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Topics - UncleBob

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General Chat / 3D Printing?
« on: June 28, 2013, 12:43:20 AM »
Anyone here ever done anything with 3D printing?

NWR Feedback / Real Talk: Recent Bannings
« on: June 14, 2013, 10:19:23 PM »
For the sake of transparency and at the request of Ty, I'm going to make a post to explain the rationale behind the recent round of bannings.

On June 2nd, Ty, AKA S-U-P-E-R, AKA CatDrugs took advantage of the fact that he was once staff by editing a post he made when he was staff (that contained a basic outline of forum rules) on the Announcements forum.  He removed the rules and posted "anti-forum propaganda".  I will not comment on why he chose this action, as I feel that is for him to come forward and discuss.  For these actions, he received a ban (seven or ten days, that seems to be questioned and I can't seem to find a way to review what the original ban was for - however, the first time that I, personally, looked at it, I seem to recall it saying ten days).

At some point, this ban was extended.  I do not know why, but, if I had to guess, it might have something to do with Ty, whom by his own admission, used alternate accounts to bypass his ban and post on the forums.

Today, a group of posters, for reasons of their own that I do not wish to speak for them, decided to disrupt the forum, during one of the biggest weeks of the year (E3), by editing old and new thread titles across several different forums (including, but not limited to: Talkback, General Gaming, Console Gaming, Handheld Gaming) to include some variation on the phrase of "Free Super" across no less than 25 different threads.  In some cases, this included bumping threads that were as much as SIX years old, to include virtually no relevant new information.

I do not know if they were acting as an organized group or if one started it and they all thought it was a good idea.

The result of these actions created a large chain of "unread" posts that contributed nothing to the forums and was designed for the purpose of disrupting normal forum activity.  Congrats, it worked guys.

After spending my personal time (which is at a premium this week, due to the fact that I was out of town on business Monday through Thursday, not to mention trying to keep up with E3 news and play Animal Crossing) cleaning up the forums (while some of those involved were still working to disrupt them), I made the decision to temporarily ban those involved.

Khushrenada, oohhboy and Brandogg each received a 24 hour ban for their involvement.

Fatty_The_Hut initially received a ten-day ban, due to the sheer amount of topics, however, after speaking with Ty, I decided ten days was too harsh and unfair - and cut that down to a three-day ban.

Tion received a ten-day ban because A) a Talkback thread was involved.  You don't screw with Talkback.  B) Tion received a previous warning regarding spamming the forums.  Tion messaged both myself and Ty via Twitter that this was "Fair".

I don't like banning good people (even more so when I let the stupid ones stay)... but I simply cannot tolerate a disruption of the forums.  No amount of munchkining the rules to try and say "Well, I didn't technically..." isn't going to change that.

Again, this is really about all I have to say on the topic, unless you were one that was involved and want to discuss the situation in a reasonable manner that doesn't involve trashing the forums.

General Gaming / DRaMa
« on: May 27, 2013, 04:32:02 PM »
Is anyone following all of this #PS4NoDRM hoopla?

With great amusement?

Seriously - the fact that Microsoft has came out and said they have a plan to battle used game sales would only encourage Sony in making such a decision - because what are "hard core" gamers going to do about it?  Buy a Wii U?  Yeah, right.  Sony, Microsoft, Major Publishers and the gaming media have turned the Wii U into the world's largest joke in the gaming community that gamers won't have a choice but to buy a system with all the anti-used, anti-consumer policies that are built into them.

Seriously, gamers - you're wasting your time.  What the new XBox is offering and what we'll probably see from the PS4 aren't too much removed from what PC Gaming has seen for *years*.

How funny is it that, for once, Nintendo - in spite of all their anti-consumer practices regarding downloadable software - is the one major system that won't have some kind of crazy anti-used DRM built into the system.

General Gaming / Review Etiquette: What counts and what shouldn't?
« on: May 07, 2013, 09:34:48 PM »
So, with the recent "scandal" surrounding the DLC in Injustice, one of our resident reviewers suggested changing his review score.

Now, this conversation happened on Twitter, with about 8 different people in the chain of replies, so it didn't leave much room for discussion.  I thought it might be interesting to move it here and to make it a bit more broader.

The basic question comes down to: "Why are you reviewing this game?"

Do you want to share your opinions on how well (or how poorly) made the game is?
Do you want to influence the buying decisions of your readers?

These can sometimes lead to the same goal - but they can sometimes be very different.

For example, Injustice may be an awesome game - but it's quite apparent the Wii U version is... lacking.  Even without the DLC.

So, do you review the game based on the merits of the version you're reviewing?  Or, do you review it based on what else is out there on the market?  Even then, for fighting games, Wii U doesn't have much for it, so do you review it based on what's on other systems?  If I don't have a 360 or a PS3, Injustice might just be the best fighting game I can buy right now.  If I have a 360 or PS3, would it be a disservice to me, as the reader, if you failed to mention that "Oh, hey - this game is awesome - and you can get a better version of it on that other system."

More to the actual conversation - do you review the game based on promises made regarding future support?  If I'm reviewing Professor Layton, then surely the fact that they're bringing another 365 puzzles to the game as DLC should be worth mentioning, right?  Isn't "longevity" or "replayability" usually something measured in reviews - and doesn't DLC (paid or otherwise) play a large part in that?  Heck, if New Super Luigi U is given as a free download to anyone who owns New Super Mario Bros. U, isn't that worth going back and updating the old reviews with "Oh, hey - now this game has freaking twice as many levels."?

Nintendo Gaming / Dear Nintendo: Free e-Shop idea.
« on: May 05, 2013, 03:36:30 PM »
Dear Nintendo,

Follow me here: Animal Crossing: New Leaf is coming out.  Got me to thinking about the original (in the US, at least) Animal Crossing for the Game Cube.  Which got me thinking about the e-Reader.  Which got me to thinking...

Who remembers all the fun e-Reader exclusive Pokemon-themed mini-games that were included in dot-code form on the Pokemon Trading Cards?  Yeah, no one.  Because about a dozen people bothered to buy the e-Reader and only about three people cared enough to get the necessary Pokemon cards to play all of the mini-games.

So... why not re-release the mini-game as 99 cent e-Shop downloads?  Maybe in packs of three for $3?

Some of these mini-games were pretty awesome.  It's a shame to think that so many people will never get to play them.

General-3 / Um, Insanolord...
« on: April 28, 2013, 01:04:33 AM »
Pokepal made a point about the karma system and how it doesn't fix bad posting habits because you don't know why someone smited you, so I thought I'd point out that I smite TJ Spyke every time he starts a post with "Um" because it comes off as really obnoxious.

Viola!  A month of Ums, brought to you by TJ.

Um, where did you read this? Because the official E3 website says they are confirmed to be an exhibitor:
Um, what game are your referring to? I assUme Super Mario World 2: Yoshi's Island there are only two Yoshi's Island games and the other is Yoshi's Island DS.
Um, Not quoting this entire post because TJ is a jerk and he still hasn't apologized.
Um, Also not quoting this one.  You'll just have to trust me that it's an "Um," post as well.
Um, AGAIN. This is nothing new, games have had in-game ads for YEARS.
Um, gaming tie-ins are decades old and fine. Movies, TV shows, and music do it too. So how is it not classy.
Um, why would you need two more face buttons? The Classic Controller already has enough face buttons to emulate almost every controller.
Um, it's not canon. Paramount has directly said that. And in a official 1999 Star Trek encyclopedia written by Michael and Denis Okuda (who created the glass control panels used since Star Trek IV) said:
Um, it started off as a console game. And I dont see why it wouldnt work well as a console game considering there is no technical reason it can't, plus some of the battles can get long
Um, they DO offer deals on the eShop, especially on the Wii U. For example, in late February Ubisoft put all of their Wii U eShop games 30% off for a week.
Um, no biggie. The phones I see usually use micro-SD cards anyways, so what is the issue?
Um, this news is MONTHS old. Epic Games already said they wont be making Unreal Engine 4 for Wii U, but developers are free to do it themselves.

General-3 / I think you guys should fix the fact that...
« on: April 24, 2013, 12:27:40 PM »
Quick, someone make a mirror forum and banish both of them to it.  Make it so they can see everyone else's posts, but we don't see theirs.

They'll never notice.


Nintendo Gaming / Dear Nintendo: Please unify my wallet
« on: April 22, 2013, 08:49:16 AM »
Dear Nintendo:

Between five different shops on four different Nintendo systems, I have $357.67 worth of Nintendo Funny-Money.

I know a unified account system is against everything you hold dear, but can I just have a single wallet?  Pretty please?

Nintendo Gaming / N4SMWU - Warriors, come out and plae-eee-yaaaaa...
« on: April 06, 2013, 05:49:43 PM »
I'm hiding somewhere in town.  Can you tag my car? :D

This would be more fun if you could turn the "GPS" off... but I think I found a good hiding spot.

Tag me if you can.

Emily Rogers (yeah, that Emily Rogers) has a wonderfully well-written piece that I think many folks around here should read.

Now, we know about the rumors and speculation about EA trying to talk Nintendo into using Origin for their online services and how everything went to **** between the two when Nintendo said "No.".  And this article does discuss that.

But, more important, is that this article goes into details that those of us who have been around awhile already knew, but many people either don't know or seem to forget.

Nintendo and EA have NEVER been BFFs.

This goes back to ol' school NES/SNES days (you know, the days where so many folks seem to think Nintendo needs to go back to with regards to third party relations).

Nintendo, virtually single-handed, revived the video game market that was destroyed in the wake of Atari (with a little help from Mattel, Coleco and what little third parties were around at the time, like Activision).

One of the ways they did this was by brow-beating third parties into submission by what we now would call insane third party agreements.  Basically, in order to release games for a Nintendo console, you had to give your first born to Yamauchi and pledge an undying oath to Nintendo.  That second one isn't bad though.

Anyway, EA knew these policies where pretty bull**** from the beginning - and thus, they've always had issues with Nintendo.

Go, read the article.  It's pretty well researched and contains lots of quotes and links.

Then, remember, a lot of the big companies today (Activision, Capcom, Square, etc.) were around back then... and dealt with the same issues.  There's a reason that these old guards of the gaming industry are reluctant to jump into the sack with Nintendo at the drop of a hat - and I don't blame them.

However, it'd be awesome if they realized that New Nintendo isn't exactly like Old Nintendo (and is getting better, although slowly) and realized that, in the business world, running a successful company working with someone you don't like is better than closing an unsuccessful company from working with someone you do.

General-3 / Why Vudu really left...
« on: March 21, 2013, 01:08:14 AM »

I'm sorry I was mean Vudu.  You are special.

General Chat / Pizza Poll
« on: March 16, 2013, 09:25:22 PM »

Nintendo Gaming / Two Years Later...
« on: March 14, 2013, 03:21:33 PM »
I'm curious, two years later, what does your 3DS collection look like?

Not including digital downloads or duplicate games, I've gathered a collection of 25 retail purchases (that's like one a month!  Weird.  Totally not something I've budgeted or something...)  If you throw in "retail" downloads, you can add two more to that.

So, what does my collection consist of?

First Party:
Art Academy*
Crosswords Plus D
Freakyforms Deluxe*
Kid Icarus: Uprising
-Kid Icarus: Uprising Canadian Version
Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3D
Mario Kart 7
-Mario Kart 7 #2**
Mario Tennis Open
New Super Mario Bros. 2 D
Nintendogs: Toy Poodle
-Nintendogs: French Bulldog*
-Nintendogs: Golden Retriever*
Pilotwings Resort*
Professor Layton and the Miracle Mask
Paper Mario: Sticker Star*
Spirit Camera*
Starfox 3D**
Super Mario 3D Land
Tetris: Axis*

3rd Party:
Adventure Time
Centipede: Infestation*
Crush 3D
Heroes of Ruin
Jaws: Ultimate Predator
Resident Evil: Revelaittions
Rollercoaster Tycoon 3DS
Skylanders: Spyro's Adventure
Skylanders: Giants
Super Street Fighter IV

So, while my collection is slightly 1st party heavy, I think 3rd parties should be fairly happy with my collection.  Why?  Go back and look at all those titles with asterisks on them.  Those are titles that I purchased for less than half of the original retail price.  Two of those, the two with double asterisks on them, were bought "new", but at a location that was selling them used. The little D, for those who couldn't guess, indicates a "retail" digital purchase.

So, what's yours?

Nintendo Gaming / Nintendo may or may not love me... Panasonic Q!
« on: March 12, 2013, 11:32:25 AM »
So, my Panasonic Q is scratching discs.  Doing some internet research, I've discovered the problem.  It appears there's a chrome-plated ring in the drive and this chrome will flake off in time.  Poor design choice. :(  Even more baffling, since you can't ever actually see inside the drive.

Anyway, it's scratching the disks from the center ring out, in a straight line.  Doesn't seem to be hurting the discs to where they can't be read, but I don't want to take that chance.

So... I've been looking into repair options.  I don't trust just anyone with my Q.

I know from second-hand stories (The Q is the only system I've imported.  Well, that and my Game Boy Light) that Nintendo of America is very hands-off when it comes to import systems.

But I called anyway.

Spoke to this nice lady who listened intently to my tale of woe.  Then put me on hold for about ten minuets.  Then came back and told me what I already knew - that I was out of luck. :(

She DID, however, offer to put me in touch with NCL (that's Nintendo in Japan) via snail mail so we could see if there were any repair options.  Even offered to use NoA's services to translate anything I needed translated.  While I'm sure this entire process would be pretty awesome to go through, I just really don't want to ship my Panasonic Q overseas.  Besides, last time it made a trip into the US, it got held up in customs and I was fearful I would never get it. :(

Also, I didn't even discuss the fact that it was modded (for "imports" - i.e. US games, not burned discs) - and that's a no-no all by itself.  I really don't want to go through a different country and another language to get clearance on that one.

Anyway, I sent a message to our resident repair expert on the forums and a second guy out of Ohio so I can find out what all of my options are.

The promising thing is that it sounds like a pretty easy fix.  I considered it myself, but I really, really don't want to break my Q. :(

General Chat / Archer... Live?
« on: March 08, 2013, 02:11:58 PM »

General Chat / We're not scientists, but let's talk science!
« on: March 05, 2013, 08:39:55 PM »
We kinda touched upon the topic of Milgram in the movie thread - and I thought this might be an interesting topic.  Eventually, I'd like to move into the Stanford Prison, but let's continue the Milgram talk for now.

General-3 / ...speaking of Planet of the Apes...
« on: March 03, 2013, 08:06:27 AM »
...Why haven't we gotten the awesome "Stop the Planet of the Apes, I Want to Get Off!" musical yet?

You know it'd be a hit.

General-3 / Worst ideas for using a time machine.
« on: March 02, 2013, 11:50:07 PM »
So, as I mentioned in the "crap I bought" thread, I bought a tiny-screened, giant TV from the 80s that's super-awesome.

I've joked that I want to build a time machine so that I could go back to the 80s and show off my awesome TV to all the envious people.

To which someone pointed out that would be a really stupid waste of a time machine.

Go back and see real dinosaurs? Prove or disprove the life of Jesus?  Kill Hitler as a baby?

No. That's for more men with far more grand dreams than I.  I'm but a simple guy with simple dreams.

So, I got to wondering... what other really lame things could I use a time machine for?

Today, I think I came up with the best plan ever.

I will use my time machine to go back in time and sneak into this photo:

General-3 / Who's good at sciencey-mathy things?
« on: February 24, 2013, 04:39:17 PM »
So, I have a long, straight stretch of road.  I'm driving a car at a steady 50 MPH.  In front of me is a vehicle going 49 MPH.  The back of this vehicle is a ramp.  This ramp goes straight up the back of the vehicle, to a platform that goes over the top and then down the front.  Like this: /¯¯¯¯¯¯\

Now, this ramp isn't just a normal ramp - it's like a treadmill.  If someone stood on the back of this treadmill and was able to stand up straight when the treadmill started moving (while the vehicle is standing still), they'd go forward at 50 MPH.

So, if I'm going 50 MPH, drive onto the ramp-treadmill-vehicle that's going 49 MPH and the treadmill is rolling at 50 MPH - if someone was standing on the side of the road and used a radar detector to measure my speed - how fast would I be going at the top of the other vehicle?

General-3 / New "Four" controller!
« on: February 20, 2013, 10:19:31 PM »
Sony showed off this new "Four" controller add-on for the Playstation today.  Any idea when I'll be able to pick it up?

General Gaming / Backwards Compatibility - Good or Bad?
« on: February 16, 2013, 09:27:09 AM »
That's a dumb question, right?  Who could possibly think having instant access to last generations best and most beautiful titles right at launch could be a bad thing?

Publishers.  That's who.

More than once, I've seen posts by people saying stuff along the lines of picking up a Wii U and playing all the great Wii games they missed while waiting for the "good games" to come out.  Perfectly reasonable.  Unless you're trying to establish a baseline of sales on a new system to justify to your internal investors and marketing team that a new system is worth developing for.

It seems like we ran into this with the DS launch, 3DS launch and now, the Wii U's launch (Dunno about the GBC/GBA launches).  Heck, even the Wii had a pretty low tie-in ratio starting out (I'm not sure it ever really got much better, but how much of that is due to BC vs. old people who bought it for Wii Sports alone is hard to say).

The rumors are that the new xBox and PlayStation won't be backwards compatible.  Are they on to something?  Did Microsoft have it right with the 360, slowly adding in BC for most of the original xBox catalog?  Or Sony, by only launching a limited amount of consoles with the feature?  Or, does Nintendo have it right, with full last-gen BC?

General-3 / Welcome...
« on: February 03, 2013, 02:57:48 AM »

I was messing around with my portals when I was suddenly overcome with the feeling that I could do anything at all and the only limit was myself.

General-3 / Come in here and I'll tell you something about your mom.
« on: February 01, 2013, 03:12:37 AM »
Just ask and I'll post some deep, dark secret about your mom that she told me over some cheap wine the other night.

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