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Messages - Shaymin

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Yes, but for local trades (Union Room) only.

If you can't/don't want to level up Mareep, there are Geodudes in a route you can get to north of Route 29 (it'll be marked Route 46) or in the cave east of Violet City, and you can trade a Bellsprout for an Onix in Violet City. Both learn Rock Throw which can 1 or 2-shot Falkner.

Podcast Discussion / Re: NWR Newscast: Episode 13
« on: March 13, 2010, 11:33:02 PM »
Good show as usual guys, and I think you're getting into the groove of it.

Re: Mega Man passwords - I wish the Wily passwords would let you go back to the stage you left off at, but every Mega Man password I ever had stuck me back at the beginning of the castle. You could rig it so you had a bunch of E-Tanks but it was always the first stage of the castle.

It's sad that I'm going to be the first one in line to the point of showing up an hour early for a 10am only.

Though I suppose it'll be an even mix of children and man-children.

TalkBack / Re: REVIEWS: NyxQuest: Kindred Spirits
« on: March 12, 2010, 07:12:07 AM »
I'm another one who bought the game based on the demo, and what I've played so far has been tricky but entertaining.

Good review, Zach

Podcast Discussion / Re: Newscast Game Club Discussion - Mega Man 10
« on: March 11, 2010, 09:02:19 PM »
So for shiggles, I decided to try Easy Mode and Protoman simultaneously - beat it in 1:01:44 and got the achievement for no continues.

They add the item from Mega Man 1 that restores everything on the spot - and there's two in every level. Add in the much easier enemies and it's even easier than beating 4 for the nth time.

General Gaming / Re: Sony's Motion in the Blue Ocean
« on: March 11, 2010, 07:43:35 AM »
Line of the night: "Sony released the WiiHD so Nintendo wouldn't have to"

Podcast Discussion / Re: Newscast Game Club Discussion - Mega Man 10
« on: March 11, 2010, 07:39:44 AM »
You can also use the Rebound Striker for good effect on it. That's what I picked by accident when my original choice ran out of energy and it worked really well.

General Gaming / Re: Sony's Motion in the Blue Ocean
« on: March 10, 2010, 08:14:05 PM »
This would be a perfect time for NOA to run another Kanye on the PS3 and announce the black Wii.

Especially given their talk of being a transition console for the Wii-owning crowd.

Podcast Discussion / Re: Radio Free Nintendo: Episode 186
« on: March 09, 2010, 10:21:53 PM »
First thought on the Micro discussion actually springs from the fact that I'm archive binging on RFN right now: "How many of those 200,000 GBAs are Micros?"

NWR Forums Discord / Re: UncleBob's Table of Shame
« on: March 09, 2010, 08:37:41 AM »
I think I see Zack and Wiki in there. Purchase justified!

TalkBack / Re: This Week in Nintendo Downloads
« on: March 08, 2010, 07:46:38 PM »
The VC game has also been re-released on DS as Final Fantasy IV, and the sequel on WiiWare is FFIV:The After Years.

Also, I own all of the FF2/4 versions released in NA (SNES, PSX, GBA, DS). Can I safely pass on this release or does that revoke my FF4 fanboy card?

General Gaming / Re: So nobody likes GameStop?
« on: March 07, 2010, 09:33:10 PM »
Anyone know if the free demo is running in Canada? I really don't want to add a fake phone # with a 360 area code to my phonebook to get it next week, but if I have to...

General Gaming / Re: Games Industry Death Watch 2010
« on: March 06, 2010, 10:05:22 PM »
Yes! You are correct, sir!

Seriously, I forgot about that one.

Podcast Discussion / Re: Newscast Game Club Discussion - Mega Man 10
« on: March 06, 2010, 09:45:58 PM »
So I finished it tonight on Normal, without the guide. Used about 20 continues and ended up having to loop Pump Man's stage for the free E-Tank and boatload of screws for more. Final time was 4h14m, which is actually shorter than I thought it would be.

The last three Wily stages range from frustrating to awesome.
Frustrating: If you're trying to get every item before the boss reunion, be careful - I had to continue BEFORE the reunion because I was trying to grab an extra E-Tank
Awesome: The whole leadup to the last stage - you go up, WAY up, run into the screws from MM2 to replenish everything, and get one of each Tank (E, W and another M) just in time for the final boss.

You unlock Hard Mode after beating the game, which if 20 continues on Normal is any indication I will be avoiding like the plague for the time being. I do want to try Easy and maybe do a Protoman run before I try Hard mode.

Ending spoiler: There's a hook for Mega Man 11 at the end. If I had to bet, they'll probably put it out next fall.

Phantom edit:
If anyone's interested, I just found a great strategy for the castle mini-boss in Blade Man's stage.

Use Water Shield and jump up to the weak points--the shield will hit them in rapid succession and he'll go down really fast.
This actually works well on all of the minibosses. I'm not sure what weapon is more broken, the shield or Blade Man's.

General Gaming / Re: Games Industry Death Watch 2010
« on: March 06, 2010, 09:40:22 PM »
Short version:

- Vivendi was set to publish Brutal Legend before they merged with Activision
- Activision wanted to turn it into a Guitar Hero-branded game, then dropped it along with Ghostbusters and 50 Cent because it couldn't be exploited annually (EXACT WORDS)
- DoubleFine took it to EA Partners for publishing
- Activision filed suit trying to block release on the last day of E3 (they lost)

Best quote on the whole situation: "It's like an ex-husband suing his wife for hooking up with a better looking guy"

Nintendo Gaming / Re: What we Want From the Next DS Hand Held
« on: March 06, 2010, 09:37:14 PM »
It could, considering the Super Star Wars trilogy saw release. However, there hasn't been a 3rd party N64 game on the VC yet, and Ogre Battle 64 seems to be the odds-on favourite to be the first.

The main problem is you won't be able to access debug mode on a VC release, because the C-stick can't be moved in 4 directions simultaneously.

Nintendo Gaming / Re: Scribblenauts 2 - New and Improved - Fall 2010
« on: March 06, 2010, 06:32:12 PM »
-improved controls

If this means they're going to acknowledge the existence of the D-Pad, I'm in.

General Gaming / Re: Games Industry Death Watch 2010
« on: March 06, 2010, 06:30:43 PM »
But the status of the Modern Warfare IP is still before the courts... and that's the IP that just sold 6 million units in its launch month.

Though I'm trying to figure out what the hell IW or its remnants would make for Nintendo.

General Gaming / Re: Portal 2
« on: March 05, 2010, 06:53:15 PM »
Hate to break it to you guys, but "Holiday" converted to Valve Time is roughly spring 2012.

TalkBack / Re: New Metroid: Other M Trailer
« on: March 04, 2010, 07:08:00 PM »
Ya'll should check out Another Metroid II Remake (Google that). Some dude is trying to create a Metroid II "rebirth" from the ground up. It's been years in development already, and I really hope he finishes it.

I hope he does manage to release something before the dreaded cease and desist flies down upon him.

Nintendo Gaming / Re: What we Want From the Next DS Hand Held
« on: March 03, 2010, 10:37:12 PM »
I want Whispernet on the DS as much as anyone - if not more. The only thing is they'd have to have at least two different models, and probably 3 if they want decent coverage in Japan, because of the differences in mobile technologies between North America and Europe.

It's possible that the 2nd rev of this system could have it assuming the providers get to a single world standard by then, but it's probably not going to happen out of the box. If it does though, there'd probably be a price increase across the board for content in order to pay the carriers for data usage.

TalkBack / Re: NHL 2K11 To Be Wii Exclusive
« on: March 03, 2010, 10:32:48 PM »
As much as I like the Wii getting an exclusive, I'd much prefer EA also have their game coming out on Wii as well if only to push 2K to make the Wii game better.

Then again, the last hockey game I regularly played was NHL Stanley Cup on the SNES so I'm probably not much of a judge.

Podcast Discussion / Re: Newscast Game Club Discussion - Mega Man 10
« on: March 03, 2010, 10:26:33 PM »
So I'm saved now at the final sprint to the finish. Thanks to sheer repetition, I now have 5 E-Tanks and the dreaded M-Tank (which is being reserved for the boss reunion).

There is one section just past the halfway point of the second stage where we nearly had a WiiHaveAProblem incident - breakable ice blocks over bottomless pits and a spike well at the end = much rage. Especially with a checkpoint BEFORE the annoying miniboss.

The first level of the castle has some nice fanservice in the form of one boss from each of the first 9 games. If you want the easiest time and extra E-Tanks, go through a breakable floor, then ignore the second breakable floor and go down.

Podcast Discussion / Re: Newscast Game Club Discussion - Mega Man 10
« on: March 02, 2010, 11:11:31 PM »
Update: 4 of 8 Masters down. Solar Man, Sheep Man, Chill Man, Pump Man. A list provided will be burninated in the matter of a peasant's thatched-roof cottage shortly.

My first Mega Man was 4, but I rented 2 and 3 a LOT when I was a kid. I've beaten 1-9 by way of the Anniversary Collection (Gamecube version), and wish 8 would die in a fire.

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