The rise and fall of Youtuber ShyGuyA staple of NWR for years, ShyGuy launched a YouTube account when forum activity was in its heyday. Since everyone loves a shy guy, there was a groundswell of support for his self-effacing vlogs. Unfortunately, the pressure for increasing views, likes, and subs that all content creators face led to a series of videos that dragged ShyGuy’s magnanimous persona down to the dredges of troll culture. The first misstep occurred when ShyGuy staged a set of hilarious but cruel pranks on his buddy Khushrenada.
Folks here know that Khush’s dedication to the forums is solid, but not something you would win an award for. Khush on the other hand was willing to believe such recognition was deserved when the camera crews arrived at his home with an over sized check for his ersatz “Best Poster†award.

The joke seemed to go over so well, ShyGuy continued to do the same thing year after year. Since Khushrenada never visited YouTube he didn’t ever catch on that it was a prank, leading to cries of cruelty from Khush sympathizers, but a ratings bump from the more plentiful internet haters.
ShyGuy’s next peccadillo turned his sights toward fellow mod NWR_insanolord. In a series of mock exposes, ShyGuy laid out significant accusations of abuse of power. The improprieties included tampering with polls, tampering with user scores, and even creating dupe accounts.
Insanolord is a terrible moderator.
Such serious aspersions were not taken lightly by the administration and the ensuing debacle left insanolord’s reputation scarred, but ShyGuy’s ratings barreled on to the big leagues. With a fanbase that now grew to the larger Nintendo community, ShyGuy appealed to rabid loyalists by promulgating the gaslighting of anyone found to be using secondary consoles. Singled out by chance, Mop it up was suddenly bombarded with hate mail and s*** posting for her occasional use of a Microsoft console (to protect Mop’s privacy we will not mention the specific console here).

Despite most gamers being agnostic in their brand loyalty, the fervor of internet cruelty dominated the discourse surrounding the issue. As Mop it up recluded from online communities, ShyGuy’s subscribers rallied in numbers. With so many bridges burned in the NWR community, ShyGuy took aim at Hollywood, hoping to strike it big with his next video.

In 2014, legendary actor James Garner suffered a heart attack in his Los Angeles home. Hoping to capitalize on this tragedy, team ShyGuy snuck into Garner’s home and filmed the recently deceased actor. The backlash from Garner’s friends was swift with Sally Field quoted as saying “My heart just broke. There are few people on this planet I have adored as much as Jimmy Garner. I cherish every moment I spent with him and relive them over and over in my head. He was a diamond and ShyGuy is a lump of coal." Somehow this boondoggle was still not capable of bringing down an internet sensation, but as they say “the shyer the guy, the harder they fallâ€. ShyGuy now had a sub count in the millions and the accompanying sponsorship made him feel invincible. This false sense of security must have compelled him to make his final video. Going back to his pranking roots, ShyGuy upped the ante to stage a “truth bombingâ€. Leading up to the incident, hype content advertised a monumental leak was forthcoming. While the actual video has since been removed, the big reveal is now well known, though its veracity is still debated.

In the video, ShyGuy posited that Nintendo’s lovable character Luigi was actually just Mario in a green suit. While the dubious claim would merely create chaos on nintendo forums, the ceremonial explosion of a Luigi effigy that accompanied it led to ShyGuys criminal persecution and subsequent banning of his YouTube account. Within a day, ShyGuy went from millions of followers to a single cell mate.

Fortunately, his incarceration allows for limited internet use, unfortunately the only allowed site is We find it best to limit YouTube use for the remainder of this panel. Other panelists can look forward to season 7 coming this spring...