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Topics - UncleBob

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Yesterday was International TableTop day.  I had fun at my FLGS - and I hope you did too!

Anyway, I got to thinking - we always get a version of Monopoly on virtually every console.  There's often a chess/checkers game of some type released.  Various card games.  Uno was a big hit for XBL.

So, what are some board/card games you'd like to see get a digitized release?

I played Forbidden Island yesterday and it was a load of fun.  I'd have to play it more, but I think it would translate well into a digital version.

Also a fan of Revolution and it would make a great DS title, for online or local play.

NWR Forums Discord / Spambot check-in thread
« on: April 11, 2015, 01:07:28 PM »
Hey, spambots - welcome to our lovely forum.  Hope you like the decor.

Anyway, just pop in here, say "Hi", point us into the direction of some Uggs, fur coats, or whatever.  Thanks.

NWR Forums Discord / Is forum club going on again?
« on: March 19, 2015, 03:00:50 PM »

So, Terminator 1 & 2 are two of my favorite all-time films.

3 & 4, in spite of owning both of them on DVD and Bluray, I've only seen each once - in theaters on release.

(Side note: The Sarah Connor Chronicles is pretty freaking awesome).

I thought I'd have a marathon and watch all four movies tonight.

But I caught something tonight in the first movie that just... Suspension of Disbelief failing...

End of the movie.  Sarah is crawling under a hydraulic press of some kind.  Half of the Terminator robotic skeleton is crawling after her.

Sarah crawls out the other side, reaches around the corner to a panel of buttons, feels them, says an awesome line, the pushes a button to activate the press and squish the Terminator.

She couldn't see the buttons on the panel to see what they were labeled.  Hell, she shouldn't have even known what the panel was for - she's a waitress, not an employee of this factory.

I've watched this movie several times and I just now really thought of this - so I guess it's not a huge deal... but now that I've noticed it... ugh.

Nintendo Gaming / GameStop Rewards Zelda posters
« on: March 09, 2015, 11:25:13 AM »
GameStop rewards updated with some pretty Majora's Mask posters.

I've never cared about GSRewards before... but, surprisingly, I had enough to get one of the two posters.  Might be worth checking.  If you don't care at all, you should check and hook me up with the "Moon" poster. :D

Nintendo Gaming / Third Party doing something right...
« on: March 02, 2015, 12:40:01 AM »
Third parties can't sell on Nintendo systems?

Please forgive me for using VGChartz as a source.  If you can provide a better one at this time for this discussion, I'd be thankful.

So, this game came out in October of last year on all three major last-gen and next-gen systems.

Current sales figures (worldwide) are:
Wii - 0.83 Million
360 - 0.74 Million
PS3 - 0.53 Million
WiiU - 0.48 Million
PS4 -  0.29 Million
XBO -  0.22 Million

Total - 2.98 Million

So, the Wii version (basically, the last major release for ye ol' Wii) has outsold all other versions.  The Wii U version is pretty dang close to outselling the other two next-gen systems COMBINED.  An interesting note - the Wii version of this game comes with a free download for the Wii U version.  I'd kill a man to know how many of those codes have been redeemed.

So, the game, if you haven't figured it out, is Skylanders: Trap Team.  Like it or hate it, the game sells.  A lot (I'd love to see how many copies of the tablet version have moved...).  And here it is, selling like crazy on, not just one, but TWO Nintendo consoles... all while not being a first party title.

So... what's the secret?

NWR Forums Discord / Prank calling telemarketers
« on: February 25, 2015, 08:47:01 PM »
About two hours ago, I got *yet another* telemarketing/scam phone call from "iPro Rewards"... offering me a $100 Walmart gift card in exchange for $3.84 shipping (charged to the credit card I provide them, of course).

I've asked to be taken off their list multiple times, but they keep calling.

So, I thought I'd have fun.  I kept calling them.  I yelled.  I was nice.  I kept saying "Noooo.".  At some point, I got the great idea to call the number twice at the same time and three-way call agents together.  Oh, boy, this was *amazing*.  I wish I had recorded these conversations.

Anyway, at some point, I got connected to someone who said something like "Oh, it says here your name is Frank... no... Prank.  Prank Call.  Oh, I get it now."  So , now I know they have my number (Actually, I already knew they had my phone number, because the agents would tell the other agents what number they were calling from)...

Then, I called back and spoke with the glorious Anna.  Oh, Anna, if I weren't married and ten years younger, we could probably live together forever.  I kept Anna on the line for over a half an hour talking about Snickerdoodle cookies, her job (she gets food - that her mom made for her to take to work with her - at her desk and has a metal fork), my job, all kinds of things.  It was the best conversation I've had all day.  Loads of fun.  I told her to write my number down and call me if she ends up getting fired over the phone call.  In. a way, I hope she does.  The quality control people sound like assholes and she can probably do much better with her life. anyway.

And, for the record, at no point did I give any credit card information to Anna.  I did try to convince her that the company should send the gift cards out free with the "Information packets", as it would get more people on board.  She countered with the idea that, if someone paid for it, they'd be more inclined to read the information, as opposed to just taking the gift card and throwing the packet away.  I suggested that they should make you go to a website to activate the gift card with a special password hidden somewhere inside the information packet.  We both agreed that it was a good idea.


NWR Forums Discord / Do Say The Magic Word
« on: February 15, 2015, 11:31:38 PM »
I have a word in mind.  The first person to post it, wins.


Nintendo Gaming / I GOT ONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
« on: February 11, 2015, 10:48:45 PM »
I want a Majora's Mask Collector's Edition Game Bundle.

Does anyone know of any stores that are carrying it at launch, without pre-order?

GameStop is sold out.
Target, Walmart, Toys R Us... they're all not carrying it.
Nintendo World Store has it, but that's a 17 hour drive.


Nintendo Gaming / The Legend of Zelda - NES - No Guide/Blind Play Through?
« on: February 09, 2015, 09:28:07 AM »
So... The Legend of Zelda - It's really rad... and those monsters from Gannon are really bad... but how bad are they?

Aside from the fact that the monsters appear to be more of Princess Zelda's minions than anything... but that's another discussion.

The Legend of Zelda came out at a unique time in gaming history.  Before it, games were generally linear.  Exploration was optional and secrets were pretty much minor things in the game that would help you - but were not required to complete the game.  LoZ did it differently - Exploration is about 50% of the game and there are helpful secrets, required secrets and the secrets that hurt you.

In addition, there was mostly no Internet to speak of.  Yeah, it existed, but so did cell phones.  You generally didn't have it in your home and if you did, your child-self wasn't allowed to use it.

So, back in the day, we depended on word of mouth , along with that one guy who's parents were so rich that he had the Nintendo Power subscription along with all the Strategy Guides.

Which means... we were never alone in our quest to save Hyrule... but, could we have?

Could someone with no outside knowledge of the game (or, now, series) beat the game using only in-game hints, the instruction manual and the included map?

Nintendo Gaming / Sleepy Link is totally a thing
« on: February 07, 2015, 01:47:34 AM »

Nintendo Gaming / New 3DS-only titles?
« on: February 06, 2015, 11:49:49 AM »
Aside from Xenoblade Chronicles, are there any NEW 3DS titles that are scheduled to be released (or even announced?) yet?  Even like download-only titles?

NWR Forums Discord / Did you hear?
« on: February 02, 2015, 09:41:49 PM »
Club Nintendo's website isn't working well (at all?)
Nintendo sucks because of it.

NWR Forums Discord / From an actual Amazon review of the DS Browser...
« on: January 24, 2015, 09:55:01 AM »
Quote from: Some Moron
The one problem with the Nintendo DS browser is  the dependency on wi-fi signal. I bought this as a gift for a little boy into games and computers. It did not work. They did not have a wireless router or wi-fi. It was a frustrating gift.

"What?!?  You mean this internet browser requires a connection to the internet?!?  Well, this is a piece of ****."

General Chat / Do we have any Frenchies on here?
« on: January 17, 2015, 01:50:24 PM »
Preferably, near Paris and a hankerin' to do some shopping? :D


Is this guy the poor sap who had to gift me games?

NWR Forums Discord / Did I just get scammed on eBay?
« on: January 10, 2015, 05:31:25 PM »

A.) I'm not quite sure what it is I ordered.  I thought it was a DS game from Japan.  The seller might possibly be shipping himself.

B.) Apparently, the seller already knows that the game (or himself) isn't going to show up.

NWR Forums Discord / Luv Connection: Funhouse Edition
« on: December 26, 2014, 10:33:58 PM »
I need four volunteers, please.

Nintendo Gaming / Some third-party company needs to make this, naow.
« on: November 21, 2014, 12:26:47 PM »
Wii U Console Stand + HDD + USB Hub.

A similar shape to the gray stand that came with the original Wii (although, a bit larger to fit everything).  Wii U fits on top.  1TB (or larger?) HDD built in. 8-port USB hub.  Coming out of the back are two USB cables to plug into the Wii U (one for the hard drive, one for the USB port) and a power cable (to self-power both the USB hub and the hard drive).

Someone make that happen.

General Gaming / I am officially jealous of PS4 owners.
« on: October 28, 2014, 03:47:52 PM »

That is seriously a neat feature.

Meanwhile, I can't even play NES games online.  Even though independently developed emulators have allowed this for years.

If I were in the market for a system and I wasn't obsessed with Nintendo games, this would sell the system to me.

General Chat / Physical Super Double-Secret Santa?
« on: October 11, 2014, 01:24:15 AM »
Crazy thought:

You sign up.

You put together a package.  Inside the package is:

A.) a gift-wrapped game from any Nintendo system.  It can be open/used or sealed/new.  On the outside of the package is your user name and the name of the system the game is for.

B.) a note saying which Nintendo systems you own and want games for.

C.) a pre-addressed, postage-paid bubble mailer.

Mail the package out to someone.  That someone then, after collecting all the packages, does their absolute best to match the games they received to the wishes of the folks who signed up, puts the games in the pre-addressed envelopes and mails 'em all out.

You don't know who you're buying for or who is buying for you.  Everyone gets a new game.  Could be something they already have, could be something totally new to them.  Could end up with America's Test Kitchen or a Gold Championship NES cart (heh).

Anyone interested?

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