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Messages - michaelbaysuperfan616

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TalkBack / Re: The Legend of Zelda Wii U Release Date Pool
« on: February 15, 2016, 02:39:01 PM »
I will say September 29. This year. On NX. The console.

General Gaming / Re: What's YOUR favorite game?
« on: February 15, 2016, 02:36:18 PM »
Well, that got interesting!

You know what's art, Mikey? Spongebob Squarepants.

Only if you view it under the influence of Mary Jane.

Nintendo Gaming / Re: Is Zelda Wii U gonna suck?
« on: February 15, 2016, 02:34:32 PM »
If ALBW is any hint to go on, then Nintendo has realized the dislike for the padding and has cut down on it.

See this is where you are flat out wrong. Nintendo has known for decades the handheld Zelda games and the console Zelda games are a different thing, that is what Ian was just ranting about the two handheld games he didn't like. I was only talking about the console games myself because frankly I still enjoy the handheld games very much. Sure I haven't beaten one since Minish Cap but to be fair I don't need to beat a game to enjoy it but I have played all but the newest Zelda in handheld form. That is only because I don't have a 3DS but I did have a regular DS for a very long time.

Using the decisions they make with the handheld as proof they "get it" when it comes to the console is the fallacy that has gotten them in the mess they are in considering they somehow continue to get the handheld right every time and get the console almost completely wrong every time. Based on that alone I would expect the console Zelda, this case Wii U, to be the opposite of "fixing" things they never broke in the handheld versions.

I also think Ian hit the nail on the head, which is what I was also saying earlier, some people dismiss the flaws in a Zelda game just because it is a Zelda game, I get the impression they do, or at least did, the same with Mario. Hell I am guilty of that I got Hyrule Warriors entirely on Zelda name alone and I honestly do like the games. I was also mostly speaking in broad general terms until Evan brought it to my preferences which kind of made me rethink what I was even saying. But I think we all give Nintendo a free pass on things we love because we love them so much despite their flaws.

I also see it in the Sonic games, die hard Sonic fans will defend bad decisions to the death just because it is a Sonic game.

General Chat / Re: What's going on on Youtube?
« on: February 15, 2016, 09:19:54 AM »
Maybe that is what they are going for? Trying to kill off that other site?

Nintendo Gaming / Re: Is Zelda Wii U gonna suck?
« on: February 15, 2016, 09:19:00 AM »
I honestly can't figure out why I lost interest in Zelda myself either man. I won't lie to you I LOVE the franchise and aside from Sky ward Sword that came out after I sold my Wii, I have played every console Zelda pretty much as they were released.

I also hated Galaxies and Sunshine so what do I know. I am also in the minority that it took Wii U to get me back into Nintendo so there again makes me a conundrum.

But if you haven't noticed I am inconsistent it drives me crazy too, I am the most indecisive person on the planet. I watched a movie last night that I expected to love, I was excited going in then half way through I got bored out of my skull then got sort of excited again the closer it go to ending. I do that a lot. I changed my mind a lot on what games I used to enjoy that I now can't stand and games I used to hate I now enjoy. If I could figure it out believe me I would be a much saner person. It's frustrating trust me.

Maybe at the core of it I still want to love Zelda but I just don't have the time to get into a good game that requires that much time commitment and it isn't so much the games don't appeal to me as games just they take too long to play and when the beginning parts take too long to get to the goods, I lose interest. Once I finally, no FINALLY, got to the REAL Zelda underneath the terrible early parts of Wind Waker, I loved it, but god damn it too fucking long to get there and by that time I lost interest and had too much going on in my life whenever I did get around to playing it I would lose my place, forget where I was. The original Zelda was petty much the same way but I was a damn kid I could sit and play for hours on end and not give it a second thought.

I felt the same way with Twilight Princess, I went in excited to be playing a Zelda game that wasn't going to make me do all that silly non-Zelda stuff up front and it turned into Harvest Moon for Zelda fans for a while which almost made me give up early on but the hype kept me going but work, life, got in the way and finally I got to the good stuff it was too late I had to go back in short spurts and never could make any progress. That is what my complaint is, they are not made for people who can't devote their lives to them. I stopped playing RPG games for the same reason. I tried really hard to get into Diablo 3 a while back but after a couple of weeks well I kept forgetting what I was supposed to be doing.

Maybe I just need to develop better time management skills or just be honest, if I am forcing myself to play through a game that I am not enjoying maybe I don't really like the game as much as I convinced myself I did. Good chatting with you man made me realize some stuff.

Nintendo Gaming / Re: Is Zelda Wii U gonna suck?
« on: February 14, 2016, 07:43:10 PM »
I don't buy the first Zelda you are exposed to defines Zelda for you, or any franchise for that matter. I can name a dozen franchises where the first in the series was the first I was exposed to but is not close to my favorite or the best in the franchise.

Mortal Kombat is a prime example, aside from nostalgia and historical curiosity there is no reason to re-play that stiff, lifeless piece of **** today. Any kid growing up on Mortal Kombat is going to look at that game and wonder how the hell it turned into a franchise. MK 2 is regarded by many as the best in the series, of the 2D games I wouldn't even go that far as I think Trilogy was Mortal Kombat perfected in 2D. As for 3D games MK 4 was the first and it is generally considered the worst, but Deception which came after the acclaimed Deadly Alliance is also criticized. I think there are always going to be those people who like the most current game in a series and there will always be those who feel an attachment to the first but people can over look that.

Super Mario Bros. was the first in the franchise and the game many of us grew up on but how many people honestly will say it is the best or their favorite? I bet very few if they are being honest. Super Mario 3D World is considered by many to be the greatest 3D Mario, others say it was Galaxies, neither of which were close to the first anyone outside of really young children would have been exposed to first.

And you would be hard pressed to find anyone that thinks the original War Craft is is any way superior to the insanely popular WoW.

It's like with D&D gamers try to claim that the first rule set they were exposed to will become their definitive rule set but that is not true, most will either pick the most current as their favorite or those who have played them all will decide based on their experiences. I have played all rule sets old and new, my first exposure was OD&D and I still prefer 3rd edition as my favorite, but I also enjoy 5 gen very much.

How many people who played the original Pokemon are going to dismiss the games that followed as inferior? They will argue its place in the franchise but does anyone think of it as the best but all others are terrible? Or that all others are inferior?

The first exposure syndrome sometimes comes into play but only when the person is incapable of branching out and trying different things. I started out on Zelda NES I loved them both and I enjoyed A Link to the Past very much and Ocarina of Time was the last console Zelda i enjoyed but I never finished because it just felt like it was A Link to The Past in 3D which felt like the original Zelda in 16 bit. Sure there were changes but after you played two or three Zeldas aside from getting the new weapon and the new, usually annoying sidekick, what else is there? Sure my opinion is the minority opinion HERE on the Nintendo fansite but out there in the wider gaming community Zelda has been seen as the best Nintendo can do for twenty years and aside from the loyal fans the appeal has been diminishing, Zelda isn't the system seller it once was and this game is not looking to be that here.

But here is the problem with Zelda, people like me gave up because they grew too hard, were too repetitive  and they just take too long to get going and drag out as you go. But the fans grew tired when Nintendo made the games larger, more "immersive" and then dumbed them down with all the hand holding that hard core Zelda fans hated.

So how is Nintendo going to make a game that appeals to a divided fanbase that is either growing tired of the franchise or putting all their hope in it to be the greatest game ever? Nintendo bets way too much on Zelda and they have to realize that the audience is starting to demand unrealistic expectations. Is the game going to be great, well as long as it has the core game play the fans want it will appeal to them, but if it doesn't appeal to a wider audience then it will be just another typical Zelda, it will sell sure but not massive numbers, not system seller numbers and there is a chance, as blasphemous as it may sound, it will flop or at least sell worse than games like Splatoon or Mario 3D World.

Movies & TV / Re: Rate the last movie you've seen
« on: February 14, 2016, 07:24:18 PM »
Then create a new thread this is about movies people have seen, I haven't seen  Deadpool and I don't plan on seeing it either.

Movies & TV / Re: Rate the last movie you've seen
« on: February 14, 2016, 05:21:55 PM »
Watched Full Metal Jacket last night on the Netflix.

It was a lot better than I expected it to be. There were moments where I felt the direction the film was going in was unsure of itself but it came together in the end.

I gave Mortdecai a try, couldn't get into it not sure if it was the british "humour" or the pacing but I couldn't sit through that.

I hereby nominate animeboy (can't figure out how to say his name yet) as the Worst Poster of the Nintendo World Report.

I also want to nominate myself as most useless member of the forum, second, third? Really!?

NWR Forums Discord / Re: Quick Question
« on: February 13, 2016, 11:43:59 PM »
it wasn't me...

NWR Forums Discord / Re: I declare myself Emperor of the Funhouse
« on: February 13, 2016, 11:42:42 PM »
I remember years ago when I first got on the internet discussion forums there was this person on the I think it was gamefaqs or one of those early gaming sites, that was going on and on about how Microsoft had bought out Sega and was going to re-release the Dreamcast as a hybrid Dreamcast-Xbox console called the Dream X. He was saying at the time how Sega sold Sonic to Nintendo and the rest of the company to Microsoft. It was hilarious all the posts of people trying to use actual links from legit news sites to debunk his screwy claim and he held firm for a very long time.

TalkBack / Re: Wii U Shortage In Japan Causing Sales Slump
« on: February 13, 2016, 11:30:22 PM »
Proof that Sony and Nintendo are secretly working together behind closed doors since the infamous "split" that led to the creation of the original Playstation in the first place. Conspiracy theory formulating...

Nintendo Gaming / Re: Is Zelda Wii U gonna suck?
« on: February 13, 2016, 11:26:52 PM »
I haven't liked a console Zelda game since Ocarina of time so my expectation is already low. I did think Majora's Masked sucked it was an odd game at the wrong time. I hated Wind Waker upon initial release, I got the HD remaster mostly because there just wasn't a whole lot on Wii U at the time, I haven't come around to liking it yet. I tried to get into Twilight Princess but I got bored really easy. I think that I lost interest in Zelda when I realized I was just replaying the same game every time just the dungeons were arranged differently and a few mechanics were broken to fit whatever new idea Nintendo had come up with.

I think what happened with Zelda is Nintendo use to trot it out as a core gamer game and that was the game that could convince a nay-sayer to give a Nintendo console a try but once Nintendo started doing all those odd things with Zelda it became a cult of followers who just dug their heels in convincing themselves they still liked the game when in fact it was no longer the same thing they fell in love with. Of course I could be way off here so feel free to ignore my theory or offer an opposing argument it's up to you.

I think if I worded it differently it might make more sense. I guess I see it as Nintendo fans have to believe in Zelda because they have nothing else so they have convinced themselves that every game in the franchise is good until they get away from it then they can judge it as harshly as it deserved to be, then somewhere along the lines nostalgia kicks in, not just nostalgia of playing the older, greater, games in the franchise but also the nostalgia of the announcement of a Zelda game exciting the entire gaming industry instead of just exciting the shrinking die hard fanbase that is increasingly split over what it wants.

For me personal haven't even played Skyward Sword because I despised Wind Waker and wasn't happy with Twilight Princess either. You can put me in the camp who wants the game to be great so I can enjoy it and get excited for it but based on recent experiences isn't hopeful just yet.

NWR Forums Discord / Re: I declare myself Emperor of the Funhouse
« on: February 12, 2016, 11:43:30 AM »
I hate going back and reading old posts like that, I mean yeah I do enjoy it to a degree but then it takes me back to a better time and then reality kicks back in. Damn you perm for doing that, you made my day and it was awesome but then I had to get back to work and it was only okay.

Now that was a fun read, people were saying PS2 was DOOMED to fail in 2001 because GC an Xbox would crush it sales wise because they had "so much more power" than Ps2 good times Perm thanks for providing that link.

NWR Forums Discord / Re: I declare myself the Ninja of the Funhouse
« on: February 12, 2016, 11:28:59 AM »
 :confused; I guess you didn't get the joke then.

Nintendo Gaming / Re: Pokken Tournament: Gotta Smash Em All!
« on: February 12, 2016, 11:28:14 AM »
I haven't even been following this game at all but now that I read Evan's lengthy description I am not only surprised a game like this is coming but that it isn't getting more hype. This could be a huge seller for the console why are they just now getting around to porting it if it's been out a while elsewhere? Why didn't they just make it for Wii U to begin with day and date with the original are arcades still popular in Japan?
Anyways I just saw a trailer on Youtube and I am not a big fan of Pokemon but this is a game I will be getting for my Wii U, assuming there is a retail release. Hell this might be the game that pushes me into getting some Pokemon Amiibo, well at least Pikachu.

Nintendo Gaming / Re: Official Sales Thread
« on: February 12, 2016, 11:21:13 AM »
How do we know those games are even getting localized?

Big publishers usually do a good job of localizing things and including multiple language options. I don't assume Microsoft to be any different with even it's Xbox One exclusive games.

We assume, but that is assuming they cared enough to do so. Maybe they aren't dubbing them though what if all they are doing is providing Japanese sub titles? While that would count as technically localizing, it might only be minimal effort. I can only assume finding someone in Japan who actually owns an Xbox One is going to be difficult for a site this small so all we have are assumptions then.

Movies & TV / Re: Rate the last movie you've seen
« on: February 12, 2016, 09:47:50 AM »
Well following my viewing of Pulp Fiction I thought I would dare try to give some other Tarantino flicks a try. I had seen bits and pieces of Kill Bill over the years and thought I would go a head and give it a try on Netflix last night. Yeah I barely got thirty minutes into that piece of **** before I had to turn it off, rate it 1 star and launch some Night At the Roxbury.

TalkBack / Re: Key Takeaways From Nintendo’s Shareholder Q&A
« on: February 12, 2016, 09:45:01 AM »
If a major Mario game is released mobile only that could be a problem, but if it gets a mobile first release then a Nintendo release latter on that would be acceptable. NX making Nintendo profitable by the end of next March confirms it is launching this year for sure, which is good news but we all should have expected that.

NWR Forums Discord / I declare myself the Ninja of the Funhouse
« on: February 12, 2016, 09:31:40 AM »
Just because I can bitches.

NWR Forums Discord / Is Michael Bay really the worst film maker in history?
« on: February 12, 2016, 09:30:06 AM »
Well of course not but it would be silly to have a forum not talking about how super awesome the man is. I am sure I am not doing this right so...

Nintendo Gaming / Re: Official Sales Thread
« on: February 12, 2016, 12:22:23 AM »
How do we know those games are even getting localized? Is it possible one of the reasons Xbox is failing in Japan is because Microsoft won't localize games and thus Japanese gamers are limited to either buying games that don't require knowing English, very few probably exist, or that the console is only selling to those who are proficient enough in English to not be bothered?

Also Xbox pretty much started as an offshoot of the gaming PC, was Windows PC's ever popular in Japan? Or more importantly are the franchises that were most popular on PC that drove the sales of the Xbox even popular in Japan?

General Gaming / Re: PC gaming, about to die or experience a revival?
« on: February 12, 2016, 12:17:08 AM »
That was pretty much the point I was making Ian, if the only people buying PC's are professionals that use them at work and enthusiasts is the enthusiast market left enough to maintain support? I am talking about if those hard core PC gamers start buying into not just Steam Machine but whatever else comes along to further fragment that market.

Out of everyone in my family two of us have traditional PC's, me with my laptop and my mom with her desktop. Mom is a business woman, she needs Windows she needs the productivity Windows provides but she also has a tablet for all of her non-work related stuff. If Tablets get to a point where someone who uses their desktop or laptop for that other stuff is equal then will those people just shift to tablets?

I am sort of with Uncle Bob, I think work is a different market than home. I know that professionals will continue using some sort of personal computer for a while but how many people soup up their work computer for pc gaming? I am betting pretty close to zero.

Console gaming and PC gaming have blurred and now with Steam Machines, sure the current crop might suck or they might not live up to expectations but with as much effort as Valve has put into them I doubt they will walk away, I mean Windows is the corner stone of Microsoft's empire yet they constantly jeopardize that part of the business to grow their mobile and gaming divisions. I guess what I am wondering is will we see a future, like ten years or even less, where "PC gaming' just disappears because the person who normally would have purchased the dedicated gaming computer no longer has the need to do so.

Hell the reason PC gaming existed in the first place was because PC's were in their home anyways and they wanted to soup them up for gaming but also used them for other things, the young generation is not going to see the need to buy a computer for gaming when they can get a console or a steam machine or something equal and get all their other non-gaming computing done elsewhere.

Kind of like how in the early days of computers an enthusiast would buy a computer for the hell of it and gaming was all they did to justify buying a machine. In the 90's they became multipurpose and people outside the niche market found a need but if you take away all the other needs do you still have enough of a benefit owning a dedicated PC or does it make more sense for the average person to stick with a tablet and smart TV device and get their gaming on the console?

The reason PC gaming worked was because in addition to the enthusiasts who had to have powerful machines to keep up with the current games were offset but the masses buying computers to keep costs down. Even if you bought an off the shelf computer for home office stuff you could still play some games with very little effort and get semi-current games on low to mid settings with some fiddling, for most people that was always good enough. But if that segment of the market is gone or shrinking then the costs of a dedicated PC especially a gaming or even mulitmedia rig, increase then that market shrinks further.

Hell it has been six years since I have owned a desktop and I don't know when I will ever buy another one again since laptops tend to meet my needs. I used to be more of a PC gamer back when it was worth it to spend money on an all in one entertainment device that I could also game on, browse the internet, stream videos, listen to music, and even type a word document. Now I do my word documents and productivity on my laptop, I get my music on my iPod and smart phone, I get most of my gaming between my PS3/PS4 and Wii U, my PS3/PS4 have taken the mantle for all of my media needs outside of my ipod/Smartphone with pandora and spotify handling my music on the go needs.

Even if I didn't have all those other devices taking the gaming off my laptop I still cannot see a reason to buy a desktop and I grew up on them. I use a desktop at work sure, but it's a ten year old mac mini that we will use until it dies and then find some refurbished 8 year old mac mini to dust off and take it's place. I imagine I am not alone in this and I am the PC gaming market, I just don't game on the PC as much, Ian be honest with yourself DO YOU? Based on your fondness for the past I see you personally maybe keeping a desktop PC around for nostalgia but be honest man, do you really have a need in your house for a desktop machine that serves as your primary gaming rig? does anyone?

If you can get steam on a relatively cheap dedicated gaming rig wouldn't it make more sense to buy that than buy an off the shelf box and soup it up? Let me be clear here, I was not referring to the enthusiast who builds their own machine, I already included them in the market that will keep buying those machines, but if you remove every other segment does that leave enough market left to make traditional PC business model sustainable?

I guess the heart of the question is, is there a future without dedicated Windows desktops? If everyone stops making desktop machines for gamers to soup up then they have to go back to the build your own route, those people have always done so but there are millions of "PC" gamers that are not the typical PC gamer enthusiast but more the typical PC user who happened to game on their machine, are there going to be enough of them left in five years to sustain that segment of the market and keep costs down?

I know PC gamers who spend upwards to $5000 every five years to get a new gaming machine, are those same people, or people like them, going to do so if the cost for a medium grade gaming rig becomes $12,000 entry level? I doubt it.

General Chat / Re: What's going on on Youtube?
« on: February 10, 2016, 09:02:08 PM »
I am not sure what you are referring to. When I go to Youtube all I see are the same usual AVGN and Nostalgia Critic videos and related videos I always see.

General Gaming / Re: Is Xbox Microsoft's worst console ever?
« on: February 10, 2016, 08:58:42 PM »
Windows 95 was awesome, had more games than Wii U anyways...

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