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Topics - NWR_insanolord

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General Gaming / What's your favorite launch game of all time?
« on: March 25, 2013, 02:03:14 PM »
Console launches are always exciting, and bring with them a wide variety of games (or not, in the case of the N64). With new hardware, developers often try new things or make creative use of new hardware. I'm asking what you think the best launch game ever was. (For the purposes of this discussion, anything that came out within a month of launch is a launch game.)

I have a case in mind, but I haven't found one yet. I'm sure you're familiar with the ones that are three games wide and hold cards back to back for a total of 6 games. I'm looking for a case like that but 4 games wide, holding a total of 8 games. I know there are bigger cases, but I want one in that form factor. I would be extremely thankful to anyone who could help me with this.

Looking at the software lineup for 2013 on the Wii U, you'll see that it's missing a lot of the games the other consoles are getting. Outside of Ubisoft's offerings, it's very sparse in terms of non-Nintendo games. So I'm asking, if you could bring only one game from the other platforms this year to Wii U, what would you choose, and why?

Nintendo Gaming / Does Pikmin qualify as a strategy game?
« on: February 28, 2013, 11:47:14 AM »
Like many of you, I was first exposed to this debate on a recent episode of Radio Free Nintendo, after previously assuming the answer was a simple "of course." After thinking about it some more, I think I've come to realize why people doubt it.

I think the reason for this is that Pikmin is such a departure from other real-time strategy titles. I think RTS games were clearly an influence, but maybe Miyamoto's team changed the mechanics so much that it might not even qualify as such anymore. There are certainly elements of other genres in there.

But this is what Nintendo does, they take an existing idea and flip it on its side; it brings to mind the similar debate of whether or not Metroid Prime is a first-person shooter. Again, the influences are clearly there, but it's a long way from any of  the traditional ideas of what that genre entails.

In the end, I think that yes, Pikmin is a sort of a strategy game, albeit one very different from any that came before it. Nintendo's games sometimes defy genres, but in this case that's the closest fit. What does everyone else think.

How many head spins would it take to get Ubisoft back onboard the Wii U?

General Gaming / Second-best Game Designer
« on: February 11, 2013, 10:20:30 PM »
I asked this on Twitter and now I'll ask it here. Since Shigeru Miyamoto is the definitive game designer in the history of the medium, I'd like to know who you'd all pick as number two.

Personally, I'd have to go with Sid Meier. He's actually a lot like Miyamoto, in that he basically invented several genres of games, and is probably his equivalent on the PC side of things. He revolutionized gaming, and has made a number of great games with great variety.

General Gaming / If you could only play one genre
« on: February 04, 2013, 08:44:09 AM »
I saw this on NeoGAF and thought it'd be fun to do here. The idea is, if you could only play one genre of games the rest of your life, which one would it be and why?

For me it comes down to either 2D platformers or turn based strategy. They both have a great variety within them (platformers run from Super Meat Boy to Kirby's Dream Land and TBS goes from the relative simplicity of Advance Wars to the depth of Civilization and beyond), and both have a lot of replay value, at least for me.

Nintendo Gaming / Advance Wars
« on: January 21, 2013, 10:41:17 PM »
The upcoming release of Fire Emblem Awakening has me excited for what Intelligence System is maybe (hopefully) working on next, a 3DS iteration of Advance Wars. I was wondering what people would like to see in such a game. Graphical style? New units? CO powers? Online functionality?

Also, and this is my main selfish reason for starting this thread, I've decided to go back and play one of the older Advance Wars games to scratch this itch, and I'm not sure which one to go with. I have all four games released in the US so far, and there are reasons for and against all of them, so I'd like to hear the thoughts of people here.

NWR Mafia Games / Mafia LVIII: Radio Free Mafia Day 5
« on: December 07, 2012, 01:01:34 AM »

NWR Mafia Games / Mafia LVIII: Radio Free Mafia Day 4
« on: December 06, 2012, 01:00:23 AM »

NWR Mafia Games / Mafia LVIII: Radio Free Mafia Day 3
« on: December 05, 2012, 01:10:40 AM »
Story Post (I really will try to get to this tomorrow).

NWR Mafia Games / Mafia LVIII: Radio Free Mafia Day 2
« on: December 04, 2012, 01:04:04 AM »
Story Post

NWR Forums Discord / Mafia LVIII Signup Thread: Radio Free Mafia
« on: November 21, 2012, 04:24:48 PM »
It's time again for the official pastime of the NWR Forums, the great game of Mafia.

The current plan is for signups to be open through December 1, with the game starting up on Monday December 3.

The theme of the game this time is our very own Nintendo World Report. The RFN crew has gone mad with power, and it's up to the intrepid members of the NWR Forums to stop them. Role playing is very encouraged, though try not to get mean-spirited with it.

To get the most out of this game we're going to need 20-25 players, so I really hope we get a good turnout.

This thread is for posting your online ID for the Wii U so people can add you as friends for Miiverse and online gaming. Only post your ID here; other discussion or matchmaking should be done in the relevant forum threads or personal messages.

PROTip: To add someone - DO NOT Use the Friend List.

1) Launch the MiiVerse App.
2) Click your Mii in the top, left hand corner (User Menu).
3) Select "Search Users".
4) Enter the Nintendo Network ID for the user you wish to connect to.
5) Wait.
6) Click "View Profile".
7) Click "Friend Request".
8) Type a message (Like "This is UncleBob from NWR" maybe?) and click "Send".

General Chat / College Sports Discussion
« on: October 27, 2012, 03:15:40 AM »
I figured since we have threads for all the pro sports it's time to have one for the "amateur" sports. I imagine this will mostly be about football and basketball, but feel free to post about any sport you like. For instance, my Mercyhurst University Lakers Women's Hockey team is really good.

Nintendo Gaming / Obscure eShop/DSiWare Game Discussion
« on: October 06, 2012, 03:32:43 AM »
If you don't follow me on Twitter, you might not realize how absolutely addicted to the eShop I am. Having already bought all the well known and hyped up games on the service, I've now delved into some of the more obscure 3DS and DSiWare games on the service.

This is a thread for me, and anyone else who wants to, to plug a 3DS download game that seems like nobody's ever heard of.

The one I played today is called Undead Storm. It's basically another take on the "kill waves of enemies" genre pioneered by things like Gears of War's horde mode. You have an overhead view, move with the d-pad, turn with the shoulder buttons, and use the face buttons for weapons. You can find allies and lots of different weapons along the way, and fight through several waves of enemies before taking on a boss. I've only played the normal difficulty so far, which is kind of easy, but we'll see how the harder levels go. The game supports multiplayer local co-op, but it doesn't appear to allow for download play, which is a shame, as this seems like it would be a lot of fun with other people instead of CPU teammates.

NWR Forums Discord / Being Community Manager Is Hard
« on: August 22, 2012, 11:31:25 PM »
When I took the job I figured if Crimm could do it how hard could it be?

Nintendo Gaming / What's the problem with Community Nights?
« on: July 30, 2012, 10:15:03 PM »
We haven't been getting great turnout for these events, and I'd like to have your input on why that might be. If you haven't been coming, why not? Is there anything I could change about them to make you more interested? If you have come, what could we do to make them better?

Nintendo Gaming / Nintendo Land
« on: July 28, 2012, 02:46:50 AM »
Nintendo Land is a collection of 12 Nintendo-themed mini-games, at least four of which are fantastic.

Aside from what the remaining games are, one of the questions facing the game is how it will be available. Nintendo has hinted at making it a pack-in with the system, but if that's not the case, how do you think it will be released?

I don't see it being a full $60 game if it's sold separately. My prediction would be something like $40, with a Remote + packed in. What does everybody else think?

Nintendo Gaming / Which was better: GameCube or Wii?
« on: June 26, 2012, 02:08:29 PM »
Ian made a comment in another thread that got me thinking. He stated, quite definitively, that the GameCube's software lineup was superior to that of the Wii. I wanted to respond to that, because I wasn't sure I agreed with that, but I'm separating the discussion into its own thread because I think this could be a deep and interesting discussion and didn't want to derail that thread too much.

So what do you think? Comparing Nintendo's output on the systems, there are significant differences in how they approached them; there are franchises that only appear on one of the two, highlighting the different things Nintendo emphasized in these time frames.

This isn't meant to be a thread about hating on the decisions Nintendo has made. I'm genuinely curious to see what everyone thinks about this as we approach the end of the Wii's life. Please keep it civil, as I know there are people who feel very strongly both ways.

« on: June 20, 2012, 10:01:36 AM »
For reaching one GIGASMITE. That's right, 1,024 smites, all legitimate and without the aid of artificial mod-induced boosts. You clearly have your finger on the pulse of these forums, and are just telling it too real for our collective comfort level. I think I speak for all of us when I say keep up the good work.

Great Lakes Brewing Company's Lake Erie Monster is fantastic, even at 11 in the morning in an airport bar.

Nintendo Gaming / NWR Community Wi-Fi Meetup Discussion
« on: February 26, 2012, 12:26:48 AM »
This is a thread for discussion of Nintendo World Report's Wi-Fi events. Feel free to make suggestions about how official events should work, including days, times, games, procedures or whatever else you have to say.

Nintendo World Report will be holding a Wi-Fi Night for Resident Evil: Revelaitons' Raid Mode next weekend, February 24-26. Which day and what time would work best for everyone here? Also, make sure to post your 3DS friend codes to this thread and add other NWR readers, and notify them by PM so they can add you back.

First off, if you have a problem with me calling it that, take your bitching elsewhere. That's its name in my country.

In about a year and a half I've gone from hating soccer to rearranging my sleep schedule to be up for Liverpool-Manchester United tomorrow morning (Go Liverpool!). The World Cup hooked me, and I've gotten more and more into it since then. My main interest is Major League Soccer, and I am hugely excited for my Sounders to make a run in the Champions League, take the Shield and the Cup, and win their fourth straight US Open Cup. Since it's the offseason for them, I've been following the EPL, choosing Liverpool as my team. It's been a rough year for them; they've had real trouble scoring goals, but I've been enjoying following them.

So how many other people here follow the sport? What leagues and teams interest you the most?

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