Author Topic: What is the last game you beat? Thoughts/impressions?  (Read 554592 times)

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Offline ejamer

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What is the last game you beat? Thoughts/impressions?
« on: April 25, 2013, 11:25:44 AM »
We have a thread where many people track/brag about new purchases... why not one to talk about games that you have finished (or are at least finished with)?

Recently, I've made a concerted effort to reduce my backlog and have completed the following games:
  • N.O.V.A. (PSP Minis) - Got it for a dollar, still left disappointed. Functional FPS that really doesn't do anything to stand out or make it worth playing. Would've rather applied this dollar to any or a handful of other games.
  • Resident Evil: The Mercenaries 3D (3DS) - Has some issues, but lots to unlock and a fun game to pick up in short sessions. Still think that $20 is a stretch... but don't regret paying for it.
  • PixelJunk Monster Deluxe (PSP) - Solid tower defense game that plays well. If you don't like tower defense then this probably won't change your mind though. Still have two bonus islands and many challenges to play though... will probably go back and keep playing despite seeing the credits roll.
  • Suikoden Tierkreis (DS) - Slow start to this RPG, and the voice acting is... odd.  But after getting into the game, I really enjoyed the story and characters. Great production values helped make it a relaxing experience. Highly recommended, and made me interested in grabbing the PSOne Classic original.
So what about you?
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Offline Pixelated Pixies

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Re: What is the last game you beat? Thoughts/impressions?
« Reply #1 on: April 25, 2013, 12:38:54 PM »
I've finished these games up in the last two weeks.
Luigi's Mansion 2 - Adorable, funny, pretty... almost overstays it's welcome.
Harmoknight - So...much...polish! Also, those bird levels are hard as nails!
The Walking Dead Episodes 1-4 - Great character development and some good story threads. I'm not as enamoured with the gameplay though.
Gouge away.

Offline azeke

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Re: What is the last game you beat? Thoughts/impressions?
« Reply #2 on: April 25, 2013, 01:02:15 PM »
Depends on what you mean by "beat".

I "beat" NSMB U last sunday, credits and all. But to 100% it, like i did with NSMBWii, will probably take just as much time.

Great final battle. I wish entire game was as zoomed out like in final boss fight. Enormous levels with huge changing environmental hazards and a tiny little red-blue speck that is Mario.

I already posted my thoughts on La Mulana and Donkey Kong 94 endings.
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Re: What is the last game you beat? Thoughts/impressions?
« Reply #3 on: April 25, 2013, 01:16:13 PM »
Metal Gear Rising: Revengance was the last game I beat.
I had a great time with it.  You're certainly not going to get much of a story to it (which may be good/bad, depending on your preferences for Kojima storytelling), but I feel the game does a great job of making you feel powerful while still providing new challenges throughout the game.  The slicing is incredibly satisfying, although I can't place my finger on what about it makes it so compelling to do. 
The only big negative I have against the game is that it's woefully short, but I can see myself playing through it a few more times to get all the weapon/costume upgrades. 
Definitely look into it if it goes on sale anytime soon, and you're a fan of 3D Action games.

Offline ejamer

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Re: What is the last game you beat? Thoughts/impressions?
« Reply #4 on: April 25, 2013, 02:49:05 PM »
Depends on what you mean by "beat".

Totally subjective. I don't care if people see credits roll, but that's typically when I consider a game beaten to a satisfactory level. Everything afterwards is gravy.

The topic is just to give people who actually play through their games a place to talk about it instead of only encouraging posts from people who thrift/buy games.

I already posted my thoughts on La Mulana and Donkey Kong 94 endings.

Awesome to hear that you finished La Mulana - Congrats! Having kids has limited TV time, and it's been a long time since I sat and enjoyed a console game.  Really need to get back on that game sometime though - it left a tremendous impression early on, and even if some puzzles become too obscure later it's something I'd like to keep playing.
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Offline ShyGuy

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Re: What is the last game you beat? Thoughts/impressions?
« Reply #5 on: April 25, 2013, 03:31:28 PM »
Thirty Flights of Loving (PC) Fun, short PC game, not much gameplay, but the story telling is fantastic. Made by the same guy who did Gravity Bone

Little Inferno (Wii U) Twisted, TWISTED puzzle game, enjoyed the ending.

Games I will probably never 100% complete but enjoy: Need For Speed U, Nano Assault Neo

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Re: What is the last game you beat? Thoughts/impressions?
« Reply #6 on: April 25, 2013, 04:15:33 PM »
Kingdom Hearts Re:coded.

Turned out to be more entertaining than I expected from a port of a mobile phone game. I still need to finish up some of the post-game stuff though.

Offline alegoicoe

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Re: What is the last game you beat? Thoughts/impressions?
« Reply #7 on: April 26, 2013, 09:08:49 PM »
Castlevania: LOS, beautiful but deeply flawed in execution.

Trine 2, also a very good looking game with amazing art design, but the physics sucks.
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Offline ShyGuy

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Re: What is the last game you beat? Thoughts/impressions?
« Reply #8 on: April 26, 2013, 10:33:43 PM »
I need to go back and finish Trine 2

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Re: What is the last game you beat? Thoughts/impressions?
« Reply #9 on: April 26, 2013, 10:44:25 PM »
I've been beating XCOM on a weekly basis for the last month. I can't stop!

Offline alegoicoe

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Re: What is the last game you beat? Thoughts/impressions?
« Reply #10 on: April 26, 2013, 11:03:53 PM »
I need to go back and finish Trine 2

I enjoyed it a lot, but some puzzles just don't work, especially when the physics start getting wonky, afterwards it becomes more about trial and error which can get frustrating very quickly.
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Offline oohhboy

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Re: What is the last game you beat? Thoughts/impressions?
« Reply #11 on: April 30, 2013, 01:52:57 AM »
Deus EX Human Revolution (Mac). An amazing game that far more heavily favors stealth over brute force than the original game. It's a weird design decision since the first game gave no XP for taking down enemies, only for progressing through the game, sidequests and exploration. It meant the optimal way to play the game is not to completely sneak through a level, but to knock everybody out without being seen giving you maximum XP.

The level design is a touch more linear than the original, but the levels are much larger, especially the city hub levels full of places to explore. The dialouge sequences are well done. While the facial expressions aren't really up to snuff when it comes to readability, the VA more than makes up for it along with the ability to consider what you are going to say next. The opposite of this are the infamous boss fights which are brutal stand up fights completely out of tone with the rest of the game.

If you haven't played this and have a WiiU, this should be a game you should get.
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Offline azeke

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Re: What is the last game you beat? Thoughts/impressions?
« Reply #12 on: May 07, 2013, 10:54:10 AM »
I "beat" Nano Assault Neo.

Again, i'm stretching definition of "beat" here, i just beat all four "campaigns" (three levels+boss each) and unlocked survival mode. "I'm done with it" is probably closer.

Main problem with the game is balance, most enemies in later level take way too many shots to kill and that turns it into a bore. Last "campaign" was especially unfun with swarms of extremely durable enemies.

I like arcade difficulty and online leaderboards make the game a bit more fun, but as of now i'm done.
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Offline Pixelated Pixies

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Re: What is the last game you beat? Thoughts/impressions?
« Reply #13 on: May 07, 2013, 12:00:45 PM »
Main problem with the game is balance, most enemies in later level take way too many shots to kill and that turns it into a bore. Last "campaign" was especially unfun with swarms of extremely durable enemies.

Yeah, Nano Assault EX it reminded me of Bit.Trip Fate in that sense.
I thought Nano Assault EX was a decent game, but I did find it a little boring.
Gouge away.

Offline azeke

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Re: What is the last game you beat? Thoughts/impressions?
« Reply #14 on: May 08, 2013, 12:36:45 AM »
I was talking about Wii U game, and it's disheartening to hear that 3DS game has the same problem.

Shin'en sure can provide great visuals, but i wish gameplay in some of their game was better.
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Offline Oblivion

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Re: What is the last game you beat? Thoughts/impressions?
« Reply #15 on: May 08, 2013, 12:52:29 AM »
What about the original Nano Assault on the 3DS? I'm curious to see how the original cart game fared to the downloadable sequels.

Offline azeke

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Re: What is the last game you beat? Thoughts/impressions?
« Reply #16 on: May 08, 2013, 12:58:35 AM »
What about the original Nano Assault on the 3DS? I'm curious to see how the original cart game fared to the downloadable sequels.
From what i understand EX is the same as original game with some patches.
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Re: What is the last game you beat? Thoughts/impressions?
« Reply #17 on: May 08, 2013, 01:00:59 AM »
What about the original Nano Assault on the 3DS? I'm curious to see how the original cart game fared to the downloadable sequels.
From what i understand EX is the same as original game with some patches.

Glad I didn't buy it because I was really tempted to yesterday.

Offline azeke

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Re: What is the last game you beat? Thoughts/impressions?
« Reply #18 on: May 09, 2013, 03:01:12 PM »
100%-ed Toki Tori 2. Took me 40+ hours (what? i'm slow methodical about my games).

Had to ask on MiiVerse for the last collectible. It was incredibly obvious in retrospect, but it probably would have taken me another hour of roaming around. MiiVerse is perfect for this and i got a hint literally minutes after i posted my question.

Great game. Highly recommended if you can deal with hard puzzles. Amazing how many different things you can do in the game with just two basic actions.
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Offline Pixelated Pixies

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Re: What is the last game you beat? Thoughts/impressions?
« Reply #19 on: May 09, 2013, 03:11:47 PM »
After playing Mega Man 3 for Retroactive I decided to play through Mega Man X 2 again for some perspective on the series. For my personal tastes I still prefer the original series, but goddamn if X 2 isn't just a great game. So much fun.
Gouge away.

Offline ejamer

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Re: What is the last game you beat? Thoughts/impressions?
« Reply #20 on: May 13, 2013, 08:48:28 AM »
Zero Escape: Virtue's Last Reward (3DS)

Really enjoyed the story. I feel like the writing was probably better here than in 999, although the plot was less spectacular. Playing through multiple times for different endings was also made much easier (and faster, and clearer) than in the previous game - something much appreciated given how complicated the storyline gets.

Still a hard game to recommend openly, because there is more reading than actually playing involved. But anyone who liked 999 or Hotel Dusk and has an interest in wild science fiction should consider giving this game a shot.
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Offline Oblivion

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Re: What is the last game you beat? Thoughts/impressions?
« Reply #21 on: May 13, 2013, 10:14:30 AM »
So, we played this at almost the same time, huh?

Offline ejamer

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Re: What is the last game you beat? Thoughts/impressions?
« Reply #22 on: May 13, 2013, 01:13:02 PM »
So, we played this at almost the same time, huh?

Looks like it.  Took me a long time to finish since it was often played either right before bed (and I'd fall asleep while playing) or while other activities were going on. The log, flow, and skip features were excellent in this game, and very helpful for me!

Worth noting that Oblivion started a separate thread for discussion here:
Hasn't really gotten into any details yet, but will probably move into spoiler territory pretty quickly because otherwise there won't be much to discuss.
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Offline oohhboy

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Re: What is the last game you beat? Thoughts/impressions?
« Reply #23 on: May 19, 2013, 12:51:24 AM »
Serious Sam: BFE.

It took Too long to become a Big Fucking Encounter. The last level is absolutely epic. It also needed more varied environments, it's 100% set in Egypt, so it's all sandy yellow. The level designs aren't as creative as the first 2 games. It's not a bad game or anything, just takes too long to hit peak explosions.

Stange for me to say this, but they needed to Micheal Bay the **** out of this game.
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Re: What is the last game you beat? Thoughts/impressions?
« Reply #24 on: May 19, 2013, 10:35:50 AM »
Final Fantasy II/IV on the Super Nintendo. This is my first time playing it and it's really really good. The difficulty does spike super high in the last dungeon. I feel like the instances of random battles increased rapidly and I gained six or seven levels before I got to the final boss, which was a pain with the move that leeches life and the other move that drops you down to 2 hp. Good game overall. I like how short it is.
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