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Topics - Hero_of_time113

Pages: [1]
General Chat / The Metroid Chronicles
« on: June 19, 2013, 01:34:01 PM »
Hey everybody, David O here (I did the art on the RFN shirt).

I'm working on a new project that I thought some of you might be interested in.

Having never played any of the Metroid games, I have decided to play through all of them and illustrate the whole journey. I call it The Metroid Chronicles.

Here's a link to the series if you want to check it out, tell me what you think!

Nintendo Gaming / Hulu and Youtube freeze my Wii U
« on: May 15, 2013, 12:57:59 AM »
So ever since I got it, my Wii U has pretty frequently frozen up on Youtube and Hulu. The video will play for a bit and then just freeze and I have to unplug the system. It even freezes up on the menus of those two apps sometimes.
I called Nintendo and they want it sent in for a repair. Am I overreacting? Does this happen to anybody else?

Nintendo Gaming / Denpa Men!
« on: September 21, 2012, 12:22:38 PM »
So the "Denpa Men: They Came By Wave" demo is officially out in the US Eshop, and I gotta say... I love it!
The battle system is pretty simple, but in a good way, and the AR mode where you catch the little guys is super fun.
Has anybody else gotten a chance to play the demo yet?

General Chat / NWR Fan-Art help
« on: October 19, 2010, 11:07:54 AM »
Hey there internet. I am currently working on Fan art of the Radio Free Nintendo Crew. I have the first 2 done and can be seen here...!/photo.php?fbid=158228334194837&set=a.147820628568941.22836.142995249051479&pid=427544&id=142995249051479

And here...!/photo.php?fbid=163699506981053&set=a.147820628568941.22836.142995249051479

I am a little bit stuck on Johnny though. At the top of the pictures there are status bars, James has Rage (98%) and Jon has Completion (2%)
But what should Johnny have?

Also, in the right hand corner with the abilities I have class: Magic user, and Weapon of Choice: Harmonica, but I need one more.

The picture has been done for a week, but I can't figure out how to finish it.

Any suggestions?

Nintendo Gaming / Beatles Rock Band
« on: September 01, 2010, 10:49:32 PM »
So I just got Beatles Rock Band  for the Wii (finally) and I am noticing that the graphics are fantastic! I have played the 360 version and it looks almost as, if not just as good. But that leaves me wondering. Did they use the same video from the HD consoles as they did in the Wii version?

So my brother is going to be getting married next month, and as a gift for the bachelor party me and the other groomsmen are going to buy him a game console. But which one??
They both have many pros and cons, and I want to get him one that he'll really use.
He's a huge Nintendo fan, especially of the Metroid and Zelda series. But he also is a big fan of shooters.
And this is kind of an aside, but he uses Netflix instant watch a ton.
Any suggestions?

General Gaming / Video Games Live on PBS
« on: March 15, 2010, 05:08:37 PM »
So this may be old news to some, but this June PBS will be airing VGL on it's concert series.
I am so excited! I have tried so many times to see it live, but it just never works out. Has anybody seen it?

I have been watching crappy youtube videos today and I had forgotten how much of an emotional reaction it elicits in me. I almost cried watching the Kingdom Hearts one. (probably not good, as I am currently on campus surrounded by people.)

General Gaming / Team Fortress 2 360
« on: February 05, 2010, 06:23:59 PM »
I got my 360 a few months ago, and the other day I picked up the Orange Box. I've been having a bast playing Team Fortress 2 and I was wondering if anybody on here is still playing it?
And also what everybody thinks of the Orange Box as a whole.

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