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Topics - akdaman1

Pages: [1] 2
General Chat / Anyone know any?
« on: July 02, 2004, 07:10:23 PM »
Does anyone here know any good PS2 exclusive sites?

Also anyone know where I can find ps2 release dates for AUS.

Nintendo Gaming / Day of Reckoning
« on: June 23, 2004, 11:29:58 PM »
Hey was sup ladies and gents.

This is a topic where you can talk about the upcoming game WWE Day of Reckoning.

Discuss who you want to see in it?
Your impressions on the entrances and charecter models.
Also you may discuss your favourite wrestler etc.

First of all I really do hope they have a draft lottery of some sort in there. Also Elimination chamber and I quit match ( to utilize the new submission engine ).

People Im looking forward to playing as - Renne Dupree, Chris Jercho, Christian, Batista, Eddie Guerrero and Randy Orton.

I havent watched any of the latest entrances due to technical problems and all my impressions are off pics, so please bear with me. So far Undertaker looks really good as does Mysterio although he needs a bit of touching up. Kurt Angles eyes are really bad and I pray to god that they get cleaned up.

Thats it for now.

Do not post results of raw and smackdown shows or anything as most of us live in Aus and dont get the results till a later date

Nintendo Gaming / Day Of Reckoning
« on: June 23, 2004, 11:22:03 PM »

I have to say this is one of the most underrated games of this generation. I played this ( and beat it ) and cant believe this game only recieved scores of 7's and 8's.

The game has an intriguing storyline which isnt finished. At the end of the game a little to be continued screen comes up. Know what I want to know is what are the chances of there being a sequel? The game ended with the intention of there being a sequel but so far I have heard no news on it.

Was it canned due to low sales? Is it being kept hush-hush?

I would like to know a few peoples views on the game as well.

General Chat / Help me find a ringtone!!!
« on: June 01, 2004, 10:39:03 PM »
Can someone give me a link to a site that has free wwe/f ringtones.

It doesnt really matter if its poly or mono.

The ones that I esspecially want are Takers, DX theme, HHH, Evoloution, Brock Lesner and Booker T.

Thanks in advance.

General Chat / Help me ( I have serious problems )
« on: May 19, 2004, 10:12:48 PM »

I live in Australia as most of you know. Now in Austrailia Raw ( WWE ) is on Fridays - 3 days later than the US. Now im not sure why but I always have an urge to find out what happened by checking out this site

I want to be able to ban myself from visiting this site. Is there a way I could do that? Even better is there someway I can ban myself from the site in-between Tuesdays and Sundays?

I know most of you are gonna say just dont go on the site but ...its like a drug. You keep going back ...HELP ME.

General Gaming / E3 awards
« on: May 14, 2004, 12:55:51 AM »
O.K e3 is over and very few is left to be shown so I figured I will host ( I feel like rove when I typed that ) the 1st Annual E3 awards.

( keep the post long. Dont write jibberish. )

O.K the catagories are -

Greatest graphics
For me the Graphics award is awarded to Resident Evil 4, although Metroid Prime was there I dont really like its art direction. Also Im sure that if Zelda was shown a little bit more that it would have taken the prize.

Runner Up
This award goes to Zelda. I really wanted to put Zelda into first place but not enough of it was shown to pass of final judgement. Awsome art direction and I really believe that this will be the greatest game this generation.

Biggest Suprise
ZEEELLLLDDDDAAA. I really had no idea. I was sick of visiting boards where all they would do is speculate on this. Nintendo totally caught me off guard and I must hand it to them.

b]Runner Up
This must go to 2 games. Advanced Wars - Im really happy with the way this game is coming along and it is along with Geist and Zelda my most anticipated game. Geist - Reading GCA's impressions really had me thinnking  what it would be like to play this game. After lots of thought I realised this game will be AWSOME.

Biggest Dissapointment
This award must go to Viewtiful Joe. I was really expecting there to be more changes to the title. I really dont believe that this game should be in devolpment. ( to know why check the e3 thoughts thread in the Trade Show discussion ).

Runner Up
No doubt it has to be the 3rd party support. I cant really remember but was there any games that were announced at E3 exclusive for the gamecube? NO.

Greatest Audio
No doubt this award goes to Zelda. When I first heard the music I peed myself. Classic Zelda music and I love it.

Runner Up
This goes to Resident Evil 4. The sounds in this game really help to intensify the mystery of the villegers. It is really eerie stuff and suits the game very well.

Game of The Show
This goes to Zelda. Even though it was a small video, this is what got me excited most at E3. I really believe that this is Nintendos saviour, it will get all the old Nintendo fanboys back on board.

Runner Up
Geist - The concept of this game make me so ...jiddy. I really love all this possesion nonsense and pray to god that we get it this year.

Most Anticipated Game ( What games do I want after thier showing off at e3 ).
1. Zelda
3.Advance Wars
4.Star Fox
5.Resident Evil 4.

Now I will just add some impressions of some of my most anticiapated games.

Zelda - I really hope that this game takes Zelda into a whole new world. I love the concept of Fighting on a horse and really hope that you can get a lance or something. I also want the storyline to revolve around war which would be really, really cool.

Geist - This game is sounding really cool. The concept is AWSOME. The potential in this game is huge. I really love the idea of possesing beings and animals to get past security. Also the games focus on Puzzle solving as well as shooting is really cool. Lets just hope that the Graphics get cleaned up as well as the controls.

Advance Wars - I really hope that there is a milti-player mode. It would be Awsome if me and my brother are assigned our own little armies and can take out each other. I hope controls are clean and that the story is there but light hearted.

Star Fox - This game has so much promise. I mean playing as Fox on foot with a blaster while being able to get into any vehicle of choice is really exicitng. I hope that the game gets a graphical boost because after beating SFA its hard to see Fox sooo damn ugly.

Resident Evil 4 - I really hope this game isnt as hard as the previous games. I had lots of trouble in REmake and was too scared to play it on my own. I really hope that the storyline doesnt trace back to Umbrella because at the moment the RE series should be over Umbrella.

Other Mentionings

Also at the show I really liked Paper Mario. This year will be really good for the GCN and come next e3 I will be prepared for the Revoloution.

Final Note
To the Mods. I had trouble deciding where to put this. I know all e3 discussions should go into the Trade Show Discussions but I also felt that this could.should be in here where everyone will see it.  

Nintendo Gaming / DS - Revealed. - Pics Inside ( Genuine )
« on: May 11, 2004, 12:46:28 AM » htm


I was actually hating this little machine but this pic is ...OMG ...Its Awsome.

I really cant wait for E3 now ...Now ppl let the discussions begin.

General Chat / Shamrock vs Kimu
« on: May 01, 2004, 05:23:41 PM »
Hey I was just wandering if there is anyway I can get this fight.

Its UFC and I wanna see how Shamrock is doing. I wanna see what the UFC is like.

I have Optus and all of its channels.

Is it on Main event? If so when?


General Chat / The Official What to buy thread
« on: April 20, 2004, 10:16:23 PM »
O.K before I start I wanna know something. Am I able to make something offical ? or does only a mod have that honour?

O.K - Now I know there is a What to buy thread in the GCN section but I would rather opinons from you guys because I know you all quite well.

Now my birthday is coming up and my brother is gonna get me a game.

Now I want Metroid Prime, Fusion, Zero Mission. Splinter Cell and Fire EmBLem.

Now he can only get me one. So I told him to get me Prime. And seeing that you can unlock Metroid 1 ( Zero Mission ) using Fusion and a link cable - I am thinking of getting Fusion.

Now my question is do I have everything right ? And how much are each of them here in Austrailia ?

Nintendo Gaming / Bad Tales of Symphonia news
« on: April 08, 2004, 01:48:38 PM »
- Namco announced they will bring both Tales of Symphonia and Tales of Rebirth to PlayStation 2. Tales of Symphonia is a port of the GameCube version, the color of the game logo is changed, it is unclear whether there are new elements in the game

That was just posted on

Bloddy hell cant anything stay exclusive.

Nintendo Gaming / WWE Day Of Reckoning - Discuss
« on: March 11, 2004, 10:54:37 PM »
Ok People has just done a news piece on the next WWE game. Day Of Reckoning has a very different , more realistic concept when compared to other wrestling games.

I have a few concerns ...If I start a carrer with the Rock or Austin does that mean I would have to go threw the Amatuer leagues ? ...I mean story mode should only be for Create a Wrestlers , or there should be a complete different story side for already established wrestlers.

Also Ign mention 40+ wrestlers ...which is quite low ...Im wanting 70+ ...40 isnt very much , that number is most likley an estimate but ...just something that caugt my eye.

Anyway ...Discuss.

P.S - The concerns/question arent able to be answered yet ... I know no info is out yet ( other than IGNs info ) ...Discuss my concerns ...what do you think they will do ?

Nintendo Gaming / Japanese Sales inside ( UNBELIVEABLE ) !!!
« on: December 22, 2003, 03:10:08 PM »
O.K , I know this is another Japanese thread but ...that is Denkgei sales ...


    This is unbelievable .

    90 000 cubes sold in a week .. + 5 games on that list are over the 100 000 mark ( total )

    All I want to know is where is Baten Kaitos ? I dont think Namco expected it to do very well ( they shipped around 120 000 )  

  • 13
    Nintendo Gaming / Tales Of Phantasa Help
    « on: December 11, 2003, 06:49:20 PM »
    Alright I URGENTLY need help .

    I am in Volts cavern ( 50 years in the future ) and there is a part where you spark the generator ( using the socercor stone ) but only half the door opens .

    So I went into a walkthrough to figure out what to do , they say That I have backtrack to a room where a switch seems inacciable ( IM THERE ) , and it says now walk through the wall. What wall ? Where is this wall that I can walk through ? HELP ME!!!

    I am playing the snes version but I doubt anything has changed if you have the PSX , GBA version .

    **EDIT** Just beat the part , no worries . It took me hours to figure out the swithc was right in front of me.

    Nintendo Gaming / TOS ( Q&A )
    « on: December 09, 2003, 01:21:20 PM »

    Hey , I can simply no longer wait for TOS and am on the verge of suicide ( maybe TOS will be in heaven ) . Anyway this thread is for any questions anyone has on the game .

    I have a few questions that I want to ask ,

    1. When playinf FF7 all those years ago I remember being in jail , trapped in a desert , climbing mountains etc. The scenery , the stroy was so well put and memorable , Would I get the same feeling playing this.

    2. Whats the length of the game

    P.S These questions are for people who imported it , I can pretty much answer anything there is to know without playing the game , So ask ANY questions.

    Nintendo Gaming / Release Dates
    « on: December 02, 2003, 10:43:31 PM »
    Does anyone know where I can get Gameboy Advance release dates for Australia?  

    General Chat / Whats next ?
    « on: December 01, 2003, 07:01:43 PM »

    Hey ppls. I was sitting down last night thinking...whats next? We had 2d, 3d etc But we cant keep adding on polygons.

    Soon it will be realistic graphics. People play games to escape reality . What could come next is beyond me. But is it beyond you? Do you know whats next ?

    Virtual Reality isnt too realistic ( I mean its so expensive and complicated , It also cant be good for your health ) .

    General Chat / What happened?
    « on: November 30, 2003, 07:08:33 PM »
    What happened to ?

    I cant get into it , it has been like a week. I love GCL just as much as PGC...except these forums rule...BEST EVER!!!

    Is it working for you guys?

    General Chat / Roms & Emulators chat
    « on: November 29, 2003, 01:53:58 PM »
    Hey first let me start off by saying that if I am not allowed to post about roms , then I am sorry .

    Now I have a question , I bought FF7 back when I had a PS1, It was my faviroute game ever , but I had to GIVE my PS1 away to my cuz , no biggie though I thought , Its backwards compatible...well my PS2s laser just died out and I wanna play Final fantasy...agghh..

    Well I was trying to find ps1 roms , ( its legal..I have the copy of the game ) but all I can find are Iso's ...what are they?  

    Anyway I just read that If I were to get an emulator and a real copy of the game ( which I have ) then I could play it on my PC? Am I right? Or have I got it all wrong?

    Can someone help me out here

    General Chat / Who is better
    « on: November 19, 2003, 07:22:46 PM »
    Looney tunes


    Im asking because i am quite undecided in this , I love bugs and daffy , but hate Micky, Although noone beats out donald duck and goofy...

    P.S . Will this be banned ? I know this is a poll but i dont no anyother way to set it out..  

    General Chat / WWE ( THE ROCK )
    « on: November 15, 2003, 06:38:19 PM »
    O.K i used to love wrestling but for some reason my passion for it left about a year ago , BUT , I am back into the mood but have noticed that HHH and The Rock are gone..where are they?

    General Chat / Hey I just got optus ( need help )
    « on: November 04, 2003, 09:55:38 PM »
    Aight it is hard to read the guide and everything...( i am actually being lazy ) and want to know when the wrestling is on...also dragon ball z/gt and pokemon...( kidding on the last one )

    Nintendo Gaming / New Double Dash movies !!!!
    « on: November 01, 2003, 06:46:17 PM »

    They have been down recently but my gosh...once you get will be AMAZED by how fast the gameplay is...i played it and it still amazes me.

    Nintendo Gaming / NOAus rules
    « on: November 01, 2003, 12:42:00 PM »
    We get Mario Kart first and 1080 avalanche first + we get a steering wheel when we pre order mario kart double dash.

    Also we now get most games within a week be4 its released in Europe.

    They are shaping up..lets just hope that they hand out free ganmecubes.  

    Nintendo Gaming / YOU didnt know this ( LOTR related )
    « on: November 01, 2003, 09:57:46 AM »
    There was a LOTR game for the snes...its one of the worst games for snes .

    Nintendo Gaming / Fisrt online MK DDash review here!!!!
    « on: October 21, 2003, 09:34:07 PM »
    the first online mario kart review ever.

    i dont want anyone saying downers bout this site etc. i love CE as much as planetgamecube and respect thier scores just as much.

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