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Topics - Rachet_Acram

Pages: [1]
Nintendo Gaming / Charterstone: Digital Edition coming to Switch
« on: August 24, 2020, 09:02:27 AM »
It's a thing that's finally happening! We're getting through Lothcheck as we speak and we hope to release this beauty on Switch later this year.

And if you don't know what Charterstone is... Well, the door to the wonderful world of digital board games is right here:

Nintendo Gaming / Eight-Minute Empire on Nintendo Switch - first look
« on: August 22, 2019, 09:33:49 AM »
Hey there!

We have a video of Eight-Minute Empire, the digital adaptation of Ryan Laukat's strategy area of control board game, that's about to be released on Switch in less than a week!

Nintendo Gaming / Istanbul: Digital Edition
« on: November 29, 2018, 10:31:13 AM »
Hello! I'm here on behalf of Acram Digital and Mobo Studio, publishers and developers specializing in porting tabletop board games to digital platform.

And I am here, because we're currently working on our first Nintendo Switch port. We would like to know how, if at all, would you be interested in a digital board game on your Switch, and, of course, this particular title specifically.

The game in question is Istanbul: Digital Edition. It's a well received board game, sitting comfortably in the top 100 board games ranking of Board Game Geek forum. Put simply, it's a damn good board game and we made a damn good port out of it. And the switch version will have more bling! Literally, just for that platform we're adding a bunch of animations to backgrounds of various spots . Shinier is always better!

Anyway, I should probably describe the game already. Istanbul: Digital Edition is a strategic game where players compete with each other over resources and, ultimately, rubies. You can trade various resources into rubies, and getting a certain amount of rubies wins you the game. Every spot on the board allows you to do something, but it requires you to have an assistant available in order to interact with it. Hence - planning your path is the key. It's very easy to get the rules, but it's difficult to navigate them to the greatest effect, a textbook example of easy to learn, hard to master type of game.

So this is how things are right now. The main thing, we think, is that we did not mess with the rules of the game. They're just as they are in the tabletop version, we just animated everything, added online and offline multiplayer. Quality of Life stuff.

Do bare in mind this is all work in progress. But we're looking forward to hearing what you think about the idea of playing a digital board game on your Switch!

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