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Topics - Torchwick1234

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This is a follow up of the topic I opened regarding the perception of Nintendo's games and how it's affecting me. Because after something someone said in the last few days I reflected a lot.

A couple of days ago, a youtuber of my country that I follow, during his weekly livestream in which he talks with his fans, discussing about the news of the week about gaming, at one point he said something that gave me a lot to think about: "Fanboys and Haters are blind, Fanboys and Haters are ignorant, Fanboys and Haters are mean people, Fanboys and Haters don't deserve andy kind of attentions. If you learn this lesson, you'll be at peace with yourself"

His words are really wise per se... however at the same time made me thinking that the current situation on the web is just hopeless, because at the end of the day, the 90% of the people you will ever talk to on communities ARE fanboys and/or haters, and at this point they're really irredeemable, and the worst part is, for how things have "evolved" throught the years, you just can't follow any kind of passion without having to deal with them, they're just inevitable...

This is making me fearing the worst regarding all the games and animated shows I loved throught the years: if I keep watching/playing new stuff, I will have to constantly deal with them, and if I deal with them, I might get oppressed by the hate they spread, and then... coming to hate everything I loved throught these two decades...

I'm not going to put the games and animated shows I loved in my life on the line in order to get a few more ones (especially since the ones I enjoy are becoming less and less lately), so I came to a big decision that I think it will be for the best of myself: I'm going to finish what I already started, completing the shows I'm currently following and buying the remaining main Switch games... but after that... I'm going to stop following new animated shows and playing new games.

It might sound like an extremist decision, but the thing is I'm an extremely fragile person, and the web is full of really nasty people, and I really don't want to lose everything I loved because of those people, and like I said they're the vast majority of online people and they're inevitable as long you want to keep yourself informed on what is coming out.... besides, there's not much left for me to enjoy anyway (I have no animated shows to look forward for the next three years, and I don't know how many years it will take for the next Nintendo console to have a lineup strong as Switch's). I'm still going to revisit all the games and animated shows I I throught the years, but nothing beyond that.

Long story short: fanboys and haters completely killed my will of keeping going with animation and gaming, and in order to preserve what I already love I'm quitting everything.

And there you have it. I hope you understand...

Nintendo Gaming / Worried about Nintendo's games future...
« on: October 04, 2023, 06:06:19 AM »
Hello everyone. I need to talk about something that isn't brought up often, and given the circumnstances and my multiple personal experiences, I need to talk about it more than ever.

This is the thing: I feel Nintendo games are becoming more and more unfairly hated lately, and that the people who love them are seen as targets of fans of other companies on the web, especially Sony's ones. And I'm saying this after a lot of experiences of being attacked by hundreds of people on forums for the mere reason of expressing genuine appreciation over Nintendo games.

This really sucks, I cannot express appreciation over the games I love the most without being seen as scum, and most importantly, the reason of why this is happening sucks even more: to cut it short, the reason of why Nintendo games are becoming so hated and reviled by people, is not because of their quality (which remained really high for the whole Switch's lifecycle (aside some exceptions like most of the Pokemon games and the Mario sports games), but because of hate and false informations spredt by the fans of the competition. This really sucks and is ruining completely Nintendo's games reputation. This is growing exponentially, and I fear that if this keeps growing it will eventually make Nintendo and his games dying and vanish from the scenes. Nintendo's games are being destroyed by a mass of lies said by a mass of dirty fanboys of the competition, and there's NOTHING That can be don about to stop it...

Considering that all of this comes from personal experiences, I'm surprised nobody has talked about it at all in this place. Am I the only who sees this?

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