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Topics - The Omen

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Nintendo Gaming / 6 = a wave of online titles
« on: March 14, 2007, 02:02:14 PM »
So says Matt C your boy.

He sounds like he's truly positive, but who knows in the end?  

Nintendo Gaming / "Save" your progress/VC games
« on: December 16, 2006, 02:35:46 AM »
I don't know if anyone is aware of this.  You can sort of save your progress in, say, Gunstar Heroes or Solomon's Key.  I just stopped Gunstar Heroes on the last level by exiting out to the Wii menu (home button).  Lo and behold, when I started Gunstar Heroes back up, I was at the exact same spot.  I turned the console off, and same thing (not off off, but wiiconnect off).  So it's sort of like the old days where you would leave your NES on all night long so you didn't lose your spot in the game.  Obviously, with games that limit your continues, that limit will still apply, but at least you can play the games in bursts and not try to jam the entire experience into on sitting.

Not a life changing find, but I thought perhaps someone may not know about it.

Nintendo Gaming / If Far Cry is online...
« on: December 10, 2006, 07:03:16 AM »
which is the rumor, who will be buying it?  And if so, is the online portion what swayed you?

As for me, I will buy it if it's online, mainly to play you knuckleheads in deathmatch.  Yeah!

Sub question:  Is it at all possible that Miis would be usable in a 'realistic' game like Far Cry?  I think if they were just mapped over the existing head, they could look cool.  Mii thinks a mii head placed on a normal looking body may be a little weird...

Nintendo Gaming / My friend, the Circuit City snob
« on: November 13, 2006, 01:17:01 PM »
My buddy works at CC, and is generally a pretty intelligent guy.  But he has become one of those "Nintendo sucks, get in the 21st century!" types in recent years.  Anywho, today I'm asking him about preorders, and if he could perhaps snag me a Wii when he suddenly breaks out into laughter saying "There's no interest whatsoever in Wii.  The PS3 has been called about over 300 times, and the Wii only about 50.  So yeah, you won't have a problem getting one"  More laughter.  I try and gleam more info about how many units they're expecting, and he says about 3, since there's no interest, as he and his cohorts yuk it up at my expense.

Then the capper-" The Wii sucks.  No HD games is a joke."

My response-"Yeah, you're right.  Catering to 7% of the population and charging everyone $400 more for it is a great idea since you easily led lemmings will lap up the product to fill that needy hole in their heart."

His response-"The cheap Bluray player is a movie lovers wet dream.  I'll buy it for that alone."

My response-"yeah, just like the minidisc is a music lovers wet dream.  More meaningless upgrades for products that don't need it.

His response-"Have you seen the graphics for the PS3?"

I walk out in a huff, no closer to getting my "Wii in my hand."

End of rant/I'm going to Toys R Us

Nintendo Gaming / We can be Heroes
« on: May 11, 2006, 07:52:28 AM »
The developer of Killer 7 has announced Heroes for the Wii.  Sing and rejoice.  Sing and rejoice.

Grasshopper announces Heroes for Wii

Nintendo Gaming / launch!
« on: May 10, 2006, 06:24:03 PM »
It is now official.  

A Zelda and Metroid at launch?  Hell yeah!

Edit: URL isn't working for some damn reason, but it's over at IGN if you wish to gaze upon the story.

Nintendo Gaming / "Two words for Nintendo fans-Uh oh."
« on: May 09, 2006, 01:42:06 PM »
^ That is what a lame ass G4 correspondent said upon Sony unveiling their controller.  I think I just threw up in my mouth.  Why can't people be impartial for once?  It's so obvious just by watching that toolbox play with it that the PS3 controller is nothing like the Wii controller.  What's so aggravating to me is I thought everyone, Sony fanboy or not would think it was a desperate and lame attempt to ride Ninty's hype.  Here's to hoping there aren't as many dumb people in this world as I think there are...

Nintendo Gaming / IP Resurrection Predictions! (Tension breaker)
« on: May 04, 2006, 12:30:48 PM »
It's fairly common knowledge that Nintendo will be bringing back at least one of their old IPs for the Wii.  Which old Nintendo property are you looking to be announced for wii the people at E3?  Predictions abound!  Give details as to who will be bringing it back,whether a 3rd party or Nintendo, and all that junk.

Mine?  You know it!  Kid Icarus!  It may seem like an easy one, but it's been over, what, 15 years since Pit appeared in his own game?  And that was on the Game Boy.  So it's not as though this is a foregone conclusion.

Who will make it?  Going out on a limb here....Retro

3d or 2d? Retro will use third person for the majority of the game, but there will be certain side scrolling levels(or vertical scrollers) to play like the old school Kid Icarus.  Maybe 2.5d.  Perhaps when you make your way to the shop, you must climb through old styled levels?  Mini game levels?  Archery levels?!

E, Teen or Mature? Hmm, I'll go out on a limb and say mature.  Perhaps an epic, violent struggle between greek gods within ancient mythology could tip this into mature territory.  I don't think it will be gore filled, but it will be violent enough, and the story itself will be mature.

launch title? Nope.  Spring '07.  It'll be shown in video form, with perhaps one playable level.  Hopefully.

Use of Revmote? Integral

final title  The Flight of Icarus: Fire in the Sky


Nintendo Gaming / Demasked re-revisited
« on: May 03, 2006, 11:21:13 AM »
Looking back on the demasked hoopla, and everything Paulson said they were going to do, doesn't it sound a lot like the MySpace aspect of community that Nintendo has mentioned on more than one occasion?  Perhaps the big secret is that the community will be a template of Myspace, where you can have your own page, add friends, see if friends are online, post high scores, start leagues, mailing lists and anything else you could ever want.  The big thing that Demasked stressed was that Xbox live was still too impersonal.  They spoke a lot about playing against faceless people, and wanting to get people to play together again. This could be what the online secret is, if we are to believe that the last secret has to do with the wifi service.  Of course, it was supposed to be for the DS, but not a lot was heard about Demasked after warp pipe were debunked.  Perhaps the whole idea was moved to the Wii?  I personally think it would be huge.

I know the myspace aspect has been touched on briefly in a thread I can't find, but I wanted to expand the discussion about it here.


Nintendo Gaming / Rad Racer Wii?
« on: May 01, 2006, 05:39:40 PM »
Anyone else think the racer Reggie mentioned is going to be Rad Racer?  I know Rare made the game back in the day, but I'm not sure who owns it...I would think Ninty does.  I know IGN mentions it could be Excitebike, but I willing to bet it's Rad!

Wii, Rad Racer, Wii!  Seriously, if I could have a no nonsense straight ahead arcade style racer like Outrun with next gen graphics, controlled by the Wiimote, I'd be pretty frickin happy.

Nintendo Gaming / Metal Slug, b*tches
« on: May 01, 2006, 04:06:11 PM »
SNK's Metal Slug Anthology announced for the Wii.  WITH exclusive revmote control.  Nice!  METAL SLUG, B*TCHES  

Nintendo Gaming / Wii Madden advertising ideas-and others
« on: April 29, 2006, 07:45:17 AM »
No reason in my beating a dead human and complaining about the name.  It's over with, so time to move on.  Since Madden looks to be about to kick ass on the Wii, I have a good idea on how they can incorporate the name in the ads.  

The major fans of Madden are normally huge fans of the NFL.  So, the first thing they should do is show young adults in football jerseys, lets say Mcnabb, and show him throwing something off screen.  The guy then looks in the camera and says "Wii are Mcnabb".  Show the next person wearing a Strahan jersey and using the swim move.  Looks into the camera and says "Wii are Strahan".  After doing this a few times, pull the camera back and reveal that they are infact playing Madden Wii, and repeat the throwing motion while showing the action on screen correspond with said motion.  "Wii are the NFL"  Madden 08  Fade to black.

This accomlishes two things 1)Really hits the NFL geeks hard.  They'll eat it up.  2)But it also brings in the non sports fan with the interesting control.

Post your ad ideas in here.  

Nintendo Gaming / Revolution no more-Nintendo Wii
« on: April 27, 2006, 07:16:48 AM »
According to IGN, this is the new name, though they didn't elaborate as of yet.

Edit:     Introducing... Wii.

     As in "we."

     While the code-name Revolution expressed our direction, Wii represents teh answer. Wii will break down that wall that seperates videogame players from everybody else. Wii will put people more in touch with their gams... and each other. But you're probably asking: What does the name mean?

     Wii sounds like "we," wehich emphasizes the console is for everyone. Wii can easily be remembered by people around the world, no matter what language they speak. No confusion. No need to abbreviate. Just Wii.

     Wii has a distinctive "ii" spelling that symbolizes both the unique controllers and the image of people playing it. And Wii, as a name and a console, brings something revolutionary to the world of videogames that sets it apart from the crowd.

     So that's Wii. But now Nintendo needs you. Because it's really not about you or me. It's about Wii. And together, Wii will change everything.

I have to get used to this.

Nintendo Gaming / Why June will kick Sony's ass (speculation)
« on: March 22, 2006, 08:37:41 AM »  Sure, Spong is almost always wrong, but on that rare occasion, they are right with huge events.  What if this article had merit?

For once, Nintendo gets the nature of this business.  For the first time since the NES era, Nintendo is being aggressive and forceful in the market.  Releasing the Rev. in June would ultimately prove to be successful for two reasons. 1) They beat Sony to the punch by a full 5 months.  Those 5 months would give players a chance to give the Rev a full 'test' run before the PS3, and at the very least, build a nice size userbase.  2) At the time of the PS3's launch, the Rev games will be entering their second cycle, and be much more polished than those at launch.  A Zelda and Kid Icarus title, or perhaps an Advanced Wars, Animal Crossing, Mario Kart or FZero with full online capabilities would be the ultimate Christmas gifts, don't you think?  And in turn, they offset the huge sales of the PS3 with huge sales of their own, which would be counted as a victory where I come from.  After the holiday sales die down and the smoke clears, Nintendo loses only a small sliver of it's market share to Sony, but MS loses more, seeing as the tech heads would go for either of these two systems, and the PS3 is the new toy, MS takes the hit, enabling the Revolution to be #1 with a bullet.

And we dance around in our villages, singing the praises of a world gone right for once.

Nintendo Gaming / Virtual Reality Step 1.0
« on: September 16, 2005, 07:50:12 AM »
Is it only me, or does anyone else feel while watching the video of the new controller, that this is very much heading towards a virtual reality Nintendo console?  Maybe not with the Rev., but after the Rev generation?  Think about this, we, by that time would have been used to the new control set up.  It wouldn't be a huge gamble then, as that's basically the first step-getting players acclimated with the controls of virtual reality.  So, when they release virtual man in the year 2012, the learning curve won't be high at all, since they trained us the prior generation with the Revolution.

I think you suckas better jump on board now, so you can be prepared for FPS, virtually, and literally.

Nintendo Gaming / Passive/Aggressive, and Sony's arrogant mistake
« on: August 29, 2005, 08:00:32 PM »
I believe Sony is making a big mistake coming releasing the PS3 third(I think the REV will be released earlier).  So that does leave that small window of opportunity for Nintendo to dig into Sony's userbase.  They have to be aggressive.  More agressive then they have ever been.  Here's a few...and a few more things I think can break Sony's stranglehold, besides the late debut.

1.  Whatever the licensing fees are, drop them below Xbox 360.  Immediately.  Announce that fact, and play it up.  They could always raise them if they gain huge market share.  But they won't gain huge market share without this move first.  

2.  Endear themselves to small studios that want to make very basic games in the NES style.  Let them develop on the REV with minimal licensing fees.  This brings about an almost 'homebrew' status to the REV, allowing the games to be sold for less than $20.  This also opens up the freedom of smaller developers who will then flock to the REV, and the hardcore gamer who care less about graphics will love this aspect.

3.  I can't say for sure how many times I've said this in the past on these very forums, but Nintendo must use nostalgia to their advantage.  Of the three, they have easily the most storied gaming history.  A history that folks my age(older gamer), and all ages, remember very well.  I remember when it was want to play Nintendo?, a shorthand for all video games.  Show me the old Zelda commercials with the new Zelda blowing it away in the end.  Show me some old school Mario cartoon.  Actually use bands from that time period to promote it.  Give me the Beastie Boys promoting the Revolution.  Give me Brian Eno music in the commercials.  I want Gary Numan's 'Cars' to play over the new Mario Kart.   These artists sound futuristic, but from the past.  Retro, nostalgic, call it what you will, but everyone loves that feeling.  And Nintendo's the only console maker capable of digging deep into their vaults and pulling out that magic.

4.  Don't take themselves so seriously.  Poke fun at the graphical claims of Sony and the PS2(Toy Story?).  Make a joke about the Xbox being for guys with penis envy.  Use it all! That is how, sometimes unfortunately, you regain the 'cool' factor.  Laughter  is the best way into a potential customers mind.

5.  Offer the REV with two controllers and a game, just like it should be.  Maybe even a bundle to start it off.  How about a Sonic/Mario bundle at launch?  How's that for the ultimate irony?  (better yet, SSB/Shenmue bundle)

6.  Saturate every channel with commercials.  H & G?  Hit it full force!  The Science channel?  Blow it away.  I want to see a damned marketing Revolution!  Saturation bombing works.

7.  Begin two new mature themed franchises.  That doesn't mean blood and guts.  But how about more of a game like Giest, or Eternal Darkness?  The psychological mature games are the best.  A psychological horror RPG would be nice, actually.

8.  Begin a real sports line.  I don't know who would develop these, but they must represent sports as well as all other genres, which brings us to....

9.  RPGs-Any RPG available, make it impossible for that developer to pass up the REV.  I don't care if it's money to entice, or the licensing fees being waived.  Do whatever it takes.  The collaberation with Namco was nice.  Get one with SquareEnix to deliver more than just FF:CC.  Give them the rights to develop Star Tropics or Earthbound.  

10.  Price it higher than normal for a Nintendo console.  Yes, that's right.  Higher.  Price the REV at $299.99, with the game bundle being 349.99.  

There are two reasons for this.  The appearance of a console a lot cheaper than the Xbox 360 smacks of desperation to the people you're looking to convert.  To us, of course, the low price is a much appreciated.  But to the public, who think Nintendo's a joke,(and believe me, a lot do) it does nothing.  The other reason is, you want this to hit like it's a tech heads dream.  It has to be presented as the latest thing you must have.  They got the look right, now price it comparable to the competition so that there's no confusion-this console is here to compete toe to toe.

That is all for now.  But I do believe these things can be achieved if Nintendo really wants to.  Sure, they can sit on their pile of cash, content.  But by being aggressive, they can actually make even more money than they do playing it safe.  There's always risk involved.  But if you ain't risking, you ain't trying.

Nintendo Gaming / Thinking about what's directly in front of you
« on: May 26, 2005, 07:38:30 AM »

rev·o·lu·tion   Audio pronunciation of "revolution" ( P )  Pronunciation Key  (rv-lshn)

        1. Orbital motion about a point, especially as distinguished from axial rotation: the planetary revolution about the sun.
        2. A turning or rotational motion about an axis.
        3. A single complete cycle of such orbital or axial motion.

Nintendo Gaming / Goldeneye DS
« on: April 23, 2005, 08:12:37 AM »

General Chat / The Omen sells out
« on: March 06, 2005, 07:47:47 AM »
I am now an employee with the evil empire, EA.  I am a gametester.

Best. Job. Ever.

Nintendo Gaming / Idea for a DS game
« on: October 14, 2004, 11:33:08 AM »
I would like a game like Baldurs Gate.  When in multiplayer mode, up to 4 people can play together, but the difference with the DS would be, they can also go off on their own.  Once they leave a players screen, the map on the bottom screen shows where they are in the current area.  This opens up a whole new way to play, as you could theoretically go for all the gold/reward yourself, making you enemies along the way.  But your lack of teamwork could hurt you in battle.  You could all work together as well, with two players going around back of a group of skeletons to ambush them as you draw their fire.  I mean, really, the gameplay mechanics this opens could be endless.  There could be stats at the end of each area, and what you did can change your alignment, such as evil or neutral.   Hell, even Gauntlet would work this way.

Nintendo Gaming / The DS as a controller?
« on: September 28, 2004, 07:58:38 AM »
I was just thinking(or not thinking) that maybe the Revolution will be able to use the DS as a controller.  It would be cool to already own a controller , then buy the REV and have and have it packed with one analog.   That is all.

General Chat / More proof I am death
« on: September 25, 2004, 01:20:27 PM »
I move to Florida in February, and the worst hurricane season ever hits.  God knows what will happen when I move to L.A.  Well, I do know, but I don't want to say it.  If it were not for bad luck, I'd have none.

Batten down the hatches!

Nintendo Gaming / More patent madness
« on: August 24, 2004, 12:07:29 PM »
I just stumbled upon this at Nintendo  Now.  Sounds different than the one issued for the 64dd, I think.  Sounds really great, in fact.

Nintendo Gaming / Nintendo isn't the are.
« on: April 13, 2004, 06:21:18 PM »
As much as I would like to believe that Nintendo fans are this knowledgable group of gaming elite, i'm finding the opposite to be true.  I just don't get why some of these games don't sell on the GC.  Now, i'm barring obvious games like Hitman 2, Baldurs Gate and the like, in which Nintendo were given shoddy ports late.  But games that are released on all 3 consoles at the same time.  Like BG&E.  I know it didn't sell well on any of the 3, but why wouldn't we Nintendo fans embrace it?  It's just about as close to a Nintendo title as there is, yet we ignored it.  Hell, even F-zero didn't sell all that well.  Prince of persia, again what a typical Ninty fan supposedly likes.  And don't give me we know whats sh!t ands whats not.  Obviously, you don't.  And also don't give me the "First party titles are so good, they overshadow all 3rd party games."  Theres how many must have first party games released each year by Nintendo?  4? 5? And thats being generous.  Eternal Darkness deserved so much more than selling, what,  200k?  RE sold well, but Zero didn't.  The only games that have sold great, as expected , were probably Metroid Prime, WW, SMS, and SSMB:M.  There are many opinions on this, but I think we think we're the gaming elitists, the fore fathers of gaming.  Nintendo created all, and we will dismiss any game released thats deemed beneath us.  So before we bitch about losing 3rd parties, and even 2nd parties now, look at your library of games, and realize you're not open to try new types of games.  You can't be, because theres simply not enough exclusive content to make up your entire collection.  There must be some games that appeal to you other than Nintendos, right?  Or maybe PS2 fans are the real fans, and we are the little niche Nintendo market.  PS2 fans often buy what we consider crap, but back 15 years ago, without all these online and Mag. reviews, we had to buy what interested us, just by reading the box and the Nintendo Power pamphlet.  And we couldn't trade them in, they were ours forever.  That made you finish the game, actually experience the game to its fullest instead of trading it in in 2 weeks.  Some of the best games I bought were games I took a chance on, and WON me over.  Were they perfect?  Nope, some were even below average.  But I enjoyed the game anyway, because it wasnt so easy to dismiss.  You actually grew with the game.  Now, it appears the PS2 userbase has the right idea.  Buying games you want, no matter how crappy somebody else thinks they are, is being the real gamer, not the casual gamer.  Buying what you know is good, or will be good, and little else...well that sounds pretty damn casual to me.

Reader Reviews / MVP Baseball 2004
« on: April 06, 2004, 08:40:21 AM »
Baseball games have always been sort of oasis to me.  I start to get excited by February, then buy a game by April.  Inevitably, I play about 30 games before realizing 'this is too much', then I simulate and test my owner skills by siging free agents and making trades and let the computer play the games.  A game like baseball, which is so stat heavy in the real world, figures to translate to the game world very well.  But more often than not, I become bored of actually playing the games.  162 games in a season is ridiculous, and playing 9 innings each would drive someone crazy.  Of course the option is always available to play as little as 5 inning games, but then you lose the realism in the most important aspect of baseball-the stats.  So having basically complained for a paragraph, on to MVP.

Gameplay: 9
There are so many positives this year in MVP.  The pitching interface is perfect.  Its just about the same as the kick off meter in Madden.  The meter rises.  Theres a sweet spot where you want to tap the button, however, if you miss it, you deliver a very less than perfect opitch.  As the meter comes back down, it determines the speed, or power of the pitch.  You then tap the button when the meter is to your liking.  Very user friendly for those of us who have played Madden.  The hitting is just as intuitive.  Now with 'freestyle control on the right control stick, you can determine if you want to hit it on the ground, in the air, to the left , to the right or up the middle.  The fielding controls range from okay to good.  There are problems picking up exactly where the ball is hit sometimes.  But you do get the freestyle control on defense as well, such as sliding and diving.  Baserunning is actually great.  The freestyle control allows you to determine if you slide or not, and what type of slide you want.  Headfirst and to the outside of the bag?  No problem, just push the control stick up and to the right.  Very easy.  Now, onto the Dynasty, perhaps the most important aspect for sports fans.  This years game has gone above and beyond in terms of depth.  You can control your major league team, as well as your AAA and AA teams for 120 seasons.  And i mean total control.  Drafting , signing free agents, cutting players, promoting or sending down players.  Its all at your disposal , if you want it to be.  You can also choose to control just your MLB team, and let the computer control the rest.  But there are Happiness ratings, and team chemistry ratings, and team goals that determine your budget, and next contract.  So, I havent left anything up to the computer.  The game is also fully customizable.  Anything you want to happen or not happpen can be adjusted with 'sliders' .  There are so many options in this game, I could literally go on for another 1000 words, but I won't.  I'll just say, MVP is the best baseball game, ever.  

Graphics: 8.5

Graphics are good.  The animations are very good.  The stadiums are nicely rendered, as well as the backgrounds.  The crowd is pretty hideous up close.  Overall, good representation of the sport.

sound 7.5

The announcers are good, but repeat themselves often.  The crowd is very cool, coming up with 'overrated' chants.  You can hear many different things in the crowd.  When a pitch is borderline, you'll hear soemone scream 'Are you blind?!', and things like that.  Its also THX certified.  The music=crap.  Pop rock crap.   Plus theres only about 10 songs.  Thankfully, you can turn them off, or the ones you hate off.  

Overall: 9

I've enjoyed this game very much.  I still simulate a lot of the games, but now its just as fun because of all the duties you have in the off season.  Trying to work within a budget, like the Phillies at 39 mill. for instance, can be tough, but rewarding.  Of course, you can turn the budgets off and just sign whoever the hell you want, but thats not realistic, even the Yankees have a budget.  For realism, this game can't be beat.  And the realism part is what will turn many of the sports haters off.  But for people who love the actual game of baseball, there is no other option.

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