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Messages - Stratos

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Wagyu isn't ideal for burgers from my understanding of a single episode of Kitchen Nightmares that my TV seems to always play on repeat when I accidentally change it to whatever Samsung uses for a channel viewing mode, so I've watched it once or twice out of curiosity. It was the episode where Godron Ramsey is arguing with the owner who likes burgers and thinks that makes him an excellent burger restaurant owner and kept insisting his top tier Wagyu was the best burger meat ever. Ramsey was talking about how it is a quality meat but most of its positives are lost when in ground and grilled form in a burger. It is also so overpriced I just don't want to even try it. I'd rather spend my money on something else.

Alternatively, and hear me out, a game called Mario Kart with no Mario or karts.

Kirby Air Ride 2 but it's called Mario Kart Racing.

This! I want the City Trial Mode back but with 8, 16, 32+ players online in a world that keeps cycling through the open city and then comes together every 10 mins or so for one of the competitive mini games.

While on the subject of other racers I don't want a new Mario Kart on Switch. This is the time in a system's life where Nintendo could really leverage their other racing games. ExciteBike/Truck/Bots, F-Zero, Diddy Kong Racing! Give us all of these. I want another Adventure Racing game, another speedy F-Zero. Then when the next major iteration of the Switch comes we can see a revisiting of Mario Kart.

Agree, time is their worst enemy. You would think that they would have learned this lesson back when Black Panther was criticized for poor CGI in the final fight scenes. Or even Pirates of the Caribbean 2/3 where they talked about all of the insane overtimes and extra crunch animators did to make their timelines. True they can go back after the fact but reviewers don't generally change their scores and I'm not sure touch ups would make much of a difference in the long run.

This is a common complaint of most of the MCU TV CGI. I think it is partly people used to the MCU films overall having superior CGI so its kind of jarring. But some CGI has been bad by TV standards but I didn't feel that in She Hulk. Moon Knight had worse CGI.

Movies & TV / Re: Rate the last movie you've seen
« on: May 23, 2022, 12:21:42 PM »
I was really worried about this film but been hearing good things about it. Hope to check it out soon. I would have rather gotten a new cartoon series but this sounds pretty good as it is.

NWR Forums Discord / Re: Safe.TV Words+ 19 (Round 3)
« on: May 16, 2022, 12:31:26 PM »


NWR Forums Discord / Re: Safe.TV Words+ 19 Sign-up Thread
« on: May 05, 2022, 06:53:18 PM »
I'll join.

I was genuinely busy and half out of it this game due to life so being thought of as the mastermind is flattering. I hardly did anything. I was talking with Khush and we were going to try and start up a good old fashioned townie alliance when he was offed and I just lost track of things until I got pulled into the mafia. Even then everyone else did all the heavy lifting and I was just timing my vote as late as I could with the bandwagon.

Considering the massive losses the Marvel game experienced it may have been part of the reason for the low price. They wanted out before they went into the red fully.

Either way with the "market" of NFTs utterly crashing (down 92% and people with active wallets/accounts down 88%) this bid by Squeenix is ill-timed if they thought that would be a financial savior for them.

There were rumors of Sony in talks to buy them so that could still be on the table as well.

NWR Mafia Games / Re: Mafia 89: RECVMake Neighbor Day 5
« on: May 05, 2022, 10:52:06 AM »
Vote Stevey

We watched it and it was a fun ride. One of the best MCU shows so far I'd say. Be interesting to see how it ends. Hope we see more Moon Night after this show. Its billed as a limited run but so was Loki before they announced S2 at the end.

Wondering what will happen with Steven. Also odd that his accidental sacrifice balanced the scales. What about the third (or more) personalities? Wondering if the hearts will be key to bringing back Steven somehow. Also really crazy seeing the painful backstory. Felt much more visceral than previous attempts as 'painful and tragic backstories'. Wanda's and Bishop's losses and pain seemed much less intense because they were linked to action scenes and explosions. The slow beating and abuse of a child...that just feels more intense to me.

I thought for sure that the imbalance was the third personality being missing and they would find him to make things balance out. If I had to guess this personality is related to PTSD from his military service? Maybe he was a POW that was tortured or something? Will we even see the third personality in this season?

NWR Mafia Games / Re: Mafia 89: RECVMake Neighbor Day 2
« on: April 27, 2022, 12:52:57 AM »
Vote Nickmitch to safe my dear old friend Mop it up (and avoid an unfortunate player role getting whacked I hope)

I was gifted this game the year it released as a Christmas gift from my mother who means well and thought I would like it for the dinosaurs and such. But it turned out to be awful so my sister told my mom how bad it was and she offered to return it and let me pick something else. I almost kept it as a novelty game but exchanged it to get something far superior. I'm kinda disappointed now because I am deathly curious to both try the bad version and the new version that will be releasing. I guess I could buy it now but I just don't want to drop the cash on it, especially when I got the PC version for free through the Epic store.

I thought it was Wednesday. Are they airing Tuesday? Might watch it tonight then!

So there is an Egyptian hippo god. To avoid spoilers I'm avoiding any explanations regarding the Moon Knight character but seems like it isn't something as wildly out of left field as we think it is for the series.

Interesting things I caught about the actual deity on Wikipedia

In Ancient Egyptian religion, Taweret (also spelled Taurt, Tuat, Tuart, Ta-weret, Tawaret, Twert and Taueret, and in Greek, Θουέρις – Thouéris, Thoeris, Taouris and Toeris) is the protective ancient Egyptian goddess of childbirth and fertility. The name "Taweret" (Tȝ-wrt) means "she who is great" or simply "great one", a common pacificatory address to dangerous deities.[1] The deity is typically depicted as a bipedal female hippopotamus with feline attributes, pendulous female human breasts, the limbs and paws of a lion, and the back and tail of a Nile crocodile. She commonly bears the epithets "Lady of Heaven", "Mistress of the Horizon", "She Who Removes Water", "Mistress of Pure Water", and "Lady of the Birth House".[2]
Her hand rests on the sa sign, a hieroglyph that means "protection".

So she is associated with protection, water, fertility, and childbirth. Protection and water would help him in the situation of being shot and falling into the water...assuming what we have been watching isn't all a fevered dream.

NWR Mafia Games / Re: Mafia 89: RECVMake Neighbor Day 1
« on: April 23, 2022, 02:05:55 AM »
Vote Mop it up as is tradition

Pretty sure I heard him snarling last night. Someone said he was just snoring, but I ain't buying it.

My wife will attest to the snoring. Got pretty bad, spent a few nights in the spare bedroom. Getting a sleep study to check things out though it is probably because I am fat. I need to lose weight anyways if I hope to outrun the zombies.

Wife and I are just as lost. Caught up on the show and now just not sure what is happening.

I think there is a third personality. There are times way too violent to be Marc. And Steven denies doing it and I think that is true. If Steven is the passive/good one, Marc seems to be the "balanced" one that does the right stuff but still seems morally good. We need a third one to go the other way and I'll bet he does all the brutal killings (maybe he's even the one that killed Layla's dad?). I think that extra coffin in the asylum place is that third persona.

As for the asylum...who knows. I don't think it is all a dream/madness and he is in a real location. Maybe this is his mind prison? I've seen other shows present a physical looking location as a representation of someone's mind. Maybe this will break down all the walls between his personalities and allow him to be a little bit more harmonious in himself, more freely switching between personas?

I like the theme and music of the show, and the proper Moon Knight costume looks good. CGI seems a bit rough sadly but it isn't much of a detractor.

The hippo person? Was the voice familiar to you? I feel like that is supposed to be someone we know but maybe that was just general shock value. Could it be another god/avatar? Was there an Egyptian hippo headed god?

I don't have the castle stuff yet. Will poke around and see what I can find.

Am I too late? Count me in!

Spaced out again. Just not had the time to play. Does she need more of the sets still?

Anyone watched Moon Knight? Seen the first two episodes and its interesting but feels like it needs to get going more. Not quite what I was hoping for but maybe things will fall into place later.

I thought this was the second highest grossing mobile game for Nintendo? Did that change recently or was it just not making enough for them to feel it was worth it?

TalkBack / Re: Mario Kart 8 Deluxe
« on: March 23, 2022, 02:42:39 PM »
Question... If I have multiple accounts on my switch, and I purchase the DLC with the primary account... do ALL the other accounts get to access the extra tracks too?

Yeah but if they are primary accounts on other switches, it won't carry over to the other systems. Some people have been screwed by having their save data locked out by playing games with dlc (botw) on another switch (family's) and moving back to their own.

Happened to my sister. When she lived with us we shared a Switch and she played a ton of BotW. We got her a Switch and BotW + Animal Crossing for her Birthday and she moved out that same month and ended up unable to play until she talked to me and I showed her the issue and she had to buy the DLC

Sent the Pink/White bed and Chair. Limit 2 items a day so I ordered the rest I can mail separately when they arrive.
Ordered DIY table, floor lamp, & music player to hit my order limit. I'll check in again and either fast forward or login tomorrow to send more.

Thanks for the reminder. Totally forgot. Will set it up now.

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