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Topics - Maverick

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General Chat / Your Mortality
« on: August 08, 2010, 04:17:42 AM »
How do you deal with it?  Do you believe in an afterlife?

I've just been thinking recently (after ignoring it for about a decade), how eventually, the time will come when I die.  I don't believe in an afterlife, and it's hard to wrap my head around the idea that eventually, I will cease to exist, and every memory I've ever experienced will disappear and it will basically be as if I've never existed.  At least to me, 'cause I'll be dead.  Deep ****, yo, for real.  It's one of those things that I don't want to think about, but it keeps gnawing away at me, essentially making life meaningless.  It makes you feel completely insignificant.

Is that how you feel, or do you think that you have a higher purpose, or that you'll continue to live on and that this is only a "layer" of existence that us mere mortals are unable to truly grasp intellectually?  Or perhaps that all that matters is what you leave behind for "the next generation"?

NWR Forums Discord / I miss all of you.
« on: August 08, 2010, 03:42:39 AM »
Even the ones I don't know or care about.  I miss you, I miss this community, I miss being excited about Nintendo related news.  I'm starting to miss not being drunk.

Show me some love.  Or hate.  Or just any form of attention.

NWR Feedback / NWR Buttons
« on: January 30, 2009, 04:20:16 PM »
Whatever happened to those?  You know, the ones that replaced the generic SMF Forum logos in front of each forum.  I miss 'em.  Was there a reason they were abandoned?

NWR Forums Discord / It's Pimpin' Pimpin'
« on: January 26, 2009, 06:40:54 AM »
So I totally got a stripper's number tonight.  Does the three day rule apply to whores?

General Chat / So... Car Accidents Are Fun.
« on: December 05, 2008, 07:48:57 AM »
Just had my first one an hour ago. Good times. This lady runs a light in the middle of my left protected turn. Hits me on the passenger side and flips me around 360 degrees and halfway on to the island.

I get out, and as she exits her vehicle the first thing out of my mouth is "Are you okay?". The first thing out of hers?


So apparently she wasn't in a mood to be cordial or even sane as I kept trying to ask her if she needed an ambulance and she was more concerned with rambling wildly and accusing me of running the light. I gave up and walked back over to my car and called the police and asked for an ambulance anyway. So now it's going to be my word against hers and that's always fun.

I hate people, I really really do.

NWR Forums Discord / Pronunciation
« on: August 28, 2008, 12:34:53 AM »



Tomayto Tomauto?

NWR Forums Discord / Imagine NWR Chatz
« on: August 06, 2008, 04:27:24 AM »
Get the **** in there.  Seriously.

EDIT:  I made this post in the middle of the night, very bored and very tired, yet unwilling to go to sleep.  I honestly didn't know we even had a chat room though.  To my amazement, there were actually a few people in there.  I learned many wonderful things, like that Svevan doesn't send out Trivia prizes, and that my "...mother is a whore and WindyMan is a huge ******".  Good times.

NWR Forums Discord / This is why I love the internet.
« on: August 03, 2008, 08:54:30 PM »
Seriously, where else can you do a search for "vitamins" and this is the first thing that pops up?

General Chat / Smoking and Working Out
« on: July 27, 2008, 04:44:15 AM »
As I've mentioned before, I'm about a pack a day kind of guy.  Recently I've been on a steady workout regimen of going outside and running until I can't run anymore for 5 days a week, and doing weights for 3 days.

Obviously, my lungs aren't in the best shape and I don't have epic lung capacity.  Does anyone know how much smoking ACTUALLY affects this sort of thing?  I've read before that a smoker who works out regularly is about as healthy as a non-smoker who doesn't work out at all, but I don't know if there's an effective way to grade this sort of thing.  Just wondering if anyone who has maybe quit and works out noticed a significant improvement in stamina/breathing ability?

And if someone wants to bust out a charred black pig lung like they did in D.A.R.E. that's always great too.

I remember someone around here (Mr. Jack, maybe?) mentioning how they would really like to have an only four button guitar hero that still played at faster speeds with more button presses... I think it was in the Talkback thread for "GH:  On Tour".  Anyways, I was playing a bit of solo Rock Band yesterday as the new NIN track pack was just released, and I had to get in on that action, especially for "Last".  I found myself incredibly bored with "Medium", but as is always the case, as soon as I try to move up to Hard, well... it's hard.

I don't have the time or desire to actively "practice" fake guitar to the point of seamlessly transitioning down to that extra button at lightning speeds (Seeing as I have a real guitar I need to practice on more and all.), but I would REALLY enjoy a sort of "medium and half" mode where the speed and number of notes was increased, but allowed me to stick to my lazy gamer four button ways.

Does anyone agree?  Or would that sort of thing kill the allure of "mastering" the plastic guitar?

NWR Forums Discord / I'm Riatch Biatch
« on: July 22, 2008, 10:19:02 PM »
Well, I have apparently fallen into some serious money, so I'm sorry to say I won't have time for all of you "normies" anymore.  I'll be too busy up in my swanky estate rolling in bitches.  I received this in the (snail)mail today.


We are pleased to inform you of your winning in the second category JACKPORT DRAWS held on May 23rd 2008.  Your Name was attached to the ticket number R0318P with the serial number A03730P which drew the lucky numbers 2-13-24-29-34-45.

You have therefore been approved of a lump sum payment of USD $590,000.00 (Five Hundred And Ninety Thousand Dollars) payable to you by CERTIFIED CHECK, and will be delivered to you by our special courier company.  You are advised to contact your assigned claim agent ANDREW MAYER at 1-778-865-1266.  Monday to Friday for further instructions on how to claim your winning.

Enclosed is a check to help you pay insurance or processing fees you may encounter.  Please be advised, all prize money must be claimed no later than Aug 15th 2008.  If you should decide not to claim your cash prize before this date, your cash prize will be returned to A & A SERVICES INC, for charity purpose.

GUARANTEED SAFE AND SECURE.  American direct promotion is back by full authority and support of the American Government.  Please help us by fulfilling all requirements accordingly as all procedures are confidential and are meant to protect our clients best interest.  In order to avoid cases of misinterpretation and mishandling of prize monies, we advise you to keep your information confidential until you have received your winnings safely in your possession.  Once again thank you for being part of our program and CONGRATULATIONS!

I'm so awesome I win lotteries I don't even enter!  I even got a fancy SECURE CHECK for $3,467.00!  Dayuuuuum.

  The saddest part is, all of those typos up there?  Not mine.

I just kicked my girlfriend out of my house.  So I guess we're broken up now.  To celebrate I signed up at eHarmony.  To my shock and dismay I found I that I had not one single match. 

**** you old dude!

General Gaming / Ugh... I Suck At FF VII
« on: June 21, 2008, 04:36:38 AM »
I can't beat the last boss.  I did fine the entire game, only having to restart a few times when bosses would defeat me, but Sephiroth is owning my ass every time.  It really sucks 'cause I don't have a save before getting stuck in the last area so I can't go grind some more, and I seem to be stuck.

I'm about to give up with it and just watch the end on YouTube.  I don't want to but I don't know what to do, I've had this game for like, ten years and I've never beaten it, and I thought this would be "the time".  I guess I just suck at RPGs 'cause I don't have the patience to grind and just want to go through the story, I should have known better.  :(

NWR Forums Discord / Who wants some garbage?!
« on: June 13, 2008, 07:03:05 PM »
So the men's bathroom is full so I use the womens instead, and what do I see?  Bill motherfuckin' Clinton sittin' next to me.  A thoroughly used pink GBA SP complete with Mario Kart Super circuit for your my playing pleasure.

If nobody calls for this within' the next week or so, I'll probably hold on to Mario Kart,  but if anyone wants dibs on the roughed up communist SP, let me know.

NWR Forums Discord / I Dedicate This To The Rat
« on: June 13, 2008, 01:11:41 AM »

NWR Forums Discord / Adventures in Hoboton.
« on: May 30, 2008, 09:47:09 PM »
While waiting in line for the Xbox 360 launch at a Toys R Us, a local homeless man approached us.  The rest of the line all shunned him and looked away as to avoid conversation, leaving me and my friend standing there hoping he didn't stab us.  He asked us "What are you guys waiting for?"

We explained that we were waiting for the Xbox 360 video game console.  My dumbass friend then proceeded to ask the hobo "Are you going to get one?"

The hobo exclaimed, "WHERE THE HELL AM I GOING TO PUT IT?!"

At this point I was sure that we were going to be hobo-stabbed.  Fortunately the hobo seemed to have a sense of humor and just carried along with his hobo business.

Anybody else have any other interesting hobo stories to share?

Nintendo Gaming / I just bought some Wii-colored GC controllers.
« on: May 25, 2008, 03:06:48 PM »
Well I found these on Play-Asia.  Matches the Wii, made by Nintendo, with an approximately 10ft cord, so maybe they will actually reach my couch now.  Anyone else have these?

And please don't tell me that these are available in America for the half the price.  :(

General Gaming / PS3 Harddrive Question
« on: May 22, 2008, 01:51:27 PM »
Maybe someone here with a PS3 can help me.  I recently bought The Adventures Of Baron Munchausen on Blu-Ray.  When I inserted it into my PS3, the disc didn't appear in my menu.  At first I was freaked out thinking my BR drive had died, and that I'd have to send in my PS3 to the chop shop.  Fortunately after I removed the disc and put it back in, it appeared just fine.  So maybe it was just a random glitch or something.

Even though it hasn't happened yet, it made me worried about the Blu-Ray drive dying, as I've heard that some people with 60gig PS3s have had their BR drives die after playing GTA IV extensively, which I have been.  When my roommate had to send in his PS3, they wouldn't allow him to keep his hard drive, so he lost all of his data in the process of getting a new one.  So I was just wondering the best way to back up PS3 hard drive data in case I end up having to do the same.  Can I use an external HDD and plug it in via USB and just transfer?  Do I have to use a bunch of flash drives?  SD cards?  I really have no idea and I'm too lazy to look it up, so hopefully someone here can help.

TL,DR:  What's the best way to backup data on the PS3's HDD to an external source?

NWR Forums Discord / One Up This You Rich Bastards
« on: May 21, 2008, 06:41:35 PM »

Checking:  $11.56

Savings:  $8.24


Capital One Card 1:  $400

Capital One Card 2:  $245.15

Citi Bank:  $2,025.49

Best Buy Consumer Credit Card:  $389.15

Best Buy Reward Zone Card:  $400

Home Depot Consumer Credit Card:  $616.15

Target RedCard:  $412.29

Unpaid Bills

PG&E:  $100

Gas:  $30

Water:  $25

Next Paycheck

General Chat / Kicking Out A Roommate
« on: April 08, 2008, 06:49:05 PM »
So I've had a friend from high school living with me for the past couple of months.  We weren't "good friends", but it was more of a "he's friends with my friends" thing.  I felt more comfortable living with him than a complete stranger as I desperately needed someone to help me out with rent money. 

Although he's very good with money and always pays on-time, he just really gets on my nerves.  I'm about fed up with him, and I can't really say it's his fault.  More of just a "different personalities" thing, really.

Anyways I'm looking to kick him out and was wondering what the appropriate way to do that is.  Should I give him more than the obligatory month?  2 months, 3 months?  Do I say "GTFO!" or do I word it in a friendly way?  "Hey man, how was your day?  Oh yeah?  That's coolGet the **** out of my house I haven't been doing much, just hangin' around."

Anywhoo I was originally going to post this in the "I Hate My Housemate" thread but then I remembered that they're called Roommates god damn it!

General Gaming / I think I've lost it... (my video game drive.)
« on: March 19, 2008, 12:14:54 AM »
So I'm feelin' pretty bored sittin' around the house after work.  I have to go to Target to get some standard monthly supplies, so I go on my merry way.  While there, I decide I should get a cheap, older PC game to enjoy and perhaps free me from my "got nothin' to do" blues.  I purchase Civilization III.  I install the sucker, enter the program and navigate through the opening menu.  Upon starting the game, I become immediately overwhelmed by all the menus and what not and close it after staring at the screen for approximately 30 seconds and laying down one city.

When I was younger, all throughout elementary, middle, and high school, I would devote hours of my life each day to playing games anywhere and everywhere I could find them.  I was excited to find a new game and learn all its ins and outs and really get into it.  I was never "overwhelmed" before.  I'll probably go back to the game and go through a tutorial or something and see if I can bring myself to enjoy it, but I've never just had the experience of "WTF IS ALL THIS STUFF? *CLOSE PROGRAM*".  It just really shocked me.

I don't know if I've just grown older and want more simplistic and direct gaming experiences to compensate for my lack of free time, or if I have just been out of the PC gaming scene for so long that I have lost that "drive" to spend the time to learn a new system.  Has anyone else experienced this?  Is it just a quality of PC gaming?

Or am I overreacting and Civ III just sucks ass?   :P

General Gaming / Off-Road Velociraptor Safari (Game Of The Forever)
« on: February 16, 2008, 01:30:52 AM »
This game is called "Off-Road Velociraptor Safari".  In this game, you play as a Velociraptor.

Not this kind:

This kind:

A Raptor who wears a monocle and safari hat, who drives a Jeep with the intention of vehicular manslaughtering his fellow Raptors.  You also use a chain with a spiked ball on the end of it to catch the dead raptors (or catching and killing them with one fell swoop) in order to drag them to an "exporter" that magically transports the dead dinosaur carcases to places unknown.

You are constrained by a five minute timer, you must accrue as many points as possible to reach new high scores, or use the time to complete achievements.

Developed by FlashBang studios, this game is absolutey free.  However, you must download and install a web browser extension in order to play.  It features leaderboards and Xbox Live style achievements to track your, well, achievements.

I asked the studio if they were planning on releasing a standalone download for those of us with spotty wireless internet connections, to which I got this reply:



We are thinking of a standalone at some point—we have one already, internally, but it’s more of a question of tactics.  The web version gives us a lot of flexibility with updates and things…


Thanks for the kind words.  It’s great to see so much positive feedback!


Best Regards,


Matthew Wegner

Founder and CEO, Flashbang Studios


209 E Baseline Rd Suite #201, Tempe, AZ 85283

Shortly after receiving this e-mail I noticed that they had already responded to this question with an update on their main page, and thus concluded that I was, in fact, a douchebag.

So what are you waiting for?

Watch the trailer!


As a follow up (it is theorized), FlashBang is working on "Jetpack Brontosaurus".  The best piece of concept artwork ever can be viewed at

EDIT:  Just to get this out of the way:

"Not as good as T-Rex flying an F-14 LOLZ!"

General Gaming / "Microsoft Vs. Immigration"
« on: January 11, 2008, 05:58:49 PM »
Been reading about this over the last few weeks over at Penny-Arcade, re-posting from another forum 'cause I'm too god damn lazy:

I've been following this thread since its inception over at Penny Arcade. The guy had a legitimate problem with X-Box Live and one of their dumb policies.

It continued to develop and get way out of hand with these articles appearing on Game Partisan, the guys place of "employment" (he works voluntarily "off and on").

To sum up, the guy moved from the UK to the US, and wanted to transfer his UK Live account to the US and maintain his GamerTag and gamerpoints, as well as his MS points and downloads. MS told him this was not possible. He then proceeded to blow it out of proportion and claim "discrimination", while accusing MS of trying to get him "fired" from Game Partisan. Now two (horribly written) articles have appeared on Game Partisan, and the story has over 1000 diggs.

Now, this is a legitimate problem with X-Box Live, and it sucks that MS doesn't have a system in place to transfer accounts for people who move from one country to another. I agree that that sucks and I wish they would fix it for those with that problem.

But the way things are worded and described by the poster and Game Partisan is just terrible, and many suspect that it is all some sort of traffic-grab for the site. The owner of Game Partisan even describes himself as an "opportunist", here (in a terrible interview).

Personally I'm more offended by the website itself than anything else, they claim to be professional, and have "staff meetings" and "editorial teams", yet they can't even manage to not have broken links on the front page?

Read the links for the full story and all the twists and turns, but frankly, I'm tempted to apply for a job at Game Partisan, as I know I can write much better than any article I've read from them. I could turn that place around I tell ya! :-P

EDIT:  I'm retarded and didn't copy over my hyperlinks.

Nintendo Gaming / Nyko Perfect Shot
« on: November 29, 2007, 10:29:00 AM »
This looks pretty sweet, just saw it on IGN.  I think this is actually a better setup than the Zapper, although I like to put my left hand on the bottom of pistols, so it will be hard to keep it away clutching the nunchuk.  What do you think?

Nyko Perfect Shot

General Gaming / Ratchet & Clank Future
« on: October 24, 2007, 10:55:06 AM »
Downloaded the demo last night and god DAMN is this game pretty.  I mean seriously, I'm tempted to buy it based on the visuals alone.  The voice acting is also superb.  I've never touched a Ratchet game before in my life but I'm seriously considering picking this up.

The only hesitation I have is that the actual playing I found myself preferring the platforming more so than the hitting crap with a wrench.  The actual fighting didn't seem to "flow" as well with me as the running/jumping skidding/"falling with style", and IGN said it's 80% fighting 20% platforming, and I'd prefer for it to be the other way around.

Then again IGN also gave the game a crazy positive review, so...

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