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Topics - Khushrenada

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NWR Forums Discord / Mafio - GX: Day 5. Areopolis
« on: October 05, 2006, 09:39:15 PM »
The racers were on the best behavior. They careened through the Mute City streets with skill and precision and dazzled the crowd. It appeared the crisis F-Zero had over the past few days might actually be behind them. But it wasn't. Racers still knew that evil lurked among them. And then it suddenly occured to some, what if the evil had been in front of their faces all along? What if the head of this mafia evil was none other than the self-proclaimed king of evil, Black Shadow aka Stevey? And so some some racers took a chance and starting ramming his craft. It didn't seem like it would amount to much but since crafts were getting banged up all around, in the end it was enough. In fact, it was Micheal Chain who delivered the final blow. He smashed Black Shadow from behind and sent him and his craft, flying forward. It was just at that moment that a Trans-Dimensional warp opened up and four massive people came through fighting one another. One of them looked like a giant Captain Falcon. But that couldn't be. Captain Falcon had died, hadn't he? Regardless, Black Shadow crashed into him, sending him flying away until he was just a spark in the sky. The impact stopped Black Shadow's craft completely. This was unfortunate as behind him came the rest of the racers. They blowed into Black Shadow and the other three fighting giants. One huge monkey that might have been a relation to Billy if Billy wore a red tie, grabbed a hammer that appeared from no where and started swinging it wildly. He hit the other two giants and crushed Black Shadow's craft, with Black Shadow in it. Then, another giant, this one looking like some terrifying relative of BioRex, began to blow flames at the other two giants, stopping them in their tracks and burning them. Unfortunately, the flattened Black Shadow and his flattened craft was between this lizard king and the other two giants and got a majority of the flame also. Then, suddenly, the ground lifted up from under the giants and raised itself above the track. Sadly, Black Shadow and his craft were lifted along with it. The giant monsterous turtle was caught unready for this and moved too slow to get on the track in time. Instead, it bounced around in pain until it too disappeared in the air with a spark. The ape giant began swinging its fist to get ready for a powerful punch. The other giant who some swore looked like a fox dressed up as James McCloud, grabbed a little red ball and threw it. From this ball, emerged a giant yellow bird that uttered the word Zapdos and then began shooting electrical waves everywhere. As you may have guess, Black Shadow took the full brunt of this. Then, the bird suddenly departed. The gorilla had moved out of the way of this fearsome attack and had finished winding up his arm. With a fearsome yell, he unleashed the full fury of his punch and hit the giant fox, smashing through whatever still remained of Black Shadow and racer to reach the fox. The force of this punch sent the fox flying through the air until he disappeared in a spark. It also sent the remains of Black Shadow and his racer all over Mute City. Then, everything stopped for one moment. Words flashed in the skying saying "Player 3 victorious". Then, the ape and words disappeared and time flowed naturally again. Looking through Black Shadow's belongs after the race revealed that he was a regular racer or townie.. No, I'm just kidding. They revealed Black Shadow to be the Godfather of the Legends Mafia. The racers had struck a good blow against their mafia foes. As for the race, James McCloud made good on his vow to do better after the Big Blue incident and placed 18th instead of last like usual. So, there were plenty of celebrations.

There was even more good news after the race. As the racers were packing up to go on to the next world and circuit, news went out that a mafia hit by the MaxVelocity Mafia failed. Appearently, they had injured a racer enough that they thought he was dead but a townie doctor arrived at the scene before it was too late and was able to save the racer. He then took the racer with him and protected him during the night. Finally, the mafias were being thwarted.

Race officials were worried about the race still. After all, even if Black Shadow wasn't liked, it was still another death. But, in the end, they felt that it didn't seem to be caused by any racers and was about as freak an accident as could occur. So, they hired Digi-Boy who wasn't racing, to work on making sure the temporal and spacial anomolies were taken care of so that this wouldn't happen again. So, with Digi-Boy working on fixing the universe, the race went to Areopolis, seemingly on track for the first time. However, a problem they thought had been solved resurfaced.

Before the race began, Micheal Chain aka TVMan was talking to a bunch of high ranking Bloody Chain members. "So, for my next victory, I want you to put alot more bling around my throne. And I want someone to pimp my ride. Oh, also, I want ..." Micheal's voice trailed off. Another racer had come in to his docking bay. "I have no business with you," he snapped. "You know, you make an awful gangster. What next, fo'shizzle in the hizzle. You don't know a thing about being a gangster. And quite frankly, I have to end this sad charade of yours. I can't take it anymore," said the racer. And with that, the racer swiped at Micheal Chain's head and knocked off his sunglasses. The glasses fell to the floor breaking. "If you're going to kill me, kill me!," yelled Chain, "But there's no reason to torture me first." And Micheal Chain began crying as he bent over to pick up his broken sunglasses. "I can't stand when a victim cries. No I have to kill you," said the racer. And with that, he grabbed the chain around Micheal Chain's throat and began squeezing and tightening it. Chain slumped to the floor dead. Rummaging through Chain's stuff yielded nothing of interest. Micheal Chain was just a regular racer or townie. And then the killer left the scene of the crime.

However, the killer did one other thing. He sent a note in the guise of Micheal Chain, sayingt that Micheal Chain was dropping out of the race because he had business to take care of and he felt responsible for what happened to Black Shadow. Race officials were to busy to check the authenticity of the note so they just took it at face value. And thus, no one realized that there was a new killer at first. And as the racers got ready for a new day, no one was surprised to see Micheal Chain wasn't there. Still happy about their success, the racers began to wonder if they might be able to finally stop these mafias after all. One thing was for certain. They hadn't started off a race in this good of a mood for awhile. Yet, as they peeled away from the starting line, many wondered how long this feeling would last.  

NWR Forums Discord / Day 4: Mute City
« on: October 04, 2006, 10:46:48 PM »
The race was tight again. There had been a few bumps to other racers but officials made sure the racers kept things pretty clean during the race. As such, there seemed to be little activity among the racers. But after awhile, people began to get more annoyed with Lily Flyer aka Bill. They were getting upset with the way she taunted them and kelt claiming to be a part of the mafia out to get them. Perhaps she hoped the reverse physcology would work with the other racers and they would just leave her alone as a harmless irratent. But alas, it got to be too much for the racers to handle. So, finally, a few racers smashed into Lily's racer and gave it some crippling blows. No longer able to handle top speeds, the machine began to slow down and other racers passed her. One racer slowed down for a moment to taunt Lily. This is just what the Suicide bomber wanted. He had planted a time bomb on Lily's racer and now he set it off. The explosion was so devestating that it destroyed the glass tunnel they were in. Water came pouring in with machines crashing into the liquid barrier. It was complete and utter chaos. Officials and rescue workers immediately went to the scene, saving racers and salvaging crafts. But Lily and her racer were never seen again. It was presumed they sank to the bottem of Big Blue where they were crushed into oblivion. Other racers who had already finished the race, watched in horror at the unfolding events, thinking how close they were to being blown up. However, one racer had no desire to stick around. He was all to familiar with death since he was a killer himself. He went off to Lily's docking bay. He went rummaging through her things to find any important info she might be hiding. But that was nothing to be found. Lily was just a regular racer or townie. She did leave one note. "If you're reading this, it's because I'm dead and you all suck. Honestly, you racers are causing more death than the mafia members are. Plus, you killed Billy. And he was my special sweetie pie. Oh Billy, how I will soon be in your sweet embrace. So, yeah. Good idea guys. In order to stop the killing, let's kill people even though we don't know who to kill." Bio Rex put the note down. Well, I like the idea, he thought.

At the hospital, two racers were in serious condition after the explosion. The first was Super Arrow aka Mario. His racer had been right beside Lily. Racers fished him out of the water and learned the horrible truth. He was wearing Mrs. Arrow's clothes. Appearently, they did dress up as one another. Super Arrow muttered something about the fact that they were the only clean clothes he had in the house since Mrs. Arrow died and he didn't know how to do laundry. None of the racers really believed him except for James McCloud. "Makes perfect sense to me. I know that's happened before where my wife hasn't cleaned my clothes and there's nothing else to wear." No one believed that either. Except Baba. But he's not even in this race. He's at home, painting his nails. As it was Super Arrow was transported to a nearby hospital where he was pronounced alive. But that hospital makes a lot of mistakes, so they sent him to a better one where he was correctly pronounced dead. Fishing Super Arrow's racer out of the water allowed officals to examine it. Inside, they found a hit list of other racers and learned that Super Arrow was the Bounty Hunter who had been killing all the mafia racers lately.

Meanwhile, the Legends Mafia had set up a huge elaborate death trap. They were going to capture Super Arrow and completely destroy him. It was great. It had saws and guns and a shrinking machine and tank full of sharks with laser beams on their heads. I'd better not forget the ultimate terror device. They were even going to chain Super Arrow to a table and make him listen to Barney the Dinosaur sing for 5 hours! That's just not humanly possible. But then, the Legends Mafia learned that Super Arrow died in the accident. Well, that was just not acceptable. So, they kidnapped his body and forced it through the death trap. When the other racers found the mutilated body, they were disgusted. The mafia couldn't even let the dead rest in peace. Still, they could appreciate the death trap. Too bad it wasn't able to be used to it's full potential. The racers will always wonder what happened to that body.

There was another racer who was injured in the timebomb. Beastman aka Nyladrin was also critically wounded. He was taked to the hospital but doctors knew they couldn't do much for him. He had lost his costume. So, he made out his will. Then, he made a confession. With his last ounce of strength he wrote: I have been living a lie. For years, I have told people I battled a giant crocodile. Well, I didn't. I was in a swimming pool and someone threw a plastic alligator on top of me. I freaked out and tore it to pieces. People who were watching said I acted like a crazed beast. They started calling me Beastman and ran me out of civilization. The truth is, I can't fight any beast except for the stuffed animal kind. I mean, look at my costume. There's no way that's a real animal. Now my costume is gone and I have no identity left. No reason to live. Plus, I've been critically wounded. Goodbye World. If only I could have become something other than a regular racer or townie. Instead I'm just a bum.

Word soon spread that BeastMan had died. BioRex aka Crimm was chugging down his fourth beer when he heard the news. "What? Nooooooooooooo!" he cried and ran to the hospital. There he found the lifless body of Beastman. "It was I that was supposed to have killed you," he cried. "I refuse to believe your dead." And with that, he unleashed his animal savagry on the lifeless Beastman until his taste for blood was over. Then, he staggered out of the hospital to the docking bay of his racer, where he slumped himself in the cockpit to sleep. However, someone was waiting for him. "Is it true you entered the race so you could win money for mammoth ribs? That has to be the stupidest thing I ever heard. Even more stupid than the fact that a dinosaur could be hatched, given intelligence and be free to race a machine at 1000mph," the figure said. "Watch you mouth you!" shouted the bloody Bio Rex, "I'm a killer and I'm very upset right now." Oh, your a real killer alright!", retorted the figure, "Killing that dead man in the hospital must have been a real challenge." "Hey, I've killed Billy and Captain Falcon," yelled BioRex, "And now I'll kill you!" "You killed a stupid monkey and from what I've heard, Super Arrow did most of the work on Captain Falcon before you came, said the assailant. With that BioRex stumbled towards the figure, his jaws snapping.

But as he weaved towards the shadowy figure, the ground gave out beneath him. It was a trap! BioRex fell down a long chute until he ended up at the start of the Legends Mafia death trap. Appearently, they decided it was to much work to dismantle it. But since the death trap was pretty much spoiled earlier in the story, we'll just skip going through it all and go to the end. There BioRex faced him greatest natural enemy, the dinosaur Barney. "I love you, you love me," sang Barney. "No, I hate you," BioRex yelled, "I'm a killer. I hate everyone." But it didn't matter, 5 hours later BioRex's ears had bleed all the blood out of his body and his brain had exploded. That was the end of the killer. Or was it?

Back at BioRex's docking bay, the figure went was busy searching through BioRex's materials. The attacker found all of BioRex's weapons and documents on other racers and their weaknesses. A perfect record for a killer. Heck. It was just something to tempting to ignore. Why not kill to get the grand prize, thought the attacker. Plus, I have no real attachment to these people. I've always been kind of a drifter. So, the drifter snuck away, ready to take the Killer's place.

Even though it had been a disaster, officials believed the worst was behind them, two racers who had killed other were dead. Since they didn't know about the mafias, it seemed the problem's had been solved. They were troubled by the bomb attack but figured it had to be a lunatic fan. No actual racer would do that. And so, the race continued on to Mute City. Hopefully it wasn't too late to salvage the F-Zero Organization. But they were wrong! And the days events would soon prove this.    

NWR Forums Discord / Day 3: Big Blue.
« on: October 03, 2006, 09:24:09 PM »
The racers were making sure they fought hard this time. They knew they had to make up for yesterday. As such, it was the heaviest hitting race ever seen. Fans watched in awe over the destruction of the race cars. As the day wore on, it became apperant that two people were taking the most abuse. One such racer was Lily Flyer. The other was Clinton "Mighty" Gazelle aka Sir_Stabbalot. Although leading in damage for most of the race, Lily Flyer suddenly seemed to catch up as most abused. The outcome seemed in doubt until the twins, Gomar & Shioh, rammed Mighty Gazelle one last time.

Gazelle's racer spun wildly off the course, flipping through the air. Mighty Gazelle was thrown out of his racer far ahead onto the ground. He got up with only a slight bend in one leg. "Fools!" He yelled. "I am a cyborg! I am undestructable! I am Invinca---!" His words were cut short as his racing machine fell on top of him. It crushed him and sent peicies of him flying all over the ground. Lying there, with no legs and one arm, his racer burning atop of him and his torso slowly melting from the heat, Mighty Gazelle was still able to control his voice box and shout defiantly to the other racers. "Where do you think you're going? It's only a flesh wound. Come back here, you ---!" Again, Gazelle's speech was cut short as a giant sandshark came up from the ground and ate Gazelle and his racer. It would later choke from this decision and Gazelle would remain under the Sand Ocean's earth, slowly rusting away into oblivion.

After the race, everyone went to Gazelle's room at the Sand Ocean hotel. Searching through the room, they came upon a some mind control chips as well as some top secret documents. Reading through the documents, Beastman made an important discovery. "Mighty Gazelle was the mafia propagandist for the Legends mafia! He's been mind controlling Captain Falcon!"
"Hurry, we must save Captain Falcon," Jody Summer cried. "Yeah, sure, whatever" mumbled Black Shadow, Blood Falcon, Pico, Samurai
Goroh, Deathborn, Antonio Guster and a bunch of others, who proceeded to loiter in the room. But as it turned out, their efforts were too late.

Captain Falcon aka MattVDB was fixing his machine after another victory. "Man, that Blood Falcon is getting on my nerves," he muttered, fixing a dent caused by the Blood Falcon. Then he saw a reflection on the surface of his craft. Someone was sneaking up behind him. Captain Falcon wheeled around. "Who's there?" he yelled. "I am a bounty hunter much like yourself." "Show me your moves!" challenged Falcon. "You asked for it," replied the assailant. He brought a lead pipe down on Falcon's helmet, bashing it in. "Woah. Kind of dizzy there," Falcon said dazed. "Better unleash the big guns. Falcon Punch!" And with all his strength, he punched the assailant out of the room. "Need to sit down. Feel...I feel like I...need to buy something broken. Or..or take a dump," stuttered Falcon. But then another figure emerged from the shadows. "Who are you?" asked Falcon. "I'm your killer," came the answer. "Let's settle this at the next race," said Falcon, "Not like this. This is the coward's way." "I don't care," came the answer. Later, when the rest of the racers came to see Captain Falcon, they found him dead. Half the crowd cheered. Now they wouldn't have to worry about beating him anymore. "Let's llok through his belongings," cried Blood Falcon. "Good idea...son," replied Black Shadow. "Don't call me that ever again. I hate you, DAD!" responded Blood Falcon, who ran off crying. "Aww nuts. Hey son! Don't do this. Hey! Wait up," yelled Black Shadow running after Falcon. During all this commotion, Antonio Guster grapped a pile of papers from the Blue Falcon's cockpit. Going through them, he learned that Captain Falcon had become a corrupted townie, serving the Legends Mafia. He also found love letters to James McCloud. Man, I am so sick of learning about his love life, thought Antonio. Still, he best get rid of them.

So, Antonio went over to James. "Here. I have some love letters from your girlfriend," he said, tossing over the letters. James looked at them. "He's not my girlfriend! And I have a wife!" said James, defending himself. "Then how come none of us have seen her?" asked Antonio, "As far as I'm concerned, your "wife" is just something you made up to keep people from knowing what your really up doing or thinking." "Well, at least my wife doesn't have a mohawk," retorted James, "and her name isn't Antonio Guster aka KnowNothing!" "How did you know? I hate you!" yelled Antonio, running away from James. But as Antonio ran across the scorched desert, he ran into a MaxVelocity trap! MaxVelocity wanted the papers Antonio had on Captain Falcon's mind control, hoping it would give them clues to the identities of the other Legends Mafia members. And so Antonio ran right into a minefield and was blown to bits. The papers he had were scattered everywhere in the air. The noise of the explosion brought many racers to the scene. "Drat!" thought the MaxVelocity hitman, "Next time, I must kill my victim more quietly." The hitman ran over to Antonio's room at the hotel and searched through it. But there was nothing to be found there. It seemed Antonio was just a regular racer or townie who got mixed up in this crazy business.

By now, security forces were all over these races. Racers were sequestered to prevent anymore deaths. The news of Captain Falcon's demise shook the F-Zero racer world. Many fans blamed different racers for the disaster that had befallen the beloved race. Race officials felt it clear that the racers were trying to harm one another intentionally. They felt the great prize that was being offered the winner might have something to do with it. So, they warned the racers that anymore deaths would result in it being substantially lowered. But none of the racers said why they must keep hunting fellow racers. And so the race continued.

Meanwhile, Octoman aka Garnee was sitting bored by his racer. I don't like this killing, he thought. I just want to race and dance. This bores me. Plus, I hate every other racer. I'm playing for my kid's education but the other racers won't let me win. They think I should have to actually compete. Forget that and forget my kids. I'm going on an adventure with this magic bean. He ate the magic bean. Next thing he knew, he was piloting a ship fighting off Star Fox and his team. But then his ship was blown up and the explosion opened another rift between time and reality and he found himself being lifted up in a net off the oean floor. Soon, he was cooked and fried and served for eating at Red Lobster. MMM, that's good calamari. Octoman may have just been a regular racer or townie but he was a dumb one.

The Lane Corporation
The Time Lab

"Are you writing this information down?" asked the head.

"Yes, sir. Falcon mind-controlled. Mighty Gazelle is Legends Mafia."

"Good good. We need to know who the culprits are so we can send out a timeforce task team and prevent this disaster from happening. Someone start doing some background checks on who this killer might be." ordered the head.

QQQ: "It gets worse. Appearently, there was someone who snapped and just wanted to blow the rest of the racers up. He even planted a timebomb on one of them."

Everyone in the lab stopped for a moment in amazement.

"My god. Can't we get this thing to speak faster! We have to learn these developments faster!"

"We're trying sir."

QQQ: "If you thought that day was crazy, things got even worse at the Big Blue circuit. It turns out a couple racers learned the identity of a mafia member and blackmailed them. This caused each mafia to develop a mole within their organization."

"Wow," said the head.    

NWR Forums Discord / Mafio - GX: Day 2. Sand Ocean.
« on: October 02, 2006, 08:51:06 PM »
Maybe it was the fact that people still resented Mighty Gazelle and his roboticness or maybe it's because people like Captain Falcon and respected the fact they were on his home turf. Regardless, rumors started spreading that Mighty Gazelle was the way to go. But then before the race, it was found that his machine had been tampered with. Someone didn't get the memo and Mighty Gazelle was unable to race due to sabatoge. Instead, he was given a bye and credited a some points.

This threw the racers for a loop. It was so easy to blame Gazelle. Now who would they suspect. Some racers took potshots at Captain Falcon but that was to be expected. He has plenty of enemies. But instead of humilating him on his home world, Captain Falcon was able to live because someone else was angering the racers more.  Zoda aka Smoke39 was angering racers over his refusal to act as though there was a problem. But Zoda refused to join in with the rest of the racers. Plus, no one seemed to like the fact that he grew plants that killed people.

So, with the finish line coming towards them, John Tanaka made a decision. He decided to spare Captain Falcon and kill Zoda. He rammed Zoda's car hard to the side. It spun out of control flipping around on the track until it exploded in a flaming ball. Somehow, Zoda managed to eject himself. He ran on to the track, body ablaze. He started to stop drop and roll but never finished. Instead, 30 other racers drove over top of him. Officials are still trying to scrape his body of the track. The racers immediately went through Zoda's personal belongings, looking for a sign as to his intentions. All they found were rejected love letters to Mrs. Arrow and a restraining order from her. It appears Zoda was just a regular racer aka townie.

James McCloud spoke up and said he's like to take the love letters and restraining order over to Mrs. Arrow to let her know that she and her husband wouldn't have to worry about Zoda anymore. More to the point, James McCloud wanted to say that he was the one who stopped Zoda and ran over him more than the other racers. That should show up her husband. All these years and he couldn't stop Zoda. He arrived at Mrs. Arrow's docking bay. There he found Mrs. Arrow, aka 18 Days, lying dead on the ground. She was wearing her husband's super hero costume and a banana peel on her face.

"Does this mean Mrs. Arrow is actually Super Arrow and Super Arrow is actually Mrs. Arrow?" James McCloud wondered. The thought made him quesy. He decided to check the glove compartment of her vehicle for more clues. There he found a note attatched to the steering wheel. It read: "Not a Legend". Appearently, the Legend Mafia was responsible for this. Going through the glove compartment, James McCloud found only love letters from Jody Summers but nothing indicating Mrs. Arrow was anything but a regular racer or townie. James McCloud ran off to tell people what had happened and partly to get away from all the awful revalations he had just learned.

When the other racers learned what had happened, they were outraged. "I was better off not knowing her private life," lamented one racer. But with the banana as their only clue the racers hurried to confront Billy. How dare that monkey harm our men-roleplaying Jody Summer loving woman. They arrived at Billy's docking bay only to find Billy aka Spak-Spang was dead, slumped over a pile of bananas. Looking him over, they found that he had choked on his own feces. But on closer examination, Dr. Stewart noticed found out that this was no accident. "Look! These aren't real bananas. They're actually Billy's own feces. Someone forced these down his throat to make it look like an accident." It appeared there was another killer on the loose. One who acted alone. The racers went through Billy's belongings but it turned out that he too was just a regular racer aka townie like the rest of them. The racers went home dejected, knowing they would never again see Billy throwing his feces at them.

The racers travelled to Sand Ocean dejected. Until some one came to them with news. Another racer had died. This time it was Spade aka Zach. Appearently, Spade had been killed by a bounty hunter. There was a note left by the body stating just this fact. As startling as that was, the racers were more surprised that Spade was a mafia doctor for the Legends Mafia. It looks like the mafia didn't get away clean after all. But the biggest surprise was the revelation as to who was under Spade's mask. Removing it, people finally learned Spade's true identity was Richard Simmons. This sobering thought ended all of the racer's celebrations.

The racers sat in their cockpits, mulling over the days events. They knew that it had still been a good day for the mafia. As the sun of Sand Ocean beat down upon them, the racers sat sweating. But the sweat was not caused by the sun. No, it was the fear that they had to act fast or they would wind up like Zoda, Mrs. Arrow and Billy. And so, the racers waited for the start of the race, knowing it would be one of the most crucial races they ever participated in. And in a flash, they were off. The race had begun and so had a new day.    

NWR Forums Discord / Mafio - GX: DAY 1. Port Town. It finally begins!
« on: October 01, 2006, 08:33:36 PM »
The Lane Corporation.
HQ of Time Travel Affairs
Year - 3187.

"Anything yet?"

"Our techs believe they have almost fixed it."

"Well, tell them to hurry up. Time is already changing."

"Yes sir."

"This hunk of junk has the answers in its memory and we need them now."

"I know sir. But QQQ has always been a bit unreliable when it comes to memory."

"Not this time. We can't afford for that to happen."

The head of the Lane Corporation is not a happy man. Something has gone wrong in the past. It has its origins in the F-Zero GX Race: The F-Zero Circuits Championship. It was designed to be the biggest championship race ever over all the big circuits of the F-Zero organization. The Corporation had recently begun to see tremors in time. Investigation pointed them towards the event. But they weren't specific enough. All that was known was that there seemed to be the death of many racers during the tournament. And that it would have an impact on the race and everything it involved in the future. Now, the tremors are becoming much more severe. Some areas are readjusting to this new past incident while others have yet to be impacted. The Corporation is being hounded as to what's going on. And the only thing they have to help them figure it out is a broken robot named QQQ who was there during this time.

"Sir! We have memory. We are starting to extract it from QQQ now!"

"Take me to the lab now."

The Lab.

"Start playing from the beginning!"

"Yes sir."

The lab rat hit a button and QQQ sprung to life, telling his story.

QQQ: "The Championship started at Port Town. It had been decided to start there since it was Captain Falcon's home world. Captain Falcon had won the last F-Zero Championship, so it was decided to start this grand tournament on his home turf."

Port Town
Home World of Captain Falcon and the start of the F-Zero Circuits Championship.
Year - 2580

The idea had been bantered about for awhile. Rather than just racing on 5 or 6 course, there should be a tournament that encompasses all the major F-Zero tracks. That way, it would provide the ultimate answer as to who was the greatest F-Zero racer and there would be no bickering over fans as to which cup was harder or easier. Finally, it happened. And the F-Zero Circuits Championship was born. However, it produced some unwanted side effects.

Realizing that this would provide an answer as to who was the ultimate racer weighed on the minds of many. Not to mention the incredible prize that was to be given to the winner. This desire of prominence and riches led to the formation of two groups, the Legends Mafia and the MaxVelocity Mafia. The purpose of both groups was clear. Make an alliance with a few racers to protect one another so that one wins the Championship. In addition, they would work together to eliminate any competition during the race.

The Legends Mafia had formed first. The name came partly from their pride and in part with what they hoped to become. Rumours spread of its formation and soon a second group had formed. The MaxVelocity Mafia was named so for the speed with which they hoped to beat opponents and with their desire to get to the top fast.

When Don Genie was found dead before the race began, it became apparent that these groups were not rumours but real. The rest of the racers became aware that they had to spring to action to avoid the same fate as Don Genie. And since these mafias were so willing to kill them, they should be repaid the same kindness. But how? There were accusations but no one knew for sure who was involved in these groups.

The F-Zero race can be a dangerous thing. There have been accidents and deaths before. It just takes the twitch of a finger to "accidently" hit a fellow racer and knock him off the course. Indeed. That seemed to be the plan of action. In order to cover their deeds, racers would accidently bump who they felt was the offending party. Get hit enough and the damage to your craft could be so severe as to explode. And so as the countdown for the race began, the racers patiently waited. Watching to see who would hit who and trying to solve who wanted them dead. The countdown ended and the race was on.    

NWR Forums Discord / Mafio - GX: The player list. Who lives and who died.
« on: October 01, 2006, 05:55:06 PM »
All live players and their character

Shift Key - Jody Summer
ThePerm - Phoenix Lestrade
Vudu - Blood Falcon

All dead players and their characters.

18 Days - Mrs. Arrow
Smoke39 - Zoda
Spak-Spang - Billy
Zach - Spade
Sir_Stabbalot - Mighty Gazelle
MattVDB - Captain Falcon
KnowNothing - Antonio Guster
Garnee - Octoman
Bill - Lily Flyer
Mario - Super Arrow
Nyladrin - Beastman
Crimm - BioRex
Stevey - Black Shadow
TVMan - Micheal Chain
Infernal Monkey - Leon
Wandering - James McCloud
CouchMonkey - John Tanaka
Decoyman - Deathborn
Mystic Gohan - Princia
Ceric - PJ
Deguello - Samurai Goroh
Athrun Zala - Roger Buster
Pale - Mr. EAD
Svevan - Jack Levin
MaryJane - Dr. Clash
Dasmos - Robert Stewert
NuclearSpeed - Silver Neelsen
Blackfootsteps - The Skull
Mantidor - Gomar & Shioh
BigJim- Draq
ShyGuy - Pico

Live roles


Townie Idiot
The Magician

And 1 townie.          

See what the critics have to say about mafia X!

Vudu wrote:

You wrote a book and I don't have time to read it at the moment--when's the game start?


Whoops! I didn't even read the rules. I got it confused with Wandering's mafia.

Windyman wrote:

No offense, but you may have gone overboard in setting the game up. Maybe. FYI, I have an idea for Mafia XI that would make for an interesting game.

Kairon wrote:

this Mafia game just looks waaaay too hardcore for me.


I sang a song once.

Icecold had this to say:

I don't think I'll be able to make this one

Knowsnothing responded:

I have too much going on to participate

TheYoungerPlumber felt:

I'll think about it

Ian Sane said the following:

I'm happy that you want me to play but I don't think I have time to participate in it. I think if I was involved with a forum game it would be another distraction from work. Thanks very much for wanting to include me though. I do appreciate that.

That doesn't sound right. Hmm. Oh, part of his review said:

I'm a computer all day and it's boring

Yeah, that'll do.

Pryopizm the mighty was quoted as saying:

Nothing against you, Khush, but I'm going to sit this one out. I'll be back by the next game.

To which Mario responded by saying:

best mafia yet

Sharing similar sentiments was Decoyman, saying:

I can already tell it'll be a good one.

But perhaps the biggest testominal comes from Unclebob, Blacknmild2k1, Requiem, and please let me in, please who all said the following about joining this game:

So there you have it. How can you resist now? Don't miss out on the extravaganza that is the 10th edition of Mafia. You will say "wow"!

What can I say? I'm just excited.  

EDIT: MattVDB, Mantidor Jonnyboy117 and S-U-P-E-R have now said something about joining the game.  

NWR Forums Discord / Mafia X: The Rules, The Roles and The Sign-up
« on: September 23, 2006, 03:10:18 PM »
I'm a bit late with this because I seem to have caught Ty's cold. But enough of that. Let's get straight to it. Sorry Vudu. This won't be straight up mafia.

The Rules


For any newcomers, this is the way we're playing the game. In the game of Mafia, there are basically two sides. Innocents known as townies and Bad guys known as Mafia. The game is played over a course of days. Each day, everybody can vote for one person to be eliminated from the game. The person with the highest amount of votes is the one eliminated. The townies are trying to vote out the mafia while the mafia is trying to vote out the townies. This is not as easy as it sounds. The mafia have an advantage by knowing who all their members are, while the townies don't know who else is innocent besides themselves. The mafia also has another advantage by the fact that they can make a hit every night. The next day, the person who was voted out is killed in a little story and their role revealed. The person who the mafia hit is also killed and their role mentioned in the story as well.

Vote Rules

To vote, simply type in bold: VOTE (NAME) You may post anything else you want during the day or with that message. You can only vote for one person. If you wish to change your vote, make sure to erase the old vote. Only votes that are in bold will be counted. If you have two votes, neither will count.

You must vote at least once every two days. Failure to vote will result in death. If you have a reason for not voting in time, PM me before the third day of abscence to let me know.


If there is a tie at the deadline, there is a simple procedure for solving it. Anyone who has not voted that day has 10 minutes after the dead line to vote for one of the people tied up. If after 10 minutes, there is still a tie, anyone who didn't vote that day will be killed instead. So if there were 4 people who didn't vote, I'd randomly select one to die instead. Maybe 2 if I'm cranky. But what if everyone voted and there was still a tie. Then, there will be the 10 minute delay to change one's vote for someone else. If after the 10 minutes, there is still a tie, then those who are tied will be exempt and I will randomly select someone else to die. Should have saved yourself.

To Win

For the townies to win, every mafia member must be killed and only innocent townies remain.

For the mafia to win, they only have to get to the point where it is equal townies and mafia. Example, 3 townies left and 3 mafia members left. At that point, it is assumed the mafia take over.

Note: there are also different roles with a different win condition. Example, Suicide Bomber's win is to kill everyone. Also, if there are 3 mafia but 2 townies and the suicide bomber, the game does not end as the bomber could wipe out the mafia's advantage. The reverse is true also. If all mafia are voted out but the bomber is still alive, townies have not won yet as the bomber may have a chance to kill them all.

For all roles that don't belong in one of the two groups of mafia or townie, they are considered a faction of their own and will have a different win condition listed.

The Roles


In this game of mafia, we are starting out with only one mafia. However, if I feel a substantial amount of people have joined, I will add a second mafia. The second mafia will have the same roles as this one.

The Godfather

This is the head of the mafia. He is the one who ultimately decides who gets whacked each night. On the mafia's action night, he will send me the name of the person he chooses to have killed.

The Mafia Spy

Another mafia member. He has the ability to investigate any person to see what their role is. On the mafia's action night, he sends me the name of the person he wants investigated and I send him their role.

The Mafia Recruiter

A third mafia member. He has the ability to recruit people to join the mafia. However, his ability is limited. On the mafia's action night, he will send me the name of the person he wishes to have join the mafia. He will also choose a number between 1 and 6. Then, I will roll a dice. If the number matches, it's a succesful recruitment. If not, the recruitment fails. Also, the person who is being recruited does not know any of this unless the recruitment is succesful. They will then be sent a PM, letting them know they are now mafia.

The Mafia Doctor

Our fourth mafia member. The doctor has the ability to protect any one he chooses, except himself. There is one catch, however. The doctor can not use his ability until the townie doctor is killed. As long as the townie doctor is alive, the mafia doctor can not forge his credentials and start practicing medicine. Once he has his ability, each night, he will send me the name of the person he is protecting.

The Mafia Propagandist

A new role for the mafia. The propagandist has two abilites. Before the game begins, he will give me the name of one person he wants corrupted. This person can be anyone from the bomber to the cop to a rival mafia member if we add another mafia. This corrupted person effectively becomes another mafia member, swayed by propaganda. The propagandist can also tell the corrupted townie how to vote. The other ability the propagandist has is being able to cancel one person's vote each night. The propagandist will send me a PM of the person who's vote he wants cancelled.

The Corrupted Townie

Our final mafia member. The corrupted townie could be anyone. What's worse is that no one can know he's corrupted. If he is investigted, he will only register as a normal townie or any other role he might have. The corrupted townie only listens to the Propagandist, however and votes according to his wishes. If the propagandist is killed, the corrupted townie has a choice. Stay with the mafia or join the townies again. If he joins the townies, this action will be revealed in the story the next day. He is free to reveal anything he may know. If he stays with the mafia, he will then learn who all the mafia consists of if he doesn't know yet and he is free to vote how he wants, no longer controlled by the propagandist.

Final notes for Mafia Members

New Godfathers

The mafia has the ability to choose a new godfather any day.

To do so, all members must PM me saying they want a new godfather. They must also give me the name of the person they want to see as the new godfather. The corrupted townie can not vote, however anyone succesfully recruited can. Also the corrupted townie does not need to send a PM asking for a new godfather.

The new godfather will be the person with the most votes and the old godfather will be killed. If there is a tie, 2-2, then no one becomes godfather but the old godfather will still be killed. This means the mafia must solve their differences and elect a new godfather fast, otherwise they will make no kills.

Also, when making a succesful coup, I will only PM the new godfather, informing him of his extra role. I will not give the voting record nor will I PM the other mafia members letting them know who is the new godfather. That is the new godfather's responsibility. This means in a tie, I will not PM anyone. You will have to figure that out yourselves and revote.

The Mole.

Why would you vote your godfather? He might be the mole.

The mole is another new role. At the end of Day 2, I will randomly select one mafia member to become the mole except for the corrupted townie. The mole is a member of the mafia, working against the mafia. How does it work?

The mole will PM with a message. This message will contain the name of a mafia member and their role. It's the mole's choice who. The mole will also give me the name of the person he would like to send this information too. Then, I will PM that person with a package. The package will be the info the mole gave me. The mafia member's name and role. The person who recieves the package will only know it was given to him be the mole's role, i.e. Godfather, Spy, Doctor, etc.

This is significant because if that person ends up being recruited, he will know who the mole is. The mole must also be careful not to hit the townie idiot. The townie idiot will post the entire contents of the package including the mole's role.

The Townies

The Doctor

The doctor can protect anyone he wants, except himself. Before the day begins, he can PM me with a name if he wants or he can wait until the evening and PM me. Why wait? Well, if the doctor wants, he can save the person with the most votes. Then the person with the next amount of votes will be killed instead. If the doctor is corrupted, he will do the bidding of the propagandist and use his role as the propagandist wants. If he is recruited, he is free to protect who he wants. Of course, he will be working for the mafia in these cases. Also, if he is recruited or corrupted, the mafia doctor may begin practicing medicine. Neither doctor can protect the other.

The Cop

The cop is working for the townies and may investigate one person each night. He can see all roles except for the corrupted townie or the mole. And, like usual, the Godfather will show up as a townie. If the cop is corrupted, he'll do as the propagandist wants. If he's recruited, he uses his power for the mafia.

The Townie Idiot

The townie idiot is a drunk who can't keep anything to himself. Any information he is given will be revealed, except for his role, strangely enough. The townie idiot is playing for the townies but he it can be hard tell. What does this mean? If the townie idiot is corrupted, he will tell eveyone he's corrupted and who corrupted him. If he's recruited, he becomes the mafia idiot and starts naming names. Consider him a whammy.

The Drifter

I don't think I have ever seen this role used once. So, let's give it one more shot. The drifter has the ability to take over anyone's role. He just PM's me the name of the person he wants to become. That person is killed. Their role, whatever it may be, becomes the drifter's. Here's some added value to the role. If he's corrupted, he could take over the godfather role. Then the godfather would be in the hands of the propagandist. However, taking over a mafia role means he would stay mafia if the propagandist was killed. If he's recruited, he can take over anyone's role in the mafia if he wants. However, if uses his role and gets a different role outside of the mafia after being recruited, he still stay mafia.

The Magician

The magician is a new role. The magician can change the roles of anyone every night. How does that work? Each night, the magician PM's me the names of two people. I then will PM those people and inform them of their new role. There are some things to keep in mind. The magician never knows if the action was a success. No one else knows who has switched roles except for the librarian. Also, certain roles can not be switched. A mafia member can not switch roles with a townie. However, if two mafia members were selected, they could switch roles because they are in the same mafia. The mole role will never be switched. The corrupt townie could be switched. That spells trouble for the propagandist. The librarian role can not be switched. Yes, the magician can also use his name for switching roles and give his role to someone else.

The Librarian

Knowlegde is power. The librarian must figure out how to use that power correctly. The librarian will learn a ratio of people's roles. Say 30 people are playing, the librarian can the learn the roles of about 7 others. How does this work? Well, the librarian can ask to learn the roles for whoever he choses up to a limit, in this example, up to 7 people. The librarian can ask for this information before the game begins or any time thereafter. Nor does the librarian have to ask for all 7 choices right away. The librarian could chose to wait and learn about a person anytime they wished. Moreover, anyone the librarian asks about, that person's role will always be revealed. So, if someone is recruited or corrupted, the librarian will know this. If their role is switched the librarian will learn the new role but not who got the switched role unless that person is also on the librarian's list. The librarian can also learn who the mole is if that person is on the librarian's list. Obviously then, the librarian would be desired by the mafia. However, if the librarian is blabbermouth or unable to use this knowledge well, the librarian may soon be taking a dirtnap. Of course, corrupted, the librarian would do the propagandist's bidding. Recruited, the librarian aids the mafia.

The Bounty Hunter

The bounty hunter is out to rid the world of the mafia. He'll do it both the honest way (voting with everyone) and his own way (killing them himself). Yes, the bounty hunter fills the vigilante role. Each night, he can PM me the name of a person he wants killed. The catch is the person must be a mafia member. If he kills an innocent, he dies along with the innocent. If the bounty hunter is corrupted, he'll kill whoever the propagandist wants. But, the bounty hunter can not be recruited. He would kill himself and the recruiter before will joining a mafia. Brainwashing is different.

Non-Townie Roles

The Suicide Bomber

Yes, the bomber is back. New and improved. The bombeer may at any time, choose 3 people to blow up and die with him. If he is voted out, everyone who voted for him will be blown up. If a mafia hits him, two mafia members die: The godfather and another mafia member of the godfather's choosing. More than that, every two days that the suicide bomber lives, he plants explosives on someone else. Only I and the bomber know who else would be a walking time bomb. The librarian can know if that person is one on their list. The bomber has no rational except to see everyone die. As for the walking time bomb, if they are voted out, the suicide bomber can choose two people who voted for the time bomb to be killed with the time bomb. If corrupted, the bomber doesn't neccassarily do the propagandist's bidding. Because he is irrational, he still shows independence and does what he wants. If recruited, the bomber still does as he wants. If he wants to blow up a part of this mafia, he can. Moreover, the bomber can not win a mafia victory. He can only win by the death of everyone.

The Killer

The killer works alone. He is out for himself and himself only. He can only win by being the last one standing. The killer has a small advantage. Because he is an expert at what he does, he is the only one who can safely kill a time bomb or the bomber and not die. He can a make a hit every night against anyone he chooses. If he is corrupted, he does the propagandist's bidding. If he is recruited, he may win with a mafia victory.

That should be all the roles for now. I'll wait to see how many sign-up before deciding if we need a second mafia or some extra roles. It will sort of be like F-Zero Gx. The more people we get, the more stuff we can unlock. The reason I mention F-Zero GX is because that is the theme of the game!

The Theme

Yes, this mafia game will revolve around F-Zero GX. It was for that reason I gave no names for the roles. You can choose any character you want from F-Zero GX as your persona in the game. Except for Mr. Zero, the announcer. That role will be mine as the narrator. What's that you don't know many F-Zero Characters. Well, Wikipedia has a couple pages of racers for you as well as a brief bio of them. So choose the one that appeals to you and run with it.

The pages are:

F-Zero GX Racers

F-Zero AX Racers

Also, if you're looking for more personality about the racers, you can go to Gamefaqs and under the F-Zero GX Faqs, there is one entitled Interview FAQ. This is interviews done of the reacers and will give you more insight into their personality.

Finally, although I did a bit of searching, I wasn't able to find any good pics for avatars. If someone else has an idea of where to get some or can make them, we can hand out avatars for this game.

That's all for now. I'll post a brief intro story in a bit. Around the time the roles are about to go out. Now all that's left is to get our players.

Also, if you have any questions PM me or ask them in this thread.            

NWR Forums Discord / MAFIA Prologue
« on: August 13, 2006, 07:48:43 PM »
The following was also posted in the Mafia sign-up thread. But I thought I might as well try and troll the board with my offer. I hear it's the "in" thing to do.

I guess I should have signed on earlier but I wasn't sure if I wanted to play right now because I'm going to be pretty busy the first couple days. But then I felt, what if I survive those days? Then I'd have a chance and would be kicking myself for not playing. Plus, I have a new system for playing.

Give away my vote.

Yes, that's right! In order to survive, I, Khushrenada, will give you my vote each and every day for the promise that you will not kill me.

What does this mean?

If you're a mafia member and you pm me with a pledge to not kill me, I will vote with you the whole game and never against you. You tell me who to vote for and I will do it! All I ask is that you let me live until I'm the last person you need to whack in order to win.

But what about those townies? Why betray my own people? Well, fear not. If a townie takes me up on my offer, then they have just formed the first step in a townie voting block. They can use me to start votes against people they feel suspicious about and join that vote later. Moreover, by using me, I serve as a bodygaurd to deflect mafia away from them by having the mafia's target me, thereby allowing them to live another day and hopefully win.

That's all fine and good but I have a special role that keeps from ever winning the game. Why should I care? Glad you asked my good friend for I have something to offer you. Since you sadly already have one foot in death's door, you'll want to wreak vengence on all those who put you in this position. But since you can't take every one with you, why not use me as a weapon to fire all sorts of baseless and innacurate suspicions all over the place, thereby ensuring everyone will be too muddled to know what to think or who to trust and lament how much better things were before you were dead. Plus, if you decide to really shoot me off on all sorts of tangents, people may get so fed up with my antics that they vote me out, thereby making me one less person for you to take on your way out.

But there must be rules. Rules!

Who will be the lucky winner of such an advantage if one is able to keep it past mid-game?

I will check my messages every ten minutes from this post. If I find a few people have PM with the message, "I request your services" (thereby not giving anything away). I will PM back the first person to send me a message and ask, "Do you accept my offer?" If they have changed their mind, I will move on to the next person.

But, if they do want my vote, they must PM me back stating so and inform me of what I can expect from them. i. e. mafia help, do as I say, you're going to be nuts!, etc. I will then make a post informing people "my services have been requested."

There is one word of caution though. If someone else, PM's me later with a better offer, I will switch loyalties. Howver, the person I was previously with will be informed who has made the new offer. If the offer is not better, then the person sending the new offer will be informed that their bid has failed. However, no information about the bid or bidder will be revealed, so no one else will know it ever happened.

So, with those pleasentries out of the way,


Nintendo Gaming / Speculation and handicapping the NPA
« on: March 11, 2006, 01:25:42 PM »
I don't know about you but I like to speculate! For instance, speculating on playoff match-ups or award shows. Because of that, I thought it might be fun to take a look at the Nintendo Power Awards and speculate on the outcomes. Other people could throw in their predictions as well. Then, at the end of the month, when the actual results are published in Nintendo Power, we can see how we did. So, with that let's take a look at the match-ups and how I see them panning out.

1. GCN Game of the Year

-Donkey Kong Jungle Beat
-Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance
-Peter Jackson's King Kong
-Prince of Persia: The Two Thrones
-Resident Evil 4
-Tony Hawk's American Wasteland

My prediction:
1. RE4
3. FE:PoR
5. PoP:TTT

Most likely RE 4 is going to be the one to walk away with most of the awards and this should be one of them. The real challenge is figuring out where the rest of the nominee's will fall. I have a feeling THAW will most likely be last, followed by PoP:TTT, which, although critically praised, doesn't seem to have had made a real splash with gamers. It's possible that may be liked enough to move up to fourth over King Kong, which was faulted for being too short. However, I believe both of these games sold less than my top three choices and that's what's going to limit them. The games that were played by the most people are going to be the ones that get the most votes. That's why I think DKJB will get second place. Although RPG's usually do well, FE just didn't sell as many copies as DKJB and won't receive as many votes.

DS Game of the Year

-Animal Crossing: Wild World
-Castlevania: Dawn of Sorrow
-Mario Kart DS
-Mario & Luigi: Partners in Time
-Sonic Rush

My Predictions:
2. AC:WW
3. C:DoS
4. M&L:PiT
5: Nintendogs
6. SR

This is one of the toughest catagories to predict because these are all good titles and most are big sellers. Mario Kart has been the biggest seller though and a DS game many people have been waiting for. Plus, it was the first MarioKart game to go online. These factors will probably make it the winner. Sonic Rush has sold the least I believe and so may get the least amount of votes. However, with strong support from Sonic fans it might end up higher. Nintendogs has sold the most but I believe the luster has fadded somewhat and many won't consider it a game like the others listed. Mario & Luigi is another great game but again, I feel it has less exposure. Also, it has been mentioned that the game is a bit on the short side with not much besides the main quest and the fact that it could have explored it's time elements more. Castlevania is another game that has done well. Even Ian Sane has a copy. But I think Wi-Fi connection is going to count for more and so more votes will be given to MK. AC is much different from Castlevania and attracts a different crowd as wll. The votes of that different crowd will help propel it to number two but less sales will affect it. Still, there could be an upset in this catagory.

GBA Game of the Year

-Final Fantasy IV Advance
-Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stones
-Gunstar Super Hereos
-The Legend of Zelda: The Minish Cap
-Pokemon Emerald
-WarioWare: Twisted

My Predictions

Another tough catagory. Zelda vs. Pokemon. Even though Emerald sold more than Zelda, I have a feeling Zelda will still win, though it will be based more on name recognition. Gunstar will probably end up last, though that's due to sales again and thus less people playing it. Same with Final Fantasy, though name recognition may help again. Fire Emblem has it's fans and as I've said before RPGS do well, but I think Warioware will get more votes due to the fact that with all these RPGs, the votes will be split among them. Non RPG players may vote for Wario. Plus, it's a really fun game. Still, this should be a Zelda versus Pokemon contest.

That's it for now. I need a break. But if you're interested, I could post some more of the catagories later.

Nintendo Gaming / Revolution launches in November
« on: January 18, 2006, 07:47:09 AM »
Iwata says they hope to launch Revolution before Thanksgiving. Ign has an article.

Here's the Link

There's goes the theory of launching in the Summer to start countering the Xbox360.  

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