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Messages - Marcus Arillius

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Nintendo Gaming / One Problem with Wind Waker
« on: March 29, 2003, 05:23:38 PM »
I just got to dragon roost.   Actually,  I was watching my little brother play through the dragon roost (temple?) and I am  more impressed with the graphics then when I made that post.

Nintendo Gaming / One Problem with Wind Waker
« on: March 28, 2003, 07:32:47 PM »
I didn't notice the blur that much.  Its not bad though.  I

However, my problem is that with all-this hype about cel-shading, it really wasn't all that it was cracked up to be.  It looks a lot like the calibur of graphics found in Kingdom Hearts.  Not too impressive for me, not to say it isn't good, just not impressive.  I am enjoying the graphics much better now though.  I guess you could say I'm getting used to it.

General Chat / war in iraq
« on: March 28, 2003, 07:23:12 PM »

Originally posted by: kennyb27
I think some of these anti-war protests are extremely ridiculous and in some cases anti-American.  For example, a sign being held in a protest in New York City read "I will support our troops when they shoot their officers."  I don't understand how someone can say that when they are an American.  If they say this about the American leaders, they should move to Iraq and try to live their way of life their.  If they were to make stupid statements about their government there, THEY would be the ones getting shot, not the leaders.

That was just one person representing himself, not the sentiment of all the protestors.  I have a million reasons to be against the war and a million for the war, so I don't know where I stand.  However, I don't think anyone is being anti-american if they protest a war.  They don't think it is right.  It's anti-American to keep people from protesting.  I don't agree with that person however.  Most of those soldiers don't want to be over there anymore than you or I want to be over. They are just following orders.  I think that person was doing it for shock value.  I don't think that they really thought over what they were writing on that sign.


Nintendo Gaming / The Day Has Come
« on: March 28, 2003, 07:10:37 PM »
I got my car back and the first thing I did was get Zelda. Hooray!

General Chat / war in iraq
« on: March 28, 2003, 07:16:04 AM »
I'd just like to note that I think we are taking this thing with France too far by changing the name of "French fries" to "Freedom fries."  How immature and childish is that? Worse yet, our own congress has done that on their menus.  I really want people who are acting like children running our country (note the sarcasm).  Next thing you know they'll be throwing all French art out of museums, and they will ban teaching French history in schools.  There are people who are partiotic and then there are people who are idiotic, now its hard to distinguish the line between patriotism and idiocy.

I took a course in American History and we were taught back to the beginning of the church.  It was this course that made me realize that the Christian religion was basically created to control the people and take their money.  So now I definitely do not believe in any sort of organized religion especially Chrisitanity and Catholisicm because they are oppresive and discriminatory which no religion should be.  I'm not going to get into it because there will definitely be arguments on religion.  However, although informal, the show "Penn & Teller: Bullshit" (airs on Showtime) is actually a good source for information on this topic (I watched it last night).
All in all, I think religion is just something to appease people's fear of not existing after death. If you research you find that as soon as man was able to realize the concept of death and that they eventually will die, that is when the belief of an afterlife began.

Nintendo Gaming / NINTENDO FANBOYS
« on: March 26, 2003, 07:57:06 PM »
I thought I was a "fanboy" but now I see I'm not.


Originally posted by: MrShag
Don't see any problem here :


Wow, I didn't realizne how teeny-tiny the shoulder buttons were.

Nintendojo updated the article to note that Nintendo's link cable works fine.  (Just thought I'd let ya'll know, ya hear?)

General Chat / Pi
« on: March 24, 2003, 04:28:40 PM »

Originally posted by: enigma487

Originally posted by: GoldShadow1
but I thought I'd tell ya that the formula f(x) = sin(180/x)x approaches pi.  Figured that out.

what are you on??  you made the brilliand deduction that sin(Pi/x)x approaches Pi??  Holy sh!t you're a genius.  how long did you play with your graphing calculator to figure that one out?  and you should really signify where it approaches Pi.  is it at 0, or 2, or Pi, or infinity??  What's the derivative of that function smart guy?

Edit:  Sorry.  A little out of line there...

Your right, it was a little out of line.
I think he means pi is an asymtope.  I don't know I don't have a graphing calculator and I don't feel like thinking.

General Chat / war in iraq
« on: March 24, 2003, 04:24:21 PM »

Originally posted by: cubefreak123
ok the only reasoned she apologized about wat she said about the president IS FOR THE MONEY i bet the second she said that her manager said u better apologize or ur goona lose record sales its all for the money.

you hit the proverbial nail on the head, if I do say so myself.

General Chat / war in iraq
« on: March 24, 2003, 04:22:45 PM »

Originally posted by: thecubedcanuck

Do you not remeber when the September 11 attacks occured there was video of people cheering in the streets of Pakistan and other Arabian countries? I can't recall if there was video of Iraq's people doing the same thing, but being that Iraq and Pakistan are allies most likely their sentiments were the same.

This is so flawed it isnt even funny. Many of the people you see cheering have been raised with such a level of uninformed hatred that it is sickening. These people are in many cases uneducated, uniformed, and truly have no concept of what they are even cheering for.

They have been taught to believe that the Americans are evil, and that the American way of life is filled with sin and is also evil. I guess killing your wife because she showed her face to another man is just fine and dandy though, while your at, it why not brutally castrate your daughters as well.

Yes, our cultures are very differant, but that is no ecxuse at all to sit back and allow flagrent abuses on human life to occur.

Information, and education will truly be the only things that will really liberate the Iraqis, and the whole middle east for that matter. Only when they begin to realize we are not the evil people they think we are will thinks change, and here at home we must do the same thing, making sure our children know and respect them as well.

Removing Saddam is a step in the right direction, however it is just one piece in a very large and difficult puzzle.

I hope your not saying my statement was flawed because it was 100% true.  Even if they are undeducated, the point is, they still don't want to be liberated, especially by the U.S.  Given, they will have a better life if they are liberated, but they don't know that.  They are afraid of us.  
And about the Iraqis welcoming the troops:  Wouldn't you welcome another countries' troops, especially if that country were larger and more powerful (although none are), if they were invading America in the hopes that they wouldn't see you as a threat, and would let you live?  Saddam has probaly told his people that the Americans are ruthless killers and to be afraid of them.  People will do anything to survive, and I don't blame them.
I agree, removing Saddam is a step in the right direction, it needs to be done, however, our government can offer us no reassurance or safety.  We could be bombed at any time.  Thats the reality of the situation.  That is why war with someone like Saddam is not a good Idea.  Someone mentioned earlier that a stealthy assasination would be better, and I agree.  It would be less risk to the American people.  
I'll end with this:  How many of you are willing to be killed to liberate the Iraqi people who most likely hate us and want us dead?  Well, get ready.  Now we are all in immediate danger (given we were before, but I think its a little more serious now) .  Don't be surprised if we are bombed.

General Gaming / Final Fantasy X-2.
« on: March 24, 2003, 04:08:31 AM »
As soon as I beat FFX, I started playing FF7 and I was actually frustrated with how long I had to wait for the timer to run down.  

Nintendo Gaming / The Day Has Come
« on: March 24, 2003, 03:54:35 AM »
Hope you guys have fun.  Its just my luck that on Thursday, my car breaks down.  Turns out I need a new motor.  I have no way to get to CompUSA where I pre-ordered until Saturday.  Even if I could, I am hesitant to even buy the game now because my car is going to cost me 2000 dollars.  Could my car have broken down at a worse time?
I hate horrible coincidences

General Chat / war in iraq
« on: March 23, 2003, 07:07:37 PM »

Originally posted by: mouse_clicker
"And most Iraqis don't want liberation. Read up a bit."


Seriosuly, where are you getting that information? Last I checked civilians don't welcome US troops, defile posters of their "esteemed" leader, and surrender by the thousands if they didn't want to be liberated. Next you'll be telling me the people of Iraq *voluntarily* elected Hussein as their dicatator.


Most Arab nations are under the impression we intend of destroying the Islamic religion and replace it with Christianity.

Thanks for proving my point.  Most arab nations do believe we want to impose our culture on them and change their way of life, including Iraq.  They don't want that.  Iraqis see what we call "liberation" as a military coming and destroying their cities and killing civilians (yes we have, even if it was accidental) then eventually imposing our culture on them.  You might want to note that although some people have welcomed the troops, there are others who have "welcomed" troops and then attacked them in ambushes.  (I got that from CNN. )

Do you not remeber when the September 11 attacks occured there was video of people cheering in the streets of Pakistan and other Arabian countries?  I can't recall if there was video of Iraq's people doing the same thing, but being that Iraq and Pakistan are allies most likely their sentiments were the same.

Nintendo Gaming / Stupid Nintendo Power
« on: March 23, 2003, 10:38:37 AM »
thats all you bought NP for was the poster?

General Chat / war in iraq
« on: March 23, 2003, 06:43:38 AM »

Originally posted by: BrianSLA

>> Bush using this to divert attention...... pass bills ..... Alaskan oil.... protected land <<

Nope. That bill got shot down in the REPUBLICAN controlled senate. Again I HATE Bush / think he is an idiot / he is ruining the economy but he isn't going to war to do anything BUT go to war. Saddam needs to go and I am glad is Bush is doing it.  

>>  The president is supposed to represent us, and meet the demands of the public, not the other way around! <<

The US is a representative deomcracy. We choose leaders to represent us, to do the work for us, to lead. The American people had a choice and BASED ON our system of electing Presidents ( the Electoral College ), the American " people " chose Bush. In reality it was Gore based on numbers but in our electoral system, if you take the majority of the state vote, you get the state. More people voted for Gore than Bush but Bush won more states. That said you blame all this on that MAJOR IDIOT RAPLH NADER.... you screwed up the election, acted as a spoiler that took away votes from Gore that cost him the election.

>> we are a member of the UN. As a matter of fact we helped organize it............. The point of the U.N. is for the world to make decisions that affect the world together .........  We should have went along with the voting results because we are part of the U.N. as well, and this is a global matter. However, we basically said "screw you" to the U.N. and did what we wanted. What is the point of the UN then?  <<

Marcus, you have rosy colored view of the world.  Yes the US basically created the UN. But the UN is NOT a world government. It is in reality, in poli sci terms, a NGO  ( Non- Govenmental Organization ). It is just an organization. It isn't govenrment, it isn't supposed to be. The US and all members of the UN and those outside of it do not give any of their sovereignty to it. It is an organization to help countries solve their problems / disputes and to TRY to make a better world. That is it. The majority of the UN's members are not democracies. It is just an organization and when it becomes USELESS or ineffective, then it has to chucked.

>> Most of the Iraqi people don't want liberation <<

You can't be serious. The majority of the Iraqi people are Shi'ite muslims. He has genocided out of existance the marsh arabs. He has gassed his own people. He won 99.99999 % of the vote in his elections and the few hundred stupid people who voted against him are all missing or six feet under. TENS OF THOUSANDS of Iraqi children have died since the Gulf War due to the sanctions and Saddam screwing them over.

I am very well aware that the bill was not passed, however, the point is that is was put up for vote in the first place.  The war (and the economy) is being used an excuse to destroy the environment by loosening restrictions on pollution producing companies, and drilling for oil and what not.

I am also very well aware of how our representative democracy operates.  You, however, are taking my comments out of context.  People shouldn't blindly follow the President in whatever decisions he makes.  Although we chose people to represent us it doesn't mean they always do.  That is where the First Amendment comes in, allowing us the right to free speech, and the right to protest, which people should take full advantage of.  

I never once said the UN was a government, ( You quoted me, you should know)  however, there are governmental processes that take place within the UN.   All countries in the UN have an ethical obligation to follow the voting process that is involved when making their decisions.  Now an ethical obligation is not a legal obligation so it doesn't mean they have to follow what is voted, but if they didn't then there really isn't a point in having a "Non-governmental Organization" such as the UN in the first place.

And most Iraqis don't want liberation.  Read up a bit.

General Gaming / Final Fantasy X-2.
« on: March 20, 2003, 03:46:23 PM »
Turn based is much faster than active time battle.  In ATB you have to wait for the counter.  Even if its your turn, if the counter isn't finished you can't go yet.  There is no waiting in turn-based, thus, it is faster.  


Originally posted by: Don'tHate742
I don't......I would love to control spiderman in all his cartoony splender. Also CELSHADING if done right well REVOLUTIONIZE the gaming industry. I always wanted a cel-shaded DBZ game or Cowboy BEBOP game.

In what way will it revolutionize the gaming industry?  

General Chat / war in iraq
« on: March 20, 2003, 03:34:11 PM »

Originally posted by: BrianSLA
First of all I think Bush is an idiot / I hate him / think & know he is ruining the economy BUT that said I support the war. I always have. Saddam Hussein is a madman who needs to be taken out sooner or later. As it is now our troops will probably be gassed or biowar assaulted sometime in this campaign. BUT better now then latter when Saddam has even more weapons of mass destruction to hit us with. As for why I support the war: 1.) Saddam is a madman who is kills his people. 2.) Saddam is madman who will try to kill us sooner or later. 3.) The Iraqi people don't support Saddam. In Gulf War 1, EVEN his troops surrendered en masse in the hundreds of thousands. They don't even support Saddam.

I would be more worried about the U.S. being attacked with biological weapons right now than our troops.  No offense to them and I hope they all come back alive (sad but they won't).  Saddam most likely has the capability to do it.  His worth alone is over 5 billions dollars, that doesn't  include what is military is being funded with.  He most likely has weapons with the capability to hit the U.S., even if he couldn't build them, there are probaly of countries more than willing to seel them to him (heh hem, North Korea)

I know I'm triple posting, but I had to quote this

General Chat / war in iraq
« on: March 20, 2003, 03:23:04 PM »
thank u for proving how absolutely mindless the american public is. america is more worried about "american idol" than the serious situation at hand. 100% antiwar and u think saddam needs to be taken out?? how do u propose we do that, sit around with our thumbs up our asses all day like almost every country within the UN?? saddam is never going to cooperate, and yes, i think bush made the right decision about going to war. the u.s. has been patient for too long, and the UN is not patient, but rather full of crap, especially france. its sad that when other countries call for our help, the u.s. comes to the rescue, yet, when it is our turn, our time of "need", these countries turn their backs on us. by "need" i mean we don't need any physical help, but rather support by the whole world. everyone seems so urgent and quick to make the u.s. look like a terrorist, a hungry animal looking to gobble up anything, an imperialistic whore that's willing to take over the world. what we really are doing is liberating the iraqi people. almost every iraqi person has a family member that they lost to saddam. action needs to be taken, and the time is now.

We don't run the world.  Other countries don't have to support us.  The point of the U.N. is for the world to make decisions that affect the world together.  We are practically the ones who made the rules for it.  However, most of the countries' representatives voted against the war.  We should have went along with the voting results because we are part of the U.N. as well, and this is a global matter.  However, we basically said "screw you" to the U.N. and did what we wanted.  What is the point of the UN then?  Most of the Iraqi people don't want liberation.  I read an article that said most Iraqi's and other mid-eastern countries felt we deserved what happened to us on September 11 as well.  I don't think we did, however, I can see why they hate us.  The U.S. is a bully plain and simple, and by the U.S. I mean the government, especially George Bush, who is IMO the most aggressive president ever, and that's not a good thing.

General Chat / war in iraq
« on: March 20, 2003, 03:13:24 PM »
One of my biggest issues with this whole ordeal is that while our attention is diverted to the war, Bush is using this as an opportunity to try to get all the bills passed that he knows the majority of the public are against.  He is also using the war as an excuse to destroy protected land and wild-life reserves by drilling for oil, and clearing protected forrests.

The country is not supposed to support whatever decision the President makes.  That would make our government a dictatorship.  The president is supposed to represent us, and meet the demands of the public, not the other way around!  Don't take this offensively but I can't believe some people make statements such as "I support whatever decision the President makes."  You're not supposed too!  It is your right as a citizen of the United States to voice your opinion, and say when you think something is wrong!

In reference to the Dixie Chics remark:  More power to them.  They are U.S. citizens who have every right to voice their opinion.  The people who decided to boycott them should feel ashamed for they are disgracing our nation.   They are boycotting someone for exercising their right to freedom of speech.  These people are practically giving up their guarenteed rights.  Granted these people have a right to an opinion, but so do those singers.

General Chat / Can anyone answer my question!
« on: March 18, 2003, 07:03:39 PM »

Originally posted by: Demonhunter
Hehe! not so! During bootup, hit F8 and go into safe mode! You can circomvent all user accounts and go into anyones documents folder. Muaha!

We use to do that at school to get on porn (Sad, right?) and other sites that were "banned" like Yahoo.  What the hell are they banning yahoo for?  
Anyway, it didn't work anymore once they upgraded to Windows XP.  

Zach, sorry bud.  My older brother was the same way. I used to crack his password all the time until he turned into ultra-nerd and made it some type of Kata-kana.  Thank god my brother moved out.  My advice is to try and guess your brother's password (I'm assuming he's the administrator of the computer), its almost always a girl's name that he likes, and sometimes, and less often, something he likes to do, or something characteristic and unique to him.  

Ooh.. and if your mom is the admin, its probaly her favorite pets name, or her best friend's name.

1)  Yes.  I'll name some: Doom, Platoon, Quake, Mortal Kombat (with the "extra blood" code in.....oooh, I'm a rebel. )probally all violent games, I've played them.

2)  No.  In fact I'm more sensitive to violence that most, I think.

3)  I don't know.  No one I know is "desensitized" to violence and almost everyone I know has played violent video games.  I can't say anything about other people, but I highly doubt it.

General Gaming / Final Fantasy X-2.
« on: March 18, 2003, 04:27:58 PM »

Originally posted by: Squall

What are you not so positive about?

The impressions I linked to said the game wasn't so great.


They kinda left FFX open for a sequel at the end.  Have you ever beaten it?
Anyway, just because the story seems like the ends are tied, its nothing a good writer can't handle

General Chat / True Life : I'm a gamer
« on: March 17, 2003, 04:12:18 PM »
Ok.  Let me clarify.  When I said I had goals and ambitions that didn't involve video games, I mean my ultimate life goal wasn't to become the best gamer or beat a certain game with a certain amount of points or whatever, which is what some of those people seem to be aiming toward. If you can make money at gaming, then good for you. But these prize tournaments don't bring in that much.  That guy that who won on the show only won 10,000 dollars.   That may seem like a lot but thats about what a part time employee at Mcdonalds makes.

I didn't mean that anything involving video games was sad, just what those people were working toward.  There is a difference between being the best gamer, and being a programmer or video game company owner.

Its nice when you gaming is a hobby but not when it absorbs your whole life.  Although, if I hit the lottery and didn't have to work ever again, I would probaly spend a lot more time "gaming"

General Gaming / Final Fantasy X-2.
« on: March 17, 2003, 03:57:50 PM »
What are you not so positive about?

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