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Messages - Evan_B

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TalkBack / Re: 'Nintendo Direct Pre E3 2012' Announced
« on: June 02, 2012, 07:42:10 PM »
Oh, my... could it be... my body ISN'T ready yet?

Let's just get the eventual "Super Mario 69" joke out of the way.

It's like Conker's Bad Fur Day, but weirder.

Super Mario 644. That's all I'm gonna say.

I'm also just going to throw this out- Nintendo has had pretty much a year, not counting Skyward Sword, of no "major" console game releases. Yeah, yeah, Mario Party 9 (also Kirby's Adventure, which I am ashamed to throw under the bus), but they've used the Rainfall games to buffer the end of the Wii lifetime for pretty much a whole year. They've been working on things for the Wii U and they damn well better show it off next week. They better understand that this presentation can't be half-assed if they're going to sell this system, and personally, I buy Nintendo systems primarily for Nintendo games, so SHOW ME THEM.

Nintendo Gaming / Re: E3 2012 Predictions
« on: June 01, 2012, 12:37:20 AM »
Last minute predictions:
  • The Grinder will be announced for both the Wii and Wii U.
  • Conduit 3 reveal trailer will be shown and it will be for the Wii U.
  • Biggest prediction of all: Star Fox will be shown and it will be developed by Retro Studios, but ti will not be a launch titile.
WHOA. Wait, you think there's going to be a STARFOX game at E3? That's nuts.

However, I would fully support the Grinder for Wii and Wii U. That game looked effin' badass.

TalkBack / Re: E3 Predictions 2012 - Bingo Edition
« on: May 31, 2012, 06:12:07 PM »
I know this is going to be about the most spaces filled and maybe about who gets closest to bingo, but I can't believe Retro Zelda is mentioned here twice... I still just find that unbelievable.

It would be awesome if it happened, but I highly doubt it, unless Neal knows something we don't...

But yeah, some good predictions here, I suppose. Just makes me more excited for the days to come...

Nah, it would definitely be just FF and Mario characters. I hate the "mysterious, somehow interconnected youths" of KH, myself.

Why doesn't Nintendo just get 'em to develop a new Super Mario RPG? It's been like 15 years, Paper Mario is a biiiit played out and Kingdom Hearts itself has certainly seen a fair amount of sequels and side stories.
Or, to set the universe on fire, a Nintendo character cross-over RPG orgy-fest that centers on Geno the stellar dimension-hopping puppet badass.
THAT is the fusion saga I be wantin.
Three words: Mushroom Kingdom Hearts. I would eat that shite up.

Nintendo Gaming / Re: E3 2012 Predictions
« on: May 30, 2012, 01:09:45 AM »
But... Sonic Colors... was so good...

Nintendo Gaming / Re: E3 2012 Predictions
« on: May 30, 2012, 01:05:31 AM »
Oh, well... yes, perhaps.

The first Chronicles was a mixed affair, at best.

Nintendo Gaming / Re: E3 2012 Predictions
« on: May 30, 2012, 12:55:45 AM »
@Kytim89's prediction-fest: As for Sonic, I think Sega's sitting on rocky ground right now- I don't think they're going for a new game any time soon, and they stated that they haven't found a use for the Wii U controller in a Sonic game. There was a rumor last year about "Sonic Dimensions" but that proved to be false. I think Sega's reworking Sonic right now and it may be another year or so before we see him on a console again. Generations did just come out recently.

Nintendo Gaming / Re: E3 2012 Predictions
« on: May 22, 2012, 11:15:20 PM »
I'm not saying the Wii's lineup isn't good; as I said somewhere else on these forums today, it's probably my favorite home console I've ever owned, but it still could have been significantly better with some of these changes.
Well, I agree with that, for the most part.

Nintendo Gaming / Re: Wii U
« on: May 22, 2012, 10:44:39 PM »
Here's the thing. I introduced Monster Hunter Tri to my friends, I was the one who backed Skyward Sword, and I've been the one who supported Xenoblade and the Last Story. I'm a Nintendo fan, and I look for cool experiences on Nintendo consoles because they're often unique and engaging in ways FPS and God of War and what-have-you are not. Nintendo is a shining example, a beacon of hope for all the gamers who believe that games don't have to be bloody, violent, and consecutive to be good. Nintendo has stated time and again that gameplay is what matters, the experience is the key. They may be somewhat old-fashioned in that sense, and that's kind of a reason to be upset with them- but I don't think that they should change their approach, not for one second. Nintendo is a niche developer, innovating on recognizable concepts time and time again and proving they have what it takes to approach a series continuously with a new take on it. But that's not all they've done- they have allowed other developers to take their crack at the franchises they have created to see what they can do. The second-party developers under Nintendo's eye are those that largely follow the same approach that Nintendo does- the experience is what counts. Metroid Prime is a game with ambience, depth, cleverness, and solid, well-thought out controls- Retro took a bold step and it paid off. Monolith creates immersive, deep titles. Game Freak attempts to innovate its core franchise while keeping to the same mechanics.

But that's beside the point. Mostly, what Nintendo has truly strayed from is the online infrastructure. Using online to benefit their gaming experiences. If Nintendo wishes to cater to the modern young gamer and develop something with an online community, they have to do so by also sticking to what appealed to their original fans. I mean, that's what we all want, right? We joke and poke fun and roll our eyes about a Pokemon MMO, but we would all crap our pants if it actually happened. Hell, the internet would probably crap its pants, too. We all want to see what Nintendo could offer with an immersive online experience. The main issue, however, is that most online games are competitive, and while Nintendo is a fan of Mario Kart and Smash Brothers, not many of their IPs are really competitive fare. Nintendo focuses on the personal experience, and they know it. We all like the personal experience. But hopefully Nintendo can create something for me AND you, which is what their new console hopes to bolster. That's going to be key.

Nintendo Gaming / Re: E3 2012 Predictions
« on: May 22, 2012, 10:12:52 PM »
The content of the Wii is not without depth and entertainment value- it caters to a more creative group, IMO, and I get more mileage out of it. I'd go into further depth, but I'll just say this: Would a Link to the Past be considered a bad game by today's standards if it were released on the eShop as a new title? Some argue it's the best game of all time. Content is what drives a console, Nintendo makes fantastic content, and some third parties make fantastic content for Nintendo consoles- but not as many as Sony and Microsoft.

That, of course, is another argument entirely. But my point still stands. Xenoblade is one of the best games I've ever played- sure, the specs affect what kind of content we get, but who cares when that content is still fantastic?

Nintendo Gaming / Re: E3 2012 Predictions
« on: May 22, 2012, 09:05:50 PM »
I hope Nintendo does me proud this E3, like 2010's conference. They made me happy to be a fan then, and all they had to do was throw some nice titles at me. That's what I care about with the Wii U- the specs are not important, it's the content. If specs are important I would have gotten rid of my Wii a long time ago and never experienced games like Xenoblade, which is arguably better than most recent RPGs. So hit me hard and fast with some titles, Nintendo.

Yeah, I'm pretty sure a third party would cry foul at no analog triggers.

The clicky sticks, not so much. I honestly don't care about clicky sticks at all.

Nintendo Gaming / Re: E3 2012 Predictions
« on: May 22, 2012, 03:37:14 PM »
Nintendo put up their Nintendo All-Access @ E3 2012 page just a few minutes ago.

Nintendo E3 Presentation: Tuesday, June 5 @ 9 a.m. PDT
Developer Discussion with Katsuya Eguchi: Tuesday, June 5 @ 11:30 p.m. PDT
Software Showcase: Wednesday, June 6 @ 6 p.m. PDT

Eguchi is billed as the WiiU Hardware Developer.
I speculate he will be asked many questions about WiiU specs that he will not answer, because Nintendo does not discuss hardware specs. I speculate the session will be painful, with many awkward silences. Maybe it will end early.
I have to Disagree.  Why host a session like that if you didn't mean to answer those type of questions?  They could have easily had Iwata speak and him say that he had full confidence in his engineers and that they handled the performance specs.
Agreed. I think the fact that they're having a discussion with Eguchi shows that they want to set the record straight. They've been unwilling to discuss the hardware up to this point because they don't want their competition knowing what they've got and they just didn't want to discuss it before a major event like this.

I don't really think so... if it's going to be an actual card, yeah, but they're saying that it has a screen so I think it's going to need a little more bulk to it.

Nintendo Gaming / Re: E3 2012 Predictions
« on: May 22, 2012, 02:39:28 AM »
Golden Sun 3DS (God I love that game)

New Super Mario Bros. 2

Metroid For 3DS/Wii U

New StarFox for 3DS (I think that game works better as a handheld)

Paper Mario 3DS (I've been waiting two years Nintendo)

Monolithsofts Wii U and 3DS games (Xenoblade was awesome)

Zelda for 3DS (No remakes.  Remakes are rude)

Pikmin 3

Super Smash bros. 4.

My body will be ready. 

Iwata, Reggie...Time to drop the bomb.

Yeah, the thing I keep forgetting is that the 3DS is going to have a hefty lineup for the rest of the year/some newly announced titles that are going to hit us hard. Paper Mario, NSMB2, Luigi's Mansion 2, and probably one or two new big titles (I am also hoping for a quality Metroid title, Zelda's a bit more of a stretch). Plus, dat third party support. Give me Monster Hunter 4 localization, baby, and I will guarantee my 3DS won't leave my hands for months.

But the launch lineup for Wii U is definitely going to be the big bomb, here. They don't need to spend a whole lot of time detailing the features of the Wii U, we'll learn about those in the coming months, I'm sure. A sizzle reel will do quite fine for all of that, but I need to see these HD launch titles. Really bad. Plus, DAT THIRD PARTY SUPPORT. Give me some 3rd Party titles (like Rayman Legends and the rumored Castlevania) that really wow- I want to see something cool. Rumors about FFXV were floating around, which would be awesome, but if Square Enix released an HD Crystal Chronicles (with Wii U controller for map), I'd probably flip my lid.

I wouldn't be surprised with a CGI sizzle for Smash Bros., just to show us who is going to be joining the ranks, but even though it's a lot to ask Sakurai, I would be pleased to see Smash Bros. on the 3DS screen. Just to see how it's gonna look. I'm so intrigued by how that game is going to work- a focus on keeping in portable/integrating it with the Wii U version but also making sure it stands well on its own as a single player experience is going to be quite the undertaking, but the fact that it will most likely have online means it's going to have to have some differences with the Wii U version. I mean, obviously it will, but I want to see HOW.

Nintendo Gaming / Re: Wii U
« on: May 20, 2012, 10:57:58 PM »
Classic Controller Pro + Gamecube controller + wireless technology + NES d-pad = The greatest controller ever created in the history of time.
Are... are you implying that the Wii U controller has that?

Because it also has a nice touchscreen, which is reaaally nice for all the DS shovelware that's been hanging around. In all seriousness, Nintendo pretty much took everything that they've been working on innovating the industry with and packed it all into one console. Controller/screen connectivity with GCN's GBA link cable and controller options, DS touch screen, Wii Motion Control, NES d-pad... all wrapped up in shiny HD graphics. It's like they're begging developers to give it a try.

Yeah, I'm just gonna not leave the console discussion forum anymore. Good job pointing out my grammatical mistake, too- you're certainly doing a good job of proving my stance wrong. If you wanted to say I'm a dumbass, you could have just said it outright.

Now, as for my comments before- I KNOW who is making money off of these game sales, but there's the extremely dedicated FPS fanbase on the PS3 who is continuously buying these games, so I'd like to think that Sony somewhat relies those sales and the promise that their console-owners will have a new FPS shoved down their throats every year to further promote their system. Seeing as the gaming industry is essentially graphics and online-multiplayer driven these days, essentially any game that promotes that image would be beneficial to Sony. Also- I apologize, I shouldn't have said "Sony all-star titles," I should have said "games that sell well on the PS3". My bad.

Also, Sly hasn't been seen for years (Sly 4, I know, but still), neither has Jak, The Last Guardian is coming out god-knows-when (though I'm certainly excited for when it does), and Valkyria Chronicles is more niche-y than any FPS. Heavy Rain is a title I'm not going to get into- I have nothing to say about it.

I am sincerely sorry for making such a shallow and not-well-thought-out post. I knew I was sure to piss someone off, but I'm not going to take back what I said. To me, Sony represents a lot of what's wrong with modern video-gaming, despite their ability to create a quality title on occasion. I won't deny that there are a number of impressive Sony titles out there, but the games that get the most support are hyper-violent titles and are often sequels. Most of the games that find their home and make money on the PS3 are hilariously not Sony titles. It just seems like they embrace that rather than attempt to do anything innovative.

Which leads into the whole issue of Sony being all about graphical hardware and software and online functionality- two things that aren't bad but are nowhere near as unique and interesting as, well, what Nintendo attempts to do every generation, which is give developers new hardware that they can try new things with. But that's not relevant, and probably doesn't mesh well with your views. In fact, nothing I've said probably does, so it's a moot point and I probably shouldn't have posted this in the first place.

And don't get me wrong, I like shooters. I also like shooters that attempt to do something interesting. Which is actually why I respect Killzone, and to a much lesser extent, Resistance.

Off to lurking in the console forums again.

Nintendo Gaming / Re: Is 'New Super Mario Bros.' a brand for bland?
« on: May 20, 2012, 01:28:50 PM »
Well, the only thing I really have to knock against New Super Mario Bros. Wii is that it featured a game breaking power-up in the form of the Propeller Suit, which took most of the challenge out of the precision platforming in the game. But all-in-all, establishing a consistent visual style is something of a good investment, because players know what to expect when buying the title. However, that doesn't mean the game can't do more to reinvent its core mechanics. While New Super Mario Bros. for the DS was suitably challenging and required a good amount of skill, NSMBWii was more focused on the co-op portion of the game and that kind of hurt the really challenging platforming it could have achieved.

Now, could 2D Mario use a facelift? Yes, I certainly think so. The NSMB series is reliable, but not innovative.

The way I see it (and I'm just chiming in on the Sony arrogance thing), is that Sony's arrogance is a marketing ploy. The more of a douchebag you appear to look like, the more douchebags you'll get buying your games and your systems. Considering the majority of Sony all-star titles involve quick matches of shooting each other to death, killing things brutally, and being irredeemable assholes, I'd say they're reaching their target audience.

There's other stuff to play on the PS3, sure, and props to you who actually DO play those games. But whose raking in the dough year after year with a new FPS?

General Gaming / Re: Sony's Smash Brothers clone? Title Fight?
« on: May 20, 2012, 01:09:02 PM »
Most of the characters in Smash Bros. are relatively based on their in-game selves. Sure, the Fox Triplets are up to interpretation and Captain Falcon is as well, but the characters attempt to draw from their source material as much as possible, in all truthfulness. The "All-Stars" of Sony have so very little to draw from.

General Gaming / Re: Sony's Smash Brothers clone? Title Fight?
« on: May 20, 2012, 12:24:29 PM »
Am I the only one who is not impressed with this game, still?

Color auras around characters just shows how weak the idea of a Smash Bros. game in HD is with complex, realistic characters. The majority of Nintendo's all-stars and bright and vivd and don't need a hue of color around them to be spotted. But the inclusion of a special gauge, while interesting, is kind of silly and acts as a portable Final Smash. That's a no-no for me unless it can be switched off.

I dunno, I mean, they're gonna get all kinds of crazy support for this game from a bunch of developers, but I still doubt the concept. The fact that they're getting MvC players and such doesn't make sense to me since the Smash Bros. style is so... decidedly non-Capcom. That, and it's a blatant rip-off of Smash Bros.. However, this will hopefully increase Sakurai's incentive to raise the bar with the next installment- someone's copied his baby, he sure as hell better fight back.

My suggestion would be to sign on the Project M devs.

EDIT: After, you know... reading through the page before this, I agree with some of the points made. Sony doesn't have a rich background and they barely have All-Stars. I mean, Parappa the Rappa is... he's not an All-Star. Plus, these characters barely have movesets that define them. You know, the characters Nintendo has chosen to put into Smash Bros. are recognizable most because their gameplay mechanics- the play style of the characters shaped the games they were in and made them very unique. Having Nathan Drake and a Killzone character in the same game doesn't make sense because they're essentially shooter characters, and are going to be shooting stuff. Sure, Sly has a decently recognizable moveset, but using the entire roster of weapons that Kratos has doesn't really focus on what made his gameplay style so addictive in the first place. Kirby, Mario, Samus, hell- even Link and Pokemon Trainer heavily utilize the mechanics that are seen in their games to better differentiate them. I'm not saying the characters in this game aren't going to have variety- I'm sure they'll try to milk the hell out of making them unique- but they won't have the recognizable movesets of Nintendo characters. Smash Bros. maps out every move simply and recognizably- there's a great deal of history and heritage to the movesets. What the hell is Parappa the Rappa going to use, a microphone?

I posted this else where, but about the Retro is my thoughts.
This is a pretty stupid rumor...I don't believe it.

Unless, they took the Metroid leap too literal.

If they said the gameplay Started as a standard Star Fox mission and Fox McCloud was stranded on a planet...and he sends his team off to finish the battle while we repairs his ship I would buy it. 

Then you would have Fox playing the part of explore trying to find make shift parts to repair his ship...all along while being on a hostile alien planet...potentially being controlled by Andros's Army.

Now, that would be a cool game.  Mix in exploring and shooting well as tight space control.  And even allow Fox to jump into vehicles for combat would be great...

But more importantly...this could be Nintendo asking Retro to create a bigger universe for Star Fox for the express purpose of multiplayer. 

Imagine, If Retro designed an all out robust Star Fox battle system for 8-16 players online...with Star Fox Tank, and Ar-Wing battles as well as well designed on foot combat. 

Now that would be an Epic game.
I am thinking of something along the lines of Star Wars Battlefront, but a little more story driven. You'd have missions with different vehicles and such available to you, or maybe you could have a Slippy science bay and upgrade to new tech, all while trying to route out the enemy. Almost RTS esque, but from a third person perspective... and depending on how you want the multiplayer to be, the story could either only focus on Team Fox, or it could introduce a galactic defense force to buff your numbers a bit.

That's the coolest idea I could think of for reinventing the Starfox franchise. Because I'm gonna be honest- on-rail space battles don't really cut it for me, especially with the tech we have nowadays. Give me more freedom and more options, please.

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