The Super Mario Bros Movie: Overall 7.8/10, Fan Service 8.5/10, Story 6/10, Visuals 9/10
It was good. It was filled with Mario fan service, it just had problems with the writing. I'm aware of the Mario universe, so, I wouldn't get lost. But I also spend a lot of time writing screenplays. So, I imagine if you don't, or aren't a kid this would be a problem for you. Which lead me to my other review.
The Wiz 7.9/10 - Same deal. I watched this at the end of March. I was doing some Wizard of Oz art recently. Which, made me realize I've been meaning to watch it for a long long time. I watched it, but it had some problems with it's storytelling. If you hadn't read the book, or hadn't seen the previous movie you would be lost. Luckily, I had done both, so not a problem for me. Luckily there was some pizazz and production value. Connections between characters, and inciting incidents in the story could have been better. And we know they could have been better because we've seen a better version of it.
The biggest problem with these movie is the connective tissue between scenes. Some movies have too much exposition, these are ones that don't have enough. It felt like the biggest issue was how Mario met Peach. Like was this scene written by Nintendo? Because it was just a level tutorial. Very strange. It also just felt like there was no connection between them. The opening was great, much better writing and interaction between characters. And then it kind of devolves.
Also, how Mario met Donkey Kong. It would be good retconning to have Mario's Father be the character from the game Donkey Kong.
It'd be interesting to see a version of the 1993 Super Mario Bros The Movie, where we've replaced all the characters with proper Mario CGI, and cut out all the dinosaur references.