1,365,476 is how many Wiis were sold during Black Friday Worldwide.
803,956 was sold in the US.
515,137 was sold in the Others.
46,383 was sold in Japan.
The 360 was the closest competeter with 800,140 sold worldwide.
PSP sold 455,490 worldwide beating out the PS3 which sold 402,641.
The Wii is sitting at 39 Million with 48.3 percent of the market.360 has 24.23 with 30 percent.The PS3 has 17.57 mil with 21.7 percent.
In the handheld playing field the DS has 88.95 mil and 68.6% and the PSP has 40.73 million and 31.4% of that pie.
How much did the SNES sell?