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Messages - Lao-tzu

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General Chat / Kazaa Sharing Help
« on: July 26, 2003, 09:27:54 AM »
K, I've tried all sorts of big forums for computer help, but no one has found answers.  I think this is because, well, kids use Kazaa, and adults who go to Windows whatever Help forums do not.

So, here I am... asking you all..

I'm trying to share a file of my own.  (and yes, it REALLY is my own) It's a movie that I made.  It's a windows Media Player file, and I put it in my Shared Folder.

I changed the filename, the title, the artist, the description and the keywords.

However, when people search for it, they cna't find it.

What am I missing??  No one can see my movie.

(Also, the file works fine, on my computer and on other computers.  Once the file is found (searching my user) it downloads fine.... I just need to be able to search for it)

Nintendo Gaming / Zelda soundtracks? Which is the best?
« on: May 08, 2003, 08:01:55 PM »
OoT beats all by 43 points.

I disagree.  People are changing all the time, and mostly for silly and small reasons.

It doesn't have to be deep and meaningful, like turning into a princess.. it can be quirky and fun, but also very truethful.

Majora's Mask had a town full of people and they all changed in 3 days, not 7 years.

(Of course, they did have some major stuff happening...)

But some of those quests involved totally trivial things.

Plus, big things were happening, why didn't they respond to those?

I'm pretty sure I've never been there.

Which is an other thing about the game I was disapointed by.. the build up of the story.

I had 3 hearts over half, no extended magic metre, didn't have 2 places on my item screen done, hadn't done the camera quest, found out what that guy likes that's round and white.  (Or something), found Lerenzos girlfriend, found who writes letters, did anything with Tingles slaves (hahaha)..

Oh.  Or watered any plants.

...And this is only what I remember off the top of my head.

And why did I not complete all this?  Well, because I thought that I wasn't going to actually be able to beat Ganon.  I figured, duh, I'll try, there'll be a cut sceen.. and the second half of the game starts.

Gosh, lets look at the requiered elements to the game:

2 dungons for 2 stones.
1 stone given to you.

1 dungon to get down there.

2 dungons for a working sword

search and rescue for 16 things (map and pieces)

..And you're done?

Anyway.. I think I was just being optimistic, but yeah.

An other problem was the lack of characters.

When I say characters, by the way, I mean someone who changed during the span of the game.

In OoT, the guy who carries the wood was not a character, but his boss was.

In my opinion, that bird race relationship thing was a flop.. I just couldn't get into it..

And Maker changed.. but the other people of that race turned into little quest markers.

Nintendo Gaming / what about the gerudos?
« on: May 03, 2003, 09:27:40 PM »
Who else thinks it's really hot that so many girls in Arabia bikini tops and cool see threw pants all live together?

It is two characters.

You pick Mario, and he races.. and you will press a button when you're near to someone elses cart and Peach or DK will jump on.

(Or so I think)

The first part is right, the second, maybe not.

The ending when she... had different clothes on?

Sorry, but that doesn't change her character.

"Tetra did not change her personality. Initially, right when she changed, she was confused, so she may have seemed meek. On the roof, though, did you not notice her at all? Her comments and sly winks that are so common with Tetra? The fact that she helped you battle Ganondorf? And afterward, back on the surface, she was just the same as always."

Okay, I'll buy that she was confused or meek when she made the change, but that's an awful waste of a good character expanding moment.

But that obvious forshadowing line "You stay here where it's safe" to the bad ass pirate chick.. lead to nothing.

Also, yeah she helped in the last battle, but she did so just like Zelda did in OoT (A VERY different character)

Even in the mannor it wsa done.. She walked with a princessly air, and shooting an arrow.

The obvious thing to would be have her do something that shows off her pirate liniage.  Then we could all go "Ha!  I knew that would come in handy!"

Nintendo Gaming / what about the gerudos?
« on: April 30, 2003, 06:52:14 PM »
That's what comes of a dictatorship.  If they had a constitutional monarchy with free elections then Ganondorf would end up as the official opposition.

Nintendo Gaming / The ultimate ending to the ultimate game!!!
« on: April 30, 2003, 06:49:33 PM »
He did this, by the way, from what, inside his seal?  (Unsolved mystery #1)

And how did he cause this wind to blow?  (Unsolved mystery #2)

And why did the wind that brought Ganondorf sand and hot bring Hyrule water?  (Unsolved Myserty #3)

Nintendo Gaming / What happened to the Kokiri?
« on: April 30, 2003, 06:29:53 PM »
Oh wow.

"If they leavethe forest they die, but in the end their dancing in the field"


They're in the field because they were characters in the game, and they needed to be in the ending.  Nothing more, nothing less.

There is no signifiance to plot when you see Mido and co. around a bonfire of ALL THE CHARACTERS.


Having said that, if I were to make the rules, it would defignitly be a "they die because they grow old and feel the effects of aging, unlike how they are in the forest"

Nintendo Gaming / what about the gerudos?
« on: April 30, 2003, 06:25:54 PM »
They were all killed.

By the hot days, and the cold nights, and when Ganendorf decided to whip up some wind to cover the land in water he forgot that their houses were made of sand.

Well, gosh.  I just finished the game and I have a few complaints.


What went wrong??

Now, I'm not a 'it needed to look realistic like OoT did"  That's silly, given that OoT had characters with huge eyes, and heads cartoonly proportioned to their bodies.

So why does everyone think OoT was realistic?

Because it drew us in, and made itself part of our imagination.  It had story, story , setting, and story.  And characters.

Guess what?  Saria (or something) in OoT didn't look as realistic as your sister in WW, but you *cared* when she got captured.  It was because she was a character, and you care about characters.

WW lacked any setting.  Physically, yes, it had a setting, but really.. what was new?  What sparked your imagination?  Water?  You've seen it beofre, and this was not the impressive water you can see at many beaches.

(That being said, I live on the coast, so maybe other people haven't seen the ocean so much)

We have Fields, Castles, and mountains too.. So why did OoT Hyrule appear so great?

Because it wasn't "realistic" it was the best type of fantasy:  it gives us something un-real, and makes us believe in it.

Why wern't the waves huge, why wasn't there any white caps.  The WW ocean did nothing for me.

"But it was so big"

Big doesn't make a game good.  In fact, if you took 3 stages in an adventure, and put them in a small area, then it would seem small, but you'd have a lot to do.

WW was big, but didn't have many more stages then the smaller OoT.

And thus: sailing became a chore, because there wasn't intersting trees to roll into, or holls to find, or anything else.

Windfall island was the best of the game.  In a TINY area, they fit a ton of game play.  There's all sorts of neat things to do.


And the worst part (with spoilers) is this:

Where was that twist ending I've been hearing about?  Where was the increadible boss fight I read in all the reviews.  Did I miss something?  It was the classic Zelda story, without introducing Zelda as a princess.  (They turned a good character, Tetra, into Zelda, and promplty forgot that she had a character.  THey ignored her mind once she changed clothes)

So maybe I missed something.  I was expecting (what turned out to be) the last fight, to be a "Ganon kicks my ass and I need to go see the sages" thing.

So I do it, and then they do a cut sceen that puts me on a roof and in the last fight of the game?


So yeah.  I LOVED OoT and MM was okay... But I'm not a Nintendo fan, I'm a quality fan.  I'd apreasiate no "lay off Zelda" "go get an x-box" or whatever, but I'd like some thoughts (even if they're different) about the points I just said.

Nintendo Gaming / The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker General Help
« on: April 30, 2003, 09:52:48 AM »
This question has SPOILERS.. so don't read it if you haven't beaten the game, or are about to.

...Or unless you want to read it really badly.

OK, I'm in the last level, and I'm about to face Ganon, but I want to go back to the surface.  Now I know (now) that to get up there you go into the room filled with water that has 4 switches on the walls.

You hit them in the order they were shown.  Only one problem.  What was that bloody order?

Nintendo Gaming / Another Zelda in development?
« on: April 20, 2003, 09:01:06 PM »
Well, with all this talk about cell shading, I think it's important to think about this:

Cell- shaded WW looked a WHOLE OT like OoT.  It was clearer, and more defigned, but it was OoT.  (And MM)

I don't think cell shading was enough to make WW innovative in the Zelda series.  It will be remembered as the game that came after OoT..and that's fine - it is, after all, a sequel.

But I garentee that the next zelda game will not be such a similar game to OoT and MM.

Nintendo is putting the emphisis on innovation this coming year, and I think they are going to have to redefine Zelda.

That means a complete gameplay style change.  It could be more dungons, less exploration, no more z-targeting, all talking and towns, or something else totally unexpected.

You won't be seeing an other Wind Waker, or a game that goes .. "And THEN Link goes somewhere else, and saves it."

Think different Link, Different world, Different style.

Nintendo Gaming / OoT and Master Quest Discussion
« on: February 14, 2003, 08:50:17 PM »
I asked before.. but I can't find my post or the responces (since they would be together)

So my questions this:

I live in Canada..

I haven't pre-ordered yet..

I want the bonus disk..

Can I get it?  How?

(Because when talked to my local EB they told me that two weeks ago was some ut off time.. but is that only for when they ship it too you?  Beats me, anyway...)

TalkBack / Zelda Bonus Disc Details
« on: February 14, 2003, 02:25:31 PM »
Well, I live pretty close to Langly BC (Hi fellow BCer)

And I'm confused about this pre order stuff.

I haven't pre- ordered yet.  Can I pre order now and get that bonus disk?

OK, I'm confused.

First:  I live in Canada  (grr) so things are wierd.

Second:  I called my local EB (when I say local, I mean a while away)... (this is maybe two weeks ago) ...And they said- I could pre order- but ... that today (two weeks ago) was the LAST DAY to do it.

Well, I couldn't get there in time.. so i got.. NOTHIN'

But now people are talking about disks at the store??  Can i pre order NOW to get my bonus disk?

Nintendo Gaming / Weirdest Side Quest
« on: February 11, 2003, 04:38:47 PM »
Well, that Kafei/ kid/woman/mask/thief/marrage quest was a doozy.

If anyone's playing the import Zelda... could you tell me (And please don't give details, surprizes are what makes games great)

But are there a lot of quirky side quest?    (*crosses fingers*)

Nintendo Gaming / Zelda game after windwaker
« on: February 09, 2003, 11:38:44 AM »

Someone said this, but it cant be stressed enough.  Level Design!!  No more fire water ice stuff.  Make temples what they actually are.  Temples.  Candle Lighting and scrolls, lots of secrets passages and cool tricks to go to the next area... not as much fighting, but more problem solving ala Indiana Jones.

Also, in the overworld area.... more fighting.  Redesign the fighting system, and have it action packed- but still easy.  Have all sorts of cool moves, and stuff..

I think it'd be cool (Al though maybe wouldn't work) to have the c-stick control the sword hand.. and you could actually parry like that..
(Not to mention the A=attack that changes depending on how your sward and how your joystick is being held) (and b=the same except defensive moves)


The same old.  The same weapons?? NO.  The same story?? NO.  Why must we always have the same music, for that matter.

Yes, it was all good.... but new is good too.

Zelda didn't become so great by sticking to some preset design.

The best game, OoT of course, totally reinvented the way zelda, never mind other 3D adventure games, worked.

So enough with the '...but still retains many elements from the series."

Nintendo Gaming / GBA SP
« on: February 02, 2003, 08:46:17 PM »
I think we need to start looking at the new games that will come out with the SP.

There's no new tech advancments in the hardware...

And they're running out of ideas and old games to emulate (plus the usual few levels extra)

So what coems next?

Keep in mind this is also the cellphone game industry that it'll be trying to hone in on too.

Nintendo Gaming / GameCube's Appeal to the Teen Audience
« on: February 02, 2003, 08:37:47 PM »

Except "surprizingly" that was very nice.


Now when do I become a staffwriter?

Nintendo Gaming / Official F-Zero Thread
« on: February 02, 2003, 08:34:09 PM »
You can race up to about 30 people.

But will that be good without the AI?  I don't think so.

That's why I'm goig to wait scepticually until I rent before I get excited about F-0.

Nintendo Gaming / GameCube's Appeal to the Teen Audience
« on: February 02, 2003, 08:29:01 PM »
I have to say... I disagree with all of you.

Nintendo doesn't have an image problem.

Let's look at this from their perspective, not ours.

Nintendo owns the hand held market.  Period.  There's no competition.  Everyhand held unit or game sold, Nintendo makes money.

They own the kid market.  Period.  Parents who know nothing about their kids games or wants get the Gamecube because it's purple.

And, like movies, this is a huge market that's getting bigger every day.  And nintendo owns it.  The other systems, what can the kids get?  Sports games- the games every system has.

Now lets look at the NESers.  They want to old franchises.  They love that there's a new Metroid game.  They'll buy Yoshi's Island: Cubed.  Nintendo owns this market.

And which concol is a user-friendly looking system.  Everything is is clear english.  The quality control is better then the other systems.  People who want to casualy buy a game are better off with a GameCube then an X-Box.

Hmm.. Nintendo is doing pretty well..

So let's look at what catagory most of us fit into.


Is teens a huge market?  It's pretty big.  But it's only one market.  And it's expensive too.  You have to keep up with the trends.

Plus, every teen has a PC.  They spread their market over at least two systems.

And so, yes.  I know why you complain.  You're a minority.  You're the teens or college kids who went for Nintendo without them trying for your buisness.

And you say, 'I like Nintendo, why don't others?'  That's fair enough.

But then you make up reasons.  The teen market is valuable.  They need to do this or they'll go under.

But that's just not true.  Nintendo is doing fine, with or without you.  They don't need to take away buisness from x-Box to stay in buisness.

Nintendo Gaming / Official F-Zero Thread
« on: February 02, 2003, 02:27:49 PM »
One thing about F-0 I hope they don't skim over is computer AI.

What's worse then a racing game where your oponents might as well not be there.

(Sure, technically it'll always be against a time.. but you can mask it)

I mean, Mario Kart 64 had it (a bit).. and that's what made it so fun.

You'd shoot the leader.. then someone would shoot you...  *sigh* good times..

And F-0, with all those opponents, had better have some great nose to nose car chases.

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