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Topics - ymeegod

Pages: [1]
General Gaming / 2011--Big Game Flops
« on: August 12, 2011, 03:47:31 AM »
Rough year for alot of new games where's a few that I see:

Shadows of the Damn (Xbox/PS3) didn't even break 100K between two platforms and two regions.  Feel this is going be the end of Grasshopper.  Not sure if they have a publisher for Lollipop Chainsaw but I can't see EA fitting the bill for this one.

De Blob 2 (WII/360/PS3/DS)didn't break 100K will all platforms and two regions.  Funny little title but I feel it's the end fo the series.  Another platform hero that's going be sitting the bench along with Bonk, Toe Jam & Earl, and Spyro.

Capcom released two both on the DS,Okamiden and Ghost Trick--didn't expect much from neither titles myself but WW numbers place both games selling 1/4 million each. 

Fear 3 --barely broke 1/4 million as well.  It's a shame the series only went downhill from the begining.

Duke Nukem Forever-- 800K which is good but not when you consider how many years it took for them to develope.  I bet this one is going set the record books in terms of revenue lost.  You can always consider it a tax right off. :)

Those are my finds and I bet there's more to come, please feel free to add your picks for 2011.


General Gaming / So Sad yet so FUNNY...
« on: August 05, 2011, 06:09:47 PM »
"New Love Plus, the game allows you to share your virtual girlfriend's photos with your friends online via the Love Plus Photo Club."
Fell right out of my chair reading that. :)  Can't wait to update my Facebook with my beloved Yuna.

General Gaming / Another Capcom mistake? Ultimate Marvel Vs Capcom 3
« on: July 21, 2011, 11:29:22 PM »
Not that I'm against 12 new characters but isn't it a bit to soon?  MvC3 launched earlier this year and about 6 months later this comes along.  Mind you it wouldn't have been bad if it was DLC but this is a stand alone product meaning if you want to play with the new characters you're going have to buy this version.
Glad I waited but I can see this pissing off more than a few people who bought the orginal.
Oh yeah, one of those 12 new characters is Phoenix Wright?  So I'm guessing UMvC 3 is going to one of nintendo's new systems if not both.


Any news about an US release date?  It's been a year now and there's been little to no news that I've seen.
Anyone else wanting for this title?

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