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Messages - UncleBob

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 573
General-3 / Re: God, the default theme is so ugly.
« on: Yesterday at 12:35:12 AM »
Switch 2 or Forum Upgrade... which comes first?

General-3 / Re: God, the default theme is so ugly.
« on: February 08, 2025, 09:19:06 AM »
Huh. Well, okay.  Now,,how do we get core back? 🤣

General-3 / Re: God, the default theme is so ugly.
« on: February 08, 2025, 07:14:04 AM »
Welcome back, at least!  How did you get fixed finally?

Nintendo Gaming / Re: Nintendo Switch 2
« on: January 25, 2025, 12:08:03 PM »
>It feels like the pace of figure releases has slowed dramatically.

It's complicated.

The average over the past five years is about ten figures per year (with the highest in that time being four years ago with 20 and the lowest being five years ago with four).  We had nine figures released in 2024.

But, what we also had was a *lot* of reprints of figures people had been wanting to see reprinted.  There were *tons* of restocks/reprints in 2024.

I don't *know* the business side of things, but my gut instinct is that including the NFC reader is cheap (although Nintendo does love to pinch pennies) and leaving it in A.) keeps Switch 1 compatibility, B.) provides the *option* for new amiibo (/wrist bands), and C.) would allow them to experiment with other ideas (tap to pay on eShop?).

Could be wrong.  But I'd keep it in there.

Nintendo Gaming / Re: My Video Game Collection/Museum
« on: December 12, 2024, 12:45:30 PM »
You'll see them quite often when folks post pictures of their collections.  They're really popular and often go on sale for a good price.

Nintendo Gaming / Re: My Video Game Collection/Museum
« on: December 12, 2024, 12:16:34 AM »
Those cases are the infamous Michael's Baseball Bat displays, loved by out of box amiibo and Funko Pop collectors alike!

TalkBack / Re: Tetris Forever (Switch) Review
« on: November 17, 2024, 10:56:39 AM »
There are multiple translations of his name out there and that's one I've seen before.  Granted, I would have gone with the one he, himself, uses, which is the "Alexey Pajitnov" name.

Movies & TV / Joker 2 (mostly spoiler-free).
« on: October 23, 2024, 12:34:37 AM »
Okay, so I really liked the first Joker movie.  It wasn't "comic accurate" (whatever that even means anymore), but it was really well done and I really enjoyed it.  That said, I didn't "connect" with the Joker in this movie, I'm didn't see him as a hero or an icon.  It was just a fun movie.

After the terrible reception J2 received, I hadn't gone out of my way to see it.

I finally watched it though... means... tonight and... I liked it.

It wasn't amazing, but, aside from that one scene (which, if you've seen it or had it spoiled, you know), I think it was really well done.  I really enjoyed what Phoenix and Gaga brought to the table.  I didn't even mind the twist ending.

I don't want to say too much to spoil it, but... if you liked the original, give it a chance.

General-3 / Re: The Great Core Theme User Hunt
« on: October 14, 2024, 12:47:07 AM »
Profile, then Look and Layout on the left-hand side.

General-3 / Re: Make Khushrenada stop breaking the forums.
« on: September 21, 2024, 11:35:26 PM »
Khush probably isn't cool enough to read this.

NWR Feedback / Can't get the forums to load now...
« on: September 21, 2024, 07:51:36 AM »
If I'm logged in, I can't get the forums to load unless I open the old-ass WAP2 version of the site.

I'd ask if anyone else is having this issue, but ifmyou are, you probably don't know about the WAP2 site.

Can't delete posts from this version.  Just lock, sticky, and edit them

I just deleted BnM's post with links to the credit bureaus, thinking it was spam.  I restored it once I realized what I did.  I didn't delete anything from BeautifulShy?

Damn it.  I deleted your reply before realizing it was a real post. :D

Movies & TV / Re: SPOILER ALERT: MCU Thread (Quantum-Ant-Man-ia)
« on: September 03, 2024, 12:27:28 AM »
Which was it? This is the spoiler thread so its all fair game.

Wesley Snipes.  With all the rumors of drama behind Blade 3, I figured there was no way in hell he'd play Blade again.  Or work with Ryan Reynolds again.

NWR Feedback / Re: Connection Problems
« on: August 29, 2024, 02:59:16 PM »
Even removing spam of late has been giving the connection error. 😭

NWR Feedback / Re: Connection Problems
« on: August 24, 2024, 08:35:21 AM »
I've been getting it a bit lately, including when initially trying to reply to your post here.

NWR Feedback / Re: WiiUIVLife Account
« on: August 01, 2024, 07:12:07 PM »
I've been wondering about that account for awhile.

Movies & TV / Re: SPOILER ALERT: MCU Thread (Quantum-Ant-Man-ia)
« on: July 29, 2024, 04:07:53 PM »
There was one "cameo" that seriously shocked me to the point I looked at my friend and said "is that really...?", thinking they had got a look alike or AI or something.

I'm weirded out that I just deleted four pieces of SPAM and they went to the recycle bin and aren't showing in the recent posts feed.  :/

Anywhoo, again, I apologize and will pay closer attention next time. :(

Oh dude, I'm so sorry.  It looked like spam and I didn't see you posted it. :(

That's weird.  I generally look at to see the most recent posts and remove the spam ones.  I recall your post was in there twice (which added to thinking it was spam)... but, apparently, I deleted it from here and then the recycle bin - which is really odd, because the recycle bin doesn't show up in the most recent posts link. :(

So, I can't even restore it from the recycle bin.  :(

TalkBack / Re: ESRB Posts Rating For
« on: May 08, 2024, 11:39:36 PM »
I basically think of it as an NES Remix 3.

Since they didn't go with that name, there's a sliver of hope we'll see other editions... but I'm with you - I doubt it.

I find it most funny that only one of the original three titles are even in this edition.

TalkBack / Re: ESRB Posts Rating For
« on: May 08, 2024, 07:11:04 PM »
What were you expecting from something with "NES Edition" in the title?  Virtual Boy games?

Sure, there were some people who did.  Sorry if I made it sound absolute.

Thinking more about this, I don't think a lot of folks traded in their 3DS to buy Switches because they couldn't play 3DS titles on the Switch.

Likewise, folks didn't trade in their DS to buy 3DS systems, since they'd lose that GBA compatibility.

I wonder how many GCN-Compatible Wii were even still on the market to buy when the Wii U came out.  I'd say the 2m that sold were for Wii support alone.  Maybe collectors picking up Minis at the end of life?

With the 3DS, even with the online features shut down, I think Nintendo could re-release the 3DS in stores right now and folks would snap them up.  It's legitimately insane the prices they're going for now.  I do think one thing that helped the 3DS sale is knowing there were so many amazing DS/3DS titles that you *cannot* play on Switch.  If the New Super Switch 2 U is 100% b/c with Switch, unless there is a significant price difference, I could see a lot of folks just buying the newer system.

That said, I don't see a *lot* of used Switches for sale.  They exist (definitely on-line), but it seems to be a seller's market, for sure.  If there's not a significant amount of used systems at the end of the life cycle (which, I think, happened with the 3DS, as most owner's chose to hang on to theirs), that'd help boost sales of the original as well.

We'll see.  I definitely am not counting Nintendo out.

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