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Messages - Rancid Planet

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I had no problems at all either Artimus. I caught a fish which was cataloged then for some reason I coudn't get it to the cat. Then I cast out again and BAM caught another fish, managed to get it to the cat or the cat to it as the case may have been. It was that simple.

My brother had a hell of a time catching his first fish though so I guess there must be a certain amount of intuition involved or something. Because it certainly wasn't hard for me.

Nintendo Gaming / RE:Wii Zelda is Reversed?
« on: January 02, 2007, 04:44:31 PM »

Originally posted by: Dirk Temporo

Originally posted by: Requiem
Did you know they are already 1 year into developing the true Wii Zelda?!

That means it'll be out christmas 2008!


That's hilarious.

Well I'd say Christmas 2008 wouldn't be too bad a guess. Of course if that's the case they'll have to start saying it's ready for release this coming Christmas to make sure they have time to keep delaying it for at least one full year.

It's part of what makes Zelda magical.

Nintendo Gaming / RE: Elebits
« on: January 02, 2007, 04:36:48 PM »
I think I have officially read the words "tech demo" enough now.

So everyone can just count on me using the words "crap game" instead. I find it a much more dead on balls way of categorizing any game that in my crap.

Nintendo Gaming / RE: Is Blockbuster Wiitarded . . . .
« on: January 02, 2007, 04:30:15 PM »
Rental outlets are only going to stock what their corporate head office sees as being a profitable catalog. Nintendo system owners tend to buy more games than rent them in a severe way when compared to Sony system owners so that's one strike against Nintendo. The other would be it's past history. The N64 and GCN didn't exactly set the market on fire. At least not for any extended period of time. This results of course in less titles available for our Nintendo platforms and less rental money being spent on the titles the stores DO carry.

If the Wii continues on it's current path I'm sure that the Wii section in nearly everyone's local rental outlet will have an appropriate amount of titles in stock. Okay I'm not really SURE but I'd bet money on it, we'll put it that way. It's just too soon for any stores to have really adjusted their fiscal perceptions of what the Wii can/could do for their business.


Originally posted by: Smash_Brother

Originally posted by: Rancid Planet What Excite Truck haters? Everyone here seems to love the game or at least find it a slightly above average racer. I'm a huge racing game fan myself but only of arcade style racers. I won't have anything much to do with any game that claims "realism" as a benefit. Reality sucks ass. That's why I play games in the first place. And just as the first Burnout game surprised me with it's greatness so has this game. Excite Truck is the real deal if you're seriously into arcade-style, super fast racing games. It's just PURE fun. It's the best racing experience I've had since MK: DD without a doubt.

In the early days before the launch, there were a lot of impressions of people who had played the game at a Gamestop and came away not enjoying it much, hence why I insist that people rent the game to get a more solid impression of it as the game doesn't really come together until after you've done the tutorials.

How odd. I played it at GameStop the day the demo kiosk went up and after one race I flat out KNEW I had to have this game as soon as I got my Wii. I don't get why anyone would need to get "in depth" with any racing game to figure out if it's for them or not. But maybe they just really wanted to play Wii Sports instead and were just taking their frustrations out on Excite Truck.  

Nintendo Gaming / RE: Wishing...
« on: January 01, 2007, 10:36:07 PM »
I don't really care about game music THAT much. If it's great and atmospheric then super, I'll turn it up a notch. If it sucks hard then I just turn down the volume a tad. Or turn something else on. My stereo, the blender, whatever.

I just have one question.

What Excite Truck haters? Everyone here seems to love the game or at least find it a slightly above average racer. I'm a huge racing game fan myself but only of arcade style racers. I won't have anything much to do with any game that claims "realism" as a benefit. Reality sucks ass. That's why I play games in the first place. And just as the first Burnout game surprised me with it's greatness so has this game. Excite Truck is the real deal if you're seriously into arcade-style, super fast racing games. It's just PURE fun. It's the best racing experience I've had since MK: DD without a doubt.

General Chat / RE: Xmas..
« on: December 30, 2006, 02:14:30 PM »
Yeah. From the episode where Mr. Durp replaced Chef. He smashed himself in the head with a hammer and said "DURP!". Then he died. It was super badass.

Nintendo Gaming / RE:whats the big deal about virtual console?
« on: December 30, 2006, 02:07:49 PM »

Originally posted by: UncleBob
I think it's pretty obvious out of Nintendo, Sony and Microsoft fans, which company has the "more loyal" customer base.

By this, I mean, Sony, of course.  Did you see that frickin' awesome "All I want for Xmas is a PSP" site?  Damn, that's some customer loyality.  It puts my Nintendo Shrine to shame.

That's the standard type of Sony fanboyism. And it reeks of insecurity. I think the average person in the Nintendo nation is generally on the intellectual side of things and doesn't feel the need to defend himself and his gaming position to the masses on a constant cycle of immature, overly defensive tripe fed to you via his blog and updated YouTube of the week videos consisting mainly of 13 year old, spoiled, white, suburban, pukebag manchildren smashing a DS in half with a billy club.

At any rate. I think in a Six Sides of Steel match a Nintendo fanboy would CRUSH a Sony fanboy. Because the Nintendo fanboy is all buff and stuff thanks to getting his Wii age down to a consistent 25 average. His ability to bowl on a pro level game ALONE would allow him to rip the Sony fanboy's head off and just as the last bit of life flickered from his fallen opponent's eyes, take out his Wii controller and overhand smash his head through the ring mat.

As the Nintendo fanboy celebrated victoriously in the ring, waving his nunchuck about in a triumphant manor, he would look down upon his smoten arch rival and think to himself "He's as dead as the concept of expanding the PSP's marketshare!"

Yeah. Then he'd pull off his mask and it would turn out he was Goku from DragonBall Z...and he would fly away...and then I'd touch a boob...that'd be cool.  

Nintendo Gaming / RE: What's the FRIGGIN' hold up!?
« on: December 30, 2006, 01:49:44 PM »
Yeah, aren't all Wal-Marts open 24 hours?

General Chat / RE: Xmas..
« on: December 29, 2006, 10:01:23 PM »
Actually that's a SECOND for you!



Nintendo Gaming / RE:What's the FRIGGIN' hold up!?
« on: December 29, 2006, 09:55:53 PM »

Originally posted by: Djunknown

Various Gamestops/EB: Most were uncertain. However at one store, the manager clued me in saying wait for the UPS trucks to come in, since they've been getting small, but consistent amounts. He told me to come during 12-2:00 and see wait what happens. This guy was on the level, so I waited on Thursday. No avail. I figure since the manager bothered to have a conversation with me that lasted more than 30 seconds, I came back today. Sure enough, Some wii's came in, got mine and have been messing with it ever since. Once again, a store is only as good as the people working in it.

An encouraging tale. Thumbs up. Nice to see all of your efforts paid off with a tell from a guy who was "in the know". Glad to see he wasn't just dicking you around either. I was in sales once and I used to do that stuff all the time.  

Nintendo Gaming / RE: whats the big deal about virtual console?
« on: December 29, 2006, 09:51:34 PM »
The Virtual Console is and should be a "big deal" to any gamer that hasn't been the pack rat I have and kept all of his old games. For you see I honestly don't have much need of the VC. NES games? Still have them. SNES? Oh yeah. N64? I've actually been game shopping for the N64 as recently as this year. GB games are scattered across my pad from all eras of handheld goodness. Hell if I still had a working Atari I'd have kept those games too. But to be honest they mostly sucked because I was 7 and had no idea what a good game looked like. But as I said I know there are many gamers, in fact most, that are not like me.

No,you guys actually "clean" your room once or more per decade. Ha! Not me. I'm pretty sure if I dig far enough under my bed I can find a TG-16 under there. And I've never even pwned one. And were I in you poor shmucks' shoes then I would also be looking forward to playing through the old Zelda games, The Donkey Kong Country titles, Goldenye 007, No Mercy, the SMB titles, Super Mario Kart, Dragon Warrior, The T.M.N.T series etc. But not me. Nope. I'm literally up to my neck in outdated console software. I mean it's honestly starting to turn into a virtual Big Lots in my digs.

And in a weird way...I'm kind of proud of that.

Nintendo Gaming / RE: The Unending Viral Chain?
« on: December 29, 2006, 10:51:45 AM »
I'm going to go old school here and refer to the phenomenon as "word of mouth" advertising. Since that's what they used to call it way back when I was a youngster. Back in 1998. Anywho, I agree that the instant accessibility of the Wii and Wii Sports in particular is really driving sales in a big way.

In a much bigger way than those creepy, weird ass PS3 commercials. I mean what the hell is the one where the birds shoot out of it trying to tell me? The PS3 has the power of a flock of crows? I'm just not getting it. And what about that creepy ass baby melting ad they had to edit? "PS3. It will MELT your baby!" WTF?  

Nintendo Gaming / RE: What's the FRIGGIN' hold up!?
« on: December 29, 2006, 10:46:17 AM »
Yeah don't keep it a secret Mysterio.  

General Chat / RE: Xmas..
« on: December 28, 2006, 11:05:43 PM »
One of my brothers got me Hardcore Homecoming 2: November Reign, and Japanese Hardcore Wrestling Vol. 1. So that covered me well on the pro-wrestling dvd/swag side of things.

I have a Wii now as well. With Twilight Princess and Excite Truck to boot. My other little bro got me the Clerks II dvd. Which was much appreciated. My dad gave me some cash and I have my share of giftcard shopping to do as well.

And showing their practical sides my dad got me some socks and my mom got me a pair of gloves both of which I actually needed. You have to love those peeps. Thumbs up.

Nintendo Gaming / RE: Is Twilight Princess too long?
« on: December 28, 2006, 03:44:06 PM »
I tend to revisit Wind Waker more than I have Ocarina of Time. I think it's because of how short WW is in comparison. I can just sit down and start plowing through and before I know it, BAM I'm finished. If Twilight Princess really is THAT long than oddly enough it will probably discourage my replaying it as often as I have WW. But my overall fulfillment with TP will be higher if the in-game is seriously larger than WW's.

Nintendo Gaming / RE: Wii Strap Replacements are coming
« on: December 28, 2006, 03:39:03 PM »
I registered my Wii before I used the online order form so here is to hoping it does me some good in getting my straps asap. If not, it's no biggie fries. I mean they WERE free after all. I'm just glad Nintendo has our backs on this issue like a good company should.

Nintendo Gaming / RE: Wii sports Pwnz!!!
« on: December 28, 2006, 03:35:27 PM »
Just to further add to the topic in the title of this thread.

Wii Sports does indeed pWN the phone out of the dome in rome. I like bowling and baseball the best. Although I've been having a hell of a time staying above pro-level in bowling.  

Nintendo Gaming / RE: Official Wii Sales Thread
« on: December 28, 2006, 03:31:47 PM »
I have enough crap I have to keep recharging every other hour thank you.

Nintendo Gaming / RE: Is Twilight Princess too long?
« on: December 27, 2006, 08:36:20 PM »
For 50 smackers plus tax no game is ever too long for me. Least of all a LoZ title.

Nintendo Gaming / RE:What's the FRIGGIN' hold up!?
« on: December 27, 2006, 08:34:23 PM »

Originally posted by: IceCold
WHOA?! LOOK WHO IT IS! Nice to see you, man..

I expect you to do your regular raid of the forums, then not show up for a year.

Well I'll try to make sure it isn't a WHOLE year. heh

Anyway thanks. I decided to make a comeback and I brought my dancing pill with me. I just can't stand not to be in on some Wii discussion with you guys now that I actually have one.

Nintendo Gaming / RE:Wii Strap Replacements are coming
« on: December 27, 2006, 08:31:10 PM »

Originally posted by: NeoThunder
it's bullcrap!!!!!

nintendo's site says," Order is being processed by UPS fulfillment "

figures, i'm always last to get my stuff, when it says 3-5 days, I can always count on it coming on the 5th day

They are ALL after you man.

At any rate I ordered 4 straps. Because I'm dishonest and I like free stuff. Hell I still have that dumb, white, plastic hand I got for free through that DS promotion. I can't get rid of it. I mean it's a FREE hand.

Nintendo Gaming / RE: What's the FRIGGIN' hold up!?
« on: December 27, 2006, 08:24:18 PM »
Granted I actually have a Wii (thank you my family for recognizing that the ebay pricing was not unjust to satisfy my Christmas wishlist) but I really think it's good to just appreciate this.

The Wii launch has been a smashing success. Look at all these folks just dying to get their hands on one. Screw sales. It's the rabid DEMAND here that is so impressive. Pat yourselves on the back Nintendo...and then get back to work on Mario Galaxy!


Originally posted by: nemo_83
Noone is going to buy Zelda Cube.

Oh I'm an idiot. I'll probably totally end up buying both.

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