: Round 2: Electric Boogaloo
« on: August 25, 2021, 09:51:15 PM »
Renegade is extremely difficult. The AI is far more ruthless than any other game in the collection.

I watched lots of YouTube tutorials on game strategy, openings. Then 250+ attempts later I managed to beat it. It's possible, but takes time and effort.

General Gaming / Re: Backlaugust 2021: Round 2: Electric Boogaloo
« on: August 22, 2021, 04:49:34 PM »
Another one in the bag: Suikoden.

I really like this game, it's solid. The best thing it's got going for it is that it's nice and short. It's from before side quests were invented, meaning I was able to finish it in 26 hours. It's got a simple battle system that never gets too hard, while providing some challenge during bosses. Plus some fun mini games that are integrated into the story.

The story itself is refreshingly straight forward compared to other JRPGs, and well executed. You have a clear goal and it's a game world that managed to capture my imagination. It packs a lot into its relatively short run time.

The USP of Suikoden is its number of characters. There are over 100 party members and I think they pulled this off rather well. Everyone levels up insanely quickly so you don't have to worry about characters falling behind. Even the characters you never use are integrated into the battle system at certain points, so characters you don't plan on actively using are useful in the grand scheme of things. I've also got to say as well that the art style is lovely.

My main criticisms would be quality of life stuff. The menus are slow and clunky and your character can't run inside dungeons for some reason. Swapping out equipment is a chore that disincentivses you from changing your party too often. The game thankfully allows you to teleport wherever you want, but in terms of quality of life the series has a way to go.

Looking forward to playing the next one at some point in the future.

General Gaming / Re: Backlaugust 2021: Round 2: Electric Boogaloo
« on: August 19, 2021, 05:55:21 PM »
Not been making much progress on the old backlog.

Almost the end of August, but I've managed to finish one: Astral Chain.

The combat is excellent. There's room for criticism with some of the other parts of the game, but at the end of the day it's a Platinum game. The combat is what you're here for. It's deep and complex, but it slowly introduces you to all of the moves and techniques so you don't get overwhelmed. The controls are clever as they allow you to pull off a variety of different attacks without requiring you to remember and execute a string of button inputs.

General Gaming / Re: Backlaugust 2021: Round 2: Electric Boogaloo
« on: August 02, 2021, 08:05:31 AM »
It's that time again already?

I've got some in mind. Suikoden I played a good amount of then put down earlier this year. Bravely Default 2 and Astral Chain would also be good candidates.

Podcast Discussion / Re: Episode 732: The Blaster Master Bombshell
« on: July 25, 2021, 11:03:30 PM »
My suggestion is that we loop back around to Spirit Tracks. Didn't bother to play it the first time.

The limited time digital releases are artificial scarcity capitalist bs. Has to be one of the worst developments in the gaming space in a long time. Such a transparent unjustifiable cash grab, I'm not supporting that.

Nintendo Gaming / Re: Nintendo Switch Wishlist Game Recommendations
« on: July 01, 2021, 01:55:15 PM »
I recommend Daemon X Machina. The main gameplay of flying around in a mech blowing stuff up is fun. My biggest criticism would be the story, made no sense whatsoever. It felt like it was written by aliens or a 5th dimensional being or something.

The Stretchers is a fun co-op game, although not as brilliant as something like Overcooked or Heave Ho. Mid tier co-op.

Baba is You I would advise caution. Incredible concept but gets difficult really quickly. I wasn't able to get too far into it.

You can also skip Sonic Forces. I'm no stranger to mediocre Sonic games, but this one is below mediocre. Stages are over in less than a minute, aren't fun to begin with, and then are padded out with repetitive challenges. Wasn't an enjoyable experience.

TalkBack / Re: Nintendo Direct To Air June 15: Focused On Software
« on: June 02, 2021, 03:16:59 PM »
All aboard

Woo I did it! Finally finished Trials and Tribulations and thus the original trilogy. There were moments where I felt like the 3rd game was dragging or being obtuse, but looking back on it I quite enjoyed it. It's a great send off for the trilogy and has a good overarching narrative, my favourite part about the first game. I enjoyed it so much I'm happy to continue on to Apollo Justice at some point.

The thing I would warn about the trilogy is that it is a time commitment. The games are actually quite long. The 3DS says I played the trilogy for 143 hours, How Long to Beat says that a typical playthrough is about half that, so either I'm slow at reading or I easy get distracted while playing. I started it in July 2015 and am only now finishing it in May 2021. It's not like I couldn't have done it in less than 6 years, but the pace felt right to avoid getting burnt out. Although I was still admittedly feeling a bit burnt out by the time game 3 came around. As this would have been the 6th game I played in the series.

One thing I wished the games had were hint coins, like in Professor Layton Vs Phoenix Wright. The HP system in this game is flawed, about as mechanically sound as say lives in Mario 64. Often times I will be stuck going back and forth between the title screen trying to figure out what it wants me to say. When the game works and you know what it's hinting at it feels amazing, but you can also get stuck if you forget some crucial detail that you might have heard days or hours ago. A simple hint coin system to help you onto the right track would fix this.

Overall I would recommend the trilogy, both of newcomers and for people like me who played the games out of order.

General Gaming / Re: Four on four
« on: May 01, 2021, 07:02:46 AM »
Well here it is, May day has rolled around and I'd say I achieved the spirit of four on four. Didn't quite complete something on four systems but I did the playing part.

The Vanishing of Ethan Carter (Finished)
Twin Mirror (Finished)
Telltale: The Walking Dead Season 1 (Finished)

Hyrule Warriors Age of Calamity (Finished)
Pacman 99 (Won a round)

Pokémon Trading Card Game GB (Finished)

Suikoden (Started)

My favourite of the bunch would have to be The Walking Dead. It's a thrilling video game story and the debut of the Telltale formula still holds up after all this time.

Only the Wii U ports  :o

Looking at the existing list there's no RPGs except Dream Team, so I would guess they like to sell those at full price or want to keep selects with a broad appeal. Excluding your Xenoblades and Fire Emblems.

I expect them to start with the games that were lukewarm critically but sold decently. Star Allies feels like a shoe in, even though historically the series has only ever been a select once with Triple Deluxe. Maybe something like Let's Go Pikachu, kind of weird that Pokepark 1 is the only Pokémon select so far. 1-2 Switch and Arms also sound like what you can expect for a first round.

Interesting topic, never donated to a Kickstarter but I wouldn't be opposed if the right game came along.

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