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Topics - Bill Aurion

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NWR Forums Discord / RAPE TIME
« on: December 11, 2006, 11:59:46 AM »


Nintendo Gaming / New Smash Brothers Trailer Incoming!
« on: October 31, 2006, 03:05:25 AM »
Smash Brothers Website

A new trailer will be coming to the Nintendo World show in Japan (first day is November 3rd), supposedly one that showcases the already-revealed new characters in real-time (and not in FMV like the last trailer)...Hopefully they showcase a new arena or two, and possibly even a new character, but I guess I shouldn't get too spoiled!

Nintendo Gaming / Touch Detective
« on: October 26, 2006, 05:50:00 PM »
Just picked this up today, and I can only say one thing...If you have any love for point-and-clicks, do yourself a favor and buy it!  It's cute, it's fun, it's funny!  I've played through the first case (of four total, not including the numerous "bonus quests" you can play) and I enjoyed every second of it!

I expect posts of many people talking about how awesome this game is by tomorrow night!  OR ELSE!

Nintendo Gaming / New Famitsu!
« on: September 12, 2006, 09:02:13 PM »
~ ASH set for 2007 (I thought the game was canned since we haven't heard anything on it since it was revealed...)
~ Seiken Densetsu Heroes of Mana (Another Mana sequel!)
~ Puyo Puyo 15th (Yes, ANOTHER Puyo game...)
~ Sangokushi Taisen DS (War of Three Kingdoms; based on arcade card-based game)
~ Fuurai no Siren DS (I assume this is another Chunsoft, Sega-published dungeon crawler)
~ Survival Kids Lost in Blue 2 (Spring 2007)
~ Mah Jong Fight Club (Won't come here, so who cares? )

Oh and I might as well throw in the Wii list too because I'm too lazy to make a new thread on it...

Wing Island Oct-Dec
Rayman - Oct-Dec
Kororinpa - Oct-Dec
Necronesia - Nov
Fishing Master - Dec
Bleach Dec (7140 yen, apparently)
Super Monkey Ball - Autumn
Sengoku Musou - 2006
SD Gundam - 2006
Tamagotchi - 2006
Crayon Shinchan - 2006
Mahjong - 2006
Cooking Mama - Winter
Furi Furi - Winter
Bomberman Land
Sonic and the Secret Rings
The Dog Island
Healing Type (not final title)
San X All Stars
Biohazard Umbrella Chronicles
GT Pro
Horse Racing Action
Midori hi no Tatsujin (Master of Green Days?)  

General Chat / Ode to a Bald Space Marine
« on: September 01, 2006, 04:06:41 AM »
It's fairly rare that I do rant posts, mainly because getting in an angry mood is against my nature!  But I wanted to create a more serious topic for my 10K post, so a rant (though hopefully somewhat humorous) is what you get!

I was first introduced to the world of videogames with the NES back in 1989.  Considering I was only three years old, I don't really remember much (okay, ANY) of the time I spent playing Super Mario Brothers, though I have a feeling I spent a lot of time falling into pits and even possibly running into the very first goomba in World 1-1.  "Hi, Mr. Goomba, how are you today?"  "I am doing quite fine, Mister Mario.  May I warn you that your current momentum and trajectory will cause us to collide?"  "Oh, how careless of me!" *falls off screen in undignified manner*

I received my SNES a few years later, and by this time I was old enough to remember my gameplay experiences.  I recall plugging Super Mario World into the system and becoming instantly enveloped in a vast, colorful world of mystery and excitement!  A cute dinosaur companion?  Cool!  A cape I can fly with?  Wow!  This is the earliest memory I have of gaming, and I cherish it to this day.

By this time, I was not quite yet the Nintendo fan I am today.  In fact, I played my Sega Genesis as much as my SNES!  (Only God knows why...)  Fast forward to 1996.  I recall talking to my dad about the new Sony Playstation, and that's where my gaming life turned around forever.  He brought up that there was a new Nintendo system coming out at the end of the year, the system which would, of course, end up becoming the Nintendo 64.  On September 30th, I picked up my preordered system from Toys R Us, brought it home, plugged in my copy of Super Mario 64, and was completely astounded.  I was moving my beloved Mario around in a three-dimensional world!  I probably spent a good half-hour just running around the princess' front yard, completely in awe.  I also recall long-jumping into a wall multiple times (quite possibly more than 20) because I thought it was funny.  Oh dear...

Anyways, those were good memories.  Or at least, I think they are good memories.   Nostalgia can be a very dangerous thing!  But going back and playing these games reveals that most of these games that I enjoyed as a kid are still enjoyable today...

Now we are entering a new generation of systems once again, but this time around there's a foul stench emitting from it.  This would be the masses of generic games trying their best to be edgy and "realistic."  Sadly enough, this seems to entail having a space marine for the hero......and he's bald......and he's angry for some reason....Did I mention that these heroes are bald?  What is with next generation games and bald space marines?  Is Space Marine Academy that stressful that your hair just falls out!?  Or maybe the aliens ATE their hair!  A MOTIVE!  The space marine is out for revenge because the aliens stole his hair!  Someone write that one down, it'll be a classic someday...

Whenever I go into a topic on a Playstation 3 or 360 game these days, all I see are posts like "Whoa, looks awesome!," "That bump-mapping is the ****!," or "HUR HUR THAT GIRL HAS PERFECTLY ROUND BOOBIES."  Meanwhile, I'm sitting here at my computer shaking my head in disgust.  Do you remember when we played videogames for the gameplay?  Some people don't, and by "some people" I mean the "gamers" that have Final Fantasy [insert number] and/or Metal Gear Solid anywhere near their Top 100 Games.  How am I supposed to play bump-mapping?  How am I supposed to play bloom lighting?  How am I supposed to play polygons in general!?  Sure, visuals can be used to set an atmosphere, but we've already hit the peak of processing power we need to create outstanding environments; just look at games like Wind Waker and Killer7.  Even developers don't know what to do with this new-found processing power found in next-gen systems.   "So the textures are still pretty horrible, and the characters don't really look that great, but hey, we threw in a couple hundred of the same character model!  NEXT GEN AM HERE!"  

Yet another problem in games that appears to be getting worse:  storylines.  By this I don't mean the addition of generic storylines, but the fact that developers feel the need to chuck one in as an excuse to make a shallow game.  Oh sure, your game can have a GREAT storyline, but if the game sucks then what is the point?  All in all you could compare it to watching a movie and having to stab yourself to keep the film rolling.  The story shouldn't have to carry the game, PERIOD.  This is why games like Super Mario Brothers and Donkey Kong Jungle Beat are so great; the developers come up with a "storyline" like "Donkey Kong is off to become King of the jungle" or "Uh oh, Princess Peach was captured (again), better go save her!" so they can concentrate on the actual meat of the game.

Oh, and Aeris dies...

Next: Cost.  There was a time videogames were really expensive.  I recall purchasing Super Mario RPG for $80.  EIGHTY BUCKS!  Thanks to the compact disc, videogames have been at a fair price for this past generation.  Oh, what, not anymore.  Thanks to the "power" of the next generation consoles that are the 360 and PS3, game prices are back on the rise.  As if $60 dollars were bad enough, Kaz Hirai (RIIIIIIIDGE RAAAAACER!) stated in an interview a few months back:

"...generally speaking, over the past twelve years or so, there has been a consumer expectation that disc-based games are maybe $59 on the high end to $39 on the low end. So, what I can say now is, I think it would be a bit of a stretch to think that we could suddenly turn around and say 'PS3 Games now $99.99.'"

What is this crap?  "Our games will not be $100" is hardly comforting when gamers are used to paying HALF that price for the past five years.  It also doesn't help that your console is TWICE the price of your last console.  It also doesn't help that the reason it's that expensive is because you are trying to shoehorn in a bunch of multimedia crap that no one wants.  Oh, and did I mention that Ken Kutaragi believes that they will HOLD their current marketshare, if not INCREASE it?...Hahahahaha...ha...*shakes head*

It also amuses me when characters like ruby_onix pop into a cost discussion, post a picture of Metal Gear Solid 4, and try to argue that a pretty (old man Solid Snake?  Errr, scratch that...) picture is worth selling your house for.  So what separates Metal Gear Solid 4 from Metal Gear Solid 3?  "Ooooo, oooo, I know Bill, pick me, pick me!  The answer is: more cinematics!"  That certainly will be worth paying $600 dollars for, oh boy, can't wait!

So, anyways, I'm pretty tired of ranting.  I anticipate, or rather, hope for developers to take advantage of the possibilities of the Nintendo Wii.  I hope that Nintendo has shown them that story and visuals should step down and allow gameplay to step once again into the forefront.  I hope that I can experience a new form of gaming that is not sticking me in the middle of World War II for the billionth time, or racing down the streets of Tokyo for the billionth time, or leading a bald space marine through an alien ship for the billionth time.  I hope that developers can learn to innovate not only in gameplay, but in art design, which is considerably more important than the number of polygons the team can push.  And I hope that most of you, if you've even read this rant all the way down to here, feel the same way!  ^_^

(Phew, typing out long posts is hard...I don't see how Ian does it... =\ )

NWR Forums Discord / OMG WANDERING
« on: August 23, 2006, 06:11:02 PM »

NWR Forums Discord / ZOMBIES! ;_;
« on: August 11, 2006, 09:01:28 AM »
Dead Rising is mindless fun!

Vid 1
Vid 2

Nintendo Gaming / Harvest Moon Heroes
« on: August 09, 2006, 07:47:22 AM »
Yes, Marvelous is publishing TWO Wii games with the word "Heroes" in the title...


It looks really nice!  Also, according to IGN, we'll be making use of the Wiimote to hoe, water, and fish, among other things...Here's to waiting for confirmation on this being the second Wii game to include Wiimote cow-milking! =D

Oh and I forgot to mention that Marvelous said they'd have a game out for Japanese launch, so it looks like this may be it...  

General Chat / Bill's NES Video "Reviews"
« on: August 03, 2006, 11:22:37 AM »
I've been pretty bored today, so I decided to pull out the old NES!  After I found a pile of NES games stuck in the back of my closet, I soon began to realize just...why...I stuck them back there in the first place!  FUN STUFF...Enjoy my not-so-witty jokes and sucky game-playing!

Metal Gear
Zoda's Revenge: Star Tropics II (Laugho, sorry Deg! =D)
Adventures of Tom Sawyer
Adventures of Dino Riki
Ghostbusters II
Road Runner
A Nightmare on Elm Street
Nintendo World Cup
Super Spike V'Ball
The Adventures of Bayou Billy

Nintendo Gaming / Suda's HEROES First Footage!
« on: July 21, 2006, 03:44:27 PM »

I love the Killer7 art style, so I'm glad they are going back to it...Interesting premise, and I'm definitely going "HMMMM" over the light saber bits...

NWR Forums Discord / Mafia VI: Finale
« on: June 27, 2006, 08:19:27 PM »
The remaining townfolk were not up for serious voting.  Two of them didn't even bother and the remaining three votes were spread out among three people.  Mint didn't find Infernal Monkey or KnowsNothing that attractive, so she just snuck in an extra vote for Crash.  The townfolk, seeing the verdict, headed out to Crash's house, to see he had moved.  Meanwhile, hundreds of miles away, Crash had just gotten off the train.  "Ahhh, this town looks so much safer than Beanerville!  He stepped off the platform and lost his footing.  He fell right onto the tracks as the train started moving, ending the Villager's life.

KnowsNothing was getting antsy.  He knew Infernal Monkey was starting to suspect that he was in fact Crazy Redd, so he had to end his life fast.  After the vote against Crash, he began to follow Infernal.  However, Infernal didn't head home, but instead downs towards the beach.  Infernal then took out his slingshot and began shooting it at the sky.  He did this for a few seconds before he suddenly stopped and turned in KnowsNothing's direction.  "Hey, there...I was getting excited at the possibility of a stalker, but you really aren't much of a looker..."  Not saying a word, KnowsNothing dashed forward and drove a dagger straight into Infernal's gut.  "Well, that wasn't very nice of you," said Infernal in his same dry tone.  KnowsNothing was shocked at Infernal's expressionless face.  "Before I go, I guess I should cast judgement on you, too..."  Infernal's body then disintegrated, the spirit of Death rising from the ashes.  As KnowsNothing gazed on in utter disbelief, he noticed Death pointing down.  KnowsNothing looked down at the ground to see a target painted on the ground.  "What the?  Was that there before?"  He scratched his head for a few seconds before hearing a faint whirring sound.  As it got louder, he realized the danger he was in.  However, he was unable to avoid being crushed by the falling UFO...


Khushrenada had been following his boss when he witnessed his extraterrestrial death.  Realizing he was the last one alive, he decided to finish off the remaining townfolk and move on to another town.  It didn't take long for him to find Athrun Zala.  As Khushrenada stalked behind her, he stumbled on a rock.  "Augh!  Stupid ****ing rock!"  Athrun, hearing the commotion behind her, made a mad dash for the Town Hall.  Khushrenada recovered from his injury and took off right behind her.  Inside, she ran crying to Mayor Aurion.  "Mayor, Mayor, a fox is chasing after me!  Help!"  Khushrenada then burst in panting, his right foot already beginning to swell up.  "Oh, ho, ho...Yeah, I'm a fox, but what are you gonna do about it?  Us foxes have this town taken over now!"  Mayor Aurion got up out of his chair, Mint cowering in fear behind him.  "Ah, it seems you two are all that's left of this town...Can I ask a question?"  Khushrenada brandished his axe menacingly.  "Sure, it might be good for a few laughs before I kill the two of you."  Mayor Aurion looked him straight in the eye.  "Did you ever find the Bomber's Apprentice?"  Khushrenada was taken aback by such an odd question.  "Pah!  He obviously doesn't exist considering the last ones here are a whore and a wimpy Mayor!"  Mayor Aurion then proceeded to pull off the bandages that wrapped around his face.  Athrun saw Khushrenada's look of fear, and moved from behind the chair to get a better look.  Standing before her was the figure of a penguin.  Mayor Aurion, seeing their gaping mouths, chuckled.  "Didn't expect this, eh?  Well, this has been great fun.  Perhaps we can play again in another life..."  He pulled his pipe out, flipping it open to reveal a large, red button.  Before Khushrenada and Athrun could react, he pressed it.

"Game Over..."  Mayor Aurion gave one last innocent smile and Beanerville disappeared off the map forever...

NWR Forums Discord / Mafia VI: Day 7
« on: June 27, 2006, 05:50:24 AM »
The small crowd at the Town Hall was quite sullen, seeing their ends were growing ever nearer.  Today the vote was tied between Crimm and Khushrenada, so they were debating on what they should do.   "Crimm is Mafia."  "No, Khush is Mafia!"  "Dammit, then they are both Mafia, let's KILL 'EM BOTH!"  Pale took the garbage bag out of the trash can and chucked it into the crowd.  A fight then ensued.  Mint, who had somehow avoided getting into the pileup, decided it was time to pull a vote switch.  Grabbing Pale, she dragged him outside and whispered in his ear, "Change your vote to Crimm, and your fantasies will be granted."  Pale thought for a second, then spoke.  "Okay, but this is what my fantasy is..."  He then whispered something inaudible in Mint's ear.  Mint had a giant sweatdrop form on her forehead.  "I...see...Well this is the first time I've seen someone with a request like that, but okay..."  Pale then skipped back inside the Town Hall and changed his vote.  A weight bench suddenly immediately fell from the ceiling and...just barely missed the townfolk.  Crimm got up, gasping for breath.  "That was close.  Where did this come from?"  The Villager looked up just in time to see a dumbell crush him.  No one ever found out just why the dumbell and bench were tied to the ceiling...

Pale was in a good mood even though a Villager had been killed in the afternoon's vote.  So he decided to go do his favorite thing; check out the exhibits in the Museum.  He skipped the way there, and opened up the front door to come face to face with a cloaked figure.  "Oh, excuse me!," Pale exclaimed.  The cloaked figure stood there for a second in silence before speaking.  "Hello.  I'm...the new part-time worker here.  Here's your Museum Pin."  The cloaked figure gave Pale a small pin in the shape of the Museum.  "Oh, I didn't know the Museum did stuff like this," said Pale.  "Wait, what's that strange odor?"  The cloaked figure started pushing Pale in the direction of the Insect Collection.  "It's obviously your imagination...Why don't you start your tour here?"  Pale entered the room wondering just what was up with that pushy new Museum worker.  He began walking through the exhibit, feeling a different air then usual.  He felt something land on his shirt.  "What's this?  Oh, it's just a grasshopper."  Then he felt something land on his other shoulder.  This time it was a butterfly.  Then a cockroach climbed up his leg.  "Huh?  What's going on?," Pale said as he started to panic.  He began to run back to the entrance, but he heard another distinct scratching sound.  "Oh, no, it's a tarantula...Where i..."  Pale was preempted by the tarantula jumping on his face.  "Aiiiiiiiiiiiiie," he screamed in a muffled manner, as he ran around "blinded."  He yanked the large spider off to see a large ball rolling his direction.  "What...the..."  The ball picked up speed and the poor Villager didn't have time to avoid being crushed by the large dung beetle-rolled ball.  The "part-time worker" then strolled into the exhibit and removed the badge from Pale's body.  "Considering you're dead, I guess you don't really need my Insect Attractant badge..."  He then ran out before he could be crushed by the giant ball himself.

Dasmos had sprained his ankle in the fight earlier, so he had been committed to bed rest so it could heal.  As he rested, he heard the doorbell ring.  "Oh bloody hell.  Maybe I should just move my bed downstairs so I can answer the door easier."  As he moved to the staircase he heard something at the bottom of the stairs.  He looked down to see a fox glaring up at him.  "Auuuugh!  What are you doing in my house!?"  He turned to find something to use as a weapon to come face to face with Crazy Redd.  "Headline of the news tomorrow:  Local Villager Loses Life by Falling Down Stairs.  "H...Huh?  What do yo...," Dasmos stammered as he was cut off by Redd pushing him down the stairs.  At the bottom of the stairs, the henchman stabbed Dasmos' limp body a few times.  He looked up to see Redd glaring at him.  "You IDIOT, how would you get knife wounds from falling down the stairs!?"  "Uh, he left knives on the steps?"  Redd grabbed the henchman and they disappeared into the night...



NWR Forums Discord / Mafia VI: Day 6
« on: June 23, 2006, 07:50:30 PM »
Death was in a really bad mood.  He had misplaced the lingerie he had taken the liberty of removing from Garnee's now-rotting corpse.  So what better way for a Grim Reaper to relieve stress than to take someone's immortal soul?  BlackNMild was picking flowers to match his wallpaper at home when Death was walking by.  "Hi, neighbor!," BlackNMild said with a big grin on his face.  Death turned and scowled at BlackNMild.  "Hey, you...You smell and your dress taste is awful...And you need a haircut..."  BlackNMild's eyes began to well up with tears.  "Wh...Why would you say that? I just took a bath last week!"  Death was in a bad mood, but he still feels guilt every once in a while.  "Sorry, I'm a bit off right now.  Would you forgive me if I let you have this sandwich?"  Death pulled a sandwich from his pocket, handing it to BlackNMild.  "Oh!  Thanks so much!  I'm going to eat it right away!"  Death watched BlackNMild eat the sandwich and watched as his face turned green.  "Uh oh, I think that sandwich has been in my pocket all week," Death muttered almost to himself.  "Ah well, honest mistake!," Death guffawed as he walked off, leaving the Villager to die from food poisoning...

TYP was feeling good, considering he had helped to bring down the last member of the Crooked Cranny 'Coons.  So he had gotten drunk with a few of his buddies at the Town Hall.  He decided he had had enough to drink, and after he awkwardly excused himself, he made his way to the door.  Pryopizm caught up to him before he reached it.  "Whoa, hold...hold up, pal, I'm not gonna...*hic*...I'm not gonna let you go by yourself, you see, cause there be foxes out there!"  The two then drunkenly staggered out and back to TYP's place.  "Did you see the way that Coon died?  He was all 'AUUUGH' and we were all 'WHAT'S GOING ON?'.  Hahaha!," ,TYP drunkenly yelled as he polished off an apple and threw the core on the ground.  Pryopizm then suddenly stopped.  "Yeah, and I have a feeling that you're a fox."  Pryopizm's drunken state had been an act all along.  TYP became panicked.  "W..Wait, I'm a Villager, how could I possibly be a fo..."  Before he could finish, he was already dead.  "Hmmmph, he didn't put up much a fight.  Though I guess he was quite drunk..."  As Pryopizm walked into the night, he slipped on the apple core that TYP had tossed.  "Oh, how careless of me!,"  K.K. Slider growled, as he fell and cracked his head open on a rock.

Crazy Redd had just gotten over his chronic diarrhea, so he decided he'd go out and take out the pesky TYP.  On the way to TYP's house, he came across the bodies of both TYP and Pryopizm.  "Ugh, I was beaten to the kill!  At least K.K. did me a favor!  Wait, stomach!"  Crazy Redd ran home holding his gurgling stomach and spent the rest of the night in the bathroom...


This vote will continue until Midnight EST on MONDAY!  That way everyone can enjoy the weekend without worrying about a silly game...  

NWR Forums Discord / Mafia VI: Day 5
« on: June 23, 2006, 03:16:37 AM »
The Villagers were getting rather restless, considering they had only killed their own and their Detective.  Random fingerpointing ensued.  vudu voted for Mario.  Mario voted for vudu.  By the end of the vote, it was Mario who was selected for death.  However, Mario was nowhere to be seen; he had already flown the coop.  Everyone was already scared of the consequences of the daily votes, so only Zach, MattVDB, TVMan, and vudu made their way to Mario's house to pass judgement on him.  They found the door open so they made their way inside.  vudu, being the last person in, closed the door behind him.  However, he heard it latch by itself.  They were locked in!  Sitting in the middle of the room on a bed was Mario.  "You cheating dogs, you fell right into my trap," he chuckled.  "I didn't think I'd be voted off so early, but that's okay.  I get to take out a few henchmen and Tom Nook himself!"  vudu was confused.  "Wha...What!?  Tom Nook?  HERE!?  Wait, what's going on!?"  Mario smiled.  "Ah, so it seems you are the only villager who voted for me.  It's a shame, no?"  Zach shrieked, "Oh, so you're a fox!?"  Mario just glared at him.  "No, but the other two beside you are."  MattVDB and TVman gave each other a look of surprise.  Zach then pounced on the two.  While the three fought it out, vudu just stood there paralyzed.  "'re Cube!? way..."  Mario gave an innocent smile.  "I'll see you on the other side...Hopefully my Apprentice can finish off the rest of this flea-bitten town..."  Mario pulled out a remote and pressed a button.  Outside, Mayor Aurion and the rest of the town watched Mario's house explode into smithereens.  "So hasty...," Mayor Aurion muttered, scratching five names off the role list...

Mario - Cube
Zach - Tom Nook
TVman - Fox Henchman
MattVDB - Fox Henchman
vudu - Villager

Mystic was running to the Post Office to deliver a letter before Pete left on his rounds.  On the way, he saw a cloaked figure walking in his direction.  "Hey!," he called.  The figure stopped.  Mystic stopped right in front of him.  "I am an angel.  What is it you desire?," the figure asked.  Considering what Mystic had left to do, there was only one thing on my mind.  "It'd be nice if I could meet up with Pete before he delivers the mail!"  Death was silent for a second, then replied, "Then it shall be done..."  Mystic was a little confused, but he had no time for that.  As he ran to the Post Office, he noticed a shadow forming at his feet.  He stopped and noticed the shadow getting larger.  Before he could realize the danger, Pete and his large mailbag fell from the sky, crushing the poor Villager.  Death walked up to Mystic's corpse.  "Oh, this one isn't a fox like the townfolk are expecting."  He pulled out a marker and drew whiskers on Mystic's face.  "There, now I can pretend!," he laughed, and went on his way.

Crazy Redd spent the night with chronic diarrhea and was unable to make a hit...


Voting ends at Midnight EST...Day 6 will be up tomorrow, but the game will not continue over the weekend.  It will pick back up on Monday!

NWR Forums Discord / Mafia VI: Day 4
« on: June 21, 2006, 07:44:18 PM »
Just a few nights ago it was revealed that Sable was not of this Earth, so Tom Nook wanted her former workplace looked over just in case.  Deguello and UncleBob had been ordered to check out the Able Sisters shop to see if there was anything suspicious.  Deguello motioned for UncleBob to stay put and he made his way in.  Inside, he saw someone using a sewing machine in the corner of the room.  What was odd, though, was that the figure was wearing a dark cloak.  "Hello, how can I help you?," Mable's voice called from behind the hood.  Deguello sighed a breath of relief.  "Uh, I'm just browsing, thanks."  He looked around for a few minutes and the silence was yet again broken.  "Deguello, can I ask you a question?"  "Uh, okay."  Deguello suddenly felt very cold.  Instead of Mable's soft voice came one as cold as ice.  "How did you like my Mable impression?"  Fear began to well up inside Deguello.  "It wasn't very nice of you 'Coons to "kill" my friend the other day...I think I'll pay back the favor..."  Deguello began to run for the door, but he tripped, causing him to fly onto a table where an automatic sewing machine sat.  "Oh dear, did I forget to turn that off?," Death inquired, as the sewing machine stiched into the Coon Henchman's face...He'd be found dead the next morning with the words "VOTE DEGUELLO" stiched into his face with pink thread...

UncleBob was feeling uneasy.  He had  he heard Deguello's painful screams from the Able Sisters shop and had been too scared to check on what happened.  He had to get back to base and report to Tom Nook right away.  He could see Nook's Cranny just over the horizon, its glowing lights like a halo to the frightened UncleBob.  However, he noticed a dark figure on the path ahead.  "Going somewhere, 'Coon?"  UncleBob could just barely make out that the figure was carrying a large object of some type.  The figure then slowly walked forward.  "W...Who are you?," UncleBob whimpered.  The figure didn't say anything.  "S...Stop or I'll shoot!," UncleBob shouted in an increasingly sporadic manner.  The figure didn't waver at all and finally spoke up.  " justice..."  UncleBob gathered the remaining courage he had.  "Hey, isn't that a bit cliche?"  In the moonlight, K.K. Slider dashed forward and ended the Coon Henchman's life by smashing him over the head with his guitar...

After setting up Deguello's demise as a freak accident, Death quickly left to take care of his other duties.  He checked his notebook and found the name Garnee.  "Ahhh, I haven't even seen this chap around.  I think I'll go check his house."  When Death came to the front door of Garnee's, he went right through the solid door.  Or that's what Death was expecting, but he instead bumped his big mole nose.  "Owwww, stupid physical body!"  After digging into the main room, he found it empty.  On the second floor he was met with a gruesome sight.  The fact that Garnee was found dead drowned in his own bathtub wasn't it.  It was the fact that Garnee was wearing womens' lingerie while holding pictures of himself.  Apparently he had been dancing in the full bathtub, lost his balance, cracked his head on the bathroom wall, and was left to drown in his self-indulgence..."But I can't let this lingerie just go to waste," Death giggled. He disappeared into the night, leaving the naked Villager's corpse behind...

wandering had just gotten home from Stabby's "execution" when he noticed the flag up on his mailbox.  "Oh boy, a letter!," he thought, "who could it be from?"  He pulled out a letter and his eyes went bright with happiness.  It was a letter from Bunnie!  Dear wandering, I've got a special something for you, so come by my house after midnight."  wandering couldn't believe what he was reading.  He had a major crush on Bunnie, so he anxiously awaited their meeting time.  When he arrived, he knocked on the door.  There was no answer.  He tried again.  Once again, no answer.  He tried the doorknob, and found it open, so he entered the house.  "Bunnie, are you there?"  A figure snuck up behind him and grabbed his shoulder.  "Aiiiiie!," shrieked wandering, as he turned to see...Bunnie.  "Oh, Bunnie, you scared me!"  Her body then crumpled to the floor in a heap.  "Aiiiiiiiiiiiie!," wandering shrieked again.  "Are you a fox, too?"  wandering looked up to see the psychotic eyes of Tom Nook himself.  "Wh..What? I'm a Villager!," wandering stammered.  "You're a fox, I KNOW IT!," Tom Nook yelled, "You're a fox and you tipped off the village about my subordinates!  THERE'S NO OTHER WAY TWO OF THEM COULD DIE IN ONE NIGHT!"  Tom Nook pounced on wandering and started pulling at his hair.  "Where are your ears!?  I know they are here!  Where are they!?"  wandering, paralyzed with fear, died of shock.  Tom Nook, teetering into the realm of insanity, stumbled into the night muttering "They are all foxes...I'll kill them all...KILL THEM ALL!"


Sorry, this usually this waits until morning, but I had all the stories done!  I'm so impatient...    

VOTE ENDS AT MIDNIGHT EST, but I won't be online at that time...So you'll have to wait for the death stories until tomorrow!  Sorry!

NWR Forums Discord / Mafia VI: Day 3
« on: June 21, 2006, 03:49:09 AM »
Hybrid Hunter was taking a walk when he heard some voices.  "Hybrid's our choice!  Hybrid is definitely Mafia!"  Hybrid peeked around the side of the Post Office to see the townfolk gathered around Mayor Aurion.  Mayor Aurion gave a deep sigh.  "Are you sure about this?"  "Absolutely positive!," yelled Mario.  "I'd bet my pint of raspberry ice cream!," squealed KnowsNothing.  Hybrid knew he was in trouble, so he made a mad dash down to the beach where he had his rowboat waiting.  As he started paddling away, the townfolk saw him.  "There he is, he's getting away!"  But it was too late, Hybrid was already far enough from shore.  Breathing a sigh of relief, he suddenly felt...wet.  He looked down and realized that his boat had sprung a leak!  From shore, Mayor Aurion spoke up:  "Not only is Hybrid a Villager, he also can't swim..."  The townfolk looked on as Hybrid's boat sank, taking him along to the briny depths.  "Now about that pint of ice cream..."

At the same time, S-U-P-E-R had woken up for a late-night snack.  She fumbled around in the dark for the light switch, and she eventually caught hold of it causing light to flood the room.  As her eyes adjusted to the light, she noticed something was wrong.  In the place where her refrigerator used to stand was a big empty space.  "Hey, someone stole my refrigerator!," she cried.  She heard a noise behind her.  "Oh, you can have it back."  Crazy Redd pulled a leaf from his coat and threw it above S-U-P-E-R's head.  It then transformed into her refrigerator, which fell crushing her to death.  As they were about to leave, one of Fox Henchman noticed something.  "Hey, boss, there's something weird about this dame."  As they neared the body, the girl's face fell off.  "AIIIIIIIE!," shrieked IceCold as he fled out the door.  "It seems this is just a mask,"  Crazy Redd muttered.  As the Foxes left the scene, Redd looked back.  "Goodbye, Blanca..."

IceCold ran straight home to calm down from what he had seen earlier.  He was watching his favorite soap opera on his Apple TV when the telephone rang.  "I know your secret, fox...," a chilling voice whispered.  "Meet me down at the beach in 15 minutes if you want to make out a deal."  After putting the phone down, IceCold gathered a few guns and crammed them in his coat pockets.  No one was going to blackmail him!  IceCold made his way down the dark path to the beach, but he didn't see anyone.  However, Death was there hiding in the coconut tree IceCold was standing under.  "Hehehe," Death giggled, shaking the coconut tree.  IceCold looked left, a falling coconut just barely missing him.  Death shook the tree again, but once again the coconut missed IceCold.  "Hmmmph, I guess it was just a prank," IceCold muttered as he started walking home.  "HEY, ICECOLD!"  IceCold turned just in time to catch a flying coconut right in-between the eyes, ending the Fox Henchman's life...


Midnight EST seems to work for everyone, so that'll be the vote close time tonight and for the rest of the game...  

NWR Forums Discord / Mafia VI: Day 2
« on: June 20, 2006, 04:05:34 AM »
18 Days realized that she had forgotten to go shopping during the day, so she decided to go and visit Nook's Cranny before it closed.  Tom Nook was happy to oblige, feeling the bloodlust in him rise.  As 18 Days looked around, something in the corner of the room caught her eye.  "Oh, an iron maiden!  This is the first time I've seen one with my own eyes!," she exclaimed.  Tom Nook tiptoe'd right behind her.  "It's also the last thing you will ever see, lassie!," he yelled, as he pushed her in and shut the lid.  He waited a second, and another, expecting screams of pain to fill his ears.  But there was not a sound.  "Did I kill her too swiftly?"  Nook slowly opened the lid of the iron maiden and was suddenly knocked back by a strong force.  Glowing before him was Sable, the Guardian Angel.  "Hmmmph, you know how long it takes to order a physical body?  And the things are bloody expensive, too!  Thanks a lot, you jerk!"  The spirit slowly dissipated and left Nook alone and dumbfounded in his shop...

stevey was woken up by his telephone.  It was Tom Nook.  He had just seen something incredible, so he had asked stevey to come over to his shop.  After stevey locked up his house, he took a step...  *FWOMP!*  "What's this!?," stevey cried, though already knowing he had fallen into a pitfall.  stevey was angry, but he knew that it just took a few seconds to get out of the trap.  However, he couldn't get out.  "Ah, I've been waiting for you stevey," called a voice as cold as ice.  "Do you know why I'm here?"  stevey couldn't say a word, as he was paralyzed with fear.  "Don't worry, being dead is fun!"  Death then reached into his cloak and pulled out a sandwich.  "Oh, whoops, that's my lunch..."  He shoved the sandwich into his pocket, pulled out his trusty Golden Axe, and whacked the Coon Henchman in the back of the head...


Okay, I'm going to let everyone put in their own opinion on a rule I may introduce today...Because of a certain issue here at home, I can't guarantee that I'll be on the internet any later than 9 PM, hence the early vote close...I realize that a lot of people couldn't vote because of this, so would it be better if I let votes roll over till the next morning?  I'll see how many people feel this is needed and I'll decide tonight...Oh, and I should remind everyone that if you didn't vote yesterday, YOU MUST VOTE TODAY...Or die...Your choice...


NWR Forums Discord / Mafia VI: Character List
« on: June 19, 2006, 04:52:06 AM »
The Living:
Athrun Zala
Infernal Monkey

The Dead:
ShyGuy - Villager (Voted off)
stevey - Coon Henchman (Killed by Death)
18 Days - Sable/Guardian Angel (Killed by Coons)
IceCold - Fox Henchman (Killed by Death)
Hybrid Hunter - Villager (Voted off)
S-U-P-E-R - Blanca (Killed by Foxes)
Stabby - Detective Copper (Voted off)
Deguello - Coon Henchman (Killed by Death)
UncleBob - Coon Henchman (Killed by K.K. Slider)
Garnee - Villager (Drowned LOL)
wandering - Villager (Killed by Coons)
Mystic - Villager (Killed by Death)
Mario - Cube (Voted off)
Zach - Tom Nook (EXPLODED)
TVman - Fox Henchman (EXPLODED)
MattVDB - Fox Henchman (EXPLODED)
vudu - Villager (EXPLODED)
blackfootsteps - Coon Henchman (Voted off)
Frozen Atlantic - Villager (Voted off)
BlackNMild - Villager (Killed by Death)
Pryopizm - K.K. Slider (Killed by APPLE)
TYP - Villager (Killed by Slider)
Crimm - Villager (Voted Off)
Pale - Villager (Killed by Death)
Dasmos - Villager (Killed by Foxes)

'Live Roles:
Black Market Foxes - Crazy Redd + 1 Henchman remain
Death AKA Mr. Resetti
Bomber's Apprentice            

NWR Forums Discord / Mafia VI: Day 1
« on: June 19, 2006, 04:27:04 AM »
Mayor Aurion woke up feeling a bit groggy.  "Maybe I shouldn't have had all of that rum with Kapp'n last night," he groaned, as he fell off the side of the bed.  "Oh, today is the beginning of the trials.  I guess I should go ahead and tell everyone it has begun."  Grabbing his favorite top hat from the rack, Mayor Aurion made a mad dash to the grounds in front of the Town Hall.  Surprisingly, no one was there.  "Looks like I am going to have to leave them their messages on the bulletin board," he mumbled.  "Hey, wait a second, what's this?  Could it be a message from one of the Mafia?"



The Mayor ripped the vulgar message off and entered in his own message to the townfolk...

"Good morning, I hope you all slept well!  Actually, I guess that is kinda impossible with everything that is going on...But no worries: I've had Booker lock the gate, so there's absolutely no way for the enemy to escape.  However, the rest is up to all of you!  Good luck, and may the best deducer or deceiver win...Oh, right, I'll be closing the polls at 9 PM EST..."  

NWR Forums Discord / Mafia VI: Animal Crossing
« on: June 09, 2006, 07:00:30 PM »

Tangy fumbled around in the dark looking for her alarm clock.  Why did she get up early again?  Oh yeah!  She knew it was supposed to rain today, the best time to hook an elusive Coelacanth.  After cramming her fishing pole into her dress, she made her way outside.  As the news had forecasted, a steady rain was falling.  Pulling out her stylish umbrella, she skipped merrily down to the beach.  Once there, she started walking as to avoid scaring away her unsuspecting prey.  A shadow!  She cast her line in the direction the shadow was looking.  The fish then turned and swam the other direction!  "Augh!," she murmured, as she cast her line again....and again...and again...Finally she hooked the fish!  "A SEABASS?  WHAT THE ****!?"  As she chucked the fish back into the sea she caught a face-full of tail.  But Tangy wasn't about to give up.  She caught another sea bass, and another...and another..."Where are all the good fish!?," she cried out in disgust.  Then a unusually large shadow caught her eye.  She cast her line, and she hooked.  As she quickly reeled in her catch, her twinkling eyes turned to confusion, and then to fear.  What she had reeled in was not a fish, but the body of a recently murdered villager.


Welcome to the world of Animal Crossing...Town Name: Beanerville...Population: Diminishing

Let me introduce myself.  I am the Mayor of Beanerville, Mayor Aurion.  As you can see, Beanerville isn't exactly your usual, friendly Animal Crossing town.  Rather, we've pulled in some dark individuals that thrive on ambition and deceit...And I don't just mean the usual "tree choppers."  It's not a secret that the local monopolizing raccoon, Tom Nook, and his trusty "Crooked Cranny 'Coons" are at war with Black Market veteran Crazy Redd; bodies are found all the time!  And if that were bad enough, I've been receiving suicide bomb threats for the past few weeks!  But no matter, I've decided enough is enough...All of the villagers will be locked inside the town until this matter is sorted out.  Good luck to all of you...

~Mayor Aurion


Now the prologue is out of the way, let me introduce you to the roles of the game!

Mayor Aurion - That's me, your loving grandfather figure!  I'll be monitoring your progress and tallying your votes...

Crooked Cranny 'Coons - The "top dog" gang in town...The Godfather, Tom Nook, has been monopolizing the market for years.  Because they don't know the members of the Black Market Foxes, they will take out everyone in the town with them, but only on odd days...(Tom Nook's identity to Detective Copper is "Villager")

Black Market Foxes - The Godfather of this gang, Crazy Redd, decided to take advantage of Tom Nook's price gouging monopoly a few months back, and has been undercutting the prices of all of Nook's goods (legal and not-so legal) ever since...Like the 'Coons, they wish to get rid of their enemy as soon as possible...They will make hits on even days...(Crazy Redd's identity to Detective Copper is "Villager")

Detective Copper - our local cop has taken it upon himself to locate the members of each gang and bring them to justice.  Being the perfectionist he is, he only investigates the identity of one town member each night.

Mint - This spunky squirrel gets around town faster than anyone, and if you've played Animal Crossing, you know just how fast it is to get around town...With her powers of "persuasion," she is able to sway a close vote in the direction she desires every night...

Blanca - A mysterious foreigner made her way into town before the gates were closed.  She can steal the face of a single person at any point in the game (overnight), killing the original owner of the role in the process...If Blanca ends up wishing to kill someone who is being targetted by Death or Mafia, Blanca will reach the victim first...If Blanca kills Cube, she will die...

K.K. Slider - The local guitar-strumming legend is also an ally of justice...Upset at the general lack of motivation of the Villagers in tracking down the scum of Beanerville, he's become a vigilante...He has enough time to plan one attack on a single person every night, but if kills an innocent his life is forfeit...

Death AKA Mr. Resetti - Who we believe to be a very strict anti-reset mole is actually a messenger from above...He can leave his hole every night to kill one person of his choice...However, if he kills Sable, he will forfeit his position in this world as well...EDIT: I forgot to note that Detective Copper sees Death as a Villager as well...

Guardian Angel AKA Sable - The calm seamstress is the second messenger sent from the other side...She knows the intentions of Death every night, and can protect a single person from Death's touch over the course of the game...otherwise, she can protect one person a night...I guess it's also important to note that Detective Copper is not a medium (one who can see ghosts), and thus Sable's identity to him is "Villager"...

Cube the Suicide Penguin - This crazy penguin is the most dangerous character of the game, and there is no reasoning for his threats...
- can choose 2 people to kill on one night, but he also dies
- if he is killed over-night, the person that killed him also dies
- if he is voted off, all of those who voted for him will die

Bomber's Apprentice - Unfortunately, Cube has taken in an apprentice...When or if Cube dies, his protege will take over the role of Suicide Bomber...It is also important to note that the Apprentice could be ANYONE in the game, even if they already have a role...If the Apprentice has another role, their other role will be their identity if they are investigated...

Villagers - Innocent townies who just want to live the rest of their lives fishing, gardening, and insect catching in peace...

The game will begin two Mondays from now, on June 19th...This should be a fun game, so be as creative as you wish!      

EDIT:  Voting Rules:  You must vote, at the minimum, every other day.  Otherwise you will considering a threat and will be terminated...        

General Chat / IWATA TIME DAY?
« on: May 02, 2006, 11:31:19 AM »
Nah, I totally tricked you into coming in here!

It's Hostile Creation's birthday, so wish him a happy day you goons!

Your present is SURPRISE BUTTSECKS!  

Nintendo Gaming / Game News and Rumours
« on: May 02, 2006, 11:13:17 AM »
I made an identically-named topic in the Wii section, and in this one you get recent DS game news and rumours...

1)  Miyamoto has supposedly detailed to the French press that there will be a new DS shooter revealed at E3...This shooter was supposed to have appeared on the Super Famicom, but the hardware was not powerful enough, so it was stashed away until now...The title is NOT Starfox 2...

2)  This image has appeared showing a (temporary?) box art for Wario the Thief...The interesting thing is that the brochure lists the game as being WiFi-compatible...

Nintendo Gaming / Game News and Rumours
« on: April 28, 2006, 06:40:28 PM »
1)  Reggie has detailed that there will be a new racing game displayed at E3...

2)  Konami has sent out postcards to the press..."RETURN," "REARM," "REGALE," "REBIRTH," "RESPECT," "REFINE."  On the back, it reads "The REVOLT begins, Tuesday, May 9. It's the battle for E3."

3)  IGNPODCAST supposedly brings up these titles...

Nintendo 2nd Wii FPS (NST)
Harvest Moon Wii
Trauma Center Wii
Sonic The Hedgehog Wii
Super Monkey Ball Wii
Nintendo Cooking Wii
Metroid Prime 3 Playable
Super Smash Bros Playable
New Nintendo Project (Retro)
Several New Nintendo IPs

I haven't personally gone through the podcast myself to check up on this, so I guess you should classify this last one as rumour...

Time to discuss!  

NWR Forums Discord / Am this you at E3? =)
« on: April 19, 2006, 06:14:32 PM »

Nintendo Gaming / Interesting ONM comments (HYPE++)
« on: April 10, 2006, 06:07:17 PM »
Over on the Official Nintendo Magazine forums, the Associate Editor has made some very fap-worthy comments...

"There will of course be other stuff hitting before E3. . . there's simply too much good stuff to hold it all until E3."

"I think it's public knowledge that many third-parties are working on codename Revolution titles. Given magazine lead times it would therefore be logical for various press types to have seen these games already in order to get them in the relevant issue of the magazine. The next four weeks are going to be an exciting time for you guys. . . but more than that, there's plenty that won't make E3. . . stuff that will come to the surface between May and December. E3 is gonna be the bomb but it's only the tip of the iceberg."

"And one last thing I should point out on this topic:
When those screens were taken Nintendo internal teams were the only teams to have FINAL dev kits. I highly doubt that any games you see at E3 will be truly representative apart from first-party Nintendo titles such as Metroid Prime. It'll take a few months for the third-parties to give out truly representative screens."

Only the tip of the iceberg?  I don't believe I've been so angry and excited at the same time ever!

Less than 29 days!  

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