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Offline Khushrenada

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Re: Hockey Discussion
« Reply #125 on: May 14, 2011, 02:54:33 PM »

Sorry, apdude, but the Sharks have not been around long enough for me to sympathize with them either.  I still tend to think of the Sharks as a relatively new team and yet they're almost 20.  ****, I feel old. 

We may not be long suffering, but when the "Mighty Ducks" have already won one and we haven't it hurts.

Hey, the Ducks are the greatest franchise of the modern expansion era. Although let me clarify. I'm only comparing them to all other new teams that have joined the league since the 90's and onwards and not pre-established teams from before the 90's.

And I don't consider Mighty Ducks an insult. It's a term of affection of which I will always hold out hope that it gets brought back one day. Nice to see the Mighty Duck logo slowly creeping it's way back via the third jerseys.

As for me, I'm rooting for Vancouver or Boston to win. Although a SJ vs BOS final would definitely have he most intrigue. Frankly, though, it's Vancouver's cup to lose. I've been saying this since the start of the playoffs but they have got one of the best assembled teams I've seen in some time. It's very hard to find a weakness with them although Chicago did seem to find it for awhile there. That was odd. But, Vancouver just seems to deep to lose to any team over a span of seven games. But I think the real Stanley Cup final will be between VAN and SJ.

When Van lost its 3-0 lead and then went in to overtime on game 7 but won it, I felt that showed they would now have the mental toughness to beat any other team. A lot of teams in this league might have lost it going into overtime like that. Look what happened last year when Philly started scoring in Game 7 vs Boston after the Bruins acquired a 3-0 lead that game. I'm sure it was stunned disbelief that they suddenly began to realize they could lose. It would have been very easy for the players of Vancouver to be heading into overtime stunned that after how well they played the first three periods, they just couldn't finish the Blackhawks off. Despite all the pressure they faced, they went out and won it. That has got to be a huge boost to the confidence of every player on that team that no matter the pressure they face, they can beat it.

But now, SJ has gone through almost the same thing against their own hated rival. It's going to be a very interesting match-up. What worries me is that I think SJ might be a bit more motivated than the Canucks. The Canucks have said that they wanted to make it past the second round. They've wanted to for a while. Now that they have beaten the rival Blackhawks and finally gotten past the second round, will they be a bit less motivated? SJ has met that goal of getting past the second round already. Their goal is to make it past the third round. Now that they are here again for a third time, they are going to be very tough to remove.

A highly motivated team is the toughest thing to face. Everyone one it is playing at a higher capacity. When I watched Game 1 of the Preds/Ducks series, I knew the Ducks were going to have trouble. Nashville came into the playoffs with the singular goal of getting past round 1 and they played that way. Take their powerplay. It was one of the weakest of the play-off teams going in but during that opening round, it was incredibly successful. But that success dropped off in the second round because they didn't have the same focus anymore. They had met their goal of getting past round 1.

Even in football. Look what happened with the Jets and Patriots. The Jets were highly motivated to beat the Patriots. They did that and then they didn't seem to have the same motivation to beat the Steelers in the next round.

That's what worries me about the Canucks this round. They might not be as motivated as they were in the first two rounds.
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Re: Hockey Discussion
« Reply #126 on: May 14, 2011, 05:34:33 PM »
Just some friendly ribbing

Offline Ian Sane

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Re: Hockey Discussion
« Reply #127 on: May 16, 2011, 12:10:16 PM »
Now last night that was some exciting hockey.  Because of those stupid Preds I had forgotten how FUN hockey can be to watch.

And the Canucks won so sorry apdude, it looks like it will be at least 5 games until we're at Sea World.

I have realized now that if the Canucks don't win the Cup it is going to seriously bum me out.  I'm not cool with just making it to the conference finals.  That's awesome if you're some overachieving cinderella team but we're supposed to be here this time so we need to win it all.

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Re: Hockey Discussion
« Reply #128 on: May 16, 2011, 12:30:44 PM »
It was a pretty good game, but the Sharks took there foot off the accelerator again...  That's been pleagueing them the whole playoffs.  But Vancouver was pounding our guys every chance they got so that may have been the reason why.

Our penalty kill was looking pretty good but they just over chased Kesler and he drew two of our guys basicly leaving a 4 on 2 and that was the game. 

It's looking like it will be a fun series since both teams pretty much play straight up instead of defensive grind/trap type game (cough, tampa bay, cough..). 

Joe Pavelski is going to have to get back on the score sheet for the sharks to have a chance in this series, but our "first" line is looking pretty good so far so that is nice to see.  The sharks are going to need to take Wednesday's game otherwise thoughts of last confrence finals will begin to creep in and that just ramp up the pressure.

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Re: Hockey Discussion
« Reply #129 on: May 21, 2011, 04:34:51 PM »
Hooray!  The Sharks will not be swept out of the WCF. 

Unfortunately for me I'm in Albuquerque for work and the hotel doesn't have Vs.  Hockey is not big in the southwest so they don't even play it in sports bars.  Sounds like Vancouver took a lot of penalties.  I wonder if that was due to the refs trying to make up for the discrepancy in powerplay opportunities in the first two games.  Can't believe McGuinn took another major penalty this playoffs.  He's a tenacious forechecker but he's not usually a dirty type of player.  Some reports say it was clean and others not, and having not seen it I can't really comment, but it did almost cost the team the game so it was definitely stupid either way.

Fortunately I'll be able to watch tomorrow and hope they figured out how to clog up the neutral zone some and protect the defensive blue line since it looked as porous as the US-Mexico border in the first two games. 

I'm still not confident that they have enough to get past Vancouver, but if they can win tomorrow then it's pretty much anyones series. 

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Re: Hockey Discussion
« Reply #130 on: May 21, 2011, 05:37:29 PM »
In my experience most sports bars will switch to a game if you request it as long as the TVs aren't all taken by things other people are watching and they get the channel. Given the time of year and that we're talking about Vs., the latter is probably more likely to be a problem.
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Offline Ian Sane

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Re: Hockey Discussion
« Reply #131 on: May 23, 2011, 01:47:12 PM »
So the last game the Canucks had back to back 5 on 3's and somehow couldn't score and I was just screaming at the TV (the Sedins' endless cycle game is BRUTAL to watch night after night if it doesn't result in anything).  Then yesterday they get three consecutive 5 on 3's and just bury the puck in all three.  Oh yeah!

The funny thing is my brother is anti-Canuck so he was cheering for the Sharks.  He was constantly yelling at the screen and saying "damn it the Sharks SUCK!!"  One series and he knows what it's like for every Shark fan.  I hope for the fans' sake that the Sharks someday get their **** together... but not this year.  If the Canucks win the Cup I will be incredibly generous with letting other fanbases get a go at it.  I don't need a dynasty.  After 40 years I just need ONE.

Offline Ian Sane

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Re: Hockey Discussion
« Reply #132 on: May 25, 2011, 12:15:31 PM »
Stanley Cup finals WHOOO!!!  First time in 17 years.  It's weird to think about that.  That was over half my life ago.  I was 12 years old then, now I'm 29.  I'm pretty much a different person than I was then.

Everyone around Vancouver is pretty jazzed today as one would expect.  And the general consensus is that whoever decided to have confetti pour down from the ceiling is an idiot.  The players couldn't skate through it!  I was getting nervous about the idea of one of our star players wiping out on the confetti and getting injured!  Potential Cup winning season derailed because some marketing director who probably knows nothing about hockey had confetti fall onto the ice?  Yeah that person would have been run out of town. :)

Offline apdude

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Re: Hockey Discussion
« Reply #133 on: May 25, 2011, 08:10:19 PM »
I still don't know what happend on that overtime goal, but it should have never gone into overtime anyway.  Vancouver has a team of destiny smell about it this year, and it's kind of hard not to root for them to win it all so good luck in the finals. 

Offline Ian Sane

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Re: Hockey Discussion
« Reply #134 on: May 26, 2011, 07:42:33 PM »
So the schedule for the finals is out.  Every game starts at 5pm PST.  EVERY SINGLE ONE including the Vancouver home games that occur on weekdays.  :@
I understand that you can't start a game at 10pm EST but because I have, you know, a job and don't live at the office I am going to miss most of the first period of every single game except the one on Saturday.  That fucking sucks.  And how is this going to work for people in Vancouver you have tickets to the game?  Most people get off work at 5pm.  Unless they work within walking distance of the arena they're going to miss part of the game they paid big money to see.  That's ridiculous.  And let's not forget that they will have to fight rush hour traffic as well.
You know what I would have been okay with?  A 5:30 start time.  Delay the game half an hour and it would make a huge difference.  That's an 8:30 pm EST start time which is no big deal.  And, hell, I would be fine with that only being in place for the weekday Vancouver home games.  That's only three games out of a seven game series that I would request this for.
Our opponent better be the Bruins if we have to put up with this bullshit.  They're from a big market and they're an original six team so they attract fans outside the Boston area.  I can understand making some concessions for that team.  But Tampa Bay?  Nobody outside Tampa gives a **** about the Lightning and I don't think many people THERE even give a ****.  The Eastern audience the Lightning would bring in is so insignificant that it would be a complete waste to essentially screw over the Vancouver fanbase to appease them.
When Anaheim won the Cup a few years back what time did their home games start?  Did they get jerked around like this?  Because if they didn't we sure as **** shouldn't.

Offline Shaymin

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Re: Hockey Discussion
« Reply #135 on: May 26, 2011, 08:47:03 PM »
Stanley Cup Final games have started at 8 ET/5 PT as long as I can remember, this includes 2007 and even going back to when Gretzky's Kings were in the Finals in '93. So no, Vancouver isn't the only one getting boned.

(Don't get me started on 1993, though.)
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Offline Ceric

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Re: Hockey Discussion
« Reply #136 on: May 27, 2011, 12:18:33 PM »
So the schedule for the finals is out.  Every game starts at 5pm PST.  EVERY SINGLE ONE including the Vancouver home games that occur on weekdays.  :@
I understand that you can't start a game at 10pm EST but because I have, you know, a job and don't live at the office I am going to miss most of the first period of every single game except the one on Saturday.  That fucking sucks.  And how is this going to work for people in Vancouver you have tickets to the game?  Most people get off work at 5pm.  Unless they work within walking distance of the arena they're going to miss part of the game they paid big money to see.  That's ridiculous.  And let's not forget that they will have to fight rush hour traffic as well.
You know what I would have been okay with?  A 5:30 start time.  Delay the game half an hour and it would make a huge difference.  That's an 8:30 pm EST start time which is no big deal.  And, hell, I would be fine with that only being in place for the weekday Vancouver home games.  That's only three games out of a seven game series that I would request this for.
Our opponent better be the Bruins if we have to put up with this bullshit.  They're from a big market and they're an original six team so they attract fans outside the Boston area.  I can understand making some concessions for that team.  But Tampa Bay?  Nobody outside Tampa gives a **** about the Lightning and I don't think many people THERE even give a ****.  The Eastern audience the Lightning would bring in is so insignificant that it would be a complete waste to essentially screw over the Vancouver fanbase to appease them.
When Anaheim won the Cup a few years back what time did their home games start?  Did they get jerked around like this?  Because if they didn't we sure as **** shouldn't.
I would assume  you can at least catch the first part on the Radio hopefully.  Though this is probably going to help Sport Bars because people who normally wouldn't go would probably come in because its faster then going home.
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Offline apdude

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Re: Hockey Discussion
« Reply #137 on: May 27, 2011, 02:32:34 PM »
Can you go into work a half hour early and leave at 4:30?  That's what I did for the Detroit series, then again my boss is flexible as long as I get my work done.

Offline Ian Sane

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Re: Hockey Discussion
« Reply #138 on: June 02, 2011, 12:26:26 PM »
Okay, one down, three more to go.  Prior to this series I was worried that Tim Thomas was going to be impossible to beat.  And that concern was totally justified because he was nearly unstoppable.  But then so was Luongo.  Right now it still looks like the series could go either way and I'm not very thrilled about that.  I actually found it very hard to watch the game.  This isn't really that fun.  Aside from only one other time in my life (well I was alive in 82 but I was like four months old) the finals have been between teams where I don't really care who wins so I can just enjoy the hockey for what it is.  But with this there is too much at stake to just relax.

Apparently Burrows bit someone in the game so he might get suspended which would SUCK so much.  And Hamhuis got hurt bodychecking Lucic so he's out.  ****.

In other news Winnipeg has a team again!  I'll probably hate them once they start playing since they'll likely become a divisional rival of the Canucks but for now good for them!  The general consensus is that the team should be called the Winnipeg Jets, yet the name has not been confirmed and rumour has it the new owners want to start fresh with a new name.  They might even go with "Manitoba" instead of "Winnipeg" even though the vast majority of the population of Manitoba lives in Winnipeg.  That wouldn't be a good start as the fever for the Jets is nuts.  Everyone in Winnipeg is wearing Jets jerseys, everyone is caling them the Jets, in terms of merchandise Jets apparel has continued to sell regardless of the move to Phoenix.  And apparently the league owns the rights to the Jets name and likeness because they own the Coyotes so giving it to the former Atlanta Thrashers is doable.  To not use it would be stupid... so they'll surely not use it and call it something really dumb with a goofy logo and with like teal and purple colours.

Offline Ceric

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Re: Hockey Discussion
« Reply #139 on: June 02, 2011, 12:30:55 PM »
Okay, one down, three more to go.  Prior to this series I was worried that Tim Thomas was going to be impossible to beat.  And that concern was totally justified because he was nearly unstoppable.  But then so was Luongo.  Right now it still looks like the series could go either way and I'm not very thrilled about that.  I actually found it very hard to watch the game.  This isn't really that fun.  Aside from only one other time in my life (well I was alive in 82 but I was like four months old) the finals have been between teams where I don't really care who wins so I can just enjoy the hockey for what it is.  But with this there is too much at stake to just relax.

Apparently Burrows bit someone in the game so he might get suspended which would SUCK so much.  And Hamhuis got hurt bodychecking Lucic so he's out.  ****.

In other news Winnipeg has a team again!  I'll probably hate them once they start playing since they'll likely become a divisional rival of the Canucks but for now good for them!  The general consensus is that the team should be called the Winnipeg Jets, yet the name has not been confirmed and rumour has it the new owners want to start fresh with a new name.  They might even go with "Manitoba" instead of "Winnipeg" even though the vast majority of the population of Manitoba lives in Winnipeg.  That wouldn't be a good start as the fever for the Jets is nuts.  Everyone in Winnipeg is wearing Jets jerseys, everyone is caling them the Jets, in terms of merchandise Jets apparel has continued to sell regardless of the move to Phoenix.  And apparently the league owns the rights to the Jets name and likeness because they own the Coyotes so giving it to the former Atlanta Thrashers is doable.  To not use it would be stupid... so they'll surely not use it and call it something really dumb with a goofy logo and with like teal and purple colours.
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Offline NWR_insanolord

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Re: Hockey Discussion
« Reply #140 on: June 02, 2011, 01:03:57 PM »
The problem with calling them the Jets is that I think the old Jets organization (the Coyotes) still has the rights to the name and all the related stuff. Still, given the financial troubles that team is in, I'd bet they'd be willing to sell them.
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Re: Hockey Discussion
« Reply #141 on: June 02, 2011, 01:19:25 PM »
As I undersand it the Jets were the Jets because the owner was friends with the NFL Jets owner.  These are not the same owners anymore so the new owners may want to just break-ties with the older franchise and go for something new.  They may buy the Jets name just to have throwback jerseys to sell in the store, but I doubt they will be the Jets again.

Offline Shaymin

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Re: Hockey Discussion
« Reply #142 on: June 02, 2011, 04:42:10 PM »
The problem with calling them the Jets is that I think the old Jets organization (the Coyotes) still has the rights to the name and all the related stuff. Still, given the financial troubles that team is in, I'd bet they'd be willing to sell them.

Like Ian said though, the owner of the Coyotes right now is the NHL. It's in their best interest to get extra cash where they can.
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Re: Hockey Discussion
« Reply #143 on: June 02, 2011, 06:34:40 PM »
Yeah, I don't generally read everything Ian posts. I scan it to get the core details, but his posts are way too long and aren't generally worth reading the whole way through. No offense, Ian.
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Re: Hockey Discussion
« Reply #144 on: June 02, 2011, 06:59:35 PM »
Hey!  :@

Offline NWR_insanolord

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Re: Hockey Discussion
« Reply #145 on: June 02, 2011, 07:11:48 PM »
It's not just you, I don't read any posts that long the whole way through. You just happen to almost exclusively post that way.
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Re: Hockey Discussion
« Reply #146 on: June 06, 2011, 12:29:26 PM »
Halfway there.  I watched Saturday's game on a restaurant patio in Vancouver where they had TVs set up.  It was very cool to watch in that atmostphere with so many other fans.  I noted something to my friend after Burrows scored the overtime winner.  THIS is fun.  THIS is exciting.  Watching the games is so stressful it is barely enjoyable but that feeling when your team wins the game is so awesome.  It makes it worthwhile.  It makes it so you remember the game as an enjoyable experience.  You put yourself through almost three hours of stress for that feeling of joy at the end.

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Re: Hockey Discussion
« Reply #147 on: June 06, 2011, 06:03:24 PM »
I posted this on Twitter after the last game, but not here. During the celebration after the Canucks won the camera showed a fan with a sign that I loved, that read "Burrows Is Hungry for the Cup."
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Re: Hockey Discussion
« Reply #148 on: June 07, 2011, 03:21:23 PM »
That was, um, very embarassing.

Hopefully it's a one-off bad game and not the start of a pattern like in the Chicago series.

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Re: Hockey Discussion
« Reply #149 on: June 07, 2011, 08:21:23 PM »
Canucks are a stupid lousy team who have failed their fans. Pathetic really.