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Topics - matx88

Pages: [1]
Nintendo Gaming / Importing Worries
« on: January 29, 2015, 09:53:56 AM »
I just recently imported a new 3ds and preordered a copy of majora's mask 3d. While I'm very excited to finally own a current japanese system and just overall stoked to have the white new 3ds, I can't help but worry about trying to get the same enjoyment out of the import of majora's mask. I have played the game serveral times over the years across its different versions but obviously in English. Like many of us here I'm a huge Zelda fan and have been my whole gaming career. I've played/beaten nearly every entry up to this point, but after all my years of fandom I have never attempted to play a Zelda game in japanese. I worry because I really don't know much japanese and I know with majoras mask especially being very side quest heavy I worry that I might not be able to either finish the game or enjoy it in nearly the same way I did in the western release. I am excited to own and play a zelda game in its native language so I have that going for me. But to you I ask: Can I beat this game in japanese?! Can I complete this game 100% in a foreign tongue?! To anybody who has any insight on this; whats the best way for me to approach this? Are they're FAQ's for the japanese release out there? Because I know I can kiss the hopes of the japanese version having the English localization as a language setting/option goodbye...

Nintendo Gaming / Looking both ways before animal crossing
« on: November 06, 2012, 01:37:01 PM »
I'm really excited for Animal Crossing: New Leaf, because I've never played an Animal Crossing game. I wanted to know before New Leaf is released which title is a good start to a curious beginner?

Now with the new 3ds XL not only have I obviously been playing 3ds titles but with larger screens I've been going back and playing alot of DS titles that I've missed over the years. And I've always been interested in the Pheonix Wright series. But seeing that I've never played the series I wanted to know what titles in the series I should look into buying? Or the better question which one should I start out with as a beginner? Should there be any I avoid?

General Chat / Looking for a friend
« on: August 09, 2012, 01:53:25 AM »
hello im matx88 and i have no freinds on this site and looking for peole to shoot the breeze with, talk life and games with and i want to emerse myself in this community and be a part of it
maybe someone will help

NWR Feedback / Profile questions
« on: May 24, 2012, 02:41:55 PM »
I just wanted to know how to change my username for my profile. Thankyou very much for your time ;D

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