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Messages - nolimit19

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according to the, MG: twin snakes sold 122,435 units and was 10th overall in sales for the month of march.

well i havent played mgs:2 is a couple years, and i dont have it hanging around so i cant compare them...i am going based on memory so i could be wrong.....either way, for the most part the graphics are good, but some of the textures on the some of hte characters arent that great. and there were some scenes where there were a bunch of jagged edges. im still an adict, but i think they could have done considerably better.

i really like this game, but hte graphics are kind of disapointing....maybe my memory doesnt serve me well, but i think mgs:2 for the ps2 has far better graphics. dont flame, but thats what i can remember. its still a very fun game though.

PaleZer0 you must be my long lost twin. i want the t-wolves to win because the suns are in 2nd to last in the west....but as long as the lakes lose, ill be happy.

EA....hahhaha can you imagine if any one console had a madden exclusive???  

Nintendo Gaming / RE:Nintendo isn't the are.
« on: April 14, 2004, 12:07:13 PM »
the reason non-nintendo games dont sell well on the console is because most people who own a nitnendo console own it for nintendo games. i actually dont mean to buy only nintendo games, but it usually turns out like that. i dont know if i have purchased a non-exclusive game for hte cube (besides sports). i only have so much money, and i try to buy the best games with that.

also....ps2 has about 10 times the user base as the cube. so that explains why more games sell better on it. the xbox on the other hand (at least from what i have seen) has a bunch of so-so selling games. for instance the xbox will have 10 games that sell 500,000 copies and hte cube will have one game that sells 4 million copies and hte remaining 9 games will split the 1 million in sales. those arent exact numbers of any actual game, but just an example. it doesnt mean the one cube game is better than the 10 xbox games, it just means that nintendo fans have a similar taste in games.  

Nintendo Gaming / RE: Silicon Knights and Nintendo break up
« on: April 14, 2004, 11:56:01 AM »
they lose diversity and quality of games. so they kind of are getting worse unless they get someone else to fill their spot. maybe not much worse, but they certainly arent getting better.

Nintendo Gaming / RE: Silicon Knights and Nintendo break up
« on: April 14, 2004, 11:47:30 AM »
nintendo disapoints me often

TalkBack / RE: Silicon Knights Breaks with Nintendo
« on: April 13, 2004, 02:46:25 PM »
i think the problem with this is that nintendo just lost an exclusive Mature developer. one that really seemed to buy their philosophy. even though they werent pumping out many games, they were still doing something. nintendos motto has been quality over quanity for as long as i remember.  i think they may want to reevaluate that stance, because i dont think it serves them well. i say just throw as much as you can at the wall and see what sticks.....and they just lost more exclusive Mature content that can be throw at the wall.  

TalkBack / RE:Silicon Knights Breaks with Nintendo
« on: April 13, 2004, 02:35:00 PM »
this is getting rediculous.


Originally posted by: Use Soap
Does that shed ever open?
Fight Club

hahahahha...thats why the game is rated didnt know??  

General Chat / RE: If you think StarWars sucks...
« on: April 08, 2004, 06:56:30 PM »
they dont suck, but they were kind of disapointing. jarjar binx basically ruined it for me. when there is some retard speaking in a language you dont understand, and there are no subtitles, it would piss anyone off.

General Chat / the apprentice
« on: April 08, 2004, 06:53:20 PM »
has anyone here been watching the Donald and his new nbc show??? i have a love hate relationship with reality tv. some are done well and some are done poorly, but this one is pretty well i think. whats the deal with omorosa's stupidity?

can you ever mate sheep?

actually it turns out we are engaged after all, but when is the wedding?

i just barely started the game and i gave this blue feather away, but the girl didnt marry me....i am not screwed right...i dont have to find another blue feather do i?

TalkBack / RE:Fire Emblem for GameCube Revealed!
« on: April 02, 2004, 03:44:30 AM »
just when i think nintendo cant do anything any worse they go and do something like this.......AND TOTALLY REDEEM THEMSELVES!

General Chat / RE:investing in the stock market
« on: April 01, 2004, 02:25:04 PM »
very clever

Nintendo Gaming / RE: Shoud I?
« on: April 01, 2004, 04:05:21 AM »
i recently sold like.....7 of my games...i got metal gear and harvest moon for them

Nintendo Gaming / RE:amazing new resident evil 4 and killer 7 trailers
« on: March 31, 2004, 03:29:05 AM »
resident evil 4 looks insane...and they said the series was dead. it really looks amazing.

TalkBack / RE:Nintendo Announces NES GBA SP, Plus Retro Games
« on: March 29, 2004, 02:00:00 PM »

Originally posted by: mouse_clicker
$20 is still a tad expensive for a single NES game- I could buy an old system and cart for less than that at my local used game shop. Nintendo could really capitalize on these rereleases and put at least two games on a single cartridge.

exactly what i was thinking. there is no reason to sell them individually....well, there is no reason besides greed, but that's not a good reason.

General Chat / RE:investing in the stock market
« on: March 29, 2004, 12:07:40 PM »
also i would like any advice you could give me on getting an ira

Nintendo Gaming / RE: New Pikmin Screens!!
« on: March 26, 2004, 05:15:54 PM »
i may be totally out of it, but pikmin2 preview video here

and if you are reading this and you cant find it, look under march 25 in the archives  

General Chat / RE:Overpopulation and the Unemployed
« on: March 26, 2004, 05:07:31 PM »
hahah well i never said everyone is fat. i am american and i am pretty skinny(my parents are over weight though). and the reason the media makes a big deal of it is because it affects our lives.  it (obesity) is about to overtake smoking as the number one preventable killer of americans....and people are just getting fatter. its one thing to be 10 pounds overweight or maybe even 20 depending on your size, but lots of people are much more overweight than that. i  know people are going to say obesity is measured by bmi, but there are also body weight percentages to measure obesity. im sorry, but if you are a guy that has more than 25% body fat, or a chick that has over 35% body fat....then you are a beast. if i didnt have to pay taxes for people to over come their fatness, then i would be all for obesity....people just need to learn to be responsible for their own bodies.

General Chat / RE: Overpopulation and the Unemployed
« on: March 26, 2004, 02:00:41 PM »
well i wasnt saying i was an expert on it, but just by going to one country, you see a HUGE difference in the general size of people. you should know, since you have been to so many other places.  asia especially since they are so small over there. i am half asian and my relatives that frequent the region always tell me how much fatter americans are. and its not like they are american haters or anything...they are american citizens. i can see why you would think that the number are inflated, and they may be, but there is no doubt in my mind that america is the fattest country on earth. we are the richest, so it kind of makes sense. after coming back from ireland this summer, it has really open my eyes...and if you just go to the mall and count people, you can easily see that at least half of american adults are over weight.

"No limit: You mean they are thin, red haired and waisted? The only differences are the first two"

hahahaha well i didnt see and many red heads as i thought i would...lots of blondes though ....and i think they are a little more wasted than americas are...hahahhaha...  

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