« on: October 23, 2024, 12:34:37 AM »
Okay, so I really liked the first Joker movie. It wasn't "comic accurate" (whatever that even means anymore), but it was really well done and I really enjoyed it. That said, I didn't "connect" with the Joker in this movie, I'm didn't see him as a hero or an icon. It was just a fun movie.
After the terrible reception J2 received, I hadn't gone out of my way to see it.
I finally watched it though... means... tonight and... I liked it.
It wasn't amazing, but, aside from that one scene (which, if you've seen it or had it spoiled, you know), I think it was really well done. I really enjoyed what Phoenix and Gaga brought to the table. I didn't even mind the twist ending.
I don't want to say too much to spoil it, but... if you liked the original, give it a chance.