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Messages - Chozo Ghost

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$60 for the trilogy is only $20 per game, which is very reasonable.

« on: September 28, 2012, 12:53:08 AM »
Chozo Ghost is the tendoboy1984 of NWR forums.

If it was me (and its not) it would actually be tendoboy1982

Tinfoil hat thought: What if this was the plan all along? Announce Mass Effect 3 for Wii U then a few months down the line announce that the Wii U version is actually the entire trilogy all for $60, kind of like those informercials that supposedly double or triple the value by giving you extra things when really that's pretty much the entire deal from the get go.

That would be a smart move. Obviously they couldn't announce it was the trilogy coming to Wii U because that would have hurt sales of ME3 for PS360, so by announcing it as ME3 for the Wii U no one gets upset, and then at the last minute they can reveal that what the Wii U is actually getting is the trilogy all along.

Hopefully that's how it turns out, but we shall see.

But it leaves out any explanation as to why MS approved the Sony port of ME1... :D

I explained this months ago. Microsoft's exclusivity deal probably expired. ME1 came out in 2007 and it is now 5 years later. The contract was probably for 5 years, and so its over now. Do you seriously think EA would have signed the publishing rights over permanently?

Nintendo Gaming / Re: Wii U
« on: September 27, 2012, 01:03:21 PM »
I would surely hope the 3 in the title would indicate that "Hey, there are games before this one"

True, but very few games are so intertwined the way the Mass Effect games are. Like, take Black Ops 2 which has the two which obviously means there was a Black Ops 1 before that, but someone completely new to the franchise could buy BO2 as their starting point and it won't be a big deal. There is some connection with BO1, but it isn't really essential to have played the first one first. Most games are like that, and someone who doesn't know any better could easily just assume ME3 would be a fine starting out point. They won't know any better until after they've bought it, but at that point EA will have already taken their money so why should EA care? You can't get a refund on opened games. A sale is a sale whether the customer is satisfied with it or not.

« on: September 27, 2012, 12:25:15 PM »
My opinion matters because my opinion is always right, and people are jealous because I'm always right so they smite me for it. That's my opinion.

Nintendo Gaming / Re: Wii U
« on: September 27, 2012, 12:16:16 PM »
Their "Mass Effect 3 contribution" was pointless from the moment they announced it.  If you cared about that franchise, 99.9% of you already bought it on another platform. This game would have failed regardless of the Trilogy announcement.  There was just simply no reason to ever buy it.

Its geared towards those who only owned a Wii this generation and aren't informed enough to know that the Trilogy is on its way. It is pure profit in EA's pocket because it took a very minimal effort for them to port it over. Sales don't have to be good for them to turn a profit on that. And considering it is a launch title that's going to give it a boost simply for showing up.

It will probably sell one or two hundred thousand copies. That's my prediction. You will probably be shocked how well it sells, because you are basing your belief that it won't sell on consumers being informed, and I think you are underestimating just how ignorant people can be. EA is preying off this ignorance and going to profit from it. There are literally millions of people out there who owned a Wii but not a PS360 this last generation. These people have never heard of Mass Effect, so when they move over to the Wii U and see this game available they might want to check it out.

And like I said, because its a launch title its going to see a boost just because it showed up for attendance. Mark my words its going to sell. I was right about the trilogy thing happening, so here is another prediction. In a few months let's see what the sales and see if I'm right about this too.

Let's not forget that I predicted this was going to happen months ago. I deserve credit for that.

Nintendo Gaming / Re: Wii U
« on: September 26, 2012, 08:19:05 PM »
According to Kotaku, Mass Effect Trilogy is a thing now. The 360 and PC versions will be out in November. The PS3 version (which will include Mass Effect 1, playable on PS3 for the 1st time) doesn't have a date yet. Now it's especially odd that they're even bothering with a Wii U version of just Mass Effect 3.

Yet another thing I long ago predicted would happen, but I never get credit for my uncannily accurate predictions.

Nintendo Gaming / Re: Kickstarter for new Nintendo-only magazine
« on: September 26, 2012, 12:32:11 PM »
I proposed something like this be done back when it was announced Nintendo Power was going to be shut down. No one even responded to my proposal.

Nintendo Gaming / Re: Wii U in Review (News & Rumor Consolidation)
« on: September 26, 2012, 09:57:08 AM »
Is there any definitive list of Wii U launch or near launch games? If there's not, could someone toss one together? I want to see what my options are game wise when the system lands.

TalkBack / Re: Wii U Will Be Region-Locked
« on: September 25, 2012, 01:23:26 PM »
This region lock means we are completely at Reggie's mercy. If he doesn't want to localize a game we want to play, we're screwed because importing won't be an option.

I love how, one minute, Reggie is this useless figurehead that sits atop the US Nintendo Empire but does nothing but carry out orders from his Japanese masters... then, the next minute, he's some diabolical mastermind out to kill US Gamers and kittens.

The truth is somewhere halfway in between. Reggie isn't a dictator with absolute power over the company, but at the same time he isn't just a powerless figurehead either. He does have some power and influence over what happens in NOA. He is the president of NOA, afterall. But when it comes to NCL as a whole, he really is powerless.

TalkBack / Re: Wii U Will Be Region-Locked
« on: September 24, 2012, 10:54:56 PM »
This region lock means we are completely at Reggie's mercy. If he doesn't want to localize a game we want to play, we're screwed because importing won't be an option.

General Gaming / Re: The PS3 "Super Slim"
« on: September 24, 2012, 10:42:02 PM »
10 years ago I bought a digital camera and then I had to buy a memory card for it, and the flash memory card I got was only 32MB. Flash media has come a long way since then. Nowadays 32GB is about the price of what 32MB was way back then.

But in those days 32MB still kinda seemed like a lot, because floppy disks were still in use and those only held a mere 1.44MB

TalkBack / Re: Wii U Not Selling at Loss, Nintendo Believes in Value
« on: September 24, 2012, 07:56:41 PM »
So under your warped logic, 95% of ALL retail products are not values for consumers. Guess no food are values for consumers, or cars, video games, movies, clothes, etc. We can't let a company actually make a profit for the work they do.

Every industry operates differently. In the video game industry it is routine to sell the hardware at a loss and then make a profit off the software. Nintendo would have no problem profiting (and then some) off the software, because they sell oodles of it. This is called the "razor and razor blade" business model. Companies who make razor blades have often given the razors away to people for free, knowing that they would buy the blades in the future. This is the business model that the video game industry works under.

But the thing about hardware is once you've locked it in and finalized it, you have to live with that for its entire lifespan. If it ends up being woefully inadequate you may end up losing developer support, or even marketshare to the competition. Nintendo chose to sell the Wii for a profit from day one but in order to do that they had to skimp on the hardware, which meant few developers supported it, which meant less licensing fees and more customer dissatisfaction and eventually an erosion of marketshare.

Think about it logically. Isn't it better to sell the hardware for a loss in the short term if it will result in much greater profits in the long run? By having powerful hardware that developers are actually interested in supporting you collect licensing fees. This means more money in your pockets. That is what Nintendo should have done.

TalkBack / Re: Wii U Not Selling at Loss, Nintendo Believes in Value
« on: September 24, 2012, 06:02:52 PM »
A value for the consumer would be if Nintendo sold the console at a loss or at least at cost. If Nintendo is making a profit off each unit sold then its not a value for consumers. Maybe from Nintendo's perspective it is, though.

Nintendo Gaming / Re: Wii U
« on: September 24, 2012, 01:58:48 PM »
Yeah and the best looking SNES games annihilated anything from the Genesis, which shows people shouldn't care too much about a slower CPU since the rest of the Wii U hardware will allow it to produce games beyond what the 360 can do.
Nintendo also added entire (faster) CPUs to some games to overcome the original system's limitations.

I always found it fascinating how with cartridges Nintendo was able to add in chips which expanded the capabilities of the system far beyond what it was capable of on its own. Unfortunately, there's no way Nintendo can do that with the Wii U. A blu-ray disc isn't going to contain a more powerful CPU, so whatever the Wii U has in the finalized design is all it will ever have for the entirety of its life cycle. That's why they should have bumped the specs up higher than they did.

Nintendo Gaming / Re: Wii U Wont Collect Dust
« on: September 24, 2012, 01:54:13 PM »
That's not Microsoft's fault. Rare was a shadow of its former self by the time Nintendo let them go. Today, they're a completely different company masquerading as Rare with most of Rare's old IPs shackled to a pipe in a basement somewhere. Let's hope this "Rare" never touches the IPs and that a talented company buys the various franchises for peanuts. Unfortunately, I believe Microsoft renewed the trademark for Killer Instinct recently.

Microsoft owns some quality studios. Unfortunately Rare is not one of them.

But what if, say, Bungie were given the green light to do a Killer Instinct game. Would there be a chance that could turn out good?

General Chat / Re: Everything Android - The Official Android Thread
« on: September 24, 2012, 10:17:02 AM »
Your mom has the most boring hardware in the industry.

Boring? Perhaps. But it makes a great thanksgiving dinner. Can your hardware do that?

General Gaming / Re: The PS3 "Super Slim"
« on: September 24, 2012, 09:21:19 AM »
For me, having a slot-loading drive is convenient and simple, you just slide the disc in and presto.

Until it fucks up and you can't get the disc out without breaking the system like Brandogg pointed out. Personally I don't care what a console looks like. It can look like a pile of dog **** for all I care. What I do care about is durability and reliability. A slot loader doesn't have that. It breaks easily, and dust and **** can get in there. Is this what you want to deal with just to have something that "looks cool"?

TalkBack / Re: Turtle Beach Wii U Official Headsets Announced
« on: September 24, 2012, 08:40:52 AM »
****, $100 for a wireless headset? I didn't realize Sony was the new Bose. All kidding aside, why would anyone buy a headset that expensive?

That's about what they seem to cost, regardless of who you buy them from. If you want to go cheaper you need to go wired.

NWR Forums Discord / Re: Is vudu really dead?
« on: September 24, 2012, 08:38:31 AM »
Maybe he was one of those people who were suicidal over the news that Bayonetta 2 will be a Wii U exclusive

Nintendo Gaming / Re: Wii U
« on: September 24, 2012, 08:18:35 AM »
Yeah and the best looking SNES games annihilated anything from the Genesis, which shows people shouldn't care too much about a slower CPU since the rest of the Wii U hardware will allow it to produce games beyond what the 360 can do.

So people should only care about graphics? SNES games looked better, but Genesis games ran faster due to the faster CPU. This is reflected in the fact that the Genesis' mascot was Sonic (a character built around speed). I loved my SNES dearly and it had the best looking 16bit games ever, but I have to admit one of the common issues of the SNES was CPU slowdown. If too much **** was going on at once on the screen things would slow down because the CPU struggled to process it all. AFAIK this never happened on the Genesis, but on the SNES it was a common problem with fast paced games... especially shooting games like Gradius with a lot of stuff flying around on the screen.

This is what you and some others still don't seem to be understanding. The SNES had graphics that could rival those of 32bit systems, but the CPU was weak. There is no denying that. If Graphics are all that matter then the SNES won the 16bit generation hands down, but other stuff besides graphics matter (at least to some people). The SNES had the better graphics, but the Genesis had the faster speed. And this was despite the fact the Genesis came out two years earlier. Back then Nintendo went with an inferior CPU chip when they designed the SNES, just like they are doing right now with the Wii U.

But believe me, if the Wii U ends up being as awesome as the SNES was then I will be more than satisfied with it. The SNES was my favorite console of all time, despite the weaker CPU.

Nintendo Gaming / Re: Wii U
« on: September 23, 2012, 07:44:33 PM »
As far as the clock speed goes, I think the reason Nintendo ratcheted it down is to keep it running cooler so as to prevent the RROD and YLOD problems which have plagued the PS360 this generation. This is probably a good thing overall because a high failure rate isn't in anyone's best interest.

But, clock speed isn't the only reason why the Wii U's CPU is inferior. Megabyte mentioned it has less threads. Is there any good reason for this? I can't think of any. Does that have something to do with keeping it running cool? Or did Nintendo simply cheap out and go with an inferior processor to save on manufacturing costs?

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